DIS - Case Record for 87-0008-EL-EFC Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
08/26/1987 Tariff sheets, PUCO No. 12 filed on behalf of applicant.
08/18/1987 Opinion & Order closing case.
07/08/1987 Reply brief of the Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company by J. Woodring.
07/08/1987 Letter advising the Commission that OCC will not be submitting a reply brief in the above-captioned case by B. Cohen.
07/07/1987 Letter filed on behalf of OCC stating that they will not be submitting a reply brief in the above-captioned case by B. Cohen.
07/02/1987 Letter to correct typographical error's which appears in the supplemental testimony of Gerald J. Tomechko filed by J. Woodring.
07/01/1987 Post hearing brief of the Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company by J. Woodring.
07/01/1987 Post hearing brief of the staff of the PUCO by R. Tongren.
07/01/1987 Post-hearing Brief of OCC filed by E. Robinson.
06/30/1987 Corrections to transcript and oral testimony of G. Tomechko filed on behalf of the Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company by C. Smith.
06/25/1987 Trans., for hearing held on 6/15/87, (SD) Con't. Vol. I, 1-8 pages.
06/18/1987 Trans., for hearing held on 6/16/87, (SD) Submitted Vol. I, 1-68 pages.
06/11/1987 Filing accepted
06/05/1987 Supplemental testimony of G.T. Tomechko filed on behalf of the Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company.
06/01/1987 Testimony of R.A. Soucie filed on behalf of the applicant.
06/01/1987 Testimony of T.J. Kraynak filed on behalf of the applicant.
06/01/1987 Testimony of G.T. Tomechko filed on behalf of the applicant.
05/15/1987 30 Day filing filed on behalf of the Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company by G. Tomechko.
02/12/1987 Entry granting OCC intervention. (AE)
02/04/1987 Motion to Intervene filed by E. Robinson on behalf of the Office of the Consumers' Counsel.
02/03/1987 Entry scheduling hearing for Monday, June 15, 1987 at 1:30pm at the Frank J. Lausche, State Office Building, 2nd Fl. auditorium, 615 West Superior Ave., 6th & Superior, Cleve- land, Ohio 44113.
01/05/1987 In the matter of the Regulation of The Electric Fuel Component Contained within the Rate Schedules of the Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company and Related Matters.