DIS - Case Record for 86-2026-EL-AIR Skip to main content

Case Record For:


Status: AR-Archived
Industry Code: EL-ELECTRIC
Purpose Code: AIR-Application to increase rates
Date Opened: 10/15/1986
Date Closed: 12/16/1987
Printable Docket Card Service List
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Date FiledSummaryPages
02/01/1990Returned from supreme court.0
08/08/1988Supreme Court transmittal papers (SC No. 88-1224)0
07/08/1988Notice of Appeal filed by G. James Van Heyde on behalf of OCC. (S.C. 88-1224)0
05/23/1988Toledo Edison's revised matrix tariff conformity with Ohio Administrative/Revised codes filed by D. Hogan.0
05/13/1988Praecipe filed by F. Lange, Jr., on behalf of applicant.0
05/13/1988Certificate of Service filed by F. Lange, Jr., on behalf of applicant.0
05/13/1988Supreme Court Appeal filed by F. Lange, Jr., on behalf of applicant. (S.C. NO. 88-871)0
05/10/1988Entry denying application for rehearing filed by Toledo Edison Co.0
05/06/1988Letter filed by L. Bell on behalf of intervenor, IEC.0
04/27/1988Entry approving tariff filing of 4/21/88.0
04/27/1988Tariff sheets, PUCO No. 7, filed by Wm. Hupenbecker on behalf of applicant.0
04/22/1988Letter filed by G. James Van Heyde on behalf of OCC regard- ing the filing of a motion to stay.0
04/22/1988Notice of Appeal filed by G. James Van Heyde on behalf of OCC. (S.C. No. 88-738)0
04/21/1988Proposed electric tariffs, PUCO No. 7, filed by Wm. Hupenbecker on behalf of applicant.0
04/20/1988Corrected Dissenting Opinion of Commissioner Gloria L. Gaylord.0
04/18/1988Application for Rehearing filed by F. Lange, Jr., on behalf of applicant.0
04/14/1988Entry modifying the Opinion and order of December 16, 1987 by admitting the testimony of company witness Busse which was stricken by the attorney examiner, and ordering the company to file proposed tariffs reflecting the adjustments within seven days. Dissenting opinion of Commissioner Gaylord.0
04/08/1988Certificate of Service filed by F. Lange, Jr., on behalf of applicant.0
04/08/1988Praecipe filed by F. Lange, Jr., on behalf of applicant.0
04/08/1988Notice of Appeal filed by F. Lange, Jr., on behalf of applicant. (Supreme Court No. 88-648)0
03/21/1988Supreme Court Transmittal Papers filed. (S.C. No. 88-343)0
03/15/1988Toledo Edison's Matrix/Tariff conformity with Ohio Administrative/Revised Codes, filed by Wm. Hupenbecker.0
03/11/1988Letter filed by D. Champion on behalf of the PUCO staff, stating that the staff will not be filing a rehearing brief in this matter.0
03/11/1988Reply rehearing brief of OCC filed by D. Nodes.0
03/09/1988Rehearing Brief of The Office of The Consumers' Counsel filed by D. Nodes.0
03/09/1988Rehearing Brief of The Toledo Edison Company filed by F. Lange, Jr.0
03/09/1988Letter filed by D. Champion on behalf of the PUCO staff, Relative to the staff will not be filing a Rehearing Initial Brief on in this matter.0
03/07/1988Trans., for hearing held on 3/2/88, (WB) & (PD) Submitted Vol. I, 1-71 pages.0
03/01/1988Rehearing Written Testimony of B. J. Busse on behalf of applicant.0
02/25/1988Rehearing Written Testimony of W. R. Ridmann filed on behalf of applicant.0
02/25/1988Rehearing Testimony of J. Edward Hess/Accounts and Audits Division, Staff Exhibit.0
02/24/1988Correspondence letter filed by M. Schwartz, Clerk-Treasurer on behalf of The Village of Lindsey, opposing the proposed rate increase of applicant.0
02/19/1988Letter filed by G. James Van Heyde on behalf of OCC, inform ing the Commission of its intent to apply for a stay of the Commission's Order in this matter.0
02/19/1988Notice of Appeal filed by G. James Van Heyde on behalf of OCC.0
02/09/1988Entry granting application for rehearing in part filed by OCC and Toledo Edison and scheduling hearing on Wednesday March 2, 1988, at 9:30 a.m., at the Commission.0
02/01/1988Office of the Consumers' Counsel's Reply to Toledo Edison Company's Response to OCC's Second Application for Rehearing filed by D. Nodes.0
01/25/1988Office of The Consumers' Counsel's memorandum contra application for rehearing of The Toledo Edison Company filed by D. Nodes.0
01/25/1988Response of The Toledo Edison Company to the second re- hearing application filed by The Office of the Consumers' Counsel filed by F. Lange, Jr.0
01/25/1988Letter filed by J. Van Heyde on behalf of OCC, informing the Commission of its intention to apply for a stay of the Commission's Order in this matter.0
01/21/1988Notice of Appeal filed by D. Nodes on behalf of OCC.0
01/21/1988Letter filed by G. James Van Heyde on behalf of OCC, inform- ing the Commission that on or after 1/25/88, OCC intends to apply for a stay of the Commission's Order.0
01/20/1988Entry stating the application for rehearing filed by OCC on December 21, 1987 and January 15,1988 shall be treated as a single filing and other parties shall have until January 25, 1988 to file memoranda contra.0
01/15/1988Application of The Toledo Edison Company for Rehearing and Memorandum in support filed by F. Lange, Jr.0
01/15/1988Application for Rehearing of The Office of the Consumers' Counsel filed by D. Nodes.0
01/14/1988Notice of withdrawal of counsel and designation of new trial attorney filed by D. Nodes on behalf of OCC.0
12/23/1987Letter in reference to rates, filed by E. Lyle Pepin on behalf of Centerior Energy.0
12/23/1987Tariff sheets, PUCO No. 7, filed by Wm. Hupenbecker on behalf of applicant.0
12/23/1987Entry approving tariffs for filing.0
12/22/1987Tariff sheets, filed by Wm. Hupenbecker on behalf of applicant.0
12/22/1987Memorandum in opposition to application for stay filed by F. Lange, Jr., on behalf of applicant.0
12/21/1987Application for Rehearing and for Concomitant Stay of effective date of Tariffs filed by L. Barth on behalf of OCC.0
12/16/1987Opinion & Order issued, granting application to the extent provided in this Opinion & Order; Concurring Opinion of Commissioner Gaylord and Seperate Concurring Opinion of Commissioner Brown.0
11/25/1987Office of the Consumers' Counsel, Motion to strike Toledo Edison's notice of declaration of commercial operation filed by D. Nodes.0
11/20/1987Notice of declaration of commercial operation filed by F. Lange, Jr., on behalf of applicant.0
11/09/1987Office of the Consumers' Counsel's memorandum contra Toledo Edison's Motion for an expedited ruling taking administra- tive notice filed by D. Nodes.0
11/03/1987Motion for an expedited ruling taking administrative notice filed by F. Lange, Jr., on behalf of Centerior Energy.0
11/02/1987Twelve Month Update operating income statement comparison estimates versus actuals, filed by Wm. Hupenbecker on behalf of applicant.0
10/20/1987Letter filed by J. Samuel Steffes, Mayor/Village of Edon, informing the Commission of village opposing the proposed rate increase of applicant.0
10/15/1987Correction to "Errata to Toledo Edison Reply Brief" filed by F. Mitchell Dutton on behalf of applicant.0
10/09/1987Errata to Toledo Edison Reply Brief filed by F. Mitchell Dutton.0
10/02/1987Industrial Energy Consumers Reply Memorandum to Toledo Edison's Motion to strike a portion of initial brief and to prohibit IEC for briefing partial requirements service issue on its reply brief filed by L. Bell.0
10/01/1987Letter filed by J. G. Toner, Presidentof The Edon State Bank Company, RE: opposing the proposed rate increase of applicant.0
10/01/1987Reply Brief of The Office of the Consumers' Counsel filed by L. Barth.0
10/01/1987Reply Brief of The Toledo Edison Company filed by F. Lange, Jr.0
10/01/1987Reply Brief of the staff of the PUCO filed by D. Luckey, E. Watts, A. Henkener and T. McNamee.0
10/01/1987Reply Brief of The Industrial Energy Consumers Group filed by L. Bell.0
09/30/1987Post-Hearing Brief of The City of Toledo filed by K. Guy.0
09/29/1987Errata sheet filed on behalf of the Staff of the PUCO.0
09/28/1987Motion to strike portion of IEC's brief and to prohibit IEC from addressing partial service requirements tariff in their reply brief and request for and expedited ruling filed on behalf of the Toledo Edison Company by M. Dutton.0
09/23/1987Erratum Sheet of The Office of the Consumers' Counsel filed by L. Barth.0
09/22/1987Resolution No. 192-87 passed by the Council of the City of Toledo on 9/15/87, expressing the opposition of the Council of the City of Toledo to the proposed Toledo Edison Company rate hike filed by L. Brewer, Clerk of Council.0
09/21/1987Note on citations filed on behalf of OCC by L. Barth.0
09/21/1987Composite Index filed.0
09/18/1987Initial Post Hearing Brief of the Staff of the PUCO filed by D. Luckey.0
09/18/1987Post Hearing Brief of OCC filed by L. Barth.0
09/18/1987Initial Post Hearing Brief of The Industrial Energy Consumers Group filed by L. Bell.0
09/18/1987Post Hearing Brief of Toledo Edison Co. filed by F. Lange,Jr0
09/18/1987Post Hearing Brief of City of Toledo filed by K. Guy.0
09/16/1987Exhibit Nos. 2 and 3 from local public hearing.0
09/14/1987Public Statements - Toledo, Ohio - 9/3/87 (AB) Start time: 6:30 p.m., 1-91 pages.0
09/14/1987Public Statements - Toledo, Ohio - 9/3/87 (AB) Start time: 1:30 p.m., Con't., 1-111 pages.0
09/09/1987Entry affirming ruling of the AE to strike a portion of the rebuttal testimony.0
09/09/1987Entry granting extension of time to file initial brief in this matter until 9/18/87 and until 10/1/87 to file their reply brief. (AE)0
09/08/1987Request to amend the briefing schedule and memorandum in support filed by D. Nodes on behalf of OCC.0
09/08/1987Letter filed by Leonard Morr, Administrator, Village of Fayette, with copy of newspaper clipping, RE: to the Village opposing the proposed rate increase.0
09/04/1987Proposed transcript corrections filed by F. Mitchell Dutton on behalf of applicant.0
09/04/1987Information in response to OCC's requests filed by F. Mitchell Dutton on behalf of applicant.0
09/02/1987Excerpted proceedings of C.E.I., Case No. 86-2025-El-AIR.0
09/01/1987Correspondence letter filed by M. Kaptur, Member of Congress to Chairman Chema in regards to correspondence letter filed by Mrs. Marie Van Buskirk, consumer. (letter attached)0
08/28/1987Proposed transcript corrections of the staff of the PUCO filed by D. Luckey.0
08/28/1987Office of the Consumers' Counsel's memorandum contra application for reveiw and motion to certify of the Toledo Edison Company, filed by L. Barth.0
08/28/1987Office of the Consumers' Counsel's response to Toledo Edison Exhibit No. 33 and corrections to the transcript filed by L. Barth.0
08/28/1987Trans., for hearing held on 8/21/87, (RH) Submitted Vol. XXI, 1-52 pages.0
08/28/1987Entry denying OCC's motion to strike certification; Ordering the interlocutory appeal filed 8/24/87 by Toledo Edison is certified to the Commission. (AE)0
08/27/1987Trans., for hearing held on 8/20/87, (WB) & (RH) Con't., Vol. XX, 1-163 pages.0
08/27/1987Trans., for hearing held on 8/17/87, (WB) & (RH) Con't., Vol. XIX, 1-104 pages.0
08/27/1987Trans., for hearing held on 8/14/87, (WB) & (RH) Con't., Vol. XVIII, 1-130 pages.0
08/27/1987Office of the Consumers' Counsel's response to Toledo Edison Exhibit No. 33 and corrections to the transcript filed by L. Barth.0
08/26/1987Office of the Consumers' Counsel's Motion to strike application for reveiw and motion to certify of the Toledo Edison Company, filed by L. Barth.0
08/24/1987Motion to certify an application for reveiw of ruling striking rebuttal testimony and request for an expedited ruling, filed by F. Mitchell Dutton on behalf of applicant.0
08/24/1987Application for reveiw of ruling striking rebuttal testimony and request for an expedited ruling, filed by F. Mitchell Dutton on behalf of applicant.0
08/19/1987Trans., for hearing held on 8/12/87, (WB) (RH) Con't., Vol. XVII, 1-210 pages.0
08/18/1987Company Exhibit No. 32; Tariff sheets, PUCO No. 7.0
08/18/1987Trans., for hearing held on 8/11/87, (WB) & (RH) Con't., Vol. XVI, 1-96 pages.0
08/18/1987Surrebuttal Testimony of Deborah A. Hensel/Accounts and Audits Division; Staff Exhibit0
08/14/1987Rebuttal testimony of William E. Huepenbecker.0
08/13/1987Rebuttal/Supplemental Testimony of IEC witness Thomas J. Knobloch filed by L. Bell.0
08/13/1987Trans., for hearing held on 8/10/87, (WB) Con't., Vol. XVI, 1-3 pages.0
08/10/1987Entry scheduling local public hearings to be held on Thurs- day, 9/3/87, at 1:30 p.m., and 6:30 p.m., at City Council Chambers, Toledo Government Center, 1 Government Center, 1st floor Council Chambers, Toledo, Ohio 43624 and on Thursday, September 10, 1987, at 6:30 p.m., at Defiance College, Schomburg Auditorium, 701 Clinton Street, Defiance, Ohio 43512. (AE)0
08/10/1987Rebuttal Testimony of David M. Blank on behalf of applicant.0
08/10/1987Rebuttal Testimony of William R. Ridmann on behalf of applicant.0
08/10/1987Rebuttal Testimony of Robert L. McCormick on behalf of applicant.0
08/10/1987Rebuttal Testimony of Ralph D. Kubacki on behalf of applicant.0
08/07/1987Excerpted transcript for proceedings of case 86-2025-EL-AIR.0
08/07/1987Entry denying the motion of July 31, 1987 filed by the Toledo Edison Company to bifurcate this proceeding and sever the partial service rate.0
08/07/1987Transcript for hearing held August 3, 1987, (WB) (RH) Vol XIV, 155 pages, Continued.0
08/07/1987Reply of the Industrial Energy Consumers Group to Toledo Edison's Motion to strike filed by L. Bell.0
08/04/1987Office of the Consumers' COunsel's memorandum contra motion to bifurcate the partial service rate filed by L. Barth.0
08/03/1987Reply of The Industrial Energy Consumers in opposition to Toledo Edison's Motion to sever partial service re- quirement rate from this proceeding filed by L. Bell.0
08/03/1987Trans., for hearing held on 7/31/87, (WB) & (RH) Con't. Vol. XIII, 1-84 pages.0
08/03/1987Trans., for hearing 7/30/87, (WB) & (RH) Con't., Vol. XII 1-42 pages.0
08/03/1987Trans., for hearing held on 7/31/87, (WB) & (RH) Con't. Vol. XI, 1-170 pages.0
08/03/1987Trans., for hearing held on 7/28/87, (WB) & (RH) Con't. Vol. X, 1-60 pages.0
08/03/1987Trans., for hearing held on 7/27/87, (WB) & (RH) Con't., Vol. IX, 1-147 pages.0
08/03/1987Supplemental Testimony of Matthew I. Kahal on behalf of OCC.0
07/31/1987Trans., for hearing held on 7/24/87, (WB) & (RH) con't., Vol. VIII, 1-165 pages.0
07/31/1987Trans., for hearing held on 7/23/87, (WB) & (RH) Con't., Vol. VII, 1-110 pages.0
07/31/1987Motion to strike IEC's supplemental testimony and exhibit of Thomas J. Knobloch and memorandum in support filed by F. Mitchell Dutton on behalf of applicant.0
07/31/1987Motion to Bifurcate the partial service rate and request for expedited ruling and memorandum filed by F. Mitchell Dutton.0
07/30/1987Trans., for hearing held on 7/22/87, (WB) & (RH) Con't. Vol. VI, 1-43 pages.0
07/29/1987Supplemental Testimony and Exhibit of Thomas J. Knobloch on behalf of Industrial Energy Consumers.0
07/29/1987Transcript for heariing held on 7/21/87, Vol V, continued, 175 pages, (WB) & (RH).0
07/28/1987Prepared Testimony of Ronald A. Yerian, Energy and Water Division, Staff Exhibit.0
07/28/1987Trans., for hearing held on 7/20/87, (WB) & (RH) Con't., Vol. IV 1-168 pages.0
07/28/1987Prepared Testimony of Rodger L. McDonald, Capital Analysis Division on behalf of the PUCO staff.0
07/27/1987Testimony of Jack W. Decker filed on behalf of the staff of the PUCO.0
07/27/1987Prepared testimony of James Williams filed on behalf of the staff of the PUCO.0
07/27/1987Testimony of Deborah A. Hensel filed on behalf of the staff of the PUCO.0
07/27/1987Supplemental Testimony of Roy K. Chan on behalf of the OCC.0
07/24/1987Testimony of Richard C. Cahaan filed on behalf of the staff of the PUCO.0
07/24/1987Prepared testimony of Dennis P. Carr filed on behalf of the staff of the PUCO.0
07/24/1987Prepared Testimony of Michael A. Castle, Accounts and Audits Division, Staff Exhibit.0
07/24/1987Prepared Testimony of Donald R. Tieche, Capital Analysis Division on behalf of the PUCO staff.0
07/24/1987Trans., for hearing held on 7/17/87, (WB) & (RH) con't., Vol. III, 1-144 pages.0
07/24/1987Joint Exhibit 2/Stipulaton and Recommendation on rate design, tariffs, management and operating reveiw and consumers services filed by D. Luckey, on behalf of the PUCO staff; F. Mitchell Dutton on behalf of applicant; L. Barth on behalf of OCC and K. Guy on behalf of the City of Toledo, Ohio0
07/23/1987Trans., for hearing held on 7/16/87, (WB) & (RH) Con't. Vol. II, 1-117 pages.0
07/23/1987Prepared testimony of Christopher Kotting filed on behalf of the staff of the PUCO.0
07/23/1987Prepared testimony of Sumonta Jarupan filed on behalf of the staff of the PUCO.0
07/23/1987Prepared testimony of J. Edward Hess filed on behalf of the staff of the PUCO.0
07/23/1987Supplemental testimony of David J. Effron filed on behalf of OCC.0
07/22/1987Prepared Testimony of Monir S. Habib, Staff Exhibit.0
07/22/1987Trans., for hearing held on 7/15/87, (WB) (RH) Con't. Vol. I, 1-112 pages.0
07/22/1987Prepared Testimony of Ronald A. Yerian, Energy and Water Division, filed on behalf of the PUCO staff.0
07/22/1987Prepared Testimony of Robert B. Fortney, Energy and Water Division, Staff Exhibit.0
07/21/1987Prepared Testimony of JOhn R. Zieg, Capital Analysis Division, on behalf of PUCO staff.0
07/21/1987Trans., for hearing held on 7/8/87, (WB) & (RH) submitted Vol. I, 1-19 pages.0
07/21/1987Prepared Testimony of L'Nard E. Tufts, Accounts and Audits Division filed on behalf of the PUCO staff.0
07/21/1987Prepared Testimony of Carlos J. Garcia, Accounts and Audits Division filed on behalf of the PUCO staff.0
07/17/1987Letter filed by R. Johnson Councilman Ward 3, City of Brook Park, opposing the proposed rate increase of applicant.0
07/17/1987Resolution No. 1987-86 passed by the City of Strongsville, Ohio submitted by L. Liptak, Clerk of Council opposing the proposed rate increaae of applicant.0
07/17/1987Resolution No. 1987-63 passed by the City of Beachwood, Ohio submitted by D. Davis, Clerk of Council, opposing the pro- posed increase in rates.0
07/17/1987Resolution No. 87-29 passed by the City of University Heights, Ohio submitted by B. Calvert, Clerk of Council opposing the proposed rate increase of applicant.0
07/17/1987Resolution No. 87-43 passed by the City of Lyndhurst, Ohio submitted by J. DiStefano, Clerk of Council, opposing the proposed rate increase.0
07/17/1987Resolution No. 12-87 passed by the City of South Euclid, Ohio, submitted by C. DiCillo, Clerk of Council, opposing the rate increase of applicant.0
07/16/1987Joinder Motion filed on behalf of the Industrial Energy Consumers by L. Bell.0
07/10/1987Entry granting motion to intervene filed by Ohio Cable Television Association.0
07/09/1987OCC's memoranda contra motion of Toledo Edison Company to strike objections to the staff report by L. Barth.0
07/08/1987Toledo Edison's proposed order of witnesses and list of exhibits filed by M. Dutton.0
07/08/1987Correspondent letter filed by the Staff of the PUCO stating that a member of the staff will be in touch to verify specific dates of the public hearing.0
07/07/1987Motion for a Local Public Hearing filed on behalf of OCC by L. Barth.0
07/07/1987IEC's reply to Toledo Edison's motion to strike objections filed by L. Bell.0
07/06/1987Toledo Edison's responses to OCC interrogatories and production of documents 11,12, and 13 sets by M. Dutton.0
07/02/1987Motion for a local public hearing filed by L. Barth on behalf of OCC.0
06/30/1987Toledo Edison's responses to OCC interrogatories and production of documents, 11,12 and 13 set filed by M.Dutton.0
06/30/1987Letter filed on behalf of the City of Defiance requesting the Commission to hold a public hearing in Defiance filed by W. Wiseman and B. Griffith.0
06/30/1987Toledo Edison's motion to strike objections filed by M. Dutton.0
06/26/1987Response to OCC interroogatories and production of documents fourth set filed on behalf of the Toledo Edison Company by M. Dutton.0
06/22/1987Objections to the Staff Report filed on behalf of the City of Toledo by K. Guy.0
06/19/1987Exhibit 7, Supplemental Testimony in support of objections to the staff report of investigation filed on behalf of applicant. 1). D. B. Amerine 2). D. M. Blank 3). W. H. Brewer 4). R. P. Crouse 5). W. E. Hupenbecker 6). F. J. Jeffries 7). A. Kaplan 8). R. D. Kubacki 9). W. D. Masters 10). E. H. Maugans 11). R. L. McCormick 12). R. A. Soucie 13). C. E. Zitzman0
06/19/1987Testimony and Exhibits of following submitted on behalf of Industrial Energy Consumers. 1). H. Clyde Allen 2). James T. Selecky 3). Thomas J. Knobloch0
06/19/1987Objections of The Industrial Energy Consumers Group to the Staff Report of Investigation and Statement of the Issues filed by L. Bell.0
06/19/1987Objections to the staf report filed by S. Howard on behalf of The Ohio Cable Television Association.0
06/19/1987Objections of The Toledo Edison Company to the staff report of investigation and enumeration of major issues filed by M. Dutton0
06/19/1987Direct Testimony of Matthew I. Kahal on behalf of OCC.0
06/19/1987Testimony of David J. Effron on behalf of OCC.0
06/19/1987Objections to the staff report of investigation and summary of major issues by the Office of the Consumerrs' Counsel filed by L. Barth.0
06/19/1987Direct Testimony of Roy K. Chan on behalf of OCC.0
06/19/1987Direct Testimony of Anthony Yankel on behalf of OCC.0
06/18/1987Letter filed by M. Dutton on behalf of applicant, informing the Commission that the company has arranged for the deposition of Mr. Amerine to occur at 9:00 a.m., on Thursday July 2, 1987.0
06/17/1987Copy of letter filed by M. Dutton on behalf of applicant, RE: responses to OCC's interrogatories and production of document requests.0
06/17/1987Resolution No. 12-87 passed by the City of South Euclid, Ohio, submitted by C. DiCillo, Clerk of Council.0
06/16/1987Motion to Intervene filed on behalf of the Ohio Cable Television Association by S. Howard.0
06/10/1987Resoluution No. 1987-31 filed on behalf of the City of Mayfield Heights by J. Sheerer.0
06/10/1987Copy of letter filed by F. Mitchell Dutton on behalf of applicant, RE: responses to OCC's interrogatories and production of document requests.0
06/08/1987Letter stating Toledo Edison's responses to OCC's requests for interrogatories and production of documents are pro- vided (Sixth Set-Updated response to 184 and 185) and Eighth Set-Interrogatories 208).0
06/04/1987Notice to take deposition upon oral examination filed on behalf of OCC by L. Barth.0
06/02/1987Resolution No. 1987-63 filed on behalf of the City of Beachwood by D. Davis with letter of achnowledgement from Commissioner Brown.0
05/28/1987Entry scheduling hearing on July 15, 1987 at 9:00 a.m. at the office of the Commission anda pre-hearing conference on July 8, 1987 at 9:30 a.m. at the office of the Commission. (AE)0
05/28/1987Toledo Edisons response to OCC's interrogatories and production of documents fifth and eighth sets filed by M. Dutton.0
05/26/1987Resolution No. 87-43 passed by the council of The City of Lyndhurst, Ohio, filed by J. DiStefano, Clerk of Council.0
05/21/1987Staff report filed0
05/13/1987Toledo Edison's response to OCC's interrogatories and production of documents seventh sets filed by M. Dutton.0
05/11/1987Toledo Edison's responses to OCC's interrogatories and production of documents, fifth and sixth sets filed by M. Dutton.0
05/08/1987Resolution No. 87-29 passed by the Council for the City of University Heights, Ohio to deny any power rate increase requests attributable to the Perry Nuclear Power Plant, submitted by B. Calvert, Clerk of Council.0
04/30/1987Copy of response letter filed by F. Mitchell Dutton on behalf of applicant to, OCC's interrogatories and production of document requests.0
04/20/1987Copy of letter filed by F. Mitchell Dutton on behalf of applicant, in response to OCC's interrogatories and production of document requests; Fourth Set.0
04/15/1987Copy of letter filed by F. Mitchell Dutton on behalf of applicant, RE: responses to OCC's interrogatories and production of document requests, 3rd and 4th set.0
04/15/1987Copy of letter filed by F. Mitchell Dutton on behalf of applicant, RE: responses to OCC's interrogatories and production of document requests, 1st & 3rd set.0
04/13/1987Copy of letter filed by F. Mitchell Dutton on behalf of applicant, RE: responses to OCC's interrogatories and production of documents requests.0
04/07/1987Copy of letter filed by F. Mitchell Dutton on behalf of applicant, in response to OCC's interrrogatories and production of document requests.0
03/27/1987Copy of response letter filed by F. Mitchell Dutton on be- half of applicant, to OCC's interrogatories and production of documents requests.0
03/20/1987Copy of letter by Toledo Edison on responses to OCC's interrogatories and production of documents filed by F. Mitchell Dutton.0
03/16/1987Copy of letter of Toledo Edison's responses to the following Industrial Energy Consumers' interrogatories, filed by F. Mitchell Dutton.0
03/09/1987Responses of The office of The Consumers' Counsel, State of Ohio, to the first set of written interrogatories and request for production of documents submitted by The Toledo Edison Company filed by L. Barth.0
03/05/1987City of Toledo responses to Toledo Edisons first set of written interrogatories and request for production of documents filed by K. Guy.0
03/02/1987Copy of letter of Toledo Edison's responses to Industrial Energy Consumers' (IEC) interrogatories, submitted by F. Mitchell Dutton.0
02/24/1987Notice of Substitution of trial Attorney of the Office of Consumers' Counsel by L. Barth.0
02/13/1987Copy of letter filed by F. Mitchell Dutton on behalf of applicant, in response to OCC's production of document request no. 2.0
01/21/1987Exhibit No. 4, Schedule E-3.2, Cost of Service Analysis, including related workpapers and testimony filed by Wm. Hupenbecker on behalf of applicant.0
01/21/1987Exhibit No. 3, Two month update filing containing Schedules A, B, C, D, E, F, and S, filed by Wm. Hupenbecker on behalf of applicant.0
01/21/1987Exhibit 6, Two Month Update Testimony of D. B. Amerine, R. P. Crouse, W. E. Huepenbecker, R. D. Kubacki and R. L. McCormick filed on behalf of applicant.0
01/21/1987Exhibit 5, Schedules S-4.1 and S-4.2, Corporate Process & Mgmt Policies, Practices & Organization - Two Month Update filed by W. Hupenbecker on behalf of applicant.0
01/15/1987Copy of letter filed by F. Mitchell Dutton on behalf of applicant, to J. Pepper on behalf of OCC, Relative to response to OCC's production of document request.0
01/13/1987Entry accepting case for filing as of 11/18/86.0
01/09/1987Ordinance 86-8 passed by the Council of the Village of Fayette, Ohio submitted by L. Addison, Jr., Mayor.0
01/07/1987Entry granting Industrial Energy Consumers intervention.(AE)0
12/26/1986Resolution of the Village of Fayette, Ohio expressing opposition to the proposed rate increase. Ordinance 86-8 filed by P. McHoney.0
12/08/1986Petition of Industrial Energy Consumers for Leave to Intervene filed by L. Bell.0
12/02/1986Exhibit 2, Testimony of the Toledo Edison Company filed by W. Huepenbecker.0
11/28/1986Entry granting the Office of the Consumers' Counsel and the city of Toledo intervention. (AE)0
11/25/1986Entry granting waiver request.0
11/18/1986Rate application filed with Exhibit 1, Sections A, B, C, D, E, F and S by W. Huepenbecker.0
11/12/1986Entry setting test period to begin 8-1-86 and end 7-31-87 with date certain 10-31-86.0
11/06/1986Petition of The City of Toledo for leave to intervene filed by K. Guy.0
11/05/1986Supplemental Motion for waiver of certain portions of Standard Filing Requirements filed by F. Mitchell Dutton on behalf of applicant.0
11/05/1986Motion to Intervene filed by J. Pepper on behalf of the Office of the Consumers' Counsel.0
10/15/1986Motion for waiver of certain of the standard filing require- ments of Rule No. 4901-7-01 of the Commission's Code of Rules and Regulations filed by F. Lange, Jr. and F. Mitchell Dutton on behalf of applicant.0
10/15/1986Notice of intent of The Toledo Edison Company to file an application for an increase in rates for electric service.0