DIS - Case Record for 21-0011-EL-CSS Skip to main content
CASE DESCRIPTION: Michael S Roote vs The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
06/12/2024 Service Notice.
06/12/2024 Entry Second on Rehearing ordering that the Commission denies the application for rehearing filed by Michael S. Roote electronically filed by Ms. Donielle M. Hunter on behalf of Public Utilities Commission of Ohio.
04/08/2024 Public Media Target: Audio/CD files filed in conjunction with correspondence on 11/18/21 filed by Michael S. Roote and revised Media Target electronically filed by Docketing Staff on behalf of Michael S. Roote.
08/23/2023 Notice of Material Change of Business Address filed by Christopher A. Rogers on behalf of Benesch, Friedlander, Coplan & Aronoff, LLP.
08/21/2023 Notice of Material Change to Attorney Address filed by Christopher A. Rogers on behalf of Benesch, Friedlander, Coplan & Aronoff LLP.
07/18/2023 Report Regarding Changes to Training Materials Involving the NESC electronically filed by Ms. Christine E. Watchorn on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company.
07/18/2023 Report Regarding Improved Process for Training of In-the-Field Employees electronically filed by Ms. Christine E. Watchorn on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company.
07/18/2023 Report Regarding Improved Process for Customer-Reported Hazard Calls electronically filed by Ms. Christine E. Watchorn on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company.
06/14/2023 Service Notice.
06/14/2023 Entry on Rehearing granting the application for rehearing filed by Michael S. Roote, for the limited purpose of further consideration of the matters specified therein electronically filed by Ms. Mary E. Fischer on behalf of Public Utilities Commission of Ohio.
06/02/2023 Comments on CEI Meter Testing Report electronically filed by Mr. Michael S. Roote on behalf of Roote, Michael S. Mr.
06/01/2023 Report of Meter Inspection electronically filed by Ms. Christine E. Watchorn on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company.
05/30/2023 Memorandum Contra to Complainant's Application for Rehearing electronically filed by Mr. Christopher Rogers on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company.
05/17/2023 Application for Rehearing of Commission Ruling and Order of 04/19/23 and Memorandum in Support electronically filed by Mr. Michael S. Roote, Complainant.
04/19/2023 Service Notice.
04/19/2023 Opinion & Order finding that Michael S. Roote failed to carry the burden of proving that The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company provided unreasonable service. However, the Commission directs The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company to file the reports described herein related to issues brought to light by Mr. Roote’s complaint electronically filed by Debbie S. Ryan on behalf of Public Utilities Commission of Ohio.
12/15/2022 Notice of Ex Parte Communication pursuant to Ohio Adm.Code 4901-1-09 electronically filed by Mr. Michael S. Roote, Complainant.
05/10/2022 Service Notice - Notice of Ex Parte Communication Served by E-Mail & USPS Mail.
05/10/2022 Notice of Ex Parte Communication pursuant to Ohio Adm.Code 4901-1-09 electronically filed by Ms. Mary E. Fischer on behalf of Public Utilities Commission of Ohio.
03/09/2022 Post-Hearing Reply Brief electronically filed by Mr. Christopher Rogers on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company.
03/09/2022 Reply to CEI Initial Post Hearing Brief. electronically filed by Mr. Michael S. Roote on behalf of Roote, Michael S Mr.
02/16/2022 Initial Post-Hearing Brief electronically filed by Mr. Christopher Rogers on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company.
02/14/2022 Michael S. Roote's Post Hearing Arguments and References electronically filed by Mr. Michael S. Roote on behalf of Roote, Michael S Mr.
01/05/2022 Transcript (Volume II) for hearing held on 12/20/21 at 10:00 a.m. via Webex before Attorney Examiner Mr. Matthew Sandor electronically filed by Mr. Ken Spencer on behalf of Armstrong & Okey, Inc. and Gibson, Karen Sue Mrs.
01/04/2022 Transcript for Hearing Held on Tuesday, December 14, 2021 at 10:02 a.m. at the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio, via Wabex, before the Honorable Matthew Sandor, Attorney Examiner electronically filed by Mr. Ken Spencer on behalf of Armstrong & Okey, Inc. and Gibson, Karen Sue Mrs.
12/08/2021 Exhibit BD and BE, Allstate v CEI and Appellee Brief submitted for same. electronically filed by Mr. Michael S. Roote on behalf of Roote, Michael S Mr.
12/07/2021 Exhibit AG CEI Power Computer Logs Screen Shot electronically filed by Mr. Michael S. Roote, Complainant.
11/30/2021 Direct Testimony of Bret Ingram electronically filed by Mr. Christopher Rogers on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company.
11/30/2021 Direct Testimony of Robert Kozak electronically filed by Mr. Christopher Rogers on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company.
11/29/2021 Notice of Designation of Counsel of Record electronically filed by Mr. Christopher Rogers on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company.
11/26/2021 Exhibit BC Complainant's Answer to Respondent's 2nd Set of Request for Discovery electronically filed by Mr. Michael S. Roote, Complainant.
11/24/2021 Exhibit BA First Energy Consumer Guide for Electric Service with Service Entrance definition electronically filed by Mr. Michael S. Roote, Complainant.
11/24/2021 Exhibit AZ First Energy Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the Federal Government wherein they admit to being a Criminal Enterprise and pay a $250 Million fine electronically filed by Mr. Michael S. Roote, Complainant.
11/24/2021 Service Notice
11/24/2021 Attorney Examiner Entry denying Complainant’s motion to compel. electronically filed by Kelli C. King on behalf of Matthew Sandor, Attorney Examiner, Public Utilities Commission of Ohio.
11/23/2021 Exhibit AY Respondent's Answers to Complainant's Request for Admissions electronically filed by Mr. Michael S. Roote on behalf of Roote, Michael S Mr.
11/23/2021 Exhibit AX Complainant's First Set of Requests for Admission electronically filed by Mr. Michael S. Roote on behalf of Roote, Michael S Mr.
11/23/2021 Exhibit AW Respondent's Answers to Complainant's Request for Discovery electronically filed by Mr. Michael S. Roote on behalf of Roote, Michael S Mr.
11/23/2021 Exhibit AV Complainant's First Set of Discovery Requests including Interrogatories and Requests for Production electronically filed by Mr. Michael S. Roote on behalf of Roote, Michael S Mr.
11/22/2021 Memorandum Contra to Complainant's Motion to Compel electronically filed by Mr. Christopher Rogers on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company.
11/19/2021 Return Notice of Subpoena with USPS receipt to Tyler Henry electronically filed by Mr. Michael S. Roote, Complainant.
11/18/2021 Notice of Filing of Exhibits AP-AR (Recordings of Teleconferences) filed by Michael S Roote, Complainant.
11/16/2021 Service Notice.
11/16/2021 Attorney Examiner Entry ordering that CEI file its memorandum contra Complainant’s motion to compel by November 22, 2021 electronically filed by Kelli C. King on behalf of Matthew Sandor, Attorney Examiner, Public Utilities Commission of Ohio.
11/15/2021 Exhibit: AU PUCO Case - Public Records Document of Complaint filed by Michael Roote electronically filed by Mr. Michael S. Roote, Complainant.
11/15/2021 Motion to Compel Discovery and Memorandum in Support electronically filed by Mr. Michael S. Roote, Complainant.
11/10/2021 Revised Subpoena for Tyler R. Henry filed by PUCO Staff.
11/10/2021 Subpoena Revised to include correct typographical and to correct "on application of" entry electronically filed by Mr. Michael S. Roote on behalf of Roote, Michael S Mr.
11/05/2021 Subpoena for Mr. Tyler Henry of CEI electronically filed by Mr. Michael S. Roote, Complainant.
11/05/2021 Motion for Requesting the Issuance of a Subpoena for Mr. Tyler Henry of CEI and Memorandum in Support electronically filed by Mr. Michael S. Roote, Complainant.
11/02/2021 Exhibit Newspaper Article electronically filed by Mr. Michael S. Roote.
11/02/2021 Notice of Intent to file Motion for Order to Compel Discovery electronically filed by Mr. Michael S. Roote.
10/29/2021 Affidavit of Jeffrey Roote regarding damages and repairs to service entry at Complainant's Property electronically filed by Mr. Michael S. Roote.
10/28/2021 Exhibit - News article on $230 million in criminal penalties paid by FirstEnergy electronically filed by Mr. Michael S. Roote on behalf of Roote, Michael S. Mr.
10/27/2021 Service Notice
10/27/2021 Attorney Examiner Entry denying Complainant’s motion requesting the recording of deposition by other than stenographic means electronically filed by Kelli C. King on behalf of Matthew Sandor, Attorney Examiner, Public Utilities Commission of Ohio.
10/20/2021 The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company's Notice of Withdrawal of Request to file Sur-Reply electronically filed by Mr. Christopher Rogers on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company.
10/19/2021 Michael S Roote's Reply Memorandum to Respondent's Memorandum Contra for Motion Requesting the Recording of Depositions by Other than Stenographic Means electronically filed by Mr. Michael S Roote on behalf of Roote, Michael S Mr.
10/12/2021 The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company's Memorandum Contra to complainant's motion requesting the recording of depositions by other than stenographic means electronically filed by Mr. Christopher Rogers on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company.
09/29/2021 Exhibit AQ - PUCO Public Record Recording of Phone Call with Complainant discussing CEI Unsafe Practices electronically filed by Mr. Michael S. Roote.
09/27/2021 Motion requesting the recording of depositions by other than stenographic means electronically filed by Mr. Michael S. Roote on behalf of Roote, Michael S. Mr.
09/21/2021 Service Notice.
09/21/2021 Attorney Examiner Entry granting Complainant’s request for continuance and ordering that the procedural schedule established in Paragraph 13 be observed by the parties electronically filed by Kelli C. King on behalf of Matthew Sandor, Attorney Examiner, Public Utilities Commission of Ohio.
09/16/2021 Public media target for Exhibits G-0 filed by Michael Roote on behalf of Michael Roote, Complainant. (Ram files located on a CD)
09/16/2021 Respondent's notice of non-opposition to complainant's request for continuance electronically filed by Mr. Christopher Rogers on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company.
09/14/2021 First Request for Continuance electronically filed by Mr. Michael S Roote on behalf of Roote, Michael S Mr.
09/08/2021 Public Comment Letter from Honorable State Representative Diane V. Grendell to CEI suggesting proposed corrective action, published with permission and electronically filed by Mr. Michael S. Roote.
09/02/2021 Exhibit P - NFPA Research - Home Electrical Fires Report electronically filed by Mr. Michael S. Roote.
09/02/2021 Log Spreadsheet REV 1 as of 9/2/2021 electronically filed by Mr. Michael S. Roote on behalf of Roote, Michael S. Mr.
09/01/2021 Exhibit - Spreadsheet Log - 09/01/21 electronically filed by Mr. Michael S. Roote.
08/27/2021 Notice of Appearance of Christopher A. Rogers electronically filed by Mr. Christopher Rogers on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company.
08/27/2021 Exhibits AF - AO, CORRECTED, complainant response to interrogatories and request of production electronically filed by Mr. Michael S. Roote on behalf of Roote, Michael S. Mr.
08/27/2021 Complainant response, Exhibits AF - AO, to interrogatories and request for production electronically filed by Mr. Michael S. Roote on behalf of Roote, Michael S. Mr.
08/26/2021 Public Comment Opinion regarding PUCO Complaint process from CEI customer. electronically filed by Mr. Michael S Roote on behalf of Roote, Michael S Mr.
08/26/2021 Exhibit CEI Computer Screen Captures - Various electronically filed by Mr. Michael S Roote on behalf of Roote, Michael S Mr.
08/25/2021 Exhibits G-O: Voice recordings of calls between CEI and Complainant from 12/1/20 to 12/20/20 requesting service electronically filed by Mr. Michael S. Roote.
08/24/2021 Exhibits B-F electronically filed by and on behalf of Mr. Michael S Roote.
08/24/2021 Exhibit A, Email, Summary of Investigation provided to complainant December 16, 2020.electronically filed by and on behalf of Mr. Michael S Roote.
06/24/2021 Service Notice.
06/24/2021 Attorney Examiner Entry dismissing the complaint, in part, as detailed herein; and scheduling the evidentiary hearing for October 5, 2021 with testimony due September 21, 2021 electronically filed by Ms. Mary E Fischer on behalf of Matthew Sandor, Attorney Examiner, Public Utilities Commission of Ohio.
05/13/2021 Service Notice
05/13/2021 Attorney Examiner Entry scheduling a procedural prehearing teleconference for 6.23.21 at 10:00 a.m. electronically filed by Kelli C. King on behalf of Matthew Sandor, Attorney Examiner, Public Utilities Commission of Ohio.
04/29/2021 Notice of Substitution of Counsel For The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company electronically filed by Mr. Jaquan S. Williams on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company.
02/02/2021 Service Notice.
02/02/2021 Attorney Examiner Entry scheduling a telephonic settlement conference for 2.25.21 at 10:00 a.m. electronically filed by Kelli C. King on behalf of Matthew Sandor, Attorney Examiner, Public Utilities Commission of Ohio.
01/25/2021 Answer electronically filed by Ms. Gretchen L. Jewell on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company.
01/05/2021 Complaint Service Letter and copy of complaint mailed to The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company attn: Brad Bingaman.
01/05/2021 Complaint Response Letter and brochure sent to Michael S Roote.
01/05/2021 In the Matter of the complaint of Michael S Roote vs The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company for alleged unsafe business practices.