DIS - Case Record for 85-1398-TP-CSS Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
03/14/1991 DOCKET CARD
03/14/1991 DOCKET CARD
08/11/1987 Opinion & Order dismissing case.
11/10/1986 Transcript filed for hearing held October 9, 1986, case submitted, 55 pages, Vol IV, (SW).
11/05/1986 Trans., for hearing held 10/8/86, (SW) Con't. Vol. III, 1-212 pages.
10/28/1986 Trans., for hearing held 10/7/86, (SW) Con't. Vol. II, 1-111 pages.
10/28/1986 Trans., for hearing held 10/6/86, (SW) Con't. Vol. I, 1-89 pages.
10/28/1986 Letter filed by D. Pines on behalf of AT&T Communications, to; Mr. and Mrs. Roland J. Dressler, responding to his qualifications to practice law in Ohio.
10/22/1986 Letter filed by R. Dressler on behalf of Lakeshore Leasing Auto Leasing Supermarkets Inc., requesting information to obtained copy of transcript.
10/03/1986 Motion for Leave to permit late service on complianants and request for expedited ruling filed by Wm. Case on behalf of The Western Reserve Telephone Company.
10/02/1986 Entry granting Ohio Bell's request for a contiuance on the hearing to be held on October 6, 1986, changing the time from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. (AE)
09/30/1986 Testimony of Sandi McCarty filed by Wm. Case on behalf of The Western Reserve Telephone Company.
09/30/1986 Testimony of James L. Mader filed by C. Klepper on behalf of General Telephone Company of Ohio.
09/30/1986 Testimony and Attachments of Carla Sanner filed by C. Klepper on behalf of General Telephone Company of Ohio.
09/30/1986 Testimony and Attachments of James E. Fought filed by C. Klepper on behalf of General Telephone Company of Ohio.
09/30/1986 Testimony of Roderick T. Kerry filed by C. Klepper on behalf of General Telephone Company of Ohio.
09/30/1986 Testimony of Kenneth Blake filed by Wm. Case on behalf of The Western Reserve Telephone Company.
09/30/1986 Testimony of Samuel R. Moore with attachments filed on behalf of The Ohio Bell Telephone Company.
09/30/1986 Motion for continuance filed by Wm. Hunt on behalf of The Ohio Bell Telephone Company.
09/30/1986 Direct Testimony of Donald R. Nelsch filed on behalf of The Ohio Bell Telephone Company.
09/30/1986 Direct Testimony of Robert J. Koren on behalf of The Ohio Bell Telephone Company.
09/30/1986 Testimony of Anthony Franchino, Jr. on behalf of AT&T Communications of Ohio, Inc. filed by D. Pines.
09/29/1986 Entry ordering complainants in this matter retain appro- priate legal counsel to represent Lakeshore Leasing and Amerilease, Inc. at the October 6, 1986, hearing in this matter, and notify the respondents and the Commission of same prior to the day of hearing. (AE)
09/24/1986 Joint Motion for prehearing ruling filed by Wm.Case on be- half of The Western Reserve Telephone Company, C. Rawlings on behalf of The Ohio Bell Telephone Company, C. Klepper on behalf of General Telephone Company of Ohio and D. Pines on behalf of AT&T Communications of Ohio, Inc.
09/11/1986 Entry ordering each of the filings submitted by Mr. Dressler be merged into Case No. 85-1398-TP-CSS and be treated only filings of that case and denying the request of General and Western for a staff report.
09/05/1986 Complainant's statement of facts filed by Roland Dressler, dated 8/26/86.
09/05/1986 Complainant's statement of facts filed by Arlene Dressler, dated 8/28/86.
09/05/1986 Complainant's statement of facts filed by R. Dressler dated 9/2/86.
09/05/1986 Complainant's statement of facts filed by Roland Dressler, dated 8/27/86.
09/04/1986 Complainant's statement of fact filed by A. Dressler and R. Dressler.
09/02/1986 Respondent The Western Reserve Telephone Company's Motion to Dismiss the complaints of July 24, August 12, and August 21, 1986 filed by Wm. Case.
08/29/1986 Motion of The Ohio Bell Telephone Company to dismiss complaint filed by C. Rawlings.
08/29/1986 Answer of General Telephone Company of Ohio filed by C. Klepper.
08/27/1986 AT&T Communications of Ohio, Inc.'s motion to dismiss the July 24, 1986 complaint filed by D. Pines.
08/27/1986 AT&T Communications of Ohio, Inc.'s motion to dismiss the August 12 and August 21, 1986 complaints filed by D. Pines.
08/21/1986 Complainant's statement of facts filed by Roland J. Dressler
08/13/1986 Entry scheduling hearing on Monday October 6, 1986 at 10:00 a.m. at the offices of the Commission, that Case No. 86-1487-TP-CSS be merged with Case No. 85-1398-TP-CSS and closing Case No. 86-1487-TP-CSS, and requiring respondents file answers concerning the 7/24/86 complaint within 20 days.
08/01/1986 Trans., for hearing held 7-22-86, (CP) Con't. Vol. I, 1-3 pages.
07/21/1986 Request for production of documents and clarification of material facts, filed by R. Dressler.
07/21/1986 Letter filed by C. Rawlings on behalf of Ohio Bell Telephone Company, Relative to the pre-hearing conference set for July 23, 1986.
07/18/1986 Trans., for hearing held 6-24-86, (GH) Con't. Vol. I, 1-3 pages.
07/17/1986 Motion by respondents, The Western Reserve Telephone Company and General Telephone Company of Ohio for a staff investigation filed by Wm. Case and C. Klepper.
07/17/1986 Entry ordering this matter be called and continued on the previously scheduled hearing date of Tuesday, July 22, 1986; Ordering the prehearing conference be held on Wednesday 23, 1986 at 10:00 a.m. at the offices of the Commission; Ordering that any direct expert testimony in this matter need not be filed at this time.
07/16/1986 Letter filed by Roland J. and Arlene E. Dressler, Relative to having no objection for changing the date for the pre- hearing conference.
07/14/1986 Letter filed by Wm. Case on behalf of the Western Reserve Telephone Company, relative changing the date of the pre- hearing conference.
07/01/1986 Corrected Notice of Examination filed by W. Case on behalf of respondent.
06/30/1986 Notice of Examination filed by W. Case on behalf of Western Reserve Telephone Co.
06/11/1986 Proof of Publication filed. (County/Portage)
06/06/1986 Entry continuing hearing to be held on July 22, 1986, at 10:00 a.m. at the offices of the Commission.
05/27/1986 Motion for Continuance filed by C. Klepper on behalf of General Telephone Company of Ohio.
05/16/1986 Answer of AT&T Communications of Ohio, Inc., filed by D. Pines and D. Parobek.
05/16/1986 Answer of The Ohio Bell Telephone Company, filed by C. Rawlings.
05/16/1986 Answer of Repondents The Western Reserve Telephone Company and Alltel Corporation, filed by W. R. Case.
05/12/1986 Complainants Motion to Protest Deposition by respondents General Telephone Company of Ohio, The Ohio Bell Telephone Company, and AT&T Communications of Ohio, Inc., for Lack of Proper Notice filed by Roland and Arlene Dressler.
05/06/1986 Legal notice sent to Record Courier (Portage County).
04/22/1986 Entry setting hearing for June 24, 1986 at 10:00 A.M. at the offices of the Commission, ordering that The Western Reserve Telephone Company be susstituted for ALltel Corpora- tion as one of the respondents; that the various motions to dismiss filed by Western Reserve/Alltel, Ohio Bell and AT&T are hereby denied; that all other motions be will not be ruled upon, that the 3 respondents who initially filed motions rather than answers be afforded until May 12, 1986 to file written answers.
04/10/1986 Second request for production of documoents and tangible things filed by w. Case on behalf of responodents.
04/10/1986 Seconod notice of examination filed by W. Case onbehalfof Respondents.
04/07/1986 Letter filed by C. Klepper, on behalf of General Telephone Company of Ohio, Relative to Motions on file with the Commission should be decided before the hearing is set.
03/20/1986 Letter from P. Duffy to Complainants advising that the case will be set for hearing.
11/24/1985 Answer filed.
10/21/1985 Case filed.