DIS - Case Record for 86-0005-EL-EFC Skip to main content

Case Record For:


Status: AR-Archived
Industry Code: EL-ELECTRIC
Purpose Code: EFC-Electric fuel component
Date Opened: 1/2/1986
Date Closed: 7/16/1987
Printable Docket Card Service List
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Date FiledSummaryPages
02/01/1990Returned from supreme court.0
03/04/1988Letter filed by J. Pepper on behalf of OCC, informing the Commission that pages 39 and 40 were transposed in the Brief as Intervening Appellee.0
12/04/1987Index and docket entries which were sent to the Suppreme Court.0
11/06/1987Notice of Appeal filed by J. Woodring on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company and Toledo Edison Company. (Supreme Court No. 87-1886)0
09/09/1987Entry denying OCC's and companies' application for re- hearing.0
08/25/1987Appendix A, which was inadvertently left off the Memorandum Contra which the Office of the Consumers' Counsel filed on 8/24/87, filed by R. Rosenberry.0
08/25/1987Notice of withdrawal of counsel and designation of new trial attorney filed by B. Burns on behalf of OCC.0
08/24/1987The Office of the Consumers' Counsel's memorandum contra the companies' application for rehearing filed by R. Rosenberry.0
08/17/1987The Office of the Consumers' Counsel's Application for Rehearing filed by R. Rosenberry.0
08/14/1987Joint Application for Rehearing filed by The Toledo Edison Company and The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, filed by A. Buchmann.0
07/28/1987Entry nunc pro tunc amend Opinion & Order of July 16, 1987.0
07/16/1987Supplemental Opinion and Order issued concerning the Davis Besse outage.0
06/01/1987Transcript for hearing held on May 12, 1987 (RG) Vol XVI, 75 pages, Submitted.0
05/08/1987Reply brief of Toledo Edison Company and Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company by A. Buchmann.0
05/08/1987Reply Brief of the Office of Consumers' Counsel filed by R. Rosenberry.0
05/08/1987Reply Brief of the Staff of the PUCO by R. Tongren.0
05/06/1987Correction to Staff's Post Hearing Brief filed by 1/20/87, submitted by D. Luckey.0
04/27/1987Correction to the Office of the Consumers' Counsel's Initial Brief filed 4/20/87, submitted by R. Rosenberry.0
04/22/1987Corrections to OCC's Initial Brief filed 4/20/87 by R. Rosenberry.0
04/20/1987Post-Hearing Brief of the Staff of the PUCO, filed by D. Luckey.0
04/20/1987Post-Hearing Brief of Toledo Edison Company and The Cleve- land Electric Illuminating Company, filed by J. Woodring.0
04/20/1987Initial Brief of The Office of The Consumers' Counsel, filed by R. Rosenberry.0
04/16/1987Entry granting the PUCO staff an extension of time for the filing of post-hearing briefs until April 20, 1987. (AE)0
04/15/1987Motion for extension of time and request for expedited ruling by the PUCO staff, submitted by D. Luckey.0
04/15/1987Response to Staff Motion for Extension of Time, submitted by A. Buchmann on behalf of applicant.0
04/15/1987Memorandum in Support filed by R. Rosenberry on behalf of OCC.0
04/14/1987Entry rescheduling oral agruments in this matter from May 18 1987 to May 12, 1987, at 9:00 a.m., at the offices of the Commission. (AE)0
04/09/1987Correction to transcript due to disk print error, Vol. II 102, filed by D. Holmberg.0
04/08/1987Composite Index/1-19 pages.0
04/08/1987Trans., for hearing held 3/25/87, (LR) & (RG) Submitted Vol. XV 1-66 pages.0
04/08/1987Trans., for hearing held on 3/24/87, (LR) & (RG) Con't. Vol. XIV 1-194 pages.0
04/08/1987Entry setting hearing be held on May 18, 1987, at 1:30 p.m., at the offices of the Commission. (AE)0
04/07/1987Letter filed by D. Anderson on behalf of Canatom Inc., informing the Commission of recieving letter dated December 15, 1986, from Mr. Fred J. Lange, Jr., concerning disclosure of Canatom documents to Torrey Pines Technology.0
04/01/1987Trans., for hearing held on 3/20/87, (LR) & (RG) Con't., Vol. XIII, 1-94 pages.0
04/01/1987Trans., for hearing held on 3/19/87, (LR) & (RG) Con't., Vol. XII, 1-58 pages.0
03/30/1987Trans., for hearing held 3/17/87, (LR) & (RG) Con't. Vol. XI, 1-84 pages.0
03/30/1987Trans., for hearing held on 3/16/87, (LR) & (RG) Con't., Vol. X, 1-161 pages.0
03/25/1987Trans., for hearing held 3/13/87, (LR) & (RG) Con't. Vol. IX, 1-121 pages.0
03/25/1987Trans., for hearing held 3/12/87, (LR) & (RG) Con't. Vol. VIII, 1-189 pages.0
03/23/1987Errata Sheet, corrections made to rebuttal testimony of David R. Anderson, filed March 20, 1987 submitted by D. Luckey on behalf of the PUCO staff.0
03/23/1987Trans., for hearing held 3/10/87, (LR) & (RG) Con't, Vol. VII, 1-71 pages.0
03/23/1987Trans., for hearing held 3/9/87, (LR) & (RG) Con't. Vol. VI, 1-200 pages.0
03/20/1987Rebuttal Testimony of David R. Anderson on behalf of applicant.0
03/18/1987Rebuttal Testimony of Thomas J. Kraynak on behalf of applicant.0
03/18/1987Trans., for hearing held 3/6/87, (LR) & (RG) Con't. Vol. V 1-201 pages.0
03/18/1987Trans., for hearing held 3/5/87, (LR) & (RG) Con't. Vol. IV 1-183 pages.0
03/18/1987Trans., for hearing held on 3/4/87 (LR) & (RG) Con't. 1-213 pages Vol. III.0
03/17/1987Testimony of Douglas R. Maag, CHief Energy and Water Division Utilities Department, PUCO/Staff Exhibit.0
03/16/1987Transcript filed for hearing held 3/3/87, continued, 232 pages, Vol. II, (LAR) (RG).0
03/16/1987Transcript filed for hearing held 3/2/87, continued, 175 pages, Vol I, (LAR) (RG).0
03/04/1987Copy of letter of Toledo Edison's responses to OCC's production of document requests, filed by F. Mitchell Dutton.0
02/27/1987Errata Sheet submitted by E. Watts on behalf of the PUCO staff.0
02/25/1987Return of Subpoena filed by R. Rosenberry on behalf of OCC0
02/25/1987Subpoena Duces Tecum served on Larry C. Stalter, Toledo Edison Company filed by E. Watts and L. Reardon on behalf of the PUCO Staff.0
02/23/1987Application for Subpoena filed on bahalf of OCC by R. Rosenberry.0
02/23/1987Copy of letter of Toledo Edison's responses to OCC's production of document requests, filed by F. Mitchell Dutton.0
02/19/1987Toledo Edisons Response to Consumers' Counsels Requests 233-235,237-262, 264, 269 and 276 filed by M. Dutton.0
02/11/1987Copy of letter of Toledo Edison's responses to OCC's interrogatories and production of document requests, filed by F. Mitchell Dutton.0
02/05/1987Copy of Response of the Toledo Edison Company to the request by OCC for Admission NO. 1 thru 56 filed by M. Dutton.0
02/05/1987Copy of letter on Toledo Edison's responses to OCC's interrogatories and production of document requests filed by F. Mitchell Dutton.0
02/02/1987Testimony of Gary W. Vicinus on behalf of applicant.0
02/02/1987Testimony of David R. Anderson on behalf of applicant.0
02/02/1987Copy of letter filed by F. Mitchell Dutton on behalf of applicant, responding to production of document requests of OCC.0
01/30/1987Revised tariff sheets filed by L. Force on behalf of applicant.0
01/27/1987Opinion and Order that the company and the auditors comply with the directives set forth in Sections III through VII of this order52
01/27/1987Opinion & Order closing case.0
01/23/1987Three figures that were inadvertently omitted from the Testimony of Richard P. Crouse filed on 1/15/87 filed by J. Woodring on behalf of CEI and Toledo Edison.0
01/22/1987Response of Toledo Edison to OCC's production of document request Nos. 47 and 185 filed by F. M. Dutton on behalf of Toledo Edison.0
01/15/1987Testimony of W. Huepenbecker, D. Donovan, J. Williams, Jr, J. Molnar, P. Hilderbrant, A. Charbonneau, R. Crouse, W. Brewer, W. O'Connor and T. Kraynak filed on behalf of the Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company.0
12/18/1986Copy of letter filed by F. Mitchell Dutton , responding to OCC's production of document requests.0
12/11/1986Proofs of Publications filed on behalf of applicant for various counties.0
12/10/1986Reply brief filed on behalf of PUCO by D. Luckey6
12/10/1986Reply Brief of The Toledo Edison Company filed by F. Mitchell Dutton.0
12/10/1986Reply Brief of the PUCO staff filed by D. Luckey.0
12/10/1986Reply Brief of The Office of the Consumers' Counsel filed by B. Burns.0
12/09/1986Entry granting the Companies' Motion for a Continuation; The "Davis-Besse portion" of the fuel proceeding should thus be rescheduled from January 19, 1986 to March 2, 1987; the companies' deadline for filing expert testimony should be extended from December 15, 1986 to January 15, 1987; and OCC's deadline for filing expert testimony should be extend- ed from January 12, 1987 to February 16, 1987; Granting CEI intervention in this phase of the proceeding.0
12/08/1986Motion for Continuance and Expedited Ruling filed on behalf of the Toledo Edison Company by A. Buchmann.0
12/03/1986Copy of letter filed by F. Mitchell Dutton to R. Rosenberry of OCC, Relative to responding to the First and Second Re- quests for admissions.0
12/02/1986Post Hearing Brief of the staff of the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio.14
12/02/1986Post Hearing Brief filed on behalf of OCC by D. Rosenberry.0
12/02/1986Post Hearing Brief filed on behalf of the Toledo Edison Company by M. Dutton.0
12/02/1986Post Hearing Brief of the Staff of the PUCO.0
11/28/1986Stipulation and Recommendation on various matters relating to the computation of The Mce Factor and the preparation of Toledo Edison's ER-Forms, filed by D. Luckey on behalf of the PUCO staff; F. Lange, Jr., on behalf of applicant and R. Rosenberry on behalf of OCC.0
11/26/1986Trans., for hearing held 11/14/86, (LR) Submitted Vol. III, 1-109 pages.0
11/26/1986Trans., for hearing held 11/13/86, (LR) Con't. Vol. II, 1-196 pages.0
11/26/1986Trans., for hearing held 11/12/86, (LR) Con't. Vol. I, 1-151 pages.0
11/19/1986Trans., for hearing held 11-3-86, (RM) Con't. Local Public Hearing/Toledo, Ohio Vol. I, 1-15 pages.0
11/14/1986Testimony of Stephen L. Coe on behalf of the PUCO staff.0
11/12/1986The increased cost of the audit be born by The Toledo Edison Company, and the costs of the auditor assistance for the bifurcated hearing, be borne by The Toledo Edison Company, and that The Toledo Edison Company extend the purchase order to Canatom, Inc.0
11/10/1986Supplemental Direct Testimony of Robert T. Evans filed on behalf of OCC.0
11/10/1986Entry granting the Company's motion to strike specific audit recommendations.0
11/06/1986Reply Brief of The Toledo Edison Company to the Memorandum submitted by The Office of the Consumers' Counsel filed by F. Lange, Jr.0
11/05/1986Direct Testimony of Robert T. Evans on behalf of OCC.0
11/03/1986Memorandum contra motion to strike certain management/performance audit recommendations filed on behalf of PUCO by D. Luckey.12
11/03/1986Memorandum Contra of the Office of the Consumers' Counsel filed by M. McCord.0
11/03/1986Memorandum Contra Motion to Strike certain Management/ performance Audit Recommendations filed by D. Luckey on behalf of the PUCO staff.0
10/29/1986Prepared Testimony of Robert L. Kelsey, James N. Heller, John B. Molnar, David B. Amerine and Karen L. Bishop on behalf of applicant.0
10/24/1986Motion to strike certain Management/Performance Audit recommendations and request for expedited ruling filed by F. Lange, Jr., on behalf of applicant.0
10/22/1986Entry granting Toledo Edison's motion for extension of time; The"Davis-Besse portion" of the fuel proceeding should thus be rescheduled from 12/8/86 to 1/19/87; Toledo Edison's deadline for filing testimony be extended from 11/24/86 to 12/15/86; and the intervenor's deadline for filing testimony be extended from 12/1/86 to 1/12/87.0
10/22/1986Entry ordering CEI to answer the staff's "Request for Information" forthwith.0
10/17/1986Entry rescheduling the "non-Davis-Besse portion" of the pending EFC proceeding from November 4, 1986 to November 12, 1986; granting extension of time for the filing of company's testimony from 10/20/86 to 10/29/86 and grant- ing extension of time for the filing of any intervenor's testimony from 10/27/86 to 11/5/86. (AE)0
10/15/1986Motion for extension of time and request for expedited and memorandum in support filed by F. Mitchell Dutton on behalf of applicant.0
10/15/1986Motion for extension of time and memorandum in support filed by F. Mitchell Dutton on behalf of applicant.0
10/14/1986Copy of letter of Toledo Edison's responses to OCC's interrogatories and production of document requests filed by F. Mitchell Dutton.0
10/03/1986Annual Audit on behalf of applicant, filed by Arthur Ander- sen & Co.0
10/03/1986Management/Performance Audit on behalf of applicant by Stone & Webster Management Consultants, Inc.0
10/03/1986Management/Performance Audit by Energy Systems Research Group on behalf of applicant.0
10/03/1986Prehearing Data Submittal filed by on behalf of applicant.0
09/30/1986Final Report/Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station prepared by Canatom, Inc. and ICF Inc.0
09/30/1986Commission Rationale for Denying Toledo Edison's Motion for a Protective Order.0
09/30/1986Toledo Edison Reply Memorandum filed by F. Mitchell Dutton on behalf of applicant.0
09/30/1986Expedited Ruling Requested, Memorandum Contra filed by D. Luckey on behalf of the PUCO staff.0
09/30/1986The Office of the Consumers' Counsel's memorandum contra filed by R. Rosenberry.0
09/30/1986Memorandum in support of motion for protective order filed by F. Mitchell Dutton on behalf of applicant.0
09/25/1986Copy of Toledo Edison Company's letter of responses to OCC's interrogatories and production of document requests.0
09/21/1986Annual Summary Report filed by Wm. Hupenbecker on behalf of applicant.0
09/17/1986Entry denying Toledo Edison's motion for a protective order, Ordering Canatom's report be filed with the Commission on 9/30/86.0
09/09/1986Memorandum contra motion for a protective order filed by D. Luckey on behalf of the PUCO staff.0
09/09/1986Copy of letter from R. Rosenberry on behalf of OCC to M. Dutton on behalf Toledo Edison Co., regarding OCC's memorandum contra.0
09/09/1986Entry ordering Stone and Webster Segment II not be considered in the instant proceedings.0
09/09/1986Entry ordering that memorandum contra to Toledo Edison's motion for protection order be filed by 12:00 noon on 9/15/86 and reply memorandum be filed by 12:00 noon on 9/17/86.0
09/08/1986Motion for a Protective Order filed by F. Mitchell Dutton on behalf of applicant.0
09/03/1986Toledo Edison's responses to OCC interrogatories and production of documents filed by M. Dutton.0
08/21/1986Stone & Webster Report-Segment II, August 1986, on behalf of the PUCO.0
07/27/1986Copy of letter, Relative to Toledo Edison's responses to OCC's interrogatories and production of document requests, filed by F. Mitchell Dutton.0
07/24/1986Copy of letter, Relative to Toledo Edison's responses to OCC's interrogatories and production of document requests, filed by F. Mitchell Dutton.0
07/22/1986Toledo Edison's responses to OCC's interrogatories and production requests, filed by F. Mitchell Dutton.0
07/21/1986Entry ordering Stone & Webster file Segment II of the Feasibility Investigation for staff reveiw on August 1, 1986 and final report on August 22, 1986.0
07/01/1986Entry granting joint motion for Extension and Bifurcation.0
06/30/1986Entry granting OCC intervention.0
06/25/1986Joint Motion for Extension and Bifurcation on behalf of PUCO staff, OCC, Toledo Edison Co and CEI Co., filed by D. Luckey, R. Rosenberry, F. Lange, Jr. and J. Woodring.0
06/22/1986Motion to Intervene filed by R. Rosenberry on behalf of OCC.0
04/21/1986Entry ordering a Management/Performance Audit be conducted in accordance with provisions of RFP U86 EFC 1, ordering that the company shall pay costs of the audit.0
03/23/1986Entry ordering Canatom, Inc. to preform and investigation onto the 6/9/85 Loss of Feed Water Event and the ensuring outage at the Davis-Besse Nuclear Generating Station.0
01/12/1986Entry scheduling hearing on Monday Nov. 3, 1986 at 1:30 p.m at the Toledo Government Center, City Council Chambers-1st Floor, 1 Government Center, Toledo, Ohio 436240
12/08/1985Entry ordering Segment II of Feasibility Investigation to proceed and Stone & Webster Management Consultants perform the investigation.0