Date Filed | Summary | Pages |
09/04/2013 | Service Notice | 1 |
09/04/2013 | Finding and order, ordered that Upon review of Border Energy's alternative energy portfolio status report for 2011 be accepted in accordance with Finding (6). It is, further, ordered, that Border Energy's motion for protective order for table 1 to its alternative energy portfolio status report is granted in accordance with Finding (11). | 5 |
01/30/2013 | Staff Review and Recommendation electronically filed by Mr. Stuart M Siegfried on behalf of PUCO Staff. | 5 |
04/13/2012 | Confidential document target for REC-Table 1 filed on behalf of Border Energy Electric Services, Inc. by A. Zallocco. | 1 |
04/13/2012 | Motion for protective order and memorandum in support filed on behalf of Border Energy Electric Services, Inc. by A. Zallocco. | 8 |
04/13/2012 | In the matter of Border Energy Electric Services, Inc. for the Annual Alternative Energy Portfolio Status Report and Plan for Compliance with future renewable energy benchmarks. | 6 |