DIS - Case Record for 86-0120-TR-ORD Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
03/19/1987 Withdrawal of Request for Exemptions filed by B. Kazee on behalf of General Telephone Company of Ohio.
03/11/1987 Request for Exemptions filed by B. Kazee on behalf of General Telephone Company of Ohio.
02/03/1987 Entry denying application for Rehearing.
01/29/1987 Application for rehearing filed on behalf of Cleveland Electric Ill. by C. Smith; Ohio Power Co by A. Kessler; Toledo Edison by F. Dutton; Dayton Power & Light by E. Rizer; Ohio Edison by T. Kayaha; Cincinnati Gas & Electric by J. Banner; and Columbus & Southern Ohio by T. Croskey.
01/29/1987 Application for rehearing filed on behalf of Ohio Bell Telephone Company by M. Stoll.
01/29/1987 Application of the Ohio Oil and Gas Association for Rehearing and Memorandum in Support filed by T. Battaglia.
01/29/1987 Motion of the Ohio Oil and Gas Association to Intervene and Memorandum in Support filed by T. Battaglia.
12/30/1986 Entry issued ordering amended Chapter 4901:2-5 be adopted, and copies filed as required by Section 111.15, Revised Code.
12/22/1986 Comments filed by D. Reaume on behalf of Ohio Valley Council of Sheet Metal Workers.
10/14/1986 Comments of Cincinnati Bell Telephone Co. filed by D. Dooley
10/14/1986 Comments of United Telephone Company of Ohio, Inc., filed by E. D'Amato.
10/14/1986 Comments of The Ohio Bell Telephone Company filed by M. Stoll.
10/14/1986 Comments of Ohio Suburban Water Company filed by J. Sanders.
10/14/1986 Comments filed by S. Oliver on behalf of Iddings Trucking, Inc.
10/10/1986 Supplemental Comments of General Telephone Company of Ohio filed by B. Kazee.
10/10/1986 Comments of the East Ohio Gas Company filed by R. West- brooks.
10/09/1986 Comments of The Ohio Manufacturers' Association filed by Wm. Newcomb, Jr.
10/08/1986 Comments of Ohio Rural Electric Cooperatives, Inc., filed by R. Mone.
09/14/1986 Comments filed by D. Cillian on behalf of Blair Cartage, Inc.
09/10/1986 Comments filed by R. Copeland on behalf of Santarosa Group, Inc.
08/12/1986 Comments by Ohio Edison Company filed by T. Kayuha.
08/12/1986 Entry ordering a period of 60 days from the date of this Entry is established for public comments on the attached proposed rules.
08/03/1986 Motion to reopen comment period and accept for filing the comments of The Toledo Edison Company filed by K. Mauer.
08/03/1986 Comments of The Toledo Edison Company filed by Wm. Hupen- becker.
07/30/1986 Comments of Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc., filed by J. Berendsen.
07/30/1986 Comments of Toledo Edison Company filed by K. Mauer.
07/30/1986 Supplemental Comments of The Ohio Telephone Association filed by J. R. Prohaska.
07/30/1986 Motion for extension of time to file comments filed by J. Banner on behalf of The Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company.
07/30/1986 Comments of The Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company filed by J. Banner.
07/30/1986 Motion of Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc., to file comments out of time filed by J. Berendsen.
07/29/1986 Motion for extension of time and memorandum in support filed by T. Croskey and A. Kessler on behalf of Columbus & Southern Ohio Electric Company and Ohio Power Company.
07/29/1986 Motion and Memorandum in support of The Dayton Power & Light Company for leave to file comments filed by T. Boggs.
07/29/1986 Comments of Columbus & Southern Ohio Electric Company and Ohio Power Company filed by T. Croskey and A. Kessler.
07/29/1986 Motion to Memorandum filed by C. Smith on behalf of Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company.
05/22/1986 Comments of Liquid Transporters, Inc. to the proposed rule change filed by E. C. Estill. (timely filed)
05/07/1986 Comments of The Ohio Telephone Association filed by J. R. Prohaska.
05/07/1986 Comments of the Ohio Trucking Association filed by D. Smith.
05/07/1986 Comments of Blair Cartage, Inc., filed by D. Cillian.
05/06/1986 Letter from W. Fortener to G. Bates stating that a copy of his letter would be put in the file for the proposed rules and regulations pertaining to private carriers.
05/06/1986 Comments regarding the new rule proposals filed on behalf of The Shelly Company and P.C.C. Refrigerated Express, Inc. by B. Ferris.
05/06/1986 Response of Jones Transfer Company filed by S. Oliver.
05/06/1986 Letter from W. Fortener to J. Woods stating that a copy of his letter would be put in the file for the proposed rules and regulations pertaining to private carriers.
05/06/1986 Comments of General Telephone Company of Ohio filed by B.Kazee.
05/05/1986 Comments in response to proposed rule changes on behalf of Liquid Transporters, Inc., The Maxwell Co., Haldon S. Miller Trucking, Inc., Newark Transfer, Inc., Propane Transport, Inc., Rogers Cartage Co., Truckway Service, Inc., Weiss Trucking Company, Inc., and Wilson's Milk Hauling, Inc., filed by J. Stiverson.
05/04/1986 Letter filed by S. Sellberg on behalf of Blue Bird Coach Lines Inc., Relative to it being unnecessary to apply the location and state of the company to the side of the vehicles.
04/23/1986 Comments filed by Thomas J. Padgett, on behalf of J & T Limousine Service.
04/22/1986 Letter requesting the Commission to drop the listed exceptions being purposed filed on behalf of Trailways Lines, Inc. by R. Forman.
04/07/1986 Entry granting 30 days for public comments to be filed.
01/20/1986 In the matter of the adoption of Rule 4901:2-5-01, Ohio Administrative Code, governing safety of operations by Commercial Vehicle Owners and Operators.