DIS - Case Record for 87-1885-TR-AAP Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
11/22/1988 Amended Permit No. 64037 issued.
10/28/1988 Opinion & Orde granting application.
09/30/1988 Shipper verified statement; Harry J. Micheals/Huron Lime Company filed by J. Duvall on behalf of applicant.
09/30/1988 Applicant's verified statement; John N. Hofstetter/President filed by J. Duvall.
09/15/1988 Protest withdrawn on behalf of Matlack, Inc., by E. Merwin.
09/13/1988 Protest withdrawn on behalf of Refiners Transport & Terminal Corporation, by J. A. Kundtz.
09/09/1988 Amended Exhibit A, filed by J. Duvall on behalf of applicant.
07/25/1988 Protest withdrawn on behalf of Fry Bros. Coal Co., by J. Alden.
06/13/1988 Temporary operating authority issued on Permit No. 64037.
06/03/1988 Entry granting temporary authority for 180 days. (AE)
05/12/1988 Application for temporary authority filed by C. Valentine, Jr., on behalf of applicant.
03/23/1988 Letter filed by G. Trachsel on behalf of Elmer Borchardt, Inc., requesting protest be withdrawn.
03/22/1988 Letter filed by J. Stiverson on behalf of F. V. Parker & Sons, Inc., requesting protest be withdrawn.
01/04/1988 Letter on Protested case sent to: Sanborn, Brandon & Duvall.
12/21/1987 Protest filed on behalf of Fry Bros. Coal Co. by J. Alden
12/18/1987 Protest filed on behalf of Elmer Borchardt, Inc. by M. Spurlock
12/17/1987 Protest filed on behalf of F. V. Parker & Sons, Inc. by J. Stiverson
12/10/1987 Filing accepted
12/08/1987 Proof of Publication filed
12/04/1987 Protest filed on behalf of Matlack, Inc. by E. Merwin
12/02/1987 Protest filed on behalf of Refiners Transport & Terminal Cor by J. A. Kundtz
11/12/1987 Application of Orran Hofstetter, Inc. to amend Permit No. 64037 by adding shipper; Huron Lime Company, Huron, Ohio
11/12/1987 (AUTHORITY) Transportation of property between points in Ohio.