DIS - Case Record for 11-4881-GA-AGG Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
11/20/2023 Certificate No. 11-225G issued and electronically filed by Ms. Alla Magaziner-Tempesta on behalf of PUCO staff.
10/27/2023 Confidential DocumentTarget: Exhibit C-2, C-3, and C-5 Financial Documents for license renewal filed by Chris Greulich on behalf of North Shore Energy Consulting, LLC. (pages 12)
10/16/2023 In the Matter of the Application of North Shore Energy Consulting LLC.
12/09/2021 Certificate No. 11-225G issued and electronically filed by Ms. Alla Magaziner-Tempesta on behalf of PUCO staff.
12/07/2021 Certificate No. 11-225G issued.
11/08/2021 Confidential Document Target: Financials electronically filed by Mr. Chris Greulich on behalf of North Shore Energy Consulting LLC. (11 pages)
11/08/2021 In the Matter of the Application of North Shore Energy Consulting LLC.
12/23/2019 Renewal Certificate No.11-225G (5) issued.
11/14/2019 Renewal Application of North Shore Energy Consulting, LLC for continued Certification as a Retail Natural Gas Broker filed by C. Greulich.
11/14/2019 Confidential document target: Exhibit C-3, C-5 & C-7 filed by Chris Greulich on behalf of North Shore Energy Consulting, LLC (12 pages)
12/21/2017 Renewal Certificate No. 11-225G (4) issued.
12/20/2017 Finding and Order ordering that North Shore's application for certification as a CRNGS broker be approved.
12/20/2017 Service Notice
11/15/2017 Staff Review and Recommendation filed by PUCO Staff.
11/13/2017 Confidential Document Target for Exhibits C-5 and C-7 filed by C. Greulich on behalf of North Shore Energy Consulting, LLC. (25 pages)
11/13/2017 Motion for protective order filed by M. Donaldson on behalf of North Shore Energy Consulting, LLC.
10/24/2017 Service Notice
10/24/2017 Attorney Examiner Entry suspending the automatic approval process for North Shore Energy's application for certification as a competitive retail natural gas service broker. - electronically filed by Sandra Coffey on behalf of Stacie Cathcart, Attorney Examiner, Public Utilities Commission of Ohio.
10/11/2017 Exhibits A-16, A-17, B-5, and B-6 electronically filed by Shayna Desai on behalf of North Shore Energy Consulting, LLC.
09/25/2017 Motion for protective order and memorandum in support filed by M. Donaldson on behalf of North Shore Energy Consulting, LLC.
09/25/2017 Renewal application of North Shore Energy Consulting LLC for certification as a Retail Natural Gas Broker filed by C. Greulich.
09/25/2017 Confidential Document Target for Balanced Sheet as of December 31, 2016 filed by C. Greulich on behalf of North Shore Energy Consulting LLC. (6 pages)
10/26/2015 Renewal Certificate No. 11-225G (3) issued.
10/21/2015 Confidential document target - Revised Exhibit C-5 filed on behalf of North Shore Energy Consulting LLC filed by S. Erickson. (11 pages)
09/24/2015 Confidential document target: Exhibits C-3 & C-5 filed by S. Erickson on behalf of North Shore Energy Consulting, LLC. (10 pages)
09/24/2015 Renewal application of North Shore Energy Consulting LLC for certification as a competitive retail natural gas borker/aggregator filed by S. Erickson.
09/24/2015 Motion for Protective Order filed by M. Donaldson on behalf of North Shore Energy Consulting, LLC.
11/19/2013 Confidential document target: financial statements C-4 and C-5 filed by Mary Dubitsky on behalf of North Shore Energy Consulting, LLC. (17 pgs)
11/18/2013 Interlocutory Appeal from the November 13, 2013 Attorney Examiner's entry denying a protective order electronically filed by Mr. Kevin R Schmidt on behalf of North Shore Energy, LLC.
11/18/2013 Notice of Substitution of Counsel electronically filed by Mr. Kevin R Schmidt on behalf of North Shore Energy, LLC.
11/13/2013 Service Notice
11/13/2013 Attorney Examiner Entry directing that the motion for a protective order filed by North Shore be denied with regard to the information contained in exhibits C-3 and C-5 of North Shore's application; electronically filed by Vesta R Miller on behalf of Kerry K. Sheets, Attorney Examiner, Public Utilities Commission of Ohio.
10/18/2013 Certificate renewal No. 11-225G{2) issued.
09/24/2013 Service Notice
09/24/2013 Attorney Examiner Entry extending certificate's expiration date; electronically filed by Vesta R. Miller on behalf of Kerry K. Sheets, Attorney Examiner, Public Utilities Commission of Ohio.
09/18/2013 Motion for Protective Order electronically filed by Mrs. Mary Dubitsky on behalf of North Shore Energy Consulting, LLC
09/18/2013 Motion to Extend Certificate Expiration Date and Memorandum in Support electronically filed by Mrs. Mary Dubitsky on behalf of North Shore Energy Consulting, LLC
09/18/2013 Renewal Certification Application (Competitive Retail Natural Gas Brokers/Aggregators) filed by Mrs. Mary Dubitsky.
11/02/2011 Service Notice
11/02/2011 Entry ordered; that the motion for protective order filed by North Shore Energy be granted with regard to the information contained in exhibits C-3 and C-5 of North Shore Energy's application. (KKS)
10/07/2011 Revised Motion for protective order submit by Michael R. Donaldson on behalf of North Shore Energy Consulting LLC.
09/26/2011 Certificate # 11-225G(1) issued.
09/12/2011 Confidential target: C-5 filed by M. Dubitsky on behalf of North Shore Energy Consulting.
08/24/2011 Motion for protective order to protect confidential and proprietary information of North Shore Energy Consulting LLC filed by C. Greulich.
08/24/2011 Confidential target: Exhibits C-2, C-3, and C-5 filed on behalf of North Shore Energy COnsulting, LLC by M. Dubitsky.
08/24/2011 In the matter of the application for Competitive Retail Natural Gas Brokers and Aggregators on the behalf of North Shore Energy Consulting LLC filed by C. Greulich.