DIS - Case Record for 21-0093-GA-UNC Skip to main content
CASE DESCRIPTION: In the Matter of the Joint Application of Northeast Ohio Natural Gas Corp., Ullico Infrastructure Master Fund, L.P., and Ullico Infrastructure Hearths
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
07/31/2023 Service Notice.
07/31/2023 Attorney Examiner Entry ordering that the Applicants’ motion to extend confidential treatment be granted and confidential treatment of the subject documents be extended to August 9, 2025 in accordance with Paragraph 14 and that the Applicants comply with the directives set forth in Paragraph 15 electronically filed by Debbie S. Ryan on behalf of David M. Hicks, Attorney Examiner, Public Utilities Commission.
05/25/2023 Motion to Extend Confidential Treatment electronically filed by Mr. N. Trevor Alexander on behalf of Northeast Ohio Natural Gas Corp.
09/02/2022 Notice of Withdrawal of Counsel electronically filed by Sarah Siewe on behalf of Ms. Sarah Siewe.
09/02/2022 Notice of withdrawal of Ms. Sarah Siewe electronically filed by Sarah Siewe on behalf of Ms. Sarah Siewe.
08/25/2021 Service Notice.
08/25/2021 Finding & Order adopting the stipulation and recommendation submitted by Northeast Ohio Natural Gas Corp., Ullico Infrastructure Master Fund, L.P., Ullico Infrastructure Hearthstone Holdco, LLC, and Staff regarding the request for approval of the sale and transfer of GEP Bison Holdings, LLC electronically filed by Kelli C. King on behalf of The Public Utilities Commission of Ohio.
08/13/2021 Direct Testimony of Ken Oostman electronically filed by Sarah Siewe on behalf of Northeast Ohio Natural Gas Corp.
08/12/2021 Stipulation and Recommendation electronically filed by Mr. Trevor Alexander on behalf of Northeast Ohio Natural Gas Corp.
08/09/2021 Service Notice
08/09/2021 Attorney Examiner Entry granting the motion for protective order filed by the Applicants on January 27, 2021, in accordance with Paragraph 11 and ordering that the Commission’s Docketing Division maintain, under seal, the information filed confidentially by the Applicants on January 27, 2021, and August 3, 2021, for a period ending 24 months from the date of this Entry, in accordance with Paragraph 12 electronically filed by Kelli C. King on behalf of David M. Hicks, Attorney Examiner, Public Utilities Commission of Ohio.
08/03/2021 Notice of Filing of Re-redacted Agreement electronically filed by Sarah Siewe on behalf of Northeast Ohio Natural Gas Corp.
07/29/2021 Service Notice.
07/29/2021 Attorney Examiner Entry granting the motion to appear pro hac vice filed by Elizabeth M. Brama; requiring applicant to file a redacted version of the agreement for which they are requesting confidential treatment; and that OCC's motion to intervene be granted electronically filed by Ms. Mary E. Fischer on behalf of David M. Hicks, Attorney Examiner, Public Utilities Commission of Ohio.
07/13/2021 Staff Review and Recommendation in regard to the application of Northeast Ohio Natural Gas Corp. for approval of the sale and transfer of ownership interest at an intermediate holding company level electronically filed by Zee Molter on behalf of PUCO Staff
02/19/2021 Motion to Intervene and Memorandum in Support by Office of The Ohio Consumers' Counsel electronically filed by Mrs. Tracy J Greene on behalf of Botschner O'Brien, Amy.
01/27/2021 Confidential Document Target Exhibit B filed by Ina Avalon on behalf of Northeast Ohio Gas Corp., Ullico Infrastructure Master Fund, and Ullico Infrastructure Hearthstone Holdco, LLC. (91 pages)
01/27/2021 Motion and memorandum in support Northeast Ohio Natural Gas Corp., Ullico Infrastructure Master Fund, L.P., and Ullico Infrastructure Hearthstone Holdco, LLC's Motion for Protective Order and Memorandum in Support electronically filed by Ina Avalon on behalf of Ullico Infrastructure Master Fund, L.P. and Ullico Infrastructure Hearthstone Holdco, LLC.
01/27/2021 Motion for Permission to Appear Pro Hac Vice of Elizabeth M. Brama electronically filed by Ina Avalon on behalf of Ullico Infrastructure Master Fund, L.P. and Ullico Infrastructure Hearthstone Holdco, LLC.
01/27/2021 In the matter of the Joint Application of Northeast Ohio Natural Gas Corp., Ullico Infrastructure Master Fund, L.P., and Ullico Infrastructure Hearthstone Holdco, LLC for Approval of the Sale and Transfer of GEP Bison Holdings, Inc. and Request for Expedited Approval electronically filed by Ina Avalon on behalf of Ullico Infrastructure Master Fund, L.P. and Ullico Infrastructure Hearthstone Holdco, LLC.