DIS - Case Record for 18-1453-GA-ATA Skip to main content
CASE DESCRIPTION: Duke Energy Ohio, Inc.
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
03/01/2021 Case Action Form closing case with an effective date of 02/26/21 electronically filed by Kelli C. King on behalf of Sarah J. Parrot, Attorney Examiner, Public Utilities Commission of Ohio.
01/31/2020 Notice of Withdrawal of Counsel electronically filed by Mrs. Tammy M Meyer on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio Inc. and D'Ascenzo, Rocco and Vaysman, Larisa.
04/24/2019 Service Notice.
04/24/2019 Revised Tariff Pages, PUCO Gas No. 18, Duke Energy Ohio AMRP May 2019 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio, Mrs. Sarah Lawler and Mrs. Julie Ann Lee.
04/24/2019 Finding and Order ordering that OCC's motion to intervene be granted; that Duke's application to adjust its rates for Rider AMRP be approved, subject to Staff's Recommendations; that Duke is authorized to file final form tariffs with this Finding and Order and that Duke shall file one copy in these case dockets and one copy in its TRF docket.
03/22/2019 Correspondence Statement by Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. Regarding Resolution of Issues Raised in Comments electronically filed by Dianne Kuhnell on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. and Rocco D'Ascenzo and Watts, Elizabeth H.
03/21/2019 Comments and Recommendations electronically filed by Ms. Tonnetta Scott on behalf of PUC.
03/08/2019 Attorney Examiner Entry setting procedural schedule in accordance with Paragraph 4 and directing parties adhere to the processes established in Paragraphs 5 an 6 - electronically filed by Sandra Coffey on behalf of Stacie Cathcart, Attorney Examiner, Public Utilities Commission of Ohio.
03/08/2019 Service Notice
02/25/2019 Direct Testimony of Sarah E. Lawler on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. electronically filed by Mrs. Debbie L. Gates on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio Inc., Mr. Rocco O. D'Ascenzo and Elizabeth H. Watts.
02/25/2019 Application of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. for an Adjustment to Rider AMRP Gas Rates and for Tariff approval electronically filed by Mrs. Debbie L. Gates on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio Inc., Elizabeth H. Watts and Mr. Rocco O. D'Ascenzo.
01/08/2019 Motion to Intervene by the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel electronically filed by Ms. Deb J. Bingham on behalf of Botschner-O'Brien, Amy
11/28/2018 In the Matter of the Pre-Filing Notice of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. for approval of an adjustment to its Rider AMRP rates and tariff approval electronically filed by Carys Cochern on behalf of Duke Energy.