DIS - Case Record for 11-4161-WS-AIR Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
12/01/2017 Memo closing cases with an effective date of 12/1/17 electronically filed by Mr. Jeffrey R. Jones on behalf of Public Utilities Commission of Ohio.
07/25/2016 Notice of Withdrawal of Counsel, Notice of Appearance of Counsel and Designation of Counsel of Record by The Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel electronically filed by Ms. Jamie Williams on behalf of Moore, Kevin F. Mr.
05/03/2016 Notice of Change of Address for counsel for the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio, effective May 9, 2016. electronically filed by Kimberly L Keeton on behalf of Public Utilities Commission of Ohio.
11/17/2014 Notice of Withdrawal of Counsel electronically filed by Mrs. Tonnetta Y Scott on behalf of Mr. Devin D Parram.
03/20/2014 Public comment in opposition to water cost filed by C. Henshaw, consumer.
12/05/2012 Correspondence with change of address for Whitt Sturtevant, LLP filed by M. Whitt.
08/20/2012 Notification of Withdrawal of Melissa Thompson for the above-referenced cases filed by Andrew J. Campbell.
07/17/2012 Public Comment in opposition to Aqua Ohio's water rate increases filed by Mr. Matt Cragun.
06/21/2012 Revised tariff sheets of Aqua Ohio Water Company for PUCO Tariff No. 15 filed by M. Thompson.
06/13/2012 Service Notice
06/13/2012 Opinion & Order stating that the Stipulation filed on May 8, 2012, as supplemented June 6, 2012, is approved and the application of Aqua for authority to increase its rates and charges for water service is granted in accordance with this Opinion and Order; that Aqua shall notify its customers of the changes to the tariff via bill message or bill insert, or separate mailing within 30 days of the effective date of the revised tariffs and a copy of this customer notice shall be submitted to the Commission's Service Monitoring and Enforcement Department, Reliability and Service Analysis Division, at least 10 days prior to its distribution to customers.
06/13/2012 Final tariff pages PUCO tariff No. 15 filed by M. Thompson on behalf of Aqua Ohio Water Company, Inc.
06/11/2012 Letter of Notification for Proposed Customer Notices electronically filed by Ms. Melissa L. Thompson on behalf of Aqua Ohio Water Company, Inc.
06/06/2012 Public comment concerning Aqua Ohio's application to increase rates filed by concerned consumer, L. Carrico.
06/06/2012 Notice of Substitution of Schedules E-1 and E-2.1 to the Stipulation and Recommendation of Aqua Ohio Water Company, Inc. and Staff of the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio electronically filed by Ms. Melissa L. Thompson on behalf of Aqua Ohio Water Company, Inc.
05/24/2012 Transcript of the Ohio American Water Company hearing held on 05/09/12, before AE J. Jones and K. Stenman, electronically filed by Mrs. Jennifer Duffer on behalf of Armstrong & Okey, Inc. and Spencer, Michael O. Mr.
05/21/2012 Letter of Notification of Aqua Ohio Water Company, Inc.'s updated Schedule C-8, filed as a Late Filed Exhibit pursuant to Ohio Adm. Code 4901-7-01, Appendix A, Chapter II, Section C, Paragraph (D)(5) electronically filed by Ms. Melissa L. Thompson on behalf of Aqua Ohio Water Company, Inc.
05/15/2012 Transcript of Ohio American Water Company for hearing held on 05/01/12 electronically filed by Mrs. Jennifer Duffer on behalf of Armstrong & Okey, Inc. and Dillion, Iris I. Mrs.
05/08/2012 Prepared testimony of Wm. Ross Willis filed PUCO Staff.
05/08/2012 Stipulation and Recommendation of Aqua Ohio Water Company, Inc. and Staff of the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio electronically filed by Ms. Melissa L. Thompson on behalf of Aqua Ohio Water Company, Inc.
05/04/2012 Entry ordering that Aqua's motion for extension of the procedural schedule be granted; that the parties should observe the procedural schedule set forth in finding (4). (KLS)
05/04/2012 Motion to Extend Deadline and Motion to Continue Hearing and memorandum in support electronically filed by Ms. Melissa L. Thompson on behalf of Aqua Ohio Water Company, Inc.
05/04/2012 Service Notice
05/01/2012 Letter opposing rate increase filed by R. Gandee.
05/01/2012 Letter in opposition to the Ohio American Water rates and service filed by consumer, L. Duvall.
04/20/2012 Notice of deposition of Daniel J. Duann, Steven B. Hines, Ibrahim Soliman, and James D. Williams filed by M. Thompson on behalf of Ohio-American Water Company.
04/10/2012 Letter in opposition to the Ohio American Water rates and service filed by consumer, Heather Johnson.
04/09/2012 PUCO Exhibit filing: Testimony of David Kuta.
04/09/2012 PUCO Exhibit filing.
04/06/2012 Transcript of Ohio American Water Company hearing held on 03/26/12 electronically filed by Mrs. Jennifer Duffer on behalf of Armstrong & Okey, Inc. and Jones, Maria DiPaolo Mrs.
04/05/2012 Transcript of Ohio American Water Company hearing held on 03/21/12 before AE's S. Lesser and K. Stenman electronically filed by Mrs. Jennifer Duffer on behalf of Armstrong & Okey, Inc. and Jones, Maria DiPaolo Mrs.
04/04/2012 Public comment concerning Ohio American Water rate increase filed Emily Lewis.
03/30/2012 Schedules A, C, and E filed by M. Thompson on behalf of Ohio American Water Company.
03/27/2012 PUCO Exhibit filing.
03/27/2012 Transcript of Ohio American Water Company hearing held on 03/19/12 before AE K. Stenman electronically filed by Mrs. Jennifer Duffer on behalf of Armstrong & Okey, Inc. and Jones, Maria DiPaolo Mrs.
03/26/2012 Letter in opposition to the proposed Ohio American Water rate increase filed by consumer, C. Goodwin.
03/22/2012 Public comment concerning Ohio American Water rate increase filed by Marlene Jones.
03/22/2012 Public comment concerning Ohio American Water Company rate increase filed by Stephen Magee.
03/22/2012 Public comment concerning Ohio American Water Company rate increase filed by Mervin R. Shaffner.(FAX)
03/22/2012 Proof of publication for Ashtabula, Franklin, Lawrence, Marion, Morrow, Pike, Portage, Preble, Richland, and Seneca Counties filed by M. Thompson on behalf of Ohio-American Water Company.
03/20/2012 Public Hearing Sign-In sheet held before Attorney Examiner Katie Stenman and Commissioner Cheryl Roberto, at the Harvest Assembly of God Church, 8075 Dellinger Road, Galloway, Ohio, called at 6:06 p.m. on Monday, March 5, 2012.
03/20/2012 Public comment concerning the Ohio American Water Company rate increase filed by Mifflin Township Board of Trustees.
03/20/2012 Transcript of Ohio American Water Company hearing held before Attorney Examiner Katie Stenman and Commissioner Cheryl Roberto, at the Harvest Assembly of God Church, 8075 Dellinger Road, Galloway Ohio, called at 6:06 p.m. on Monday March 5, 2012 electronically filed by Mrs. Jennifer Duffer on behalf of Armstrong & Okey, Inc. and Anderson, Rosemary Foster Mrs.
03/19/2012 Prepared testimony of Wm. Ross Willis Accounting and Electricity Division Public Utilities Department The Public Utilities Commission of Ohio.
03/19/2012 Prepared Testimony of David E. Hupp.
03/19/2012 Prepared testimony of Sue Daly.
03/19/2012 Prepared Testimony of Clifford T. Evans,P.E.
03/19/2012 Testimony of Shahid Mahmud, PUCO staff.
03/19/2012 Public comment concerning Ohio American Water Company rate increase filed on by James Timonere on behalf of City of Ashtabula
03/19/2012 Prepared Testimony of Judy Sarver Utilities Department Capital Recovery & Financial Analysis Division The Public Utilities Commission of Ohio.
03/19/2012 Transcript of the Public Hearing held on March 12, 2012 @ 6:04 P.M. at Tiffin Municipal Building 51 East Market Street, Tiffin Ohio 44883
03/14/2012 Transcript of the Public Hearing held on March 07, 2012 @ 6:00 P.M. at Ashtabula Township Clerk's Office 2718 North Ridge Road. East Ashtabula, Ohio.
03/14/2012 Public Comment of a consumer in regards to the Ohio American Water Company rate hike filed by Michelle Jones.
03/13/2012 Public comment concerning Ohio American Water Company rate increase filed by Mrs. Gloria Spurlock.
03/13/2012 Public comment concerning the Ohio American Water Company rate increase filed by Lloyd Karcher.
03/07/2012 Letter expressing concern over OAW rate increase filed by K.Boyles.
03/07/2012 Letter expressing concern over Ohio American Water rate increase filed by J. Brown.
03/01/2012 Exhibit of Supplemental direct testimony of David K. Little on behalf of Ohio American Water Company by M. Thompson.
03/01/2012 Ohio American Water Company's objections to Staff Report of Investigation filed by M. Thompson.
03/01/2012 Exhibit of Direct Testimony of James D. Williams on Behalf of the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel electronically filed by Patti Mallarnee on behalf of Yost, Melissa Ms.
03/01/2012 Exhibit of Direct Testimony of Ibrahim Soliman on Behalf of the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel electronically filed by Ms. Deb J. Bingham on behalf of Yost, Melissa R. Ms.
03/01/2012 Exhibit of Direct Testimony of Steven B. Hines on Behalf of the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel electronically filed by Ms. Deb J. Bingham on behalf of Yost, Melissa R. Ms.
03/01/2012 Exhibit of Direct Testimony of Daniel J. Duann, Ph.D., CRRA, on Behalf of the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel electronically filed by Ms. Deb J. Bingham on behalf of Yost, Melissa R. Ms.
03/01/2012 Objections to the PUCO Staff's Report of Investigation and Summary of Major Issues by the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel and the City of Marion, Ohio electronically filed by Ms. Deb J. Bingham on behalf of Yost, Melissa R. Ms.
03/01/2012 Exhibit of Second supplemental direct testimony of Gary M. Verdouw on behalf of Ohio-American Water Company.
03/01/2012 Exhibit of Supplemental testimony of Pauline M. Ahern on behalf of Ohio-American Water Company.
02/29/2012 Return mail receipt. (CD)
02/29/2012 Correspondence in opposition to the proposed Ohio American Water rate increase.
02/29/2012 Staff withdrawing motion filed on February, 28, 2012.
02/29/2012 Letter in opposition to the proposed OAW rate increase filed by consumer, Mr. George Curry.
02/28/2012 Motion for extension of time and memorandum in support filed by PUCO Staff.
02/28/2012 Letter in protest of the rate increase filed by L.A. Dibble.
02/24/2012 Memorandum contra request for public hearing filed by M. Thompson on behalf of Ohio American Water Company.
02/24/2012 Return mail receipt. (Disk)
02/24/2012 Request for public hearing in the Blendon Township area by the Blendon Township Board of Trustees to be scheduled for the Ohio American Water (OAW) rate case filed by J. Heichel, J. Welch, S. Flaherty, and W. Estep.
02/22/2012 Returned Mail (staff report)
02/21/2012 Return mail receipt. (Returned staff report)
02/21/2012 Return mail receipt. (Returned staff report)
02/21/2012 Supplemental direct testimony of Gary M. Verdouw on behalf of Ohio American Water Company.
02/14/2012 Notice to take depositions and request for production of documents by the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel electronically filed by Ms. Deb J. Bingham on behalf of Yost, Melissa R. Ms.
02/13/2012 Service Notice
02/13/2012 Entry ordering that the motion for admission pro hac vice by albert D. Sturtevant on August 2, 2011, be granted; motions to intervene filed by Marion, OCC, Perry, and Prairie be granted; local public hearings be scheduled in accordance with finding and that notice of the local hearings be published by Ohio American as directed in finding (9). (KLS)
02/08/2012 Proof of publication filed. (Ashtabula County)
02/08/2012 Letter in opposition to the proposed OAW rate increase filed by consumer, Sharon Ricker.
02/03/2012 Letter stating of a change of address and firm affiliation for Mark A. Whitt, Christopher T. Kennedy and Melissa L. Thompson for each of the above referenced cases filed by M. Whitt.
02/02/2012 Service Notice
02/01/2012 Entry ordering that all objections to the staff report and summary of the issues be filed by March 1, 2012; that all direct expert testimony be filed by March 1, 2012 and the motions to intervene and strike objections to the staff report be filed by March 12, 2012; and memoranda contra be filed by March 19, 2012; that a prehearing conference be scheduled in accordance with findings (6) and the evidentiary hearing will begin on March 26, 2012, at 10:00 a.m., in Hearing Room 11-A in the offices of the Commission, 180 East Broad Street, Columbus, Ohio 43215.
01/31/2012 Service Notice
01/31/2012 Staff Report filed.
01/27/2012 Letter regarding HB 379 filed by Jan and Tom Heichel.
01/24/2012 Letter in strong opposition to the proposed rate increase by Ohio American Water filed by Sharon Ricker.
01/17/2012 Letter of apology for overlooking the "special offer" on the December 14, 2011 bill filed by R. and J. Neff.
01/11/2012 Public comment in opposition to the proposed Ohio American Water rate increase filed by Thomas Conley.
01/11/2012 Public comment in opposition to the proposed Ohio American Water rate increase filed Janet Brown.
01/09/2012 Correspondence in opposition to the proposed Ohio American Water rate increase filed by Robert and Joya Neff.
01/09/2012 Correspondence in opposition to the proposed Ohio American Water rate increase filed by Pamela J. Clegg.
01/05/2012 Correspondence in opposition to the proposed Ohio American Water rate increase filed on behalf of Norwich Township Board of Trustees by Charles Wm. Buck, Larry Earman, and Timothy A. Roberts.
01/04/2012 Correspondence in opposition to the proposed Ohio American Water rate increase.
12/29/2011 Proof of publication in the counties of Ashtabula, Franklin, Lawrence, Marion, Morrow, Pike, Portage, Preble, Richland, and Seneca.
12/23/2011 Public comment opposing rate increase for Ohio American Water Company, filed by consumer J. Brown.
12/21/2011 Letter in opposition to the proposed Ohio American Water rate increase filed by concerned consumer, T. Conley.
12/08/2011 Letter in opposition to the proposed Ohio American Water rate increase filed by Turo Township Trustees.
12/05/2011 Motion to intervene and memorandum in support filed on behalf of Prairie Township, Franklin County, Ohio filed by P. Griggs.
11/21/2011 Resolution # 24-11 in opposition to the proposed Ohio American Water rate increase filed by the residents of Lake Darby Estates Subdivision and Westpoint Subdivision in Prarie Township, Franklin County.
11/18/2011 Resolution No. 11-083 opposing the proposed Ohio American Water Company rate increase filed by the Council for the Village of North Kingsville, Ohio.
11/18/2011 Letter in opposition to the proposed Ohio American Water Company rate increase filed by consumer, C. Corbissero.
11/14/2011 Resolution No. 2011-182 opposing the application of the Ohio American Water Company for a rate increase filed by the City Council of the City of Ashtabula, Ohio.
11/09/2011 Public comment concerning the rate increase for Ohio American Water Company filed on behalf of concerned consumer, Marlene Jones.
11/08/2011 Letter in opposition to the rates charged by Ohio American Water filed by consumer, M. Chakerian.
11/08/2011 Letter in opposition to the amount charged for water filed by consumer, V. Coakley.
11/04/2011 Public comment in opposition of Ohio American Water proposed rate increase filed on behalf of concerned consumer, W. Galliher.
11/03/2011 Correspondence objecting proposed rate increase of Ohio American Water Company filed by Dennis Ponder.
11/01/2011 Correspondence Letter expressing concern with the rate increase filed by D and A. Stump.
10/27/2011 Motion to intervene of Perry Township, Franklin County, Ohio and Memorandum in Support filed by Peter N. Griggs on behalf of Perry Township, Franklin County, Ohio.
10/27/2011 Resolution No. 203-11 objecting to and opposing the proposed water and sewer rate increase filed by Ohio American water with the Ohio Public Utilities Commission, filed by Chet Chaney, Andy English and James Roper on behalf of Perry Township, Franklin County Board of Trustees.
10/27/2011 Correspondence objecting proposed rate increase of Ohio American Water Company filed by Jerry Hambleton.
10/27/2011 Correspondence in opposition of Ohio American Water Co. request for increase in rates filed by Gertrude Hanhilammi.
10/24/2011 Letter strongly objecting to this rate increase as it is unjust, unfair, and unreasonable sought by Ohio American Water filed by Mr. L.Miller
10/18/2011 Public comment opposing the requested rate increase of Ohio American Water Company filed on behalf of concerned consumer, S. Trisket.
10/18/2011 Letter stating the unanimously opposition to the proposed 22.26% increase for the Ohio American Water Company filed by The Ashtabula Township Trustees and Fiscal Officer.
09/23/2011 Motion to Intervene and Memorandum in Support filed on behalf of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel by Kyle L. Kern.
09/20/2011 Service Notice
09/20/2011 Entry ordering that the application of Ohio American Water Company be accepted for filing as of August 1, 2011 and the proposed newspaper notice submitted be approved for publication.
09/14/2011 Motion to intervene and memorandum in support filed on behalf of the City of Marion filed by M. Russell. (FAX)
09/13/2011 Public comment concerning Ohio American Water Company's request for increase in rates filed on behalf of concerned consumer, J. Armeni.
08/19/2011 Public comment concerning the Ohio American Water Company request for rate increase filed on behalf of concerned consumer, T. Kauffman.
08/15/2011 Direct testimony of John J. Spanos on behalf of Ohio American Water Company filed by M. Thompson. (Part 2 of 2)
08/15/2011 Direct testimony of John J. Spanos on behalf of Ohio American Water Company filed by M. Thompson. (Part 1 of 2)
08/15/2011 Direct testimony of Melissa L. Schwarzell on behalf of Ohio American Water Company filed by Melissa Thompson.
08/15/2011 Direct testimony of Gary M. Verdouw on behalf of Ohio American Water Company filed by Melissa Thompson.
08/15/2011 Direct testimony of David K. Little on behalf of Ohio American Water Company filed by Melissa Thompson.
08/15/2011 Index of Direct testimony on behalf of Ohio American Water Company filed by Melissa Thompson.
08/15/2011 Direct testimony of Lewis E. Keathley on behalf of Ohio American Water Company filed by Melissa Thompson.
08/15/2011 Direct testimony of Donald J. Petry on behalf of Ohio American Water Company filed by Melissa Thompson.
08/15/2011 Direct testimony of Thomas Schwing on behalf of Ohio American Water Company filed by Melissa Thompson.
08/15/2011 Direct testimony of Paul R. Herbert on behalf of Ohio American Water Company filed by Melissa Thompson.
08/15/2011 Direct testimony of Pauline M. Ahern on behalf of Ohio American Water Company filed by M. Thompson.
08/02/2011 Motion to admit pro hac vice of Albert D. Sturtevant filed by M.L. Thompson on behalf of Ohio American Water Company.
08/01/2011 Application continued. ( Part 2 of 2 )
08/01/2011 Application to increase water and sewer rates filed by G.A. Reynolds on behalf of Ohio American Water Company. ( Part 1 of 2 )
07/27/2011 Service notice.
07/27/2011 Entry ordered that the test period of the applicant, Ohio American Water Company shall begin January 1, 2011 through December 31, 2011 and that the date certain shall be April 30, 2011, that any changes to the date certain or test period shall be the filing of a new notice of intent to file an application for an increase in rates and withdrawl of the pending application, that the request for waiver be granted.
07/26/2011 Letter expressing concern over Ohio American Water asking for a rate increase as well as concern over the proposed sell to Aqua Water and how will it effect the lead water line replacements and the main water line replacement since another company will be taking over filed by S. Nightwander ( fkn Kuhn ).
07/20/2011 Letter in opposition to the proposed Ohio American Water increase filed by consumer B. Root.
07/11/2011 Letter in opposition to the proposed Ohio American Water rate increase filed by S. Nighswander.
07/08/2011 Public comment in opposition of Ohio American Water Company's application for rate increase filed on behalf of concerned consumer, W. Houck.
07/01/2011 Motion for approval of test year and date certain and for waivers from certain standard filing requirements filed on behalf of Ohio American Water Company by M. Whitt.
07/01/2011 In the matter of the application of Ohio American Water Company to increase its rates for water service and sewer service.