DIS - Case Record for 13-2120-EL-UNC Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
12/30/2015 Final Tariff, PUCO Electric Tariff No. 17, electronically filed by Eric R. Brown on behalf of The Dayton Power and Light Company.
12/16/2015 Service Notice
12/16/2015 Finding & Order that DP&L shall file revised final tariffs consistent with this order, and that the revised final tariffs shall be approved effective January 1, 2016, subject to final review by the Commission.
12/02/2015 Staff's Review and Recommendation filed by T. Turkenton and D. Lipthratt.
11/16/2015 Tariff Proposed pages for PUCO Electric Tariff No. 17 electronically filed by Eric R Brown on behalf of The Dayton Power and Light Company.
10/21/2015 Report - Notification of CBP Auction Results - Updated Redacted Version electronically filed by Raymond W. Strom on behalf of PUCO Staff.
09/30/2015 Confidential document target: Report regarding DP&L's September 2015 Standard Service Offer Auction. (25 pages)
09/30/2015 Confidential document target: Notification of CBP Auction Results filed by PUCO Staff on behalf of CRA International. (6 pages)
09/30/2015 Finding and order that the information set forth in Finding (7) be deemed confidential and remain under seal indefinitely, and the information set forth in Finding (8) be subject to public release 21 days after the issuance of this Finding and Order.
09/30/2015 Motion for a Protective Order and memorandum in support filed on behalf of the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio. electronically filed by Mrs. Tonnetta Y Scott on behalf of PUCO.
09/30/2015 Report - Notification of CBP Auction Results - Redacted Version electronically filed by Raymond W. Strom on behalf of PUCO Staff.
09/30/2015 Service Notice
12/30/2014 Tariff , PUCO No. 17 electronically filed by Mr. Tyler A. Teuscher on behalf of The Dayton Power and Light Company.
11/14/2014 Proposed tariff pages for PUCO Electric Tariff No. 17 electronically filed by Eric R. Brown on behalf of The Dayton Power and Light Company.
10/16/2014 Report - Notification of CBP Auction Results - Updated Redacted Version electronically filed by Raymond W. Strom on behalf of PUCO Staff.
09/25/2014 Service Notice
09/25/2014 Confidential treatment of document: Report of the Commission's Consultant regarding Dayton Power and Light Company's September 2014 Standard Service Offer Auction filed by PUCO Staff on behalf of Boston Pacific Company Inc. (pg ct 23)
09/25/2014 Confidential treatment of document: Notification of CBP Auction Results filed by PUCO Staff on behalf CRA International. (pg ct 6)
09/25/2014 Finding and Ordered, That the information set forth in Finding (7) be deemed confidential and remain under seal indefinitely. It is, further, ordered, That, unless otherwise ordered by the Commission, the information set forth in Finding (8) be subject to public release 21 days after the issuance of this Finding and Order.
09/25/2014 Motion for a Protective Order submitted by Assistant Attorney General Thomas McNamee on behalf of the Staff of the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio. and Memorandum in support electronically filed by Kimberly L Keeton on behalf of Public Utilities Commission of Ohio
09/25/2014 Notification of CBP Auction Results - Redacted Version electronically filed by Raymond W. Strom on behalf of PUCO Staff
11/21/2013 Report - Notification of CBP Auction Results - Updated Redacted Version electronically filed by Raymond W. Strom on behalf of PUCO Staff.
11/21/2013 Letter of Notification of CBP Auction Results - Redacted Version - Cover Letter electronically filed by Raymond W. Strom on behalf of PUCO Staff.
10/30/2013 Service Notice
10/30/2013 Confidential target: Report of the Commission's consultant regarding Dayton Power and Light October 2013 standard service offer auction filed by Staff on behalf of Boston Pacific Company Inc. (20 pages)
10/30/2013 Confidential target: Notification of CBP auction results filed by Staff on behalf of CRA International Inc. (6 pages)
10/30/2013 Finding and order stating that the information set forth in Finding (8) be deemed confidential and remain under seal indefinitely unless otherwise ordered by the Commission, the information set forth in Finding (9) be subject to public release 21 days after the issuance of this Finding and Order.
10/30/2013 Motion for a protective order and memorandum in support submitted on behalf of the staff of the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio electronically filed by Mrs. Tonnetta Y Scott on behalf of PUCO
10/30/2013 Report - Notification of CBP Auction Results - Redacted Version electronically filed by Raymond W. Strom on behalf of PUCO Staff
10/24/2013 In the matter of the procurement of standard service offer generation as part of the electric security plan for customers of The Dayton Power and Light Company.