Date Filed | Summary | Pages |
02/02/2023 | Case Action Form closing the case with an effective date of 02/02/23 filed by Matthew J. Sandor on behalf of PUCO Staff. | 1 |
06/01/2022 | Service Notice. | 1 |
06/01/2022 | Entry granting Staff’s motion to dismiss the alleged violations of transportation regulations electronically filed by Ms. Mary E. Fischer on behalf of Public Utilities Commission of Ohio. | 3 |
04/22/2022 | Motion to Dismiss and Memorandum in Support electronically filed by Mrs. Tonnetta Y. Scott on behalf of PUCO. | 4 |
04/20/2022 | Service Notice. | 1 |
04/20/2022 | Attorney Examiner Entry ordering that a hearing be scheduled for June 13, 2022, in accordance with Paragraph 4 electronically filed by Kelli C. King on behalf of Matthew Sandor, Attorney Examiner, Public Utilities Commission of Ohio. | 3 |
02/12/2021 | Service Notice. | 1 |
02/12/2021 | Attorney Examiner Entry ordering that the prehearing teleconference be scheduled for February 25, 2021, as discussed in Paragraph 4. electronically filed by Heather A Chilcote on behalf of Matthew Sandor, Attorney Examiner, Public Utilities Commission of Ohio. | 2 |
01/22/2021 | In the Matter of the Request for Administrative Hearing filed by Katherine L. Jerry on behalf of XTE, Inc. (OH0228000648C) | 10 |