DIS - Case Record for 18-1685-TP-UNC Skip to main content
CASE DESCRIPTION: Cincinnati Bell Extended Territories LLC
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
05/02/2024 Service Notice.
05/02/2024 Administrative Law Judge Entry ordering that the motion for extension of the protective orders be granted and the Docketing Division continue to maintain the designated information under seal in accordance with Paragraphs 7 and 8; and that CBET perform an evaluation of the protected information in accordance with Paragraph 9 electronically filed by Ms. Donielle M. Hunter on behalf of Ian S. Kieffer, Administrative Law Judge, Public Utilities Commission of Ohio.
02/16/2024 altafiber Annual RDOF Deployment Report electronically filed by Chris Blanton on behalf of Cincinnati Bell Extended Territories LLC.
03/21/2023 altafiber Annual RDOF Deployment Report electronically filed by Ms. Patricia L. Rupich on behalf of Cincinnati Bell Extended Territories LLC.
03/13/2023 Motion of Cincinnati Bell Extended Territories LLC to Extend Protective Order and Memorandum in Support electronically filed by Mr. Douglas E. Hart on behalf of Cincinnati Bell Extended Territories LLC.
01/21/2022 FCC RDOF Authorization Notice and Affidavit of Competitive ETC Intention electronically filed by Ms. Patricia L Rupich on behalf of Cincinnati Bell Extended Territories LLC.
05/05/2021 Service Notice.
05/05/2021 Supplemental Finding & Order expanding Cincinnati Bell Extended Territories LLC’s competitive eligible carrier designation area to include its Rural Digital Opportunity Fund Phase I auction awarded census blocks electronically filed by Heather A. Chilcote on behalf of Public Utilities Commission of Ohio.
05/04/2021 Staff Review and Recommendation electronically filed by Mrs. Tanika Hawkins on behalf of PUCO Staff.
04/23/2021 Second Supplemental Filing electronically filed by Mr. Douglas E. Hart on behalf of Cincinnati Bell Extended Territories LLC.
03/17/2021 Amended Application Supplemental Filing electronically filed by Mr. Douglas E. Hart on behalf of Cincinnati Bell Extended Territories LLC.
03/17/2021 Renewed Motion to Extend Protective Order and Memorandum in Support filed by D. Hart on behalf of Cincinnati Bell Extended Territories LLC.
03/17/2021 Confidential Document Target: Application for Cincinnati Bell Extended Territories, LLC filed by D. Hart on behalf of Cincinnati Bell Extended Territories, LLC. (46 pages)
03/11/2021 Petition of Cincinnati Bell Extended Territories LLC for Expansion of its CETC Designation Area to Include its RDOF Phase I Auction Awarded Census Blocks electronically filed by Ms. Patricia L Rupich on behalf of Cincinnati Bell Extended Territories LLC.
02/17/2021 Cincinnati Bell Extended Territories Annual Report on CAF II Auction Deployment electronically filed by Ms. Patricia L Rupich on behalf of Cincinnati Bell Extended Territories LLC.
02/10/2021 Motion to Extend Protective Order and memorandum in support electronically filed by Mr. Douglas E. Hart on behalf of Cincinnati Bell Extended Territories LLC.
05/17/2019 Supplemental Filing of Cincinnati Bell Extended Territories LLC regarding its intent to operate as a high-cost CETC electronically filed by Ms. Patricia L Rupich on behalf of Cincinnati Bell Extended Territories LLC.
02/06/2019 Service Notice
02/06/2019 Finding and Order stating that CBET is conditionally designated as a high-cost, competitive ETC for the purpose of CAF II funding in the applicable census blocks, subject to its obtaining final FCC approval at the conclusion of the auction process.
01/23/2019 Supplement to Petition of Cincinnati Bell Extended Territories LLC for Designation as a Competitive Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Within Its Connect America Fund Phase II Auction Awarded Census Block Group electronically filed by Ms. Patricia L Rupich on behalf of Cincinnati Bell Extended Territories LLC.
11/14/2018 Request for Waiver of Requirement to File a five-Year Plan electronically filed by Ms. Patricia L Rupich on behalf of Cincinnati Bell Extended Territories LLC.
11/14/2018 In the matter of the application for Petition of Cincinnati Bell Extended Territories LLC for Designation as a Competitive Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Within Its Connect America Fund Phase II Auction Awarded Census Block Group electronically filed by Ms. Patricia L Rupich on behalf of Cincinnati Bell Extended Territories LLC
11/14/2018 Confidential treatment of document FCC Form 683 Technology and System Design Plan filed by D. Hart on behalf of Cincinnati Bell Extended Territories LLC. (pg ct 9)
11/14/2018 Motion of Cincinnati Bell Extended Territories, LLC for Protective Order and Memorandum in Support filed by Douglas E. Hart on behalf of Cincinnati Bell Extended Territories LLC.