DIS - Case Record for 13-2343-EL-AGG Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
02/02/2024 Certificate No. 14-767E issued and electronically filed by Mr. Daniel Harrington on behalf of PUCO Staff.
12/28/2023 Confidential Document Target: Exhibit C-2 Financial Documents for license renewal. (10 Pages)
12/28/2023 In the Matter of the Application of Aspen Energy Corporation.
02/07/2022 Certificate No. 14-767E issued.
01/11/2022 Motion For Extension Of Certificate Expiration Date electronically filed by Ms. Gina M. Piacentino on Behalf of Aspen Energy Corporation.
01/05/2022 Confidential Document Target - Financial documents for electric license renewal electronically filed by Mr. Jason T. Heinmiller on behalf of Peele, Jonathan D. Mr. (8 pgs)
01/05/2022 In the Matter of the Application of Aspen Energy Corporation.
01/07/2020 Renewal Certificate No. 14-767E(4) issued.
11/19/2019 Confidential Document Target - Exhibit C-5 filed by J. Heinmiller on behalf of Aspen Energy Corporation. (2 Pages)
11/01/2019 Confidential document target: Exhibit C-3 and C-5 filed by Aspen Energy Corporation. (14 pages)
11/01/2019 Renewal application of Aspen Energy Corporation for certification as an Electric Aggregator/Power Broker filed by J.Heinmiller
01/04/2018 Renewal certificate 14-767E (3) issued.
12/13/2017 Amendment to the Renewal Application filed by Jason Heinmiller on behalf of Aspen Energy Corp.
12/06/2017 Renewal Application for Electric Power Broker filed by Aspen Energy Corporation.
01/06/2016 Certificate # 14-767E(2) issued.
12/17/2015 Correspondence regarding address change filed by J. Heinmiller on behalf of Aspen Energy Corporation.
12/01/2015 Amendment to Exhibit C-5 filed by J. Peele on behalf of Aspen Energy Corporation. (FAX)
11/24/2015 Confidential treatment of document: C-3 & C-5 Financial Statement filed by Jonathan Peele on behalf of Aspen Energy Corp. (pg ct 22)
11/24/2015 Renewal application for Electric Aggregators/Power Brokers of Aspen Energy Corporation.
01/14/2014 Certificate No. 14-767E (1) issued.
12/12/2013 Service Notice
12/12/2013 Attorney Examiner Entry grants motion for extension of time authorizing the movant to continue providing uninterrupted competitive retail electric and natural gas aggregation/brokerage services to its customers. - electronically filed by Sandra Coffey on behalf of Daniel Fullin, Attorney Examiner, Public Utilities Commission of Ohio
12/11/2013 Attached, please find amendments to Exhibit C-5 “Forecasted Financial Statements” and Exhibit C-9 “Merger Information” as it refers to Case No. 13-2343-EL-AGG electronically filed by Mr. Jason T Heinmiller on behalf of Peele, Jonathan D Mr. and Heinmiller, Jason Mr.
12/04/2013 Motion to extend the deadline for the expired certificate to January 17, 2014 and for uninterrupted service and memorandum in support. Attached to the motion are the expired certificates. electronically filed by Mr. Daniel M. Best on behalf of Aspen Energy Corporation.
12/04/2013 Exhibit- Expired Electric/Power Certificate. electronically filed by Mr. Daniel M Best on behalf of Aspen Energy Corporation.
12/04/2013 In the matter of the application for Aggregators/Power Brokers of Aspen Energy Corporation electronically filed by Mr. Daniel M Best on behalf of Aspen Energy Corporation.