DIS - Case Record for 21-0180-GA-RDR Skip to main content
CASE DESCRIPTION: Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. EFBS/FBS 2021
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
05/01/2023 Case Action Form closing cases effective 5/1/23 electronically filed by Debbie S. Ryan on behalf of Patricia A. Schabo, Attorney Examiner, Public Utilities Commission of Ohio.
11/30/2021 Notice of Withdrawal of Bethany Allen as Counsel and Substitution with Michael Nugent and Evan Betterton for Interstate Gas Supply, Inc. and IGS Solar, LLC electronically filed by Mr. Evan F. Betterton on behalf of Interstate Gas Supply, Inc. and IGS Solar, LLC.
08/26/2021 P.U.C.O. Gas No. 18 Tariff Duke Energy FBS, EFBS and IMBS September 2021 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Kern, Jeff and Duke Energy Ohio and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs.
08/25/2021 Service Notice
08/25/2021 Finding & Order approving the application of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc., as amended, to adjust the rates of its firm balancing service rider, enhanced firm balancing service rider, and interruptible monthly balancing service tariffs to the extent set forth in this Finding and Order electronically filed by Kelli C. King on behalf of The Public Utilities Commission of Ohio.
08/02/2021 Reply Comments of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. electronically filed by Mrs. Tammy M. Meyer on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc., Rocco D'Ascenzo and Jeanne W. Kingery.
08/02/2021 Reply Comments of the Staff of the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio electronically filed by Mrs. Kimberly M. Naeder on behalf of PUCO.
07/23/2021 Initial Comments electronically filed by Mrs. Gretchen L. Petrucci on behalf of Retail Energy Supply Association.
07/08/2021 Request to Revise Tariffs to Eliminate New Confiscation Provisions electronically filed by Carys Cochern on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc.
06/30/2021 Service Notice.
06/30/2021 Attorney Examiner Entry ordering that the procedural schedule set forth in Paragraph 10 be adopted and granting the motions to intervene in these proceedings filed by IGS, RESA, and OCC electronically filed by Kelli C. King on behalf of Sarah J. Parrot, Attorney Examiner, Public Utilities Commission of Ohio.
05/26/2021 Motion to Intervene and memorandum in support by Office of The Ohio Consumers' Counsel electronically filed by Mrs. Tracy J Greene on behalf of Michael, William J.
04/16/2021 Motion to Intervene and Memorandum in Support electronically filed by Mrs. Gretchen L. Petrucci on behalf of Retail Energy Supply Association.
04/15/2021 Correspondence Addressing FERC Proceeding electronically filed by Carys Cochern on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc.
04/02/2021 Staff Review and Recommendation in regard to Duke Energy Ohio, Inc.’s application for approval to modify Rider FBS, Rider EFBS and its Tariff regarding Rate IMBS electronically filed by Zee Molter on behalf of PUCO Staff.
03/19/2021 Motion to Intervene and Memorandum in Support of Interstate Gas Supply, Inc. electronically filed by Mr. Michael A Nugent on behalf of Interstate Gas Supply, Inc.
03/12/2021 Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. Revised Exhibit A and Exhibit B electronically filed by Carys Cochern on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc.
03/02/2021 Revised version of Exhibit B for PUCO Gas Tariff No. 18 electronically filed by Ms. Emily Olive on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and D'Ascenzo, Rocco O. Mr. and Kingery, Jeanne W. Ms. and Vaysman, Larisa M. Ms.
03/01/2021 In the Matter of the Application of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. for Approval to Modify Rider FBS, Rider EFBS and Rate IMBS electronically filed by Mrs. Debbie L. Gates on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio Inc., Jeanne W. Kingery, Mr. Rocco O. D'Ascenzo and Larisa Vaysman.