DIS - Case Record for 14-0312-GA-UEX Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
02/15/2017 Case Action Form Closing Cases Effective 2/15/2017 on behalf of S. Parrot.
10/31/2016 Letter of notification regarding change of address and firm affiliation electronically filed by Mr. Devin D. Parram on behalf of Energy 95 dba Quake Energy and Northeast Ohio and Ecova, Inc. and Brainard Gas and Orwell Natural Gas and People Working Cooperatively.
05/03/2016 Notice of Change of Address for counsel for the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio, effective May 9, 2016. electronically filed by Kimberly L Keeton on behalf of Public Utilities Commission of Ohio.
02/05/2016 Notice of Withdrawal on behalf of Mark S. Yurick electronically filed by Mark Yurick on behalf of The Kroger Company and Orwell Natural Gas Company.
10/21/2015 Service Notice
10/21/2015 Opinion and order that the Amended Stipulation filed by Staff and the Companies be adopted and approved; that OCC's motion to admit the testimony of Mr. Sloan be denied; that the auditor selected to conduct the Companies' next GCR audit review the Companies' actions in carrying out the terms of the Amended Stipulation.
10/20/2015 Notice /Errata to Stipulation and Recommendation submitted by Assistant Attorney General Werner Margard on behalf of the Staff of the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio. electronically filed by Kimberly L Keeton on behalf of Public Utilities Commission of Ohio.
08/11/2015 Transcript for hearing held on 07/28/15 before Scott Farkas, Attorney Examiner, at the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio, 180 East Broad Street, Room 11-D, Columbus, Ohio, electronically filed by Mr. Ken Spencer on behalf of Armstrong & Okey, Inc. and Anderson, Rosemary Foster Mrs.
07/24/2015 Proof of Publication for Brainard, Northeast Ohio and Orwell Natural Gas Companies filed by D. Parram.
07/23/2015 Amended Stipulation and Recommendation electronically filed by Mr. Devin D. Parram on behalf of Northeast Ohio and Orwell Natural Gas and Brainard Gas.
07/20/2015 Service Notice
07/20/2015 Attorney Examiner Entry that the Companies' motion for leave to file the direct testimony of Martin Whelan be granted; and that the date for filing testimony of OCC be extended to July 23, 2015; electronically filed by Debra Hight on behalf of Scott E. Farkas, Attorney Examiner.
07/15/2015 Motion for Leave and memorandum in support electronically filed by Mr. Devin D. Parram on behalf of Northeast Ohio and Brainard Gas and Orwell Natural Gas.
07/14/2015 Stipulation and Recommendation electronically filed by Mr. Devin D. Parram on behalf of Northeast Ohio and Brainard Gas and Orwell Natural Gas.
05/15/2015 Service Notice
05/15/2015 Attorney Examiner Entry that the joint motion for continuance be granted, in part, in accordance with Finding (7); that the date for the public hearing be continued to July 28, 2015, at 10:00 a.m., in Hearing Room 11-D, on the 11th Floor, at the offices of the Commission, 180 East Broad Street, Columbus, Ohio 43215; that Brainard, NEO, and Orwell publish legal notice in accordance with Finding; and that all direct testimony be filed consistent with Finding (7); electronically filed by Debra Hight on behalf of Scott E. Farkas, Attorney Examiner.
05/13/2015 Joint Motion to Extend Procedural Schedule and memorandum in support electronically filed by Mr. Devin D. Parram on behalf of Northeast Ohio and Brainard Gas and Orwell Natural Gas.
03/23/2015 Service Notice
03/23/2015 Attorney Examiner Entry that the joint motion for continuance be granted, in accordance with Finding (7); that the date for the public hearing be continued to June 2, 2015, at 10:00 a.m., in Hearing Room 11-C, on the 11th Floor, at the offices of the Commission, 180 East Broad Street, Columbus, Ohio 43215; that Brainard, NEO, and Orwell publish legal notice in accordance with Finding; and that all direct testimony be filed consistent with Finding (7); electronically filed by Debra Hight on behalf of Scott E. Farkas, Attorney Examiner.
03/17/2015 Joint Motion for Extension of the Procedural Schedule and Request for Expedited Treatment electronically filed by Mark Yurick on behalf of Brainard Gas Corporation and Northeast Ohio Natural Gas Corporation and Orwell Natural Gas Company.
01/23/2015 Attorney Examiner Entry that Staff's January 22, 2014 motion for continuance be granted, in accordance with Finding 6; that Staff file its GCR audit reports, UEX audit reports, and PIPP audit report by January 27, 2015; that the date for the public hearing be continued to April 7, 2015, at 10:00 a.m., in Hearing Room 11-C, on the 11th Floor, at the offices of the Commission, 180 East Broad Street, Columbus, Ohio 43215; that Brainard, NEO, and Orwell publish legal notice in accordance with Finding (6); and that all direct testimony be filed consistent with Finding (6) electronically filed by Debra Hight on behalf of Scott E. Farkas, Attorney Examiner.
01/23/2015 Service Notice
01/22/2015 Motion for continuance and memorandum in support electronically filed by Mrs. Tonnetta Y. Scott on behalf of PUCO.
01/22/2015 Report of Orwell Natural Gas for the Audit of the Uncollectible Expense Mechanisms for the period January 2012 through December 2013 by the PUCO Staff.
11/25/2014 Service Notice
11/25/2014 Attorney Examiner Entry that Staff’s November 12, 2014 motion for continuance be granted; that Staff file its GCR audit reports, UEX audit reports, and PIPP audit report by January 22, 2015; that the date for the public hearing be continued to March 24, 2015; that Brainard, NEO, and Orwell publish legal notice in accordance with Finding (6); and that all direct testimony be filed consistent with Finding (7); electronically filed by Debra Hight on behalf of Scott E. Farkas, Attorney Examiner.
10/17/2014 Notice of Withdrawal of Zachary D. Kravitz electronically filed by Mark Yurick on behalf of Brainard Gas Corporation and Northeast Ohio Natural Gas Corporation and The Kroger Company and Orwell Natural Gas Company and Republic Steel and Rudolph, James Mr. and Joseph Grant and Rudolph, Richard Mr. and Brown, Ron Mr. and Logan Hardin Neighbors United
09/08/2014 Revised tariff pages P.U.C.O. No.1 filed by Z.D.Kravitz on behalf of Orwell Natural Gas Company.
08/27/2014 Service Notice
08/27/2014 Finding & Order approving Staff's recommendation, as agreed to by Orwell, to set Orwell's UEX rider rate to $0.00774 per Mcf; that Orwell be authorized to file tariffs in final form, consistent with this Finding and Order: that the effective date of the new tariffs shall be a date not earlier than the date upon which final tariffs are filed with the Commission.
08/12/2014 Comments of the Staff of the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio.
08/08/2014 Corrected Annual Uncollectible Expense Rider Report filed by M. Yurick on behalf of Orwell Natural Gas.
06/27/2014 Annual Uncollectible Expense Rider Report electronically filed by Mark Yurick on behalf of Orwell Natural Gas Company.
02/13/2014 Service Notice
02/13/2014 Entry ordering that the GCR Audit Reports for Brainard, NEO, Orwell, Cumberland, Piedmont, and Suburban for the audit periods set forth in Finding (3) be filed with the Commission, as set forth in Finding (5).
02/13/2014 In the Matter of the Percentage of Income Payment Plan Riders of Orwell Natural Gas Company.