DIS - Case Record for 83-0869-TP-COI Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
03/18/1993 Entry ordering that OCC's February 28, 1991 motion be denied; that any LEC selling or renting marketed lists include the notice in its directory set forth in Finding 4; that this case be closed of record.
03/04/1993 Notice of withdrawal of counsel and designation of new trial attorney, filed on behalf of OCC by B. Cohen.
03/07/1991 Entry ordering that interested persons need not file their memoranda contra the OCC motion at this time; the Commission will issue a subsequent entry informing interested persons on the procedures to be followed in filing their memoranda contra. (AE)
02/28/1991 Motion for the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio to establish minimum standards for telephone privacy or, in the alternative, to open an investigation for the purpose of establishing minimum telephone privacy standards and memorandum in support filed on behalf of OCC by Y. Ranft.
10/19/1990 Letter discussing the company's business office's answering time for the the months of July and August l990, in accordance with the Commission's Finding and Order of October l8, l988, filed on behalf of Central Telephone Company by J. Brueck.
09/04/1990 Information response filed on behalf of Centel by J. Brueck.
07/23/1990 Memorandum contra the revised motion of North Central Mental Health Services for Limited Intervention and reply memorandum to memorandum contra Ohio Bell's application filed on behalf of Ohio Bell by W. Hunt.
07/03/1990 Revised Motion for limited intervention and memorandum contra to Ohio Bell's application of April 30, l990 for modification of the rules regarding disclosure of non-published numbers and memorandum in support filed on behalf of North Central Mental Health Services by C. Schneider.
06/28/1990 Entry denying OCC's March 22, l990 motion and ordering the Staff of the Consumer Services Department to schedule a meeting with OCC and OTA and report to the Commission whether further action is necessary.
06/26/1990 Memorandum contra of Ohio Bell the motion of North Central Mental Health Services for limited intervention and reply memorandum to memorandum contra Ohio Bell's application filed by W. Hunt and M. Karson.
06/22/1990 Additional supplemental comments filed on behalf of the OCC by B. Cohen.
06/14/1990 Reply memorandum to Ohio Bell's memorandum contra filed on behalf of the Ohio Association of chiefs of Police; the Ohio State Highway Patrol; the United Treasury Department, Bureau of Alcohol, tobacco, and Firearms; the Fraternal Order of Police of Ohio, Inc.; the Buckeye State Sheriff's Association; the United States Immigration and Naturalization Service, Department of Justice; and the United States Secret Service by J. Gilchrist.
06/11/1990 Resolution filed on behalf of Choices for Victims of Domestic Violence by G. Leonard.
06/08/1990 Motion for limited intervention and memorandum contra to Ohio Bell's application of April 30, l990 for "Caller ID" filed on behalf of North Central Mental Health Services by C. Schneider.
06/05/1990 Memorandum contra the motion of the Ohio Association of Chiefs of Police, et al. for limited intervention and reply memorandum to memorandum contra Ohio Bell's application filed on behalf of Ohio Bell by W. Hunt and M. Karson.
05/29/1990 Reply memorandum to OCC's memorandum contra Ohio Bell's application for permanent modification of, or an exemption from Ohio Administrative Code 490l:l-5-09(H), filed on behalf of Ohio Bell by W. Hunt.
05/18/1990 Motion for limited intervention and memorandum contra Ohio Bell's April 30, l990 application filed on behalf of the Ohio Association of Chiefs of Police; Ohio State Highway Patrol; the United States Treasury Department, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms; the Buckeye State Sheriffs' Association; the United States Immigration and Naturalization Service, Department of Justice; and the U. S. Secret Service by J. Gilchrist.
05/18/1990 Memorandum contra Ohio Bell's application for rule modification or exemption allowing it to disclose nonpublished telephone numbers through caller ID service filed on behalf of the OCC by B. Weston.
05/17/1990 Motion to intervene and memorandum contra Ohio Bell's application for permanent modification of, or an exemption from, Rule 490l:l-5-09(H) and memorandum in support filed on behalf of the Ohio Domestic Violence Network by J. Midgen.
04/30/1990 Application for permanent modification of, or an exemption from Ohio Administrative Code #490l:l-5-09(H) filed on behalf of Ohio Bell by W. Hunt.
04/19/1990 Reply memorandum filed on behalf of the OCC by B. Cohen.
04/17/1990 Revised tariffs, PUCO No. 8, filed on behalf of Continental Telephone Company by R. Cloncs.
04/17/1990 Revised tariffs, PUCO No. l, and PUCO No. 5, filed on behalf of Little Miami Communications Corporation by R. Cloncs.
04/17/1990 Revised tariffs, PUCO No. 8, filed on behalf of Arcadia Telephone Company by R. Cloncs.
04/09/1990 Memorandum contra OCC's motion concerning the Company's compliance with Rule 490l:l-5-05(A) filed on behalf of Ohio Bell by C. Rawlings.
04/02/1990 Revised tariffs, PUCO No. l2, filed on behalf of applicant by J. Brueck.
03/30/1990 Revised tariffs, PUCO No. 4, filed on behalf of Cincinnati Bell by S. Rings, Jr.
03/26/1990 Revised tariffs, PUCO No. 7, filed on behalf of The Germantown Independent Telephone Company by R. Kern.
03/23/1990 Master Tariff Index pages, revised tariff sheets, filed on behalf of Cincinnati Bell Telephone by R. Sigmon.
03/22/1990 Motion for an order requiring the Ohio Bell Telephone Company to comply with Ohio Administrative Code Rule 490l:l-5-05(A) filed on behalf of OCC by B. Cohen.
03/20/1990 Entry giving those LECs, which can not comply with Rule 490l:l-5-22 (D)(l)(a) and (b), an alternative method of compliance.
03/16/1990 Revised tariffs, Exchange and Network Services Tariff, PUCO No. l and Private Line Service Tariff, PUCO no. 2, filed on behalf of Ohio Bell by A. Krekel.
03/13/1990 Revised tariff sheets, PUCO No. 7, filed on behalf of The Germantown Independent Telephone Company by T. Lodge.
03/13/1990 Entry approving proposed tariffs submitted by the local exchange companies listed in this entry.
01/24/1990 Entry granting waivers for Vaughnsville and Kalida from compliances with Rule 490l:l-5-05 OAC until 4/30/90.
01/02/1990 Letter regarding Fort Jennings Telephone Company's request for waiver filed on behalf of Vaughnsville Telephone Company, Inc. by R. Rimer and Kalida Telephone Co. by R. Miller.
12/22/1989 Tariff sheets PUCO No. 5 filed on behalf of Fayetteville Telephone Company by P. Clampitt.
11/21/1989 Entry granting Fort Jennings waiver from compliance with Rule 490l:l-5-05 O.A.C. until 4/30/90.
10/12/1989 Request for exemption by The Fort Jennings Telephone Company filed by S. Berelsman.
10/10/1989 Tariff sheets, PUCO No. 12, filed by J. Brueck on behalf of Central Telephone Company of Ohio.
09/01/1989 Information response filed by J. Brueck on behalf of Central Telephone Company.
08/14/1989 Tariff sheets, PUCO No. 8, filed by P. Clampitt on behalf of the following companies. Arcadia Telephone Company Continental Telephone Company Fayetteville Telephone Company Harlan Telephone Company.
08/04/1989 Tariff sheets submitted for the following companies by R. Cloncs, of Telephone and Data Systems, Inc. Arcadia Telephone Company Continental Telephone Company Fayetteville Telephone Company Harlan Telephone Company
07/18/1989 Entry granting GTE's request for temporary waivers and deny- ing United's request for exemption from compliance with Rule 4901:1-5-22(D) (1) (C), O.A.C. Dissenting Opinion of Commissioner Schriber.
05/09/1989 Tariff sheets, PUCO No. 7, filed by B. Stonebraker on behalf of Cincinnati Bell Telephone Company.
04/12/1989 Entry denying OCC's application for rehearing.
04/03/1989 Memorandum of The Ohio Telephone Association in opposition to the application for rehearing of the Office of the Consumers' Counsel filed by R. Prohaksa.
04/03/1989 The Ohio Bell Telephone Company's memorandum OCC's contra OCC's application for rehearing filed by C. Rawlings.
03/31/1989 Revised tariff sheets, PUCO No. 8, filed by Wm. Schneider on behalf of Continental Telephone Company.
03/31/1989 Tariff sheets, PUCO No. 8, filed by Wm. Schneider on behalf of Fayetteville Telephone Company.
03/31/1989 Revised tariff sheets, PUCO No. 5, filed by Wm. Schneider on behalf of Harlan Telephone Company.
03/31/1989 Revised tariff sheets, PUCO No. 8, filed by Wm. Schneider on behalf of Arcadia Telephone Company.
03/24/1989 Application for Rehearing of The Office of the Consumers' Counsel filed by B. Cohen.
03/23/1989 Information Response filed by B. Kazee on behalf of GTE North Incorporated.
03/22/1989 Supplemental Information Response and Request for temporary exemption filed by T. Jacobs on behalf of United Telephone Company.
03/16/1989 Application for waiver and memorandum in support filed by T. Jacobs on behalf of United Telephone Company of Ohio.
03/14/1989 Information Response of United Telephone Company of Ohio, filed by T. Jacobs.
02/22/1989 Entry dealing with waiver requests on a company-by-company basis.
02/16/1989 Response of the Office of the Consumers' Counsel to requests for exemptions from the minimum telephone standards filed by B. Cohen.
02/02/1989 Attachment 1 and 2, which were omitted from Application for Waiver filed by B. Kazee on behalf of GTE North Incorporated
01/31/1989 Application for waiver filed on behalf of GTE North by B. Kazee.
01/27/1989 Motion and memorandum in support of The Vanlue Telephone Company for exemptions filed by J. Sanders.
01/17/1989 Tariff pages PUCO No.1 filed on behalf of Ohio Bell by W. Hunt.
01/11/1989 Notice of service application for waiver of United Telephone Company filed by T. Jacoby.
01/10/1989 Correction to error in Central Telephone Company of Ohio's request for waiver filed by D. Conway.
01/03/1989 Submission of omitted vertification of Telephone Service Company filed by T. Lodge.
01/03/1989 Request for Waiver filed by D. Witte on behalf of Sherwood Mutual Telephone Association, Inc.
01/03/1989 Permanent Exemption #1, filed by R. Miller on behalf of Kalida Telephone Company.
01/03/1989 Request for an extension of time to apply for additional waivers filed by A. Schimmoeller on behalf of The Ottoville Mutual Telephone Co.
01/03/1989 Request for waiver filed by R. Eversman on behalf of The New Knoxville Telephone Company.
12/30/1988 Request for waiver of O.A.C. 4901;1-5-28(B) and 28(F) filed on behalf of Cincinnati Bell Telephone by D. Hills.
12/30/1988 Request for waiver of O.A.C. 4901-5-28 (A) (15) and 28(F) filed on behalf of the Cincinnati Bell Telephone Company by D. Hills.
12/30/1988 Request for waiver of O.A.C. 4901;1-5-28 (L) filed on behalf of Cincinnati Bell Telephone Company by D. Hills.
12/30/1988 Request for waiver of O.A.C. 4901-5-13 (D) filed on behalf of Cincinnati Bell Telephone Company by D. Hills.
12/30/1988 Request for waiver of O.A.C. 4901;1-5-12 filed on behalf of Cincinnati Bell Telephone Company by D. Hills.
12/30/1988 Request for waiver of O.A.C. 4901;1-5-11 (A) filed on behalf of the Cincinnati Bell Telephone by D. Hills.
12/30/1988 Request for waiver of O.A.C. 4901;1-5-07 (F) by Cincinnati Bell Telephone Compamy by D. Hills.
12/30/1988 Request for waivers filed by D. Conway on behalf of Central Telephone Company of Ohio.
12/30/1988 Application for waiver filed on behalf of United Telephone Company by T. Jacobs.
12/30/1988 Requests for exemption filed on behalf of Arcadia Telephone Company; Continental Telephone Company; Fayetteville Telephone Company and Harlan Telehone Company by W. Scheider
12/30/1988 Request for exemption filed on behalf of The Sycamore Telephone Company by W. Schneider.
12/30/1988 Application for exemption of the Minford Telephone Company filed by T. Lodge.
12/30/1988 Application for exemption of Telephone Service Company filed by T. Lodge.
12/30/1988 Application for exemption of the Benton Ridge Telephone Company filed by T. Lodge.
12/30/1988 Application for exemption of the Germantown Independent Telephone Company filed by T. Lodge.
12/30/1988 Permanent Waiver requested by The Farmers Mutual Telephone Company filed by V. Damman.
12/30/1988 Application for exemption of Alltel Ohio, Inc. filed by T. Lodge.
12/30/1988 Application for exemption of The Western Reserve Telephone Company filed by T. Lodge.
12/30/1988 Application for exemption of The Elyria Telephone Company filed by T. Lodge.
12/30/1988 Request for waiver of O.A.C. 4901:1-5-07(C)(4) by Cincinnati Bell Telephone Company, filed by D. Hills.
12/30/1988 Request for Waivers filed by D. Pokorny on behalf of The Orwell Telephone Company.
12/30/1988 Application of The Columbus Grove Telephone Company for exemption filed by E. Belch.
12/30/1988 The Ohio Bell Telephone Company's motion for stay and exemp- tion from certain minimum service standards, filed by C. Rawlings.
12/30/1988 Waiver Request by The Chillicothe Telephone Company filed by F. Dunbar, III.
12/30/1988 Waiver Request by The Chillicothe Telephone Company filed by F. Dunbar, III.
12/29/1988 Request for waiver from rule 4901;1-5-24 (E) filed on behalf of the Vaughnsville Telephone Company.
12/29/1988 Request for waiver from rule 4901;1-5-28 (15) filed on behalf of the Vaughnsville Telephone Company.
12/29/1988 Request for waivers from rule 4901;1-5-07 (E) filed on behalf of the Vaughnsville Telephone Company.
12/29/1988 Request for waivers from standards, 4901;1-5-07, 4901;1- 5-24 and 4901;1-5-28 filed on behalf of the Fort Jinnings Telephone Company.
12/29/1988 Request of The Fort Jennings Telephone Company for Waivers, filed by S. Berelsman.
12/29/1988 Request for Waiver filed by R. Moon on behalf of The Buck- land Telephone Company.
12/29/1988 Request for Waiver filed by T. Ruhe on behalf of The Glandorf Telephone Co. Inc.
12/29/1988 Request for Waiver filed by R. Rimer on behalf of Vaughns- ville Telephone Company.
12/28/1988 Request for Waiver filedby R. Ringler on behalf of The Nova Telephone Company.
12/28/1988 Request for waiver filed by G. Becher on behalf of the Ayersville Telephone Company.
12/27/1988 Request for Waiver filed by J. Sholl on behalf of The Arthur Mutual Telephone Company.
12/27/1988 Tariff sheets, PUCO No. 2, 7, 5 and 4 filed by J. H. Prickett on behalf of Cincinnati Bell Telephone Company.
12/23/1988 Request for waiver filed on behalf of The Ridgeville Telephone Co. by K. Miller.
12/21/1988 Memo stating Chapter 4901:1-5 OAC is filed for adoption, with effective date 12/31/88.
12/20/1988 Entry stating that the Commission will not strictly enforce the directory requirement of Rule 4901:1-5-07(C)(4) during the pendency of Case No. 88-452-TP-COI.
12/07/1988 Entry denying Cincinnati Bell and OCC's application for rehearing.
12/01/1988 Comments filed by H. Miller on behalf of The McClure Tele- phone Company.
11/29/1988 Memorandum contra application for Rehearing of The Office of the Consumers' Counsel filed by B. Kazee on behalf of GTE North Incorporated.
11/28/1988 Memorandum of the Ohio Telephone Association in support of the application for rehearing of Cincinnati Bell Telephone Company and in opposition of the application for rehearing of OCC filed by J.R. Prohaska.
11/28/1988 Memorandum of the Ohio Bell Telephone Company regarding the applications for rehearing filed by OCC and Cincinnati Bell filed by C. Rawlings.
11/28/1988 Office of The Consumers' Counsel's memorandum contra application for rehearing of Cincinnati Bell Telephone Company filed by B. Cohen.
11/17/1988 Application for Rehearing of Cincinnati Bell Telephone Company filed by M. Longencker, Jr.
11/17/1988 Application for Rehearing of The Office of the Consumers' Counsel filed by B. Cohen.
11/02/1988 Letter filed by B. Cohen on behalf of OCC, informing the Commission of their address change.
10/18/1988 Finding and Order adopting rules to become effective at the earliest possible date.
09/22/1988 Comments filed by A. Schimmoeller on behalf of The Ottoville Mutual Telephone Company.
09/20/1988 Trans., for hearing held on 9/7/88, (T.C./A.B./G.G./L.S./ & A.S.) Submitted Vol. I, 1-58 pages.
08/29/1988 Entry ordering that the motion by OTA requesting oral agruments to be granted; Ordering OCC's motion in opposition to the motion for oral agrument is denied; Ordering that the oral agrument shall take place Wednesday, September 7, 1988, at 3:30 p.m., at the offices of the Commission. (AE)
08/18/1988 The Office the Consumer's Counsel's memorandum in opposition to motion for oral agrument of the Ohio Telephone Associa- tion filed by B. Cohen.
08/05/1988 Comments of United Telephone Company filed by E. D'Amato.
08/05/1988 Comments of the Vanlue Telephone Company by J. Sanders.
08/05/1988 Comments of GTE North,Inc. filed by J. Stewart.
08/05/1988 Joint comments of Alltel Ohio, Inc. the Elyria Telephone Company and the Western Reserve Telephone Company by T. Lodge.
08/05/1988 Comments of Cincinnati Bell Telephone Company filed by M. Longenecker, Jr.
08/05/1988 Motion for Oral Agrument and memorandum in support of motion for oral agrument filed by R. Prohaska on behalf of The Ohio Telephone Association.
08/05/1988 Comments of The Ohio Telephone Association filed by R. Prohaska.
08/05/1988 Comments of The Ohio Bell Telephone Company filed by C. Rawlings.
08/05/1988 Supplemental Comments of The Office of the Consumers' Counsel filed by B. Cohen.
07/21/1988 Request for clarification filed on behalf of the Akron Cellular Telephone Co., Canton Cellular Telephone Co., Dayton Cellular Telephone Co., Columbus Cellular Telephone Co., Northern Telephone Co. and Southern Ohio Telephone Co. filed by M. Brandt.
07/20/1988 Comments of The Chillicothe Telephone Company filed by G. Seitz.
07/18/1988 Entry stating that all interested persons be given unitl August 5, 1988 to file written comments. (AE)
07/15/1988 Motion of The Ohio Telephone Association for extension of time and expedited filed R. Prohaska and Memorandum in support of motion.
07/14/1988 Motion of Cincinnati Bell Telephone Company for an extension of time and for an expedited ruling filed by D. Olson.
06/23/1988 Separate Opinion of Commissioner Ashley C. Brown.
06/21/1988 Entry giving interested persons 30 days to file comments.
01/07/1988 Notice of withdrawal of counsel and designation of new trial attorney filed by L. Barth on behalf of OCC.
03/16/1987 Reply Comments of The Vanlue Telephone Company, submitted by J. Sanders.
03/16/1987 Reply Comments of Cincinnati Bell Telephone Company, filed by G. Garfield.
03/16/1987 Reply Comments of United Telephone Company of Ohio, filed by E. DiAmato.
03/16/1987 Reply Comments of The Office of The Consumers' Counsel, filed by L. Barth.
03/16/1987 Reply Comments of The Ohio Telephone Association filed by J. Prohaska.
03/12/1987 Notice of Appearance of Counsel and Designation of Trial Attorney filed by D. Conway on behalf of Central Telephone Company.
03/12/1987 Reply Comments of General Telephone Company of Ohio filed by J. Honabarger.
02/12/1987 Entry granting OCC's motion and that all interested persons shall have thirty days from the date of this Entry in which to file reply comments. (AE)
02/05/1987 Request for Leave to file Reply Comments and Request for an Expedited Ruling of the OCC by L. Barth.
01/28/1987 Comments of The Chillicothe Telephone Company filed by F. Dunbar, III.
01/28/1987 Comments and Exhibit A of the Ohio Telephone Association filed by J. Prohaska.
01/28/1987 Comments of Akron Cellular Telephone Company, Canton Cell- ular Telephone Company, Columbus Cellular Telephone Company Dayton Cellular Telephone Company, Northern Ohio Cellular Telephone Company, and Southern Ohio Telephone Company filed by S. Bloomfield.
01/28/1987 Comments of Consolidated Ceramic Products, Inc. filed by S. Bloomfield.
01/28/1987 Comments of the Ohio Association of Radio Common Carriers filed by S. Bloomfield.
01/28/1987 Comments of OCC filed by L. Barth.
01/28/1987 Comments of Vanlue Telephone Company filed by J. Sanders.
01/28/1987 Response of Cincinnati Bell Telephone Company to Entry of August 26, 1986 filed by G. Garfield.
01/28/1987 Comments of Central Telephone Company of Ohio filed by S. Anderson.
01/28/1987 Comments of United Telephone Company of Ohio filed by E. D'Amato.
01/27/1987 Comments of General Telephone Company of Ohio filed by B. Kazee.
12/16/1986 Entry giving interested persons until 1/28/87 to file comments.
12/05/1986 Motion of The Ohio Telephone Association for an additional extension of time within which to file comments and for an expedited ruling/Memorandum in support of motion filed by A. Raymond Prohaska.
10/22/1986 Entry giving interested persons until 12/29/86 to file written comments.
10/08/1986 Motion of The Ohio Telephone Association for extension of time within which to file comments filed by J. R. Prohaska.
08/26/1986 Entry inviting interested persons to file comments by 10/27/86.
06/23/1983 Case filed.