DIS - Case Record for 15-1020-EL-CSS Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
01/05/2018 Case Status Form closing case with an effective date of 1/5/2018.
10/20/2017 Service Notice
10/20/2017 Opinion and Order that this matter be decided in favor of the Respondent for failure of the Complainant to sustain the burden of proof.
09/05/2017 Notice of Withdrawal of Counsel and Notice of Appearance submitted by Ohio Power Company electronically filed by Ms. Christen M. Blend on behalf of Ohio Power Company.
07/08/2016 Post Hearing Brief of Ohio Power Company electronically filed by Michael J Benza on behalf of Ohio Power Company.
07/08/2016 Closing Brief in response to PUCO Hearing Attorney-Examiner's request filed on behalf of Complainant, Jane A. Bidwell.
06/07/2016 PUCO Exhibit Filing for hearing date May 23, 2016.
06/06/2016 Transcript in the matter of Jane Ann Bidwell vs. Ohio Power Company hearing held on 05/23/16 electronically filed by Mr. Ken Spencer on behalf of Armstrong & Okey, Inc. and Grubaugh, Valerie
05/19/2016 Testimony of Michele L. Jeunelot electronically filed by Michael J. Benza on behalf of Ohio Power Company.
05/19/2016 Attorney Examiner Entry granting motion to quash subpoena; electronically filed by Vesta R. Miller on behalf of L. Douglas Jennings, Attorney Examiner, Public Utilities Commission of Ohio.
05/19/2016 Response to Ohio Power Company's motion to quash the subpoena and request for an expedited ruling filed by J. Bidwell, Complainant.
05/19/2016 Service Notice
05/18/2016 Motion -Ohio Power Company's Motion to Quash the Subpoena and Request for an Expedited Ruling electronically filed by Michael J Benza on behalf of Ohio Power Company.
05/17/2016 Complainant request to expedite a subpoena for Nick Akins, CEO of AEP filed by J. Bidwell, Complainant.
04/27/2016 Demand to compel respondent to produce witness for hearing filed by J. Bidwell, complainant.
04/21/2016 Service Notice
04/21/2016 Attorney Examiner Entry ordering a hearing in this matter be scheduled for May 23, 2016, at 10:00 a.m., in the offices of the Commission, Hearing Room 11-C, 11th Floor, 180 East Broad Street, Columbus, Ohio 43215-3793 - electronically filed by Debra Hight on behalf of L. Douglas Jennings, Attorney Examiner.
03/29/2016 Service Notice
03/29/2016 Attorney Examiner Entry scheduling April 7, 2016, settlement conference; electronically filed by Vesta R Miller on behalf of L. Douglas Jennings, Attorney Examiner, Public Utilities Commission of Ohio.
03/14/2016 Request by Complainant Jane Bidwell to schedule a settlement conference.
03/14/2016 Correspondence from Complainant Jane Bidwell.
03/03/2016 Service Notice
03/02/2016 Attorney Examiner Entry granting motion to compel; electronically filed by Vesta R Miller on behalf of L. Douglas Jennings, Attorney Examiner, Public Utilities Commission of Ohio.
01/19/2016 Motion and memorandum in support to Compel electronically filed by Michael J Benza on behalf of Ohio Power Company
12/02/2015 Notice of Appearance and Substitution of Counsel electronically filed by Mr. Steven T. Nourse on behalf of Ohio Power Company.
11/10/2015 Complainant's second request for production of documents filed on behalf of complainant, Jane Bidwell.
11/10/2015 Submission of dates of availability for PUCO Hearing filed on behalf of complainant, Jane Bidwell.
10/30/2015 Service Notice
10/30/2015 Attorney Examiner Entry ordering that the Complainant provide by November 12, 2015, at least three dates or a time frame within the next 60 days when she will be available to appear for a hearing; and that the Complainant be granted until November 12, 2015, to serve responses to AEP-Ohio's first set of interrogatories - electronically filed by Debra Hight on behalf of L. Douglas Jennings, Attorney Examiner.
10/19/2015 Reply to Complainant's Request for Extension electronically filed by Mr. Yazen Alami on behalf of Ohio Power Company.
10/13/2015 Request to Delay Hearing & Extension to Provide Discovery Documents to Ohio Power Company filed by Jane Ann Bidwell, Complainant.
10/13/2015 Notification of change of address filed by J. Bidwell, complainant.
09/24/2015 Service Notice
09/24/2015 Attorney Examiner Entry scheduling November 5, 2015, hearing; electronically filed by Vesta R. Miller on behalf of L. Douglas Jennings, Attorney Examiner, Public Utilities Commission of Ohio.
08/31/2015 Motion for discovery filed by J.A.Bidwell, Complainant.
07/17/2015 Notice of Withdrawal and Substitution of Counsel electronically filed by Mr. Ajay K Kumar on behalf of Ohio Power Company
07/16/2015 Service Notice
07/16/2015 Attorney Examiner Entry scheduling August 11, 2015, settlement conference; electronically filed by Vesta R Miller on behalf of L. Douglas Jennings, Attorney Examiner, Public Utilities Commission of Ohio.
06/24/2015 Reply Memorandum in Support of Ohio Power Company's Motion to Dismiss electronically filed by Mr. Ajay K Kumar on behalf of Ohio Power Company.
06/17/2015 Response to answer and motion to dismiss from Ohio Power Company filed by J.A. Bidwell, Complainant.
06/16/2015 Answer and Motion to Dismiss electronically filed by Mr. Ajay K Kumar on behalf of Ohio Power Company.
05/27/2015 Complaint Service Letter and Copy of Complaint mailed to Respondent, Steve Nourse, American Electric Power Company.
05/27/2015 Complaint Response Letter and brochure mailed to Complainant, Jane Ann Bidwell.
05/27/2015 In the Matter of the Complaint of Jane Ann Bidwell vs. American Electric Power for improper disconnection of service.