DIS - Case Record for 87-0105-EL-EFC Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
02/01/1990 Returned from supreme court.
06/13/1988 Supreme Court Transmittal Papers issued. (S.C. No. 88-872)
05/13/1988 Praecipe filed by F. Lange, Jr., on behalf of applicant.
05/13/1988 Certificate of Service filed by F. Lange, Jr., on behalf of applicant.
05/13/1988 Supreme Court Appeal filed on behalf of applicant, submitted by F. Lange, Jr. (88-872)
03/15/1988 Entry denying application for rehearing filed by OCC and Toledo Edison.
03/07/1988 Memorandum contra of The Toledo Edison Company to the OCC application for rehearing filed by F. Lange, Jr.
03/07/1988 Memorandum contra The Application for Rehearing of the Toledo Edison Company filed by J. Pepper on behalf of OCC.
02/25/1988 Application for Rehearing filed by F. Lange, Jr., on behalf of applicant.
02/25/1988 Application for Rehearing of The Office of The Consumers' Counsel, State of Ohio filed by J. Pepper.
01/29/1988 Tariff sheet, PUCO No. 7 issued on behalf of applicant.
01/29/1988 Revised tariff sheet filed by F. Lange, Jr., on behalf of applicant.
01/26/1988 Opinion & Order closing case.
12/01/1987 Reply Brief of The Office of the Consumers' Counsel filed by A. Hammerstein.
12/01/1987 Reply Brief of the Staff of the PUCO filed by T. McNamee.
12/01/1987 Reply Brief of The Toledo Edison Company filed by F. Mitchell Dutton.
11/20/1987 Initial Post Hearing Brief of the staff of the PUCO, filed by T. McNamee.
11/20/1987 Post-Hearing Comments of Toledo Edison Company filed by M. Dutton.
11/20/1987 Late filed Exhibit No. 6/Davis Besse Nuclear Fuel Cycles filed on behalf of applicant.
11/20/1987 Proposed transcript corrections of The Toledo Edison Company filed by M. Dutton.
11/20/1987 Post-Hearing Brief of The Office of the Consumers' Counsel filed by J. Pepper.
11/12/1987 Trans., for hearing held on 11/2/87, (LR) Con't., Vol. I 1-7 pages.
11/06/1987 Composite Index issued.
11/06/1987 Trans., for hearing held on 11/5/87, (LR) Submitted Vol. III 1-98 pages.
11/06/1987 Trans., for hearing held on 11/4/87, (LR) Con't., Vol. II, 1-207 pages.
11/03/1987 Toledo Edison's responses to the OCC's interrogatories and production requests filed by M. Dutton on behalf of applicant.
10/22/1987 Copy of letter/Toledo Edison's responses to OCC's interroga tories and production of document requests; filed by F. Mitchell Dutton.
10/19/1987 Prepared testimony of following, filed by Wm. Hupenbecker on behalf of applicant. 1). Lional T. Bation 2). William H. Brewer, Jr. 3). Douglas W. Bullock 4). Bruce J. Busse 5). Sushil C. Jain 6). Thomas J. Kraynak 7). Richard A. Soucie
10/16/1987 Copy of letter; Toledo Edison's responses to OCC's interrogatories filed by F. Mitchell Dutton.
10/15/1987 Copy of letter by Toledo Edison to OCC's interrogatories and production of document requests, filed by F. Mitchell Dutton.
10/13/1987 Pages 17, 20, 24, 26, 28, 30, 33, 36, 65 and 66 of the Annual Summary Report as requested on behalf of applicant, filed by F. Mitchell Dutton.
10/08/1987 Letter filed by F. Mitchell Dutton on behalf of applicant, RE: Toledo Edison's responses to OCC's interrogatories and production of document requests.
10/07/1987 Annual Audit on behalf of applicant, submitted by Arthur Andersen & Co.
10/02/1987 Prehearing data submittal filed by Wm. Hupenbecker on be- half of applicant.
10/02/1987 Annual Audit of the financial procedural aspects of the electric fuel component for the year ended July 31, 1987 on behalf of applicant, submitted by Arthur Andersen.
10/02/1987 Management/Performance Audit of applicant, submitted by Stone & Webster Management Consultants, Inc.
09/28/1987 Response to OCC interrogatories and production of documents filed on behalf of the Toledo Edison Company by M. Dutton.
09/21/1987 Toledo Edison's responses to OCC interogatories and production of documents second set filed by M. Dutton.
09/17/1987 Annual Summary Report filed by Wm. Hupenbecker on behalf of applicant.
09/14/1987 Notice to take deposition upon oral examination filed by F. Mitchell Dutton on behalf of applicant.
08/10/1987 Copy of letter, RE; Toledo Edison's responses to OCC's interrogatories and production of document requests filed by M. Dutton.
05/06/1987 Entry ordering a Management/Performance Audit of the Elec- tric Utility Fuel Procurement Polcies and Practices of Ohio Regulated Electric Light Companies be conducted in accordance with provisions of RFP U87 EFC 1 pursuant to the findings of this Entry; Ordering that the costs of the audits be paid by Companies pursuant to the Findings of this Entry.
03/19/1987 Motion to Intervene filed by J. Pepper on behalf of OCC.
02/03/1987 Entry scheduling hearing for Monday, November 2, 1987 at 1:30 pm at Toledo Government Center, City Council Chambers 1st Fl., One Government Center, Toledo, Ohio 43624.
01/16/1987 In the matter of the regulation of the Electric Fuel Component contained within the rate schedules of the Toledo Edison Company and related matters.