DIS - Case Record for 14-0405-EL-AGG Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
04/22/2024 Certificate No. 14-796E issued.
03/21/2024 In the Matter of the Application of M3 Consulting LLC.
05/19/2022 Certificate No. 14-796E issued.
04/29/2022 Confidential Document Target: Exhibit C-2 Financial Statement, filed by Brooke M. Bonelli on behalf of M3 Consulting LLC. dba M3 Energy.(7 pages)
04/29/2022 Motion for Protective order barring discovery of amended Exhibit C-2 filed by Brooke M. Bonelli on behalf of M3 Consulting, LLC. dba M3 Energy.
04/22/2022 Confidential Document Target: Exhibits C-2, C-3 and C-5 filed by Brooke M. Bonelli on behalf of M3 Consulting, LLC dba M3 Energy. (7 Pages)
04/22/2022 Motion for Protective Order for Exhibits C-2, C-3 and C-5 filed by Brooke M. Bonelli on behalf of M3 Consulting LLC dba M3 Energy.
04/18/2022 In the Matter of the Application of M3 Consulting LLC.
06/08/2020 Revised Renewal Certificate No. 14-796E (4) issued.
05/26/2020 Renewal Certificate No. 14-796E (4) issued.
05/20/2020 Service Notice
05/20/2020 Finding & Order approving the applications in the above-captioned proceedings for certification as competitive retail electric service providers. electronically filed by Ms. Mary E Fischer on behalf of Public Utilities Commission of Ohio.
05/01/2020 Staff Review and Recommendation electronically filed by Nedra Ramsey on behalf of PUCO Staff.
03/27/2020 Motion for protective order on behalf of M3 Consulting LLC dba M3 Energy filed by B. Bonelli.
03/27/2020 Motion and memorandum in support for extension of certificate expiration date filed by B. Bonelli.
03/27/2020 Renewal application on behalf of M3 Consulting, LLC dba M3 Energy filed by B. Bonelli.
03/27/2020 Confidential Target Exhibits C-3 & C-5 on behalf of M3 Consulting, LLC dba M3 Energy filed by B. Bonelli. (6 pages)
04/17/2018 Renewal certificate # 14-796E(3) issued.
03/16/2018 Exhibit C-7 filed by B. Bonelli on behalf of M3 Consulting LLC.
03/09/2018 Renewal application of M3 Consulting, LLC dba M3 Energy for Certification as an Electric Power Broker/ Aggregator filed by B. Bonelli.
03/09/2018 Confidential Document Target for Exhibit C-3, and C-5 filed by B. Bonelli on behalf of M3 Consulting, LLC dba M3 Energy. (13 pgs.)
03/09/2018 Motion for protective order of M3 Consulting dba M3 Energy filed by B. Bonelli.
04/18/2016 Renewal Certificate No. 14-796E(2) issued.
03/10/2016 Confidential document target - Exhibit C-3 and C-5 filed on behalf of M3 Consulting LLC dba M3 Energy by B. Bonelli. (31 pages)
03/10/2016 Renewal application for certification as an electric aggregator/ broker filed by B. Bonelli on behalf of M3 Consulting, LLC dba M3 Energy.
03/10/2016 Motion for protective order filed by B. Bonelli on behalf of M3 Consulting, LLC dba M3 Energy.
07/10/2014 Attorney Examiner Entry granting the motions for a protective order filed by M3 Energy with regard to the information contained in exhibits C-3 and C-5 of M3 Energy's applications in 14-405 and 14-792. Further, the Commission's docketing division is directed to maintain, under seal, exhibits C-3 and C-5 for a period of 24 months, ending on April 13, 2016, in 14-405 and May 29, 2016, in 14-792; electronically filed by Vesta R. Miller on behalf of Kerry K. Sheets, Attorney Examiner, Public Utilities Commission of Ohio.
07/10/2014 Service Notice
06/19/2014 Revised motion for protective order filed by B. Bonelli on behalf of M3 Consulting, LLC dba M3 Energy.
06/13/2014 Confidential Document Target: Exhibits C-3 and C-5 filed by B. Bonelli on behalf of M3 Consulting, LLC. (6 pages)
05/05/2014 Motion for Protective Order filed by Brooke M. Bonelli on behalf of of M3 Consulting, LLC dba M3 Energy.
04/18/2014 Certificate No. 14-796E(1) issued.
03/13/2014 In the matter of the application of M3 Consulting, LLC dba M3 Energy for a certification as an electric aggregator power/broker.