DIS - Case Record for 14-0081-EL-RDR Skip to main content

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Case Title: Duke Energy Ohio Inc
Industry Code: EL-ELECTRIC
Purpose Code: RDR-Application to establish tariff riders that do not have another specific code.
Date Opened: 1/29/2014 4:49:07 PM
Date Closed:
Printable Docket Card Service List
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Date FiledSummaryPages
01/31/2020Notice of Withdrawal of Counsel electronically filed by Mrs. Tammy M Meyer on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio Inc. and D'Ascenzo, Rocco and Vaysman, Larisa.7
01/31/2018Notice of withdrawal Notice of withdrawal of Amy B. Spiller as counsel for Duke Energy Ohio electronically filed by Mrs. Debbie L. Gates on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio Inc., Rocco O. D'Ascenzo and Ms. Elizabeth H. Watts.5
02/25/2016Motion and Memorandum of Support of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc., For Continuation of the Protective Order to Protect Attachment A to the Audit Report electronically filed by Dianne Kuhnell on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. and Spiller, Amy B. and Rocco D'Ascenzo.8
04/16/2014Service Notice1
04/16/2014Finding and order stating that the Staff's recommendations be adopted in their entirety and the motion for protective order filed by Duke be granted.4
03/07/2014Staffs Review and Recommendations filed by T. Turkenton on behalf of PUCO Staff.3
01/29/2014Confidential document target: Trade Secret documents filed by R. D'Ascenzo on behalf of Duke Energy, Ohio. (4 pages)1
01/29/2014Duke Energy Ohio, Inc's motion for protective order and memorandum in support filed by R. D'Ascenzo.7
01/29/2014In the matter of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc's request for audit report of Rider SCR, Rider RE, Rider RC, Rider LFA, Ricer ESSC, and Ricer ECF filed by R. D'Ascenzo.21