DIS - Case Record for 87-0496-TP-PEX Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
01/11/1990 Revised tariff sheets reflecting extablishment of Extended Local Calling Plan (ELCP) filed on behalf of GTE North, Inc. by J. Kennedy.
01/11/1990 Revised tariff sheets, Exchange and Network Services Tariff PUCO No. l filed on behalf of Ohio Bell by A. Krekel.
12/20/1989 Letter filed on behalf of the applicant stating that the EAS between Baltimore and Bowling Green will start January 18, 1990 filed by J. Kennedy.
12/20/1989 Letter filed on behalf of GTE stating that the Eas between Baltimore and Findlay exchanges will start January 18, 1990 filed by J. Kennedy.
12/08/1989 Letter filed on behalf of GTE North stating that the in service date for EAS for the Baltimore and Bowling Green exchanges is January 18, 1990.
08/08/1989 Letter filed by J. Kennedy on behalf of GTE North Incorp- orated, informing the Commission that the in-service date is 1/18/90.
06/27/1989 Information Response of The Ohio Bell Telephone Company filed by A. Sedory.
02/17/1988 Opinion and Order granting EAS and accepting stipulations of the parties.
09/02/1987 Stipulation and Recommendation filed by B. Kazee on behalf of General Telephone Company of Ohio.
08/28/1987 Trans., for hearing held on 8/14/87, (RM) Submitted Vol. I, 1-83 pages.
08/07/1987 Testimony and attachments of Kim Mazzon, witnes for GTE MTO Inc.
08/07/1987 Testimony of Andrew C. Hirsch filed on behalf of the respondent by A. Sedory.
08/07/1987 Testimony of David L. Schiska filed on behalf of the respondent by A. Sedory.
08/06/1987 Proof of Publication filed (Wood County).
07/21/1987 Proof of Publication filed. (County/Hancock)
07/21/1987 Testimony and Attachments 1 thru 25 of Arthur Huggler, witness for GTE MTO, Inc., filed by J. Stewart on behalf of respondent.
07/17/1987 Information response of the Ohio Bell Telephone Company by A. Sedory.
06/04/1987 Legal notices sent to Daily Sentinel-Tribune (Wood County) and The Courier (Hancock County).
05/28/1987 Correction sheet from the May 6, 1987 filing of GTE MTO Inc. filed by K. Mazzon.
05/22/1987 Entry ordering respondent provide the information as re- quired to this Commission and to the spokesperson for the complainants within sixty days of the date of this Entry; Ordering a hearing be set for August 14, 1987, at 10:00 a.m. North Baltimore High School (Cafeteria), 124 South Second Street, North Baltimore, Ohio 45872. (AE)
05/11/1987 Information response of the Ohio Bell Telephone Company filed by A. Sedory.
05/11/1987 Answer of the Ohio Bell Telephone Company by A. Sedory.
05/06/1987 Information Response of GTE MTO, Inc., filed by J. Stewart.
05/06/1987 Answer of GTE MTO, Inc., filed by J. Stewart.
04/09/1987 Entry stating that the respondents shall file their written answers with in 30 days. (AE)
03/24/1987 Petition of Robert W. Lee and Residents of North Baltimore Ohio (vs) General Telephone Company of Ohio, Marion, Ohio Relative to toll-free service from the 257 exchange to the Findlay and Bowling Green exchanges.