DIS - Case Record for 18-0976-EL-USF Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
04/19/2024 Notice of withdrawal of counsel electronically filed by Ms. Jill R. Olbrysh Sustar on behalf of Knipe, Brian Mr. and Ohio Edison Company and The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company and The Toledo Edison Company.
06/09/2023 Notice of Appearance and Substitution of Counsel of Record electronically filed by Ms. Kristen M. Fling on behalf of Ohio Edison Company and The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company and The Toledo Edison Company.
11/28/2022 Notice of Withdrawal of Counsel of Record electronically filed by Mr. Matthew R. Pritchard on behalf of McNees Wallace & Nurick LLC - Columbus, OH.
01/21/2022 Notice of Withdrawal of Counsel by Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel electronically filed by Mrs. Tracy J. Greene on behalf of Sauer, Larry S.
06/08/2020 Notice of withdrawal of Counsel Thomas W. McNamee electronically filed by Mrs. Kimberly M Naeder on behalf of PUCO.
01/13/2020 Notice of withdrawal of Colleen Mooney electronically filed by Colleen L Mooney on behalf of Ohio Partners for Affordable Energy.
10/03/2019 Notice of Withdrawal of Counsel and Designation of Counsel of Record electronically filed by Mr. Matthew R. Pritchard on behalf of Industrial Energy Users-Ohio.
12/26/2018 Tariff electronically filed by Mr. Steven T Nourse on behalf of Ohio Power Company
12/21/2018 Final Tariff Sheets PUCO Electric No. 17 effective January 1, 2019 electronically filed by Mr. Tyler A. Teuscher on behalf of The Dayton Power and Light Company.
12/20/2018 Tariff of Duke Energy Ohio USR Jan. 2019 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Ziolkowski, Jim and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs.
12/19/2018 Service Notice
12/19/2018 Tariff Update of Rider USF for PUCO Electric Tariff No. 8 electronically filed by Karen A Sweeney on behalf of The Toledo Edison Company and Fanelli, Santino L. Mr.
12/19/2018 Tariff Update of Rider USF for PUCO Electric Tariff No. 11 electronically filed by Karen A Sweeney on behalf of Ohio Edison Company and Fanelli, Santino L. Mr.
12/19/2018 Tariff Update of Universal Service Rider electronically filed by Karen A Sweeney on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company and Fanelli, Santino L. Mr.
12/19/2018 Opinion and Order stating that the 2018 Adjustment Stipulation and the proposed customer notice be approved.
12/14/2018 Transcript for hearing held on December 5th, 2018 before Ms. Greta See, Attorney Examiner, at the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio, 180 East Broad Street, Room 11-C, Columbus, Ohio 43215 electronically filed by Mr. Ken Spencer on behalf of Armstrong & Okey, Inc. and Burke, Carolyn.
12/05/2018 Testimony of Megan Meadows in Support of Stipulation electronically filed by Dane Stinson on behalf of Ohio Development Services Agency.
12/05/2018 Joint Stipulation and recommendation electronically filed by Dane Stinson on behalf of Ohio Development Services Agency.
11/29/2018 Supplemental Testimony of Megan Meadows on behalf of The Ohio Development Services Agency electronically filed by Teresa Orahood on behalf of Dane Stinson.
11/29/2018 Amended Application of the Ohio Development Services Agency electronically filed by Teresa Orahood on behalf of Dane Stinson.
11/21/2018 Attorney Examiner Entry granting motion for continuance and rescheduling hearing electronically filed by Heather A Chilcote on behalf of Greta See, Attorney Examiner, Public Utilities Commission.
11/21/2018 Service Notice
11/20/2018 Motion for Continuance and Request for Expedited Ruling and Memorandum in Support electronically filed by Dane Stinson on behalf of Ohio Development Services Agency.
11/13/2018 Notice of Appearance of Additional Counsel electronically filed by Ms. Christine E. Watchorn on behalf of Ohio Edison Company and The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company and The Toledo Edison Company.
11/01/2018 Service Notice.
11/01/2018 Attorney Examiner Entry establishing procedural schedule electronically filed by Heather A. Chilcote on behalf of Greta See, Attorney Examiner, Public Utilities Commission.
10/31/2018 Testimony of Randall Hunt on behalf of the Ohio Development Services Agency electronically filed by Teresa Orahood on behalf of Dane Stinson.
10/31/2018 Testimony of Megan M. Meadows on behalf of the Ohio Development Services Agency electronically filed by Teresa Orahood on behalf of Dane Stinson.
10/31/2018 Application of the Ohio Development Services Agency for an Order Approving Adjustments to the Universal Service Fund Riders of Jurisdictional Ohio Electric Distribution Utilities electronically filed by Teresa Orahood on behalf of Dane Stinson.
09/19/2018 Opinion and Ordered, That the motions to intervene filed by OCC, lEU, OPAE and Kroger be granted. It is, further, ordered, That the 2018 NOI Stipulation filed on July 23, 2018 be adopted.
09/19/2018 Service Notice
08/09/2018 Transcript for hearing held on Tuesday, August 7th, 2018 before Greta See, Attorney Examiner, at the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio, 180 East Broad, Street, Columbus, Ohio electronically filed by Mr. Ken Spencer on behalf of Armstrong & Okey, Inc. and Gibson, Karen Sue Mrs.
07/23/2018 Testimony of Megan Meadows electronically filed by Dane Stinson on behalf of Ohio Development Services Agency.
07/23/2018 Joint Stipulation and Recommendation electronically filed by Dane Stinson on behalf of Ohio Development Services Agency.
07/10/2018 Joint Reply Comments of Ohio Edison Company, The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, The Toledo Edison Company, Duke Energy Ohio, Inc., Ohio Power Company, and The Dayton Power and Light Company electronically filed by Mr. Joshua R. Eckert on behalf of Ohio Edison Company and The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company and The Toledo Edison Company.
07/10/2018 Reply Comments by the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel electronically filed by Ms. Deb J. Bingham on behalf of Amy Botschner-O'Brien.
07/10/2018 Ohio Development Services Agency's Response to Objections and Comments of Duke Energy Ohio, Ohio Partners for Affordable Energy and The Kroger Co. electronically filed by Teresa Orahood on behalf of Dane Stinson.
07/10/2018 Reply to Objections of OPAE electronically filed by Mr. Matthew R. Pritchard on behalf of Industrial Energy Users-Ohio.
06/29/2018 Correspondence on Behalf of the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel electronically filed by Ms. Deb J. Bingham on behalf of Botschner-O'Brien, Amy.
06/29/2018 Motion To Intervene And Objections And Comments By The Kroger Company and Memorandum in Support electronically filed by Debra A Gaunder on behalf of The Kroger Co.
06/29/2018 Motion to Intervene and Memorandum in Support and Objections electronically filed by Colleen L Mooney on behalf of Ohio Partners for Affordable Energy.
06/21/2018 Motion to Intervene and Memorandum in Support electronically filed by Mr. Frank P Darr on behalf of Industrial Energy Users-Ohio.
06/20/2018 Motion to Intervene and Memorandum in Support by the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel electronically filed by Ms. Deb J. Bingham on behalf of Botschner-O'Brien, Amy.
06/06/2018 Notice of Appearance of Counsel on Behalf of Ohio Power Company electronically filed by Ms. Christen M. Blend on behalf of Ohio Power Company.
06/06/2018 Service Notice
06/04/2018 Attorney Examiner Entry directing all Ohio jurisdictional EDUs be joined as indispensable parties to this proceeding, that all interested persons wishing to intervene file a motion to intervene before 06/29/2018, that any comments regarding ODSA's proposed rate design methodology be filed with the Commission before 06/29/2018 and reply comments filed before 07/10/2018, that the parties adhere to the procedural schedule set forth in Paragraph 7, and the evidentiary hearing to commence in accordance with Paragraph 9 - electronically filed by Sandra Coffey on behalf of Greta See, Attorney Examiner, Public Utilities Commission of Ohio.
06/04/2018 Service Notice
05/31/2018 In the matter of the Ohio Development Services Agency Notice of Intent to File an Application for Adjustments to Universal Service Fund Riders electronically filed by Teresa Orahood on behalf of Dane Stinson.