DIS - Case Record for 14-2247-EL-REN Skip to main content

Case Record For:


Case Title: Dovetail Energy, LLC
Industry Code: EL-ELECTRIC
Purpose Code: REN-Application for a renewable energy certificate
Date Opened: 12/19/2014
Date Closed: 4/21/2018
Printable Docket Card Service List
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Date FiledSummaryPages
04/26/2018Case action form closing case effective 4/21/18. 1
04/10/2018Service Notice2
04/04/2018Service Notice1
04/02/2018Return mail - Dovetail Energy LLC.- RTS, unable to forward, not deliverable as addressed.1
03/21/2018Service Notice2
03/21/2018Finding and Order stating that the request by Dovetail Energy, LLC, to revoke the duplicate certification number be granted.2
09/04/2015Notice of withdrawal Withdraw of duplicate application by Cari Oberfield electronically filed by Mrs. Cari D Oberfield on behalf of Renergy, Inc.2
03/11/2015Reply to Staff Interrogatories: electronically filed by Mr. Bruce Bailey on behalf of Dovetail Energy, LLC. 9
01/12/2015Attorney Examiner Entry suspending the applications for certification - electronically filed by Sandra Coffey on behalf of Bryce McKenney, Attorney Examiner, Public Utilities Commission of Ohio.4
01/12/2015Service Notice1
12/19/2014In the matter of the application of Dovetail Energy, LLC for certification as an eligible renewable energy generating facility electronically filed by Mr. Bruce Bailey on behalf of Dovetail Energy, LLC.16