DIS - Case Record for 18-0382-GE-WVR Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
09/01/2023 Case Action Form closing cases as of 9/1/23 electronically filed by Debbie S. Ryan on behalf of Patricia A. Schabo, Attorney Examiner, Public Utilities Commission of Ohio.
06/14/2022 Notice of Withdrawal electronically filed by Ms. Valerie A. Cahill on behalf of Whitt-Sturtevant.
05/28/2020 Notice of withdrawal of Counsel Andrew B. Shaffer electronically filed by Mrs. Kimberly M Naeder on behalf of PUCO.
03/04/2020 Notice of withdrawal of Stephen B. Seiple electronically filed by Cheryl A MacDonald on behalf of Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc.
11/26/2019 Notice of Withdrawal of Counsel and Notice of Appearance of Counsel electronically filed by Mr. Lucas A Fykes on behalf of Whitt Sturtevant LLP.
11/22/2019 Service Notice.
11/21/2019 Entry on Rehearing that the Commission denies the application for rehearing filed by the Office of the Ohio Consumers’ Counsel electronically filed by Docketing Staff.
11/07/2019 Memorandum Contra Application for Rehearing electronically filed by Mark A. Whitt on behalf of Direct Energy Services, LLC and Direct Energy Business, LLC.
10/28/2019 Application for Rehearing of the PUCO’s Entry Granting a Waiver of Consumer Protection Rules by the Office of the Ohio Consumers’ Counsel electronically filed by Ms. Deb J. Bingham on behalf of Etter, Terry L.
09/26/2019 Entry that the Commission grants, to the extent set forth in this Entry, Direct Energy Business, LLC and Direct Energy Services, LLC’s request for a waiver of Ohio Adm.Code 4901:1-21-06(D)(1)(h), 4901:1-21-06(D)(2)(a), 4901:1-29-06(D)(6)(b), and 4901:1-29-06(E)(1), which require an independent third-party verification by telephone to ensure the validity of a customer enrollment that occurs through door-to-door solicitation. Direct Energy Business, LLC and Direct Energy Services, LLC are authorized to complete the verification process through digital confirmation. electronically filed by Docketing Staff.
09/26/2019 Service Notice
08/22/2019 Reply Comments electronically filed by Ms. Rebekah J. Glover on behalf of Direct Energy Services, LLC and Direct Energy Business, LLC
08/22/2019 Reply Comments on Consumer Protection from Energy Marketing by the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel electronically filed by Mrs. Tracy J. Greene on behalf of Terry L. Etter.
08/08/2019 Comments on Consumer Protection from Energy Marketing by The Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel electronically filed by Mrs. Tracy J Greene on behalf of Terry L. Etter.
08/08/2019 Initial Comments electronically filed by Mrs. Gretchen L. Petrucci on behalf of Retail Energy Supply Association.
08/08/2019 Initial Comments electronically filed by Shelli T. Clark on behalf of Direct Energy Services, LLC and Direct Energy Business, LLC.
08/08/2019 Comments electronically filed by Ms. Tonnetta Scott on behalf of PUC.
08/08/2019 Initial Comments electronically filed by Cheryl A MacDonald on behalf of Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc.
06/27/2019 Service Notice
06/26/2019 Attorney Examiner Entry granting OCC and Columbia Gas's motions to intervene and setting forth a procedural schedule in accordance with Paragraph 5 - electronically filed by Sandra Coffey on behalf of Stacie Cathcart, Attorney Examiner, Public Utilities Commission of Ohio.
04/25/2018 Motion to Intervene and Memorandum in Support electronically filed by Cheryl A. MacDonald on behalf of Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc.
03/22/2018 Motion to Intervene by The Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel and memorandum in support electronically filed by Ms. Jamie Williams on behalf of Etter, Terry Mr.
03/02/2018 In the Matter of the Application for Waivers of Certain Provisions of Chapters 4901:1-21 and 4901:1-29, O.A.C., to Permit Third-Party Verification by Digital Confirmation electronically filed by Ms. Rebekah J. Glover on behalf of Direct Energy Services, LLC and Direct Energy Business, LLC.