DIS - Case Record for 87-0189-RC-ATC Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
07/31/1987 FCC construction permit for the Cleveland, Parma, Willoughby Hills and Amherst sites filed by C. Edwards on behalf of applicant.
07/16/1987 Entry denying application for rehearing filed by James M. Carpenter.
07/02/1987 Memorandum contra application for rehearing of James M. Carpenter filed on behalf of CQ of Ohio,Inc. by S.Bloomfield
06/26/1987 Petition for reconsideratin, rehearing and further request for joint board with FCC filed by J. Carpenter.
06/08/1987 Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity No. 71 for CQ of Ohio, Inc .
06/02/1987 Revisied tariff sheets PUCO No. 1 filed on behalf of Paging Network of Ohio, Inc. by C. Edwards.
05/27/1987 Finding and Order granting the Joint Application and denying James M. Carpenter dba Carpenter Radio Company's request for oral hearing.
04/10/1987 Opposition contra to response to objection and request for Commission to overrule objection filed by and on behalf of J. Carpenter.
04/01/1987 Response to Objection and request for Commission to overrule objection filed on behalf of CQ of Ohio, Inc. by S. Bloomfield.
03/27/1987 Information inadvertently missed from filing date as follows; Affidavit attesting to the need for service that will be made possible by the addition of the two new sites to what is currently the PageNet service territory and, upon Commission approval, will constitute the new service territory for CQ of Ohio; Evidence of approval by the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") of authority to construct the two additional sites, filed by M. Brandt on behalf of applicants.
03/26/1987 Written Statement objecting to the subject application for good cause shown and request for oral argument filed on behalf of Carpenter Radio Company by J. Carpenter.
03/11/1987 Entry ordering applicants cause publication of legal notice on or before 3/23/87, and present proof of publication to the Commission on or before 4/2/87; Inviting any interested person, firm, corporation, or entity can show cause why the subject application should not be granted, should file with the Commission detailing such reasons on or before 4/2/87. (AE)
03/09/1987 Letter filed by S. Bloomfield on behalf of applicant, re- questing the dates indicated in the AE's Report 3/6/87 concerning the publication for the application be changed to a publication date no later than March 23, 1987, with interested parties able to file with the Commission by April 2nd. and the publication affidavits due to the Commission on April 2nd,
03/02/1987 Entry ordering applicant's file additional information as required by 3/16/87, and inviting any interested person, firm, corporation, or entity who can show good cause why the subject application should not be granted should file with the Commission a written statement on or before 3/26/87. (AE)
03/02/1987 Corrected copy of Page 1 of the proposed Price List which was included as part of Exhibit I of application, filed by C. Edwards on behalf of applicant.
02/03/1987 Substitute pages 3,4,and 5 of Exhibit H, Mr. Reynold's affidavit filed by S. Bloomfield.
02/02/1987 Joint Application of CQ of Ohio, Inc. and Paging Network of Ohio, Inc. for approval to transfer Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity No. 13 and Petition for approval of purchase and sale of certain assets, and to Amend Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity No. 71.