DIS - Case Record for 86-0270-TP-PEX Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
10/24/1990 Revised tariffs, PUCO No. 6, Check Sheet l - Section C - 9th sheet 2 and llth sheet 24, filed on behalf of United Telephone Company by J. Ludenia.
10/17/1990 Revised tariffs, PUCO No. 6, Contents - 37th sheet l; Check List - 270th sheet l and 86th sheet 4; and Section 3 - Fayette - l6th sheet l, filed on behalf of respondent, GTE North, by J. Kennedy.
05/30/1990 Letter changing the in-service date for the institution of two-way, flat-rate from Fayette to Archbold and Wauseon from 11/5/90 to 10/25/90 to coincide with the scheduled Fayette digital conversion, filed on behalf of respondent by J. Kennedy.
09/28/1989 Letter reporting in-service date for establishment of two- way nonoptinal extended area service between GTE's Fayette exchange and UTO's Archbold and Wauseon exchange is 11/5/90 filed on behalf of GTE North Incorporated by J. W. Kennedy.
05/12/1989 Letter filed by J. Ludenia on behalf of United Telephone Company of Ohio, RE: proposed implementation date is 11/5/1990.
11/08/1988 Second Supplemental Opinion & Order granting request for two-way, nonoptional EAS between the Fayette Exchange of GTE North Inc. and the Archbold and Wausen Exchanges of United Telephone Co.
10/21/1988 Notice of Concurrence filed by T. Jacobs on behalf of United Telephone Company of Ohio.
10/19/1988 Letter filed by J. Stewart on behalf of GTE North In- corporated, RE: percentage on ballots and informing the Commission that the company does not request a hearing on the canvass.
09/16/1988 Ballots resulting from a canvass conducted by the complain- aints filed by T. Molitierno.
09/07/1988 Entry denying United's application for rehearing.
08/30/1988 Memorandum in Opposition to application for rehearing filed by T. Molitierno.
08/19/1988 Application for rehearing filed on behalf of United Telephone of Ohio by J. Rozic.
07/20/1988 Supplemental Opinion and Order granting request for EAS between Fayette Exchange of GTE North, Inc. and the Wauseon and Archbold Exchanges of United Telephone Co. contingent upon the filing of a canvass. Dissenting Opinion of Commissioner Gloria Gaylord.
03/28/1988 Supplemental Information Response filed by J. Stewart on behalf of GTE North Incorporated.
03/24/1988 Information Response of United Telephone Company of Ohio filed by J. Rozic.
03/08/1988 Letter filed by and on behalfof A. Carrothers, in regards to his testimony.
01/26/1988 Opinion & Order denying request for EAS between Fayette Exchange and West Unity and Bryan Exchanges, The Commission will consider EAS between Fayette Exchange and Archbold and Wauseon Exchanges pending reciept of additional information from GTE and United by 3/28/88 and complainants should file by 4/12/88 a statement as to whether they desire a further hearing.
02/18/1987 Motion to submit revenue and cost data associated with the provision of extended local calling plan filed on behalf of the General Telephone Company by B. Kazee.
11/21/1986 Late filed Exhibits and Toll Calling Distributions and Calling Statistics for calls from Fayette to Archbold, Wauseon, West Unity, Bryan; from West Unity to Fayette; and from Bryan to Fayette from October, 1986 filed on behalf of the General Telephone Company by R. Bavry.
11/14/1986 Late filed exhibits, Toll Calling Pattern from Archbold to Fayete and from Wauseon to Fayette for October 1986 filed by J. Rozic on behalf of United Telephone Company of Ohio.
10/16/1986 Trans., for hearing held 9/30/86, (RH) Submitted Vol. I, 1-242 pages.
09/25/1986 Testimony and Attachments of Kim O. Mazzon filed by B. Kazee on behalf of General Telephone Company of Ohio.
09/17/1986 Proof of Publication filed. (County/Williams)
09/16/1986 Proof of Publication filed. (County/Henry)
09/09/1986 Proof of Publication filed. (County/Fulton)
09/08/1986 Proof of Publication filed.(County/Defiance)
07/29/1986 Legal notices sent to The Bryan Times (Williams County), The Expositor (Fulton County), Defiance Crescent News (Defiance County) and Northwest-Signal (Henry County).
07/29/1986 Legal notice sent to The Bryan Times (Williams County), The Expositor (Fulton County), Defiance Crescent News (Defiance County) and Northwest-Signal (Henry County).
07/20/1986 Proof of Publication filed. (County/Defiance)
07/20/1986 Proof of Publication filed (Henry County)
07/16/1986 Proof of Publication filed. (County/Fulton)
07/16/1986 Entry rescheduling hearing for September 30, 1986 at 10:00 a.m. at the Fayette Normal Memorial Libruary, Meeting Room, 301 North Eagle Street, Fayette, Ohio.
07/14/1986 Testimony of Dennis R. McNary on behalf of United Telephone Company of Ohio, filed by J. Rozic.
07/13/1986 Proof of Publication filed. (County/Williams)
06/15/1986 Legal notice sent to Northwest-Signal (Henry), Expositor (Fulton), Defiance Crescent (Defiance) and The Bryan Times (Williams).
06/12/1986 Entry setting hearing for August 6, 1986 at 10:00 AM at the Fayette Normal Memorial Libruary, Fayette, Ohio 43521.
05/08/1986 Answer filed by J. Rozic on behalf of the United Telephone Company of Ohio.
05/08/1986 Information Response of United Telephone Company of Ohio, filed by B. Inglis.
04/17/1986 Entry granting United Telephone Company an extension of time until May 12, 1986 to file its answer and information response.
04/14/1986 Application for Extension filed by J. Rozic, on behalf of United Telephone Company of Ohio.
04/09/1986 Answer and Information Response of the General Telephone Company of Ohio, filed by B. Kazee.
03/11/1986 Entry Ordering Respondent to file Answers within 30 days.
02/16/1986 In the matter of the application of Thomas S. Molitierno VS General Telephone Company Relative to petition for two-way non-optional extended area service.