DIS - Case Record for 86-1450-GA-BTX Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
12/06/1990 Memo from R. Gooden, PUCO staff, stating that this case is closed.
11/18/1988 ICN# 0039 Portion of Section A was finished on Novermer 1, 1988 filed by K. Christman.
08/24/1988 ICN. #0038 Letter filed by J. Kennedy on behalf of OPSB, to; K. Christman on behalf of Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc., RE: reviewing the revised engineering drawings submitted by applicant.
07/25/1988 ICN. #0037 Letter filed by K. Christman on behalf of applicant, Relative to notifying the Board that construction of the Southern Supply Line began on 7/11/88.
06/29/1988 ICN. #0036 Final Phase III archaeological report for Section B of the proposed Southern Supply Line, filed by K. Christman on behalf of Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc.
06/22/1988 ICN# 0035 Correspondent letter filed by W. Ray Luce.
06/15/1988 ICN# 0034 Letter filed on behalf of the Commission stating that the OPSB will issue a certificate to Columbia Gas by J. Kennedy.
06/02/1988 ICN # 0033 Final report on the phase IV archaeological work station section A filed on behalf of the applicant by K. Christman.
05/23/1988 ICN. #0032 Engineering drawings filed by K. Christman on behalf of applicant.
04/27/1988 ICN# 0031 Phase I, II,, III and IV archaeological reports for section A filed on behalf of the applicant by K. Christman.
10/27/1986 ICN. #0030 Opinion & Order, and Certificate approving and adopting the Joint Stipulation of Findings and Recommenda- tions. (AE)
10/17/1986 ICN. #0029 Administrative Law Judge's Report and Recommenda- tions.
10/03/1986 ICN. # 0028 Trans., for hearing held 9/23/86 (EC) Local Public Hearing/Commercial Point, Ohio Submitted Vol. I, 1-7 pages.
10/03/1986 ICN. # 0027 Trans., for hearing held 9/22/86, (EC) Local Hearing/Summit Station, Ohio Con't. Vol. I, 1-12 pages.
10/02/1986 ICN. #0026 Joint Stipulation of Findings and Recommendations filed by M. Malone on behalf of the PUCO staff, K. Christ- man, on behalf of Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc. and L. Barth on behalf of OCC.
09/12/1986 ICN. #0025 Letter filed by K. W. Christman on behalf of Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc., requesting letter filed on 8-22-86 be withdrawn.
09/12/1986 ICN. #0024 Pre-Hearing Conference Report by E. Cruttenden.
09/08/1986 ICN. #0023 Letter filed by K. Christman on behalf of Columbia Gas Company of Ohio, Inc.
09/05/1986 ICN# 0022 Staff Report and Recommendation Findings issued.
09/04/1986 Proof of Publication filed
09/03/1986 ICN. #0020 Entry ordering that the proposed amendments to the certified application in this case, as such proposed amendments are set forth in Columbia's letter of August 22, 1986 (ICN 18), and in any other documents, may be made only according to the process provided for in Section 4906.06 (E) Revised Code, and Ruel 4906-5-09(A), O.A.C.
08/29/1986 ICN. #0019/ Entry scheduling pre-hearing conference to be held on Thursday, September 11, 1986 at 9:00 a.m. in the 11th Floor hearing room area at the offices of the Commission.
08/21/1986 ICN. # 0018- Letter filed by K. Christman, Relative to amending application to designate the southern route to be the preferred route instead od the alternate route, on behalf of applicant.
08/02/1986 Beginning Aug 3, 1986 all Power Siting Board and Forecasting cases are transferred into the Docketing Information System Previous number for this case was : 03-00004