DIS - Case Record for 87-1307-TP-AIR Skip to main content

Case Record For:


Status: AR-Archived
Industry Code: TP-TELEPHONE
Purpose Code: AIR-Application to increase rates
Date Opened: 8/28/1987
Date Closed:
Printable Docket Card Service List
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Date FiledSummaryPages
11/08/1995List of Speakers Bureau talks that were given in 1994, filed on behalf of applicant by J. Kennedy. (5 pgs.)5
04/07/1994List of Speakers Bureau talks that were given in 1993, filed on behalf of applicant by J. Kennedy.0
04/07/1992List of Speakers Bureau talks that were given in 1991 file on behalf of GTE North by J. Kennedy.0
02/15/1991List of Speakers Bureau talks that were given in 1990 and a list of the exchanges that are in the top 25 percent of exchanges by the highest number of trouble reports, filed on behalf of applicant by J. Kennedy.0
12/07/1990DOCKET CARD0
08/22/1990Returned from Supreme Court (19 Vols) S.C. # 89-9030
08/31/1989Tariff sheets, PUCO No. 6, filed by J. Kennedy on behalf of GTE North Incorporated.0
07/25/1989Supreme Court Transmittal Papers. (S.C. No. 89-903)0
06/15/1989Documentation and information previously submitted to the Commission on March 6, 1989 for Case No. 89-45-TP-COI filed by J. Kennedy on behalf of applicant.0
05/30/1989Acknowledgement of service of Notice of Appeal.0
05/30/1989Notice of Appeal by MCI Telecommunications Corporation filed by S. Pestello .0
05/26/1989Notice of appeal filed by AT&T Communications of Ohio, Inc. (S.C.# 89-903)0
05/16/1989Entry denying application for rehearing filed by AT&T and MCI.0
05/04/1989GTE North Incorporated's memorandum contra applications for rehearing of AT&T Communications of Ohio, Inc. and MCI Telecommunications Corporation, filed by J. Stewart.0
04/27/1989Application for Rehearing of MCI Telecommunications Corporation filed by S. Pestello and M. Franklin.0
04/20/1989Application for Rehearing of AT&T Communications of Ohio, Inc., filed by D. Pines and Wm. Newcomb, Jr.0
04/12/1989Tariff sheet to reflect adjustments to rates and charges effective 4/12/89, filed by J. Kennedy on behalf of applicant.0
04/12/1989Entry approving tariffs.0
03/28/1989Order on Rehearing authorizing GTE North to file tariffs for approval which would generate an additional $8.453,000 over the rates previously authorized. Denying requests of AT&T and MCI to change the method of revenue distribution approval earlier and denying AT&T's request that the Commission stay the effective date of GTE North's new tariff provision governing the carrier common line charges. Opinion of Commission Gaylord, concurring on Part and Dissenting on Part.0
03/09/1989Reply rehearing brief of the staff of the PUCO filed by D. Luckey.0
03/09/1989Reply Brief of GTE North Incorporated on its application for rehearing filed by J. Stewart.0
03/06/1989Initial Rehearing Brief on the Staff of the PUCO filed by D. Luckey.0
03/06/1989Initial Brief of GTE North Incorporated on GTE's application for rehearing, filed by J. Stewart.0
03/06/1989Rehearing Brief of the Office of the Consumers' Counsel filed by E. Robinson-McGriff.0
03/01/1989Reply Brief of GTE North Incorporated to AT&T Communications of Ohio, Inc. and to MCI Telecommunications Corporation filed by J. Stewart.0
02/27/1989Trans., for hearing held on 2/22/89, (PD) Submitted Vol I, 1-51 pages. (REHEARING)0
02/09/1989Entry scheduling a hearing to be held on 2/22/89, at 10:00 a.m., at the offices of the Commission; Ordering that the Commission's staff shall file its testimony on the subject by 2/15/89; Ordering all parties may have until 3/1/89 to file their reply briefs to the briefs filed by AT&T Tele- communications of Ohio, Inc. and MCI Telecommunications Incorporated. (AE)0
02/08/1989Prepared Direct Rehearing Testimony of Michael A. Castle on behalf of the PUCO staff.0
01/27/1989Brief of MCI Telecommunications Corporation filed by S. Pestello and A. Altermann.0
01/26/1989Motion for extension of time to file testimony filed by E. Robinson on behalf of OCC.0
01/25/1989Brief of AT&T Communications of Ohio, Inc., filed by O. Epps and Wm. Newcomb, Jr.0
01/19/1989Rehearing Direct Testimony of John C. Kelly on behalf of applicant.0
12/28/1988Entry ordering that the application for rehearing of the Office of the Consumers' Counsel and The City of Brunswick are denied; Seperate Opinion Concurring and Dissenting in Part of Commissioner Brown.0
12/20/1988Entry granting applicants request for rehearing on the issue of whether it was approporiate for the Commission to reduce the applicants's non-labor expense by an amount indentical to the reduction made to O & M Labor.0
12/13/1988Written report of the Company's procedures for analyzing current repair service complaints which lead to the idenifi- cation and resolution of the problems which give rise to the complaints, filed by J. Kennedy on behalf of applicant.0
12/08/1988OCC's Memorandum Contra Application for Rehearing filed by E. Robinson.0
12/08/1988GTE North Inc. memorandum contra application for rehearing of OCC and application for stay of AT&T filed by J. Stewart.0
12/06/1988Motion for an extension of time to file a memorandum contra filed by E. Robinson-McGriff on behalf of OCC.0
11/29/1988Correction to service list on application on rehearing filed S. Pestello on behalf of MCI Telecommunications Corporation.0
11/29/1988Corrected copy of the Application for Rehearing filed by J. Bentine on behalf of The City of Brunswick.0
11/28/1988Application for Rehearing and motion for stay filed by Wm. Newcomb, Jr., on behalf of AT&T Communications of Ohio, Inc.0
11/28/1988Application for Rehearing of The Office of The Consumers' Counsel filed by E. Robinson.0
11/28/1988Application for Rehearing and memorandum in support filed by J. Bentine on behalf of City of Brunswick.0
11/28/1988Petition for leave to file an application for rehearing and memorandum in support filed by S. Pestello and M. Alterman on behalf of MCI Telecommunications Corporation.0
11/28/1988Application for Rehearing of MCI Telecommunications Corpora- tion filed by S. Pestello and M. Alterman.0
11/23/1988GTE North Incorporated's application for rehearing and memorandum in support filed by J. Stewart.0
11/22/1988Corrected tariff sheets, PUCO No. 6, filed by J. Kennedy on behalf of applicant.0
11/16/1988Tariff sheets, filed by J. Kennedy on behalf of applicant.0
11/16/1988Entry nunc pro tunc correcting Opinion and Order of 10/28/880
11/03/1988Letter filed and on behalf of E. Barton Bell, consumer, requesting the Commission for a copy of decision made in this matter and amy individual opinions presented by the Commission.0
10/28/1988Opinion & Order granting application to the extent provided in this Order. Closing Case 85-1969-TP-COI. Seperate Opinion of Commissioner Gaylord concurring in Part and dissenting in part. Seperate Opinion of Commissioner Brown concurring and dissenting in Part.0
10/12/1988Entry ordering the cost of the stand alone surrebuttal testimony be paid by the company.0
08/17/1988Comments filed by and on behalf of Mrs. T. M.NcNeill, consumer, opposing the proposed rate increase of applicant.0
08/12/1988Reply brief of the City of Brunswick, Ohio filed by J. Bentine.0
08/12/1988Reply brief of OCC filed by E. Robinson-McGriff.0
08/12/1988Reply brief of the applicant on all issues filed by J. Stewart.0
08/12/1988Reply brief of the Staff of the PUCO.0
08/08/1988The Office of The Consumers' Counsel errata to operating income, rate base, and quality of service brief, filed by E. Robinson.0
08/03/1988Response letter filed by Chairman Chema on behalf of the PUCO staff, to; Mr. Tom Brittenham/Director, Department of Social Concerns/Diocese of Columbus.0
08/03/1988Response letter filed by Chairman Chema on behalf of the PUCO staff, to; Mr. Gerald R. Dimick, consumer.0
08/03/1988Motion to correct transcript filed by J. Stewart on behalf of applicant.0
08/01/1988Initial Brief of applicant GTE North Incorporated on the issued of rate base, operating income, compliance, and Arthur Young Report filed by J. Stewart.0
08/01/1988Letter filed by L. Peterson/State Representative, 17th House District, RE: requesting the Commission for approval of GTE's original Telephone Lifline Proposal.0
07/29/1988Initial Post-Hearing Brief of the PUCO staff on operating income, rate base, management and operations reveiw and consumers services, filed by A. Henkener, D. Luckey and E. Watts.0
07/29/1988Propsed transcript corrections of the PUCO staff, filed by A. Henkener.0
07/29/1988Schedule C-9 and Schedule C-3.11 filed onbehalf of GTE North Inc.0
07/29/1988Motion to Correct Transcript filed by J. Stewart on behalf of GTE North Inc.0
07/29/1988Post Hearing Brief of OCC on operating income, Rate Base, and Quality of Service filed by E. Robinson-McGriff.0
07/26/1988Initial post-hearing brief of the staff of the PUCO on rates and tariff's and rate of return filed by A. Henkener, D. Luckey and E. Watts.0
07/26/1988Post-Hearing Brief of The Office of The Consumers' Counsel on Rate Design, filed by M. McCord.0
07/26/1988Initial Brief of applicant GTE North Incorporated on the issues of rate of return and rates and tariffs filed by J. Stewart.0
07/26/1988Motion to correct transcript filed by J. Stewart on behalf of applicant.0
07/26/1988Initial Brief of The City of Brunswick, Ohio filed by J. Bentine.0
07/26/1988Post-Hearing Brief of The Office of The Consumers' Counsel on rate of return filed by G. James Van Heyde.0
07/22/1988Remainder of signatures of consumers opposing the proposed rate increase of applicant, filed by T. Penquite.0
07/18/1988Vrious petitions filed on behalf of the Prospect Senior Citizens, Inc.0
07/13/1988Motion to correct transcript errata filed by E. Watts on be- half of the PUCO staff.0
07/13/1988Trans., for hearing held on 7/11/88, (PD) Submitted Vol. XIX 1-45 pages.0
07/12/1988Resolution oassed by the Village of Plymouth, filed by J. Hedeen, opposing the proposed rate increase of applicant.0
07/12/1988Entry denying OCC's request to certify its interlocutory appeal to the Commission. (AE)0
07/11/1988Trans., for hearing held on 7/8/88, (PD) Con't. Vol. XVIII, 1-105 pages.0
07/11/1988Trans., for hearing held on 7/7/88, (PD) Con't. Vol. XVII, 1-101 pages.0
07/08/1988Trans., for hearing held on 7/6/88, (PD) Con't. Vol. XVI, 1-56 pages.0
07/08/1988Trans., for hearing held on 7/1/88, (PD) Vol. XV, Con't. 1-124 pages.0
07/08/1988Trans., for hearing held on 6/30/88, (PD) Con't. Vol. XIV, 1-173 pages.0
07/07/1988Various correspondence filed on behalf of customers.0
07/07/1988Surrebuttal Testimony of William Fenton of The Bethesda Research Institute on behalf of PUCO.0
07/06/1988Rebuttal testimony of Meade C. Seaman filed on behalf of the applicant.0
07/05/1988Rebuttal testimony and attachments of Gary F. Wilkinson filed on behalf of the applicant.0
07/05/1988Rebuttal testimony and attchments of Jerry D. Houck filed on behalf of the applicant.0
07/05/1988Rebuttal testimony and attachments of R. Gilman Taft filed on behalf of the applicant.0
07/01/1988Rebuttal testimony of Elizabeth Dickson filed on behalf of the applicant.0
07/01/1988Rebuttal testimony of John C. Kelly filed on behalf of the applicant.0
06/30/1988Operating revenue and expenses by accounty for the nine months ended 12/31/87 filed on behalf of applicant.0
06/30/1988Rebuttal Testimony and attachments of Dr. Jeffrey H. Rohlfs witness on behalf of applicant, filed by J. Stewart.0
06/30/1988Trans., for hearing held on 6/29/88, (PD) Con't. Vol. XIII, 1-233 pages.0
06/30/1988Trans., for hearing held on 6/28/88, (PD) Con't. Vol. XII, 1-196 pages.0
06/30/1988Trans., for hearing held on 6/27/88, (PD) Con't. Vol. XI, 1-212 pages.0
06/30/1988Trans., for hearing held on 6/24/88, (PD) Con't. Vol. X, 1-179 pages.0
06/29/1988Rebuttal testimony of Michael L. Dellangelo filed on behalf of the applicant.0
06/28/1988Rebuttal testimony of Thomas L. Sailer filed on behalf of the applicant.0
06/28/1988Rebuttal testimony and attachment of James C. Franklin witness for the applicant.0
06/28/1988Certificate of Service filed by J. Stewart on behalf of applicant.0
06/27/1988Trans., for hearing held on 6/22/88, (PD) Con't. Vol. VIII, 1-166 pages.0
06/27/1988Trans., for hearing held on 6/21/88, (PD) Con't. Vol. VII, 1-158 pages.0
06/27/1988Trans., for hearing held on 6/20/88, (PD) Con't., Vol. VI, 1-168 pages.0
06/27/1988Correspondence letter filed by J. Westerheide, consumer.0
06/27/1988Rebuttal Testimony of R. Hans Collins on behalf of applicant0
06/27/1988Rebuttal Testimony of Joesph F. Brennan, President/ Associated Utility Services, Inc., to The Direct Testimony of Stephen G. Hill, appearing on behalf of OCC.0
06/27/1988Trans., for hearing held on 6/23/88, (PD) Con't. Vol. IX, 1-170 pages.0
06/27/1988Trans., for hearing held on 6/16/88, (AB) Local Public Hear- ing/Bowling Green, Ohio 1-98 pages Submitted.0
06/24/1988Memoranda contra to request for certification of appeal filed on behalf of the applicant by J. Stewart.0
06/24/1988Supplemental testimony of James A. Montanye filed on behalf of OCC by J. Van Heyde.0
06/24/1988Supplemental testimony of Philip E. Miller filed on behalf of OCC by E. Robinson.0
06/24/1988Prepared testimony of Kurt D. Wesolek filed on behalf of the staff of the PUCO.0
06/23/1988Transcript for hearing held June 13, 1988, (PD) Public hearing, 41 pages, Submitted.0
06/22/1988Correspondent letter filed on behalf of the Balivar Senior Citizens Group.0
06/22/1988Correspondent letter filed on behalf of the Secrest Center Senior Citzenes Group.0
06/22/1988Prepared testimony of Morrison L. Gilbert filed on behalf of the staff of the PUCO.0
06/21/1988Testimony of William Fenton filed on behalf of the staff of the PUCO.0
06/21/1988Prepared testimony of Victor P. Gallina filed on behalf of the staff of the PUCO.0
06/21/1988Response letter filed by Chairman Chema on behalf of the PUCO staff, to: Mr. Jeffrey F. Snook. President/Green Manufacturing, Inc.0
06/21/1988Trans., for hearing held on 6/2/88, (AS) Submitted/Local Public Hearing - Norwalk, Ohio Vol. I, 1-124 pages.0
06/20/1988Prepared testimony of Jeffrey R. DeVore filed on behalf of the staff of the PUCO.0
06/20/1988Testimony of Roger G. Montgomery on behalf of PUCO staff.0
06/20/1988Revised prepared testimony of Stephen R. Chaney, Staff Exhibit.0
06/20/1988Trans., for hearing held on 6/17/88, (PD) Con't. Vol. V, 1-88 pages.0
06/20/1988Trans., for hearing held on 6/16/88, (PD) Con't. Vol. IV, 1-131 pages.0
06/20/1988Trans., for hearing held on 6/15/88, (PD) Con't. Vol. III, 1-122 pages.0
06/20/1988Trans., for hearing held on 6/14/88, (PD) Con't. Vol. II, 1-177 pages.0
06/20/1988Trans., for hearing held on 6/13/88, (PD) Con't. Vol. I, 1-86 pages.0
06/20/1988Interlocutory Appeal filed by E. Robinson and V. Miller on behalf of OCC.0
06/17/1988Correspondence letter filed by J. Gordon/Bowling Green Chamber of Commerce, Inc., RE: agreeing to the proposed rate increase of applicant.0
06/17/1988Letter filed by D. Latta, Representative to Congress/ with copy of resolution passed by the City of Huron, Ohio0
06/17/1988Trans., for hearing held on 6/2/88, (LS) Submitted/Local Public Hearing - Portsmouth, Ohio 1-81 pages.0
06/17/1988Trans., for hearing held on 6/2/88, (LS) Submitted Local Public Hearing/Wellston, Ohio 1-69 pages.0
06/16/1988Prepared testimony of Ronald S. Williams filed on behalf of the staff of the PUCO.0
06/16/1988Prepared testimony of Raymond Merrick filed on behalf of the staff of the PUCO.0
06/16/1988Prepared testimony of J. Edward Hess filed on behalf of the staff of the PUCO.0
06/16/1988Prepared testimony of James E. Gould filed on behalf of the staff of the PUCO.0
06/16/1988Prepared Testimony of Thomas E. D. Hicks on behalf of the PUCO staff.0
06/16/1988Letter filed by Wm. Hinig/Ohio House of Representatives Relative to the proposed rate increase of applicant.0
06/16/1988Letter filed by R. Burch, State Senator, to Chairman Chema Relative to the proposed rate increase of applicant.0
06/16/1988Trans., for local public hearing - Georgetown, Ohio (AS) 1-120 pages. Held June 9, 1988.0
06/16/1988Trans., for public hearing - Wilmington, Ohio (AS) 1-113 pages. Held June 9, 1988.0
06/16/1988Trans., for public hearing -Athens, Ohio (LS) Vol. I, 1-134 pages. Held on June 1, 1988.0
06/16/1988Prepared Testimony of Michael A. Castle on behalf of the PUCO staff.0
06/15/1988Prepared Testimony of Stephen R. Chaney on behalf of the PUCO staff.0
06/15/1988Prepared Testimony of Doreen Gentry-Davis on behalf of the PUCO staff.0
06/15/1988Prepared Testimony of Peter K. Baker on behalf of the PUCO staff.0
06/14/1988Response letter filed by Chairman Chema on behalf of the PUCO staff, toMr. Ed. Clark , consumer.0
06/14/1988Trans., for hearing held on 5/31/88, (GG) Submitted Vol. I, Local Public Hearing/Marion, Ohio0
06/14/1988Trans., for hearing held on 6/10/88, (AB) Submitted Local Public Hearing/Englewood, Ohio Vol. I, 1-86 pages.0
06/14/1988Trans., for hearing held on 6/9/88, (T.C.) Local Public Hearing/Medina, Ohio Vol. I, Submitted, 1-110 pages.0
06/13/1988Transcript for local hearing held on June 1, 1988 in Celina, Oh. 138 pgs. (PD)0
06/13/1988Transcript for local hearing held on June 6, 1988 in New Philadelphia. 119 pages (TVC)0
06/13/1988Correspodnence letters filed by various consumers.0
06/10/1988Supplemental testimony of Meade C. Seaman filed on behalf of the applicant.0
06/10/1988Prepared testimony of Wm. Ross Willis filed on behalf of the Staff of the PUCO.0
06/10/1988Prepared testimony of John E. Tucker filed on behalf of the PUCO Staff.0
06/10/1988Correspondent letter sent to the Honorable John Glenn filed on behalf of the Commission.0
06/10/1988Occ's reply to GTE North Inc.'s memoranda contra motion to strike objections filed by E. Robinson-McGriff.0
06/09/1988Copy of response letter filed by Chariman Chema on behalf of the PUCO staff, to: The Honorable Bob McEwen/Member of Congress, U.S. House of Representatives.0
06/09/1988Entry ordering that the motion to enlarge the time period for discovery filed by GTE North on 5/23/88 is denied. (AE)0
06/09/1988Entry ordering that the motion to enlarge the time period for discovery filed by GTE North on 5/23/88 is denied. (AE)2
06/08/1988Resolution of the City of Rawson filed on behalf of the Council.0
06/08/1988Supplemental testimony of R. Gilman Taft filed on behalf of the applicant.0
06/08/1988Various correspondence letters filed by consumers, with comments on the improved quality of service of applicant.0
06/08/1988Signed petitions from consumers, filed by T. Lelley, Director/Carroll County Council on Aging.0
06/06/1988Signature pages of consumers, opposing the proposed rate increase of applicant.0
06/06/1988Correspondence letter filed by the Darbybville Village Council, opposing the proposed rate increase of applicant.0
06/06/1988Resolution passed by the Village of Summerfield, filed by W. Kerns, Clerk, opposing the proposed rate increase of applicant.0
06/06/1988Correspondence letter filed by and on behalf of M. Porter/ Carey Sheet Metal Contractors, Inc.0
06/03/1988GTE North Incorporated's Memorandum contra motions to strike objections filed by J. Stewart.0
06/03/1988Memorandum contra motion to strike filed by J. Bentine on behalf of City of Brunswick.0
06/03/1988Memorandum Contra motions to strike objections to staff report, filed by G. James Van Heyde on behalf of OCC.0
06/01/1988Trans., for hearing held on 5/24/88, (PD) Submitted Vol. I, Prehearing Conference 1-24 pages.0
06/01/1988Correspondence letter filed by and on behalf of M. Fields, consumer, opposing the proposed rate increase of applicant.0
05/31/1988Correspondence letter filed by R. Boggs, State Senator, 18th Senate District, opposing the proposed rate increase of applicant.0
05/31/1988Resolution passed by the City of Bellevue filed by V. Dauch clerk of Couoncil opposing the proposed rate increase of applicant.0
05/31/1988Memorandum contra GTE Motion to enlarge time for discovery filed by E. Robinson on behalf of OCC.0
05/31/1988Correspondence letter filed by and on behalf of J. A. Traficant, Jr., Member of Congress, RE: opposing the pro- posed rate increase of applicant.0
05/26/1988Resolution No. 6088 passed by the City of Medina, Ohio, opposing the proposed rate increase of applicant.0
05/24/1988Motion to Strike Objections filed on behalf of the Staff of the PUCO by E. Watts.0
05/24/1988Motion to strike objections filed on behalf of the staff of the PUCO by E. Watts.0
05/24/1988Motion to strike objections file by E. Watts on behalf of the PUCO staff.0
05/24/1988Entry affirming the ruling of the attorney examiner which granted the motin to compel filed by GTE North.0
05/24/1988Letter filed by the Board of County Commissioners, County of Ashland, Relative to opposing the proposed rate increase of applicant.0
05/23/1988Various correspondence letters filed by consumers, opposing the proposed rate increase of applicant.0
05/23/1988Office of the Consumers' Counsel's motion to strike objections to the staff report filed by E. Robinson.0
05/23/1988GTE North Incorporated's motion to strike objections to staff report filed by J. Stewart.0
05/23/1988Motion of GTE North Incorproated to enlarge time for discovery filed by J. Stewart.0
05/20/1988Entry granting OCC's motion for a four-day extension of time to file an interlocutory appeal of the attorney examiner's April 27, 1988 ruling. (AE)0
05/20/1988Resolution No. R-6-88 passed by the City of Athens, filed by J. Boster, State Representative/ 94th House District.0
05/18/1988Resolution passed by the Village of Summerfield filed by W. Kerns, Clerk, with copy of response letter filed by Chairman Chema on behalf of the PUCO staff.0
05/17/1988Response letter filed by Chairman Chema on behalf of the PUCO staff, to: MS. Phillis Wassner/Clerk of Council, with copy of Resolution No. 1988-12 passed by the City of Huron, Ohio0
05/17/1988Motion filed by J. Stewart on behalf of applicant.0
05/16/1988Resolution passed by the City of Barnhill, Ohio, filed by W. McNutt, Clerk of Council.0
05/16/1988Response letter filed by Chairman Chema on behalf of the PUCO staff, to: Ms. Esther Crownover/Crownover Lumber Company, Inc.0
05/16/1988Response letter filed by Chairman Chema on behalf of the PUCO staff, to: Mr. Craig W. Cook, consumer.0
05/16/1988Response letter filed by Chairman Chema on behalf of the PUCO staff, to: Mr. Michael L. Gill/Labor Management Conference Board.0
05/16/1988Response letter filed by Chairman Chema on behalf of the PUCO staff, to: Mr. Ralph E. Bowman/United Video Cablevision Inc.0
05/16/1988Resolution passed by the Village of Caldwell, Ohio filed by J. McDonald, Clerk of Council, with copy of letter filed by Chairman Chema on behalf of the PUCO staff.0
05/16/1988Resolution No. 02-88 passed by the Village of Strasburg, Ohio, filed by J. Delcoma, Clerk of Council.0
05/16/1988Resolution passeed by the Spencer Township Trustees, filed by J. Brown, Clerk of Council.0
05/16/1988Response letter filed by Chairman Chema on behalf of the PUCO staff, to: Village of Strasburg/Ms. Jane Delcoma, Clerk of Council.0
05/16/1988Response letter filed by Chairman Chema on behalf of the PUCO staff, to: Village of Caldwell/Ms. Judy McDonald, Clerk of Council.0
05/16/1988Response letter filed by Chairman Chema on behalf of the PUCO staff, to: Village of Spencer/Clerk of Council.0
05/16/1988Response letter filed by Chairman Chema on behalf of the PUCO staff, to: Ms. Davida J. Flannery, consumer.0
05/16/1988Response letter filed by Chairman Chema on behalf of the PUCO staff, to: Mr. Mark Simmons/Honda Suzuki of Jackson.0
05/16/1988Response letter filed by Chairman Chema on behalf of the PUCO staff, to: Mr. Duane Spangler/TRU Fast Corporation.0
05/16/1988Response letter filed Chairman Chema on behalf of the PUCO staff, to: Lonnie Cantrell/L & P Janitorial & Carpet Clean- ing.0
05/16/1988Response letter filed by Chairman Chema on behalf of the PUCO staff, to: A. J. Stockmeister/A. J. & Bernadine Stock- meister.0
05/16/1988Response letter filed by Chairman Chema on behalf of the PUCO staff; to: Mr. William L. Ogg, consumer.0
05/16/1988Response letter filed by Chairman Chema on behalf of the PUCO staff, to: Mr. Kenneth H. Prendergast/K&S Towing & Auto Repair.0
05/16/1988Response letter filed by Chairman Chema on behalf of the PUCO staff, to: P. Eugene Long, II/Attorney at Law.0
05/16/1988Response letter filed by Chairman Chema on behalf of the PUCO staff, to: Ms. Barbara Jo Lewis, consumer.0
05/16/1988Response letter filed by Chairman Chema on behalf of the PUCO staff, to: Mr. Carry Montgomery/Montgomery Machine Shop.0
05/16/1988Response letter filed by Chairman Chema on behalf of the PUCO staff, to: Mr. Phil Wilson, consumer.0
05/16/1988Response letter filed by Chariman Chema on behalf of the PUCO staff, to: Mr. Stephen E. Carter/Attorney at Law.0
05/16/1988Response letter filed by Chairman Chema on behalf of the PUCO staff, to: T. P. Robertson/Superintendent/Martin Marietta Energy Systems, Inc.0
05/16/1988Response letter filed by Chairman Chema on behalf of the PUCO staff, to: Ms. Jan Grant/Sales Director, Mary Kay.0
05/16/1988Response letter filed by Chairman Chema on behalf of the PUCO staff, to: Mr. Steve Wells. President/SEDC.0
05/16/1988Response letter filed by Chairman Chema on behalf of the PUCO staff, to: Mr. Kent Ripley, consumer.0
05/16/1988Response letter filed by Chairman Chema on behalf of the PUCO staff, to: Mr. Robert P. Moses, Attorney at Law.0
05/16/1988Response letter filed by Chairman Chema on behalf of the PUCO staff, to: Mr. Earl Brown, Innkeeper, Knights Inn.0
05/16/1988Response letter filed by Chairman Chema on behalf of the PUCO staff, to: Mr. Donald P. Scurio/Camsco Produce Company, Inc.0
05/16/1988Response letter filed by Chairman Chema on behalf of the PUCO staff, to: Ms. Marilyn Nevison/Southern Ohio Taskforce on Domestic Violence.0
05/16/1988Response letter filed by Chairman Chema on behalf of the PUCO staff, to: S. A. Luther, consumer.0
05/16/1988Response letter filed by Chairman Chema on behalf of the PUCO staff, to: Mrs. Jean Ankrom/Circleville-Picaway Chamber of Commerce.0
05/16/1988Various correspondence letters filed by consumers, request- ing EAS.0
05/16/1988Response letter filed by Chairman Chema on behalf of the PUCO staff, to: The Honorable Ralph L. Bussey, Mayor of the City of Portsmouth.0
05/16/1988Resolution No. 1988-01 passed by the Village of Wilmot, Ohio, filed by J.Belland, Clerk of Council, opposing the proposed rate increase of applicant.0
05/13/1988Response letter filed by Chairman Chema on behalf of the PUCO staff, to: The Honorable John Glenn/United States Senator0
05/13/1988Response letter filed by Chariman Chema on behalf of the PUCO staff, to: Jack Cera/State Representative0
05/12/1988GTE North Incorporated's memorandum contra interlocutory appeal of OCC, filed by J. Stewart.0
05/12/1988Resolution No. 58-88 passed by the City of Medina, Ohio filed by C. Horn, Clerk of Council.0
05/10/1988Entry requiring all motions to strike objections to Staff Report be filed by 5/24/88, scheduling a prehearing conference on Tuesday 5/24/88 at 10:00 a.m. at the office of the Commission, and scheduling hearing to be held Monday June 13, 1988 at 9:00 a.m. at the office of the Commission.0
05/09/1988Supplemental testimony of Robert R. Randall filed on behalf of the applicant.0
05/09/1988Supplemental testimony and attachments of Jon E. Slater filed on behalf of the applicant.0
05/09/1988Supplemental testimony of Mark C. Griffith filed on behalf of the applicant.0
05/09/1988Supplemental testimony of Jay C. Kelly filed on behalf of the applicant.0
05/09/1988GTE North incorporated's objections to staff report file by J. Stewart.0
05/09/1988Supplemental testimony and attachment of Dr. Jeffrey H. Rohlfs filed on behalf of the applicant.0
05/09/1988Correspondence letter filed by and on behalf of S. Lewis, consumer.0
05/09/1988Supplemental Testimony of Donald W. McLeod, witness for GTE North Incorporated.0
05/09/1988Resolution No. 88-256 filed on behalf of Westfield Township Trustees by M . Evans, Clerk.0
05/09/1988Direct testimony of Philip E. Miller filed on behalf of OCC by E. Robinson.0
05/09/1988Direct testimony of Charles D. Land, P.E. filed on behalf of OCC by E. Robinson.0
05/09/1988Direct testimony of Stephen G. Hill filed on behalf of OCC by E. Robinson.0
05/09/1988Testimony and attachments of James A. Montanye filed on behalf of OCC by E. Robinson.0
05/09/1988Direct testimony of Mark N. Cooper filed on behalf of OCC by E. Robinson.0
05/09/1988Objections of the City of Brunswick to staff report of investigation filed by J. Bentine.0
05/09/1988Summary of major issues filed on behalf of the City of Brunswick by J. Bentine.0
05/09/1988OCC's objections to the staff report of investigation and statement of major issues filed by E. Robinson.0
05/06/1988Resolution No. 1988-12 filed on behalf of the City of Huron by P. Wassner0
05/06/1988Objection to Staff Report of Investigation filed by S. Howard on behalf of The Ohio Cable Television Association.0
05/06/1988Motion to Intervene and memorandum in support filed by S. Howard on behalf of The Ohio Cable Television Associa- tion.0
05/06/1988Interlocutory Appeal filed by E. Robinson on behalf of OCC.0
05/05/1988Response letter filed by Chairman Chema on behalf of the PUCO staff, to: The Honorable Larry L. McGrath, Mayor of the Village of Beach City.0
05/05/1988Response letter filed by Chairman Chema on behalf of the PUCO staff, to: The Honorbale Charles "Red" Ash, State Representative, State House.0
05/05/1988Response letter filed by Chairman Chema on behalf of the PUCO staff, to: The Honorable Delbert L. Latta, Representa- tive to Congress House of Representaives.0
05/05/1988Response letter filed by Chairman Chema on behalf of the PUCO staff to: Mr. Stephen Knopf/President, Athens City Council.0
05/05/1988Response of letter filed by Chairman Chema on behalf of the PUCO staff, to: Mr. Michael E. Logan/Mayor, City of Circleville, Ohio0
05/05/1988Resolution No. 88-16 passed by the Municipality of Brook- ville, Ohio, filed by G. Brown, Mayor with response letter filed by Chairman Chema on behalf of the PUCO staff.0
05/05/1988Resolution No. 287 passed by the Village of Sabina, filed by R. Corns, Mayor, with response letter filed by Chairman Chema on behalf of the PUCO staff.0
05/05/1988Resolution No. 1988-1 passed by the Village of Wilmot, Ohio filed by D. Heinzeroth, Mayor, with response letter filed by Chairman Chema on behalf of the PUCO staff.0
05/04/1988Correspondence letter filed by and on behalf of P. Dietz, consumer.0
05/04/1988Resolution No. 4-88 passed by the The Village of Roswell, filed by D. Lute, Clerk., opposing the proposed rate in- crease of applicant.0
05/03/1988Response letter filed by Chairman Chema on behalf of the PUCO staff, with copy of letter filed by and on behalf of J. Clay, consumer.0
05/03/1988Various correspondence letters filed by and on behalf of consumers, requesting EAS.0
05/03/1988Resolution No. 88-2 passed by the Village of Beach City filed by S. Oelslager, Senator.0
05/02/1988Motion for a extension of time to file an interlocutory appeal filed by E. Robinson on behalf of OCC.0
05/02/1988Resolution No. 1988-03, passed by the City of Portsmouth, filed by Jo Ann Aeh, City Clerk, opposing the proposed rate increase of applicant.0
05/02/1988Resolution No. 8-88 passed by the Village of Lowell, filed by Ms. Toni Dearth, Clerk, with copy of response letter filed by Chairman Chema on behalf of the PUCO staff.0
05/02/1988Resolution passed by the Village of Marseilles, Ms. Janice E. Kennedy, Clerk, Village of Marseilles, with copy of response letter filed by Chairman Chema on behalf of the PUCO staff.0
05/02/1988Resolution No. 1988-09 passed by the Village of Carrollton, filed by Ms. Betty Davis, with copy of response letter filed by Chairman Chema on behalf of the PUCO staff.0
05/02/1988Letter filed by and on behalf of Mr. Robert Wampler, consumer, with copy of reponse letter filed by Chairman Chema on behalf of PUCO staff.0
05/02/1988Letter filed by and on behalf of Mr. & Mrs. Elmer Schwinsby consumer, with copy of response letter filed by Chairman Chema on behalf of the PUCO staff.0
05/02/1988Letter filed by and on behalf of Mr. & Mrs. Ron Ash, consumers, with copy of response letter filed by and on behalf of Chairman Chema on behalf of the PUCO staff.0
05/02/1988Letter filed by and on behalf of Ms. Gwendolene Hoplite, with copy of response letter filed by Chairman Chema on behalf of the PUCO staff.0
05/02/1988Letter filed by and on behalf of Lonnie Cantrell and L. and P. Janitorial & Carpet Cleaning, consumers, with copy of response letter filed by Chairman Chema on behalf of the PUCO staff.0
05/02/1988Resolution No. 36-88 passed by the City of Brunswick, Ohio, filed by Ms. Betty J. Taller, Clerk of Council, with copy of response letter filed by Chairman Chema on behalf of the PUCO staff.0
05/02/1988Correspondence letter filed by and on behalf of R. Lance, Jr., consumer, with copy of response letter filed by Chairman Chema on behalf of the PUCO staff.0
05/02/1988Resolution No. 1-88 passed by the Village of Rocky Ridge, Inc., filed by D. Brueshaher, Clerk, with copy of response letter filed by Chairman Chema on behalf of the PUCO staff.0
04/29/1988Resolution No. 1750 passed by Spencer Township Trustees, filed by J. Brown, Clerk of Council.0
04/28/1988Resolution No. 88-16 passed by the Municipality of Brook- ville, filed by E. Roeser, Clerk of council.0
04/27/1988Entry ordering that the petitions to intervene filed by AT&T Communications of Ohio, Inc. and MCI Telecommunications Corporation are deemed withdrawn; Granting the 3/28/88 motion to compel discovery filed by GTE North Incorporated; Granting the city of Brunswick intervention; Ordering that Case No. 85-1969-TP-COI be consolidated with Case No. 87-1307-TP-AIR for purposes of hearing. (AE)0
04/26/1988Letter filed by E. Lasky on behalf of Airborne Express, Relative to agreeing with the proposed rate increase of applicant.0
04/25/1988Listing of complaints from the Oberlin Municipal Light and Power System, filed by D. Sugerman, City Manager/City of Oberlin, Ohio0
04/25/1988Reply Memorandum of GTE North Incorporated in support of Motion to Compel Discovery filed by J. Stewart.0
04/22/1988Notice to take deposition upon oral examination filed by E. Robinson on behalf of OCC. (To: Joseph R. Stewart/ General Telephone Company)0
04/21/1988Resolution No. 1988-1 passed by the Village of Wilmont, Ohio filed by J. Felland, Clerk., opposing the proposed rate increase of applicant.0
04/20/1988Resolution No. R-6-88 passed by the City of Athens, filed by D. Walker, Clerk of Council.0
04/18/1988Copy ofResolution passed by the City of Haskins with respons letter of Chairman Chema to Shirley Sheldrick filed.0
04/15/1988Resolution No. 36-88 passed by the City of Brunswick, Ohio filed by B. Taller, Clerk of Council.0
04/13/1988Correspondence letter filed on City of Oberlin by D. Sugerman.0
04/12/1988MCI'S motion for withdrawal filed by S. Pestello amd M. Alterman.0
04/12/1988Memorandum contra GTE North Incorporated's Motion to Compel filed by E. Robinson on behalf of OCC.0
04/08/1988Resolution No 1-88 filed on behalf of the Village of Rocky Ridge, Inc. Ohio by L. Goetz, Mayor.0
04/08/1988Staff report filed0
04/08/1988The City of Brunswick's notice of intent to pursue service complaint, filed by J. Bentine.0
04/07/1988Response letter filed by Chairman Chema on behalf of the PUCO staff, to Mrs. George McCarley, consumer.0
04/07/1988Response letter filed by Chairman Chema on behalf of the PUCO staff, to; Mr. William D. Clifton, President - Dynamic Sales, Inc.0
04/07/1988Response letter filed by Chairman Chema on behalf of the PUCO staff, to: Mr. Bruce Hummel, President - Berlin Area Business Association.0
04/07/1988Response letter filed by Chairman Chema on behalf of the PUCO staff, to: Mr. Dennis Martin/Project Superintendent - Wm. Cargile Contractor, Inc.0
04/07/1988Revised pages for Schedule E-4.2A. filed by J. Kennedy on behalf of the applicant.0
04/07/1988Response letter filed by Chairman Chema on behalf of the PUCO staff, to; Mr. Dennis Martin/Project Supertintendent Contractors Four, Inc.0
04/07/1988Response letter filed by Chairman Chema on behalf of the PUCO staff, to; Mr. Tom Jenkins/Eastowne Shell.0
04/07/1988Response letter filed by Chairman Chema on behalf of the PUCO staff, to; Mr. Paul White, consumer.0
04/07/1988Response letter filed by Chairman Chema on behalf of the PUCO staff, to; Mr. William Lasure/Professional Auto Parts, Inc.0
04/07/1988Response letter filed by Chairman Chema on behalf of the PUCO staff, to; Ms. Linda Shaw, office manager/Martin Industries.0
04/07/1988Response letter filed by Chairman Chema on behalf of the PUCO staff, to; Mr. Jerald P. Shasteen, consumer.0
04/07/1988Response letter filed by Chairman Chema on behalf of the PUCO staff, to; Ms. Brenda Craft, consumer.0
04/07/1988Response letter filed by Chairman Chema on behalf of the PUCO staff, to; Ms. Mary Leightenheimer, consumer.0
04/07/1988Response letter filed by Chairman Chema on behalf of the PUCO staff, to; Mr. Marvin S. Payne/Kentucky Fried Chicken.0
04/07/1988Response letter filed by Chairman Chema on behalf of the PUCO staff, to; Mr. David Gierhart, President, Business Advocates, Inc.0
04/07/1988Letter filed by Chairman Chema on behalf of the PUCO staff, to; Lt. Duane Harris, Commander/Athens Post - The Salvation Army.0
04/07/1988Response letter filed by Chairman Chema on behalf of the PUCO staff, to; Mr. Mark Snider/Snider, Fuller and Associates.0
04/07/1988Response letter filed by Chairman Chema on behalf of the PUCO staff, to; The HOnorable Thomas W. Carabin /Huron County Commissioner.0
04/07/1988Response letter filed by Chairman Chema on behalf of the PUCO staff, to; The Honorable R. Thomas Cochran/Mayor of Norwalk.0
04/07/1988Response letter filed by Chairman Chema on behalf of the PUCO staff, to; Mr. James R. Boling, Crider Jewelers, Inc.0
04/07/1988Response letter filed by Chairman Chema on behalf of the PUCO staff, to; Mr. Paul Halbirt, Owner-Broker/Phil Halbirt Realty.0
04/07/1988Response letter filed by Chairman Chema on behalf of the PUCO staff, to; Mr. John White/John White Realty.0
04/07/1988Response letter filed by Chairman Chema on behalf of the PUCO staff, to; Ms. Karen L. Gilkey, consumer.0
04/07/1988Response letter filed by Chairman Chema on behalf of the PUCO staff, to; Robert N. Phillips, D.D.S.0
04/07/1988Response letter filed by Chairman Chema on behalf of the PUCO staff, to Mr. Bob Brown, The Ferd Hack Auto Supply Co.0
04/07/1988Response letter filed by Chairman Chema on behalf of the PUCO staff, to: Mr. Harry Martin, consumer.0
04/07/1988Response letter filed by Chairman Chema on behalf of the PUCO staff, to; The Honorable Frank Neubauer, Mayor of the Village of Forest with copy of Resolution No. 1224.0
04/07/1988Response letter filed by Chairman Chema on behalf of the PUCO staff, to; The Honorable William L. Morris, Mayor of the Village of Spencerville, with copy of Resolution No. 821.0
04/07/1988Response letter filed by Chairman Chema on behalf of the PUCO staff, to; The Honorable Ralph E. Tyson, Mayor of the Village of Mifflin with copy of Resolution.0
04/07/1988Response letter filed by Chairman Chema on behalf of the PUCO staff, to; The Honorable Mark Clark, Mayor of the Village of Albany, with copy of Resolution.0
04/07/1988Response letter filed by Chairman Chema on behalf of the PUCO staff, to; The Honorable Tim A. Hurst, Mayor of the City of New Philadephia with copy of Resolution No. 6-88.0
04/07/1988Response letter filed by Chairman Chema on behalf of the PUCO staff, to; The Honorable Cindy Etgen, Mayor of the City of Mendon, with copy of Resolution No. 988-1.0
04/07/1988Response letter filed by Chairman Chema on behalf of the PUCO staff, to; The Honorable Donald R. Hamann, Mayor of the Village of West Milton, with copy of Resolution No. CM- 823.0
04/07/1988Response letter filed by Chairman Chema on behalf of the PUCO staff, to: The Honorable C. Charles Schaubro, Mayor of the City of Cambridge, with copy of Resolution No. R- 23-87.0
04/06/1988Letter filed by J. Bentine on behalf of the City of Bruns- wick, RE: to certificate of service should be dated 4/6/88.0
04/05/1988Motion to intervene filed on behalf of the City of Brunswick by J. Bentine.0
03/31/1988Resolution of the City of Blakeslee by C. Rodabaugh.0
03/31/1988Resolution fo the City of Barnhill filed by F. McNutt.0
03/31/1988Correspondence letter filed by H. Blankenship on behalf of The Marion-Crawford Community Action Commission.0
03/31/1988Response letter filed by Chairman Chema on behalf of the PUCO staff to Margaret T. Rauch, City of Sylvania with copy of Resolution No. 9-88.0
03/31/1988Entry ordering a stand-alone study be conducted and the cost of the study and the provisions of expert testimony be paid the Company.0
03/30/1988Resolution of the Village of Albany filed by M. Clark, Mayor.0
03/30/1988Resolution No. 4 filed on behalf of the Village of Edgerton by Council.0
03/29/1988Response letter filed by Chairman Chema on behalf of the PUCO staff, to; Mr. Larry Triola/Utilities Commissioner - City of Fairlawn.0
03/29/1988Response letter filed by Chairman Chema on behalf of the PUCO staff, to; Pat Bruns/Director - Mercer County Council on Aging.0
03/29/1988Response letter filed by Chairman Chema on behalf of the PUCO staff, to; Ms. Helen Wiley/Clerk of Council - Village of Polk.0
03/29/1988Response letter filed by Chairman Chema on behalf of the PUCO staff, to; Ms. Diane M. Raudebush/Clerk of Council- City of New Philedelphia.0
03/29/1988Response letter filed by Chairman Chema on behalf of the PUCO staff, to; The Honorable Harry C. Malott/State Representative.0
03/29/1988Response letter filed by Chairman Chema on behalf of the PUCO staff, to; The Honorable Delbert L. Latta/Representa- tive to Congress, Village of Bloomville.0
03/29/1988Response letter filed by Chairman Chema on behalf of the PUCO staff, to; Mr. Edwin A. Runge/Runge Machine & Tool.0
03/29/1988Response letter filed by Chairman Chema on behalf of the PUCO staff, to; Eugene Pendleton/Mayor-Village of Prospect.0
03/29/1988Response letter filed by Chairman Chema on behalf of the PUCO staff, to; Chris Innis/Assistant Director/Athens County Department of Human Services.0
03/29/1988Response letter filed by Chairman Chema on behalf of the PUCO staff, to; Harold E. Addy/Chairman-Harrison County Commissioners.0
03/29/1988Response letter filed by Chairman Chema on behalf of the PUCO staff, to; Mr. Michael L. Swisher/Meigs County Department of Human Services.0
03/28/1988Motion to compel discovery and memorandum in support filed by J. Stewart on behalf of applicant.0
03/28/1988Resolution No. 988-1 passed by the City of Mendon, Ohio opposing the propsed rate increase of applicant, filed by N. Krugh/Clerk.0
03/28/1988Resolution No. 02-88 passed by Village of Strasburg, Ohio opposing the proposed rate increase of applicant, filed by J. Delcoma, Clerk of Council.0
03/24/1988Resolution No. 8-88 filed on behalf of the Council of the Village of Lowell by J. Hockenberry.0
03/24/1988Resolution No. 88-2 filed on behalf of the Village of beach City, Ohio by L.McGrath, Mayor.0
03/24/1988Resolution No. 88-3 passed by the City of New Vienna, oppos- ing the proposed rate increase of applicant, filed by W. Croghan, Clerk.0
03/24/1988Resolution passed by the Village of Caldwell, Ohio, opposing the proposed rate increase of applicant, filed by J. Mc- Donald/Clerk.0
03/24/1988Response letter filed by Chairman Chema to; Mr. Robert Schwable/Executive Director/Ohio Valley Regional Development Commission.0
03/24/1988Response letter filed by Chairman Chema, to; Glenn M. Zarfos Publisher/Portsmouth Daily Times0
03/24/1988Response letter filed by Chairman Chema, to; The Honorable Roger L. Kline/Pickaway County Probate/Juvenile Judge0
03/24/1988Response letter filed by Chairman Chema, to: The Honorable Charles L. Ottney/Mayor - Village of New Boston, Ohio0
03/24/1988Response letter filed by Chairman Chema to: Mr. Dan Fausnaugh/Hatfield Insurance Agency.0
03/23/1988Correspondence letter filed by and on behalf of K. Johnson.0
03/21/1988Correspondence letter from Marsha Wheaton filed on behalf of Complete Ad Specialties.0
03/21/1988Response letter filed by Chairman Chema on behalf of the PUCO staff to Marsha Wheaton, President, Complete Ad Specialties.0
03/21/1988Correspondence letter from Atwood Jones filed on behalf of the City of Circleville.0
03/21/1988Response letter filed by Chairman Chema on behalf of the PUCO staff to Atwood Jones, Director of Public Service, City of Circleville.0
03/21/1988Resolution No. 1988-12 passed by the Village of Bloomville, Ohio opposing the proposed rate increase of applicant filed by L. Keller, Clerk of Council.0
03/18/1988Correspondence letter filed by and on behalf of C. P. Wheelersburg, on behalf of Ohio Valley Electric Corporation.0
03/17/1988Response letter filed by Chairman Chema on behalf of the PUCO, to: Mr. Thomas R. Smith, Bellevue Area Chamber of Commerce.0
03/17/1988Response letter filed by Chariman Chema, on behalf of the PUCO, to Mr. Michael E. Goodwin/Michael Goodwin Enterprises, Inc.0
03/17/1988Response letter filed by Chairman Chema, on behalf of the PUCO, to; Mr. Fred W. Weber, II/Athens Township Trustee.0
03/17/1988Response letter filed by Chairman Chema, on behalf of the PUCO, to: Ms. Dorothy Carrington/Manager, Gold Star Chili.0
03/16/1988Letter filed by and on behalf of Mr. & Mrs. Don Holbrook, consumers.0
03/16/1988Resolution No. CM-823 passed by the West Milton Village Counsel, opposing the proposed rate increase of applicant, filed by J. Seagraves, Clerk of Council.0
03/16/1988Resolution passed by the Village of Mifflin, Ohio opposing the proposed rate increase of applicant, filed by L. Hilbert.0
03/16/1988Resolution No. 178 passed by the Village of Prospect, Ohio opposing the proposed rate increase of applicant, filed by L. Maynard, Clerk-Treasurer.0
03/16/1988Letter filed by Chairman Chema on behalf of the PUCO, to Mr. Robert E. Columber/Vice President-Support Services, Marion General Hospital.0
03/16/1988Response letter filed by Chairman Chema on behalf of the PUCO, to; Dr. Richard W. Samuel, consumer.0
03/16/1988Response letter filed by Chairman Chema behalf of the PUCO, to; Mr. Mark A. Lee, consumer.0
03/16/1988Response letter filed by T. Chema on behalf of the PUCO to; Mr. Marcus J. Molea/Executive Director Delaware Area Chamber of Commerce.0
03/14/1988Resolution No. 1224 passed on behalf of the Village of Forrest, submitted by J. Shultis, clerk of courts.0
03/09/1988Reply Memorandum of The Office of the Consumers' Counsel's filed by M. McCord.0
03/08/1988Correspondence letter filed on behalf of Marion Goodwill Industries, Inc. by Bob Jordan with response letter filed on behalf of PUCO by Chairman Chema.0
03/08/1988Letter filed by C. Snyder, State Senator in regards to letter filed by and on behalf of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Thomas, regarding the proposed rate increase of applicant.0
03/08/1988Resolution No. 1224 passed by the Village of Forrest, Ohio opposing the proposed rate increase of applicant, submitted by J. Shultis, Clerk of Council.0
03/02/1988Memorandum contra Motion for local public hearing of the Office of the Consumers' Counsel filed by B. Kazee on behalf of applicant.0
03/02/1988Memorandum Contra MCI Telecommunications Corporation's Motion to Intervene filed by B. Kazee on behalf of applicant.0
03/02/1988Letter filed by and on behalf of J. Fuller, Relative to service of the applicant.0
03/02/1988Letter filed by and on behalf of K. Armstrong, Jr., consumer Relative to the service of applicant.0
02/28/1988Correspondence letter filed on behalf of the Delaware Area Chamber of Commerce by Marcus Molea, Excutive Director.0
02/26/1988Correspondence letter filed on behalf of Gold Star Chili by Dorothy Carrington.0
02/26/1988Response letter filed by Chairman Chema, to: Ms. Judy Carpenter, Administrative Assistant & Telecommunications Cooridinator/Scioto Memorial Hospital.0
02/26/1988Response letter filed by Chairman Chema to: Mr. Dan Inman/ Dan Inman Electric, Inc.0
02/26/1988Response letter filed by Chairman Chema, to: Mr. Rex Loudon President/White & Loudon, Inc.0
02/25/1988Correspondence letter of Michael E. Goodwin, President of Michael Goodwin Enterprises, Inc.0
02/23/1988Response letter filed by Chairman Chema, to: Mr. MAx F. Bucey/Executive Director - Athens County Children Service Board.0
02/18/1988Motion for withdrawal filed on behalf of AT&T Communications of Ohio,Inc. by W. Newcomb and D. Pines.0
02/17/1988Motion for local public hearing filed on behalf of OCC by E. Robinson.0
02/16/1988MCI Telecommunications Coorporation's Motion to Intervene and Memorandum in Support filed by S. Pestello and M. Alterman.0
02/09/1988Response letter filed by Chairman Chema, to: Ms. Amy Hookway/Executive Director - Huron County Economic and Education Development County.0
02/09/1988Response letter filed by Chairman Chema on behalf of the PUCO, to: Mr. Bob R. Bailey. Pastor/New Life Assembly of God.0
02/05/1988Letter filed by and on behalf of Mr. & Mrs. Howard Crull, consumers, opposing the proposed rate increase of applicant.0
02/05/1988Letter filed by and on behalf of Mrs. Carol Adams, consumer. opposing the proposed rate increase of applicant.0
02/05/1988Letter filed by and on behalf of M. Haworth, consumer, opposing the proposed rate increase of applicant.0
02/05/1988Letter filed by and on behalf of D. Pratt, President/ Pleasanton Meat Processing Co., RE: to approving the proposed rate increase of applicant.0
02/05/1988Letter filed by P. Kelly, Manager Appalachian Rental, approving the proposed rate increase of applicant.0
02/05/1988Letter filed by R. Randall on behalf of GTE North In- corporated, RE: to letter filed by Representative Richard Rench dated 1/15/88.0
02/02/1988Letter filed by N. Thorburn, President of Wilmington College of Ohio, opposing the proposed rate increase of applicant.0
01/29/1988Correspondence letter filed by and on behalf of H. La- Fountaine, consumer, opposing the proposed rate increase of applicant.0
01/29/1988Correction to work papers filed by J. Kennedy on behalf of applicant.0
01/29/1988Reply Memorandum of AT&T Communications of Ohio, Inc., filed by Wm. Newcomb, Jr.0
01/27/1988Correspondence letter filed by and on behalf S. Filsinger consumer, opposing the proposed rate increase of applicant.0
01/22/1988Letter filed by R. Rench, State Representative/Ohio House, 90th. Dist., opposing the proposed rate increase of applicant.0
01/19/1988Resolution No. R-23-87 passed by the City of Cambridge, Ohio opposing the proposed rate increase of applicant, submitted by S. Cassler.0
01/19/1988Memorandum contra Petition of AT&T Communications of Ohio, Inc. for Leave to Intervene filed by B. Kazee.0
01/14/1988Correspondence letter filed by and on behalf of R. Strayer.0
01/12/1988Correspondence letter filed by and on behalf of Mrs. J. Kimble, opposing the proposed rate increase of applicant.0
12/29/1987Entry granting intervention to OCC, granting motion of GTE North Incorporated to amend language of legal notice and granting an extension of time until 1/15/88, to begin publication of legal notice.0
12/29/1987Letter filed by A. Hookway, on behalf of Huron County Economic and Education Development Council, Relative to rate increase of applicant.0
12/29/1987Response letter filed by Chairman Chema, to Mr. Howard Sewell, Sewell Motor Express, Inc.0
12/28/1987Motion for extension of time filed by B. Kazee on behalf of GTE North Incorporated.0
12/23/1987Embedded attributable cost analysis methodology (ATT B, embedded attributable cost study (ATT A) and fully allocated cost study-development of percentage allocations (ATT A) filed on behalf of GTE MTO, Inc.0
12/22/1987Amended Filing filed by D. Pines and Wm. Newcomb, Jr., on behalf of AT&T Communications of Ohio, Inc.0
12/18/1987Petition of AT&T Communications of Ohio, Inc. for leave to intervene and memorandum in support filed by Wm. Newcomb, Jr.0
12/18/1987Letter filed by C. Eveland, Mayor on behalf fo The City of Wilmington, Ohio, Relative to opposing the proposed rate increase of applicant.0
12/18/1987Supplemental Direct Testimonies of following, filed on be- half of applicant. 1). Steven C. Bringedahl 2). R. Hans Collins 3). John C. Kelly 4). Donald W. McLeod 5). Jon E. Slater0
12/18/1987Schedules F and S, correcting errors found in the original filing and Revised E3.2 Schedule that reflects a correc- tion in the title, with work papers that support the F and S schedules, filed J. Stewart on behalf of applicant.0
12/16/1987Letter filed by J. Fritz, Mayor on behalf of City of Port Clinton, opposing the proposed rate increase of applicant.0
12/11/1987Resolution No. 1987-2 passed by The Village Council of Bettsville, Ohio, submitted C. Shriver, Clerk of Council.0
12/10/1987Letter filed by and on behalf of C. Dorcas, Relative to letter addressed to applicant, requesting an annual state- ment for service charges for one year and requesting why his name was not in the directory.0
12/09/1987Motion for extension of time to begin publication filed by J. Stewart on behalf of applicant.0
12/08/1987Motion to amend notice of application of GTE MTO Inc. for increases and adjustments in rates and charges filed by J. Stewart.0
12/04/1987Letter filed by H. Sewell of Sewell Motor Express, Inc. stating that the rate increase requested by General Telephone in unjust.0
12/04/1987Resolution No. 372 filed on behalf of the Village of Middleport, Ohio.0
12/01/1987Entry accepting application for filing as of September 30, 1987.0
11/30/1987Revised Executive Summary, Schedules S-4.1 and S-4.2 filed on behalf of applicant.0
11/30/1987Data as of Date Certain, Schedules A,B,C, and D Standard Filing Requirements filed on behalf of applicant.0
11/30/1987Application Exhibit D; Schedules E-3 and E-4 Standard Filing Requirements filed on behalf of applicant.0
11/25/1987Entry denying the joint motion requesting that the Commission approve a stipulation which calls for the Commission to approve a protective order is denied. (AE)0
11/23/1987Joint motion for approval of a stipulation filed by A. Henkenker on behalf of the PUCO staff, and J. Stewart on behalf of GTE North Incorporated.0
11/23/1987Resolution No. 372 passed by the Village of Middleport, submitted by J. Brooks, Clerk.0
11/20/1987Response letter from Chairman Chema to: letter filed by and on behalf of F. & J. Thomas.0
11/13/1987Resolution No. 87-2186 submitted by G. Gledhill, Clerk of Council on behalf of Galion City Council, opposing the proposed rate increase of applicant.0
11/13/1987Refiled Schedule B-2.3 and Schedule C-10.1 which was inadvertently omitted from original filing, submitted by J. Kennedy on behalf of applicant.0
11/12/1987Correspondence letter filed by and on behalf of C. Brown, consumer, opposing the proposed rate increase of applicant.0
11/03/1987Letter filed by The Village of Haskins Councilmembers oppos- ing the proposed rate increase of applicant. Councilmembers: _______________ 1). J. Fallows 2). R. Swanson 3). Wm. Hale 4). D. Grolle 5). W. Milne 6). J. Fox0
11/03/1987Resolution No. 87-43 passed by the Village of Mechanicsburg submitted by M. Culp, Clerk, opposing the proposed rate in- crease of applicant.0
11/03/1987Letter filed and on behalf of O. M. Ruby, consumers, oppos- ing the proposed rate increase of applicant.0
11/02/1987Letter filed and on behalf of G. DeVol, consumer, RE: to opposing the proposed rate increase of applicant.0
10/27/1987Resolution of the Village of Spencerville filed by Marie A. Von Der Embse.0
10/27/1987Correspondent letter filed by R. Thomas Cochran, Mayor City of Norwalk.0
10/27/1987Correspondent letter filed by Thomas Carabin, Huron County Commissioner.0
10/15/1987Letter filed by T. Carabin, Huron County Commissioner, RE: opposing the proposed rate increase of applicant.0
10/15/1987Letter filed by R. Thomas Cochran, Mayor City of Norwalk, Ohio, RE: to opposing the proposed rate increase of applicant.0
10/14/1987Letter filed by F. Cleland, President of Council on behalf of Racine Village, opposing the proposed rate increase.0
10/14/198711). R. Gilman Taft 12). Gary F. Wilkinson 13). John B. Gordon 14). Earl A. Goode 15). Larry B. Reed 16). Patricia R. Rough0
10/14/1987Direct Testimonies of following filed on behalf of applicant 1). Joesph F. Brennan 2). Steven C. Bringedahl 3). R. Hans Collins 4). Thomas G. Hosey 5). Thomas W. James 6). JOhn C. Kelly 7). Donald W. McLeod 8). Robert R. Randall 9). MeadeC. Seaman 10). Jon E. Slater0
10/13/1987Resolution No. 21, passed by the Village of Spencerville submitted by D. Prichard, Clerk-Treasurer, opposing the proposed rate increase of applicant.0
10/09/1987Memorandum contra motion to consolidate of OCC filed by B. Kazee.0
10/07/1987Resolution No. 87-43 passed by the Village Council, Village of Mechanicsburg, Champaign County, Ohio, submitted by M. Culp, Clerk.0
10/07/1987Letter filed by M. Hall on behalf of the Village of Betts- ville, Ohio, RE: to oposing the proposed rate increase of applicant.0
10/06/1987Resolution No. 25-1987 passed by the Village of Piketon, OH submitted by R. Nickel, Clerk/Treasurer.0
09/30/19876). Application Exhibit C, Schedules E-2/Standard Filing Requirements - Book 6 7). Application Exhibit D, Schedules E-3, and E-4, and E-5 Standard Filing Requirements - Book 7 8). Construction Work in Progress/Schedules B-4.1 Supporting Documentation.0
09/30/1987Application filed by R. Randall and W. Wueste, Jr., with following attachments submitted on behalf of applicant. 1). Executive Summary - Schedules S-4.1 and S-4.2 2). Application Exhibit A, Schedules A,B,C,D,F, and S - Standard Requirements - Book 2 3). Application Exhibit B, Schedules E-1/Standard Filing Requirements - Book 3 4). Application Exhibit B, Sechedules E-1/Standard Filing Requirements - Book 4 5). Application Exhibit C, Schedules E-2/Standard Filing Requirements - Book 50
09/30/1987Letter filed by J. Thatcher on behalf of the Village of South Webster, Ohio, opposing the proposed rate increase of company.0
09/24/1987Motion to consolidate filed by G. James Van Heyde on behalf of OCC.0
09/24/1987Motion to Intervene filed by G. James Van Heyde on behalf of OCC.0
09/22/1987Letter filed by the Athens County Commissioners submitted by K. Harvey, S. Kahler and R. Groff.0
09/17/1987Letter filed by D. Carrothers, Clerk-Treasurer on behalf of The Village of Bowerston opposing the proposed rate increase of applicant.0
09/17/1987Letter filed by J. Schmidt, Clerk on behalf of the Board of Scioto County Commissioners opposing the proposed rate increase of applicant.0
09/15/1987Entry setting test period to begin April 1, 1987 and end March 31, 1988 with date certain September 30, 1987.0
09/08/1987Letter filed by Leonard Morr, Administrator/Village of Fayette, Ohio, with copy of newspaper clipping, RE: to the Village opposing the proposed rate increase of company.0
09/03/1987Correspondence letter filed by and on behalf of J. Hauschulz, consumer.0
08/28/1987GTE MTO's request for waiver of certain of the standard filing requirements filed by J. Stewart.0
08/28/1987Notice of Intent of General Telephone Company of Ohio to file an application for authority to amend its intrastate tariffs by increasing and adjusting rates and charges and changing regulations and practices affecting the same.0