DIS - Case Record for 11-1361-EL-RDR Skip to main content
CASE DESCRIPTION: In the Matter of the Application of Columbus Southern Power Company and Ohio Power Company To Update Their Enhanced Service Reliability Riders
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
11/17/2014 Notice of Withdrawal of Counsel electronically filed by Mrs. Tonnetta Y Scott on behalf of Mr. Devin D Parram.
06/30/2011 Compliance tariffs PUCO No. 19 filed on behalf of Columbus Southern Power Company and Ohio Power Company filed by S. Nourse.
06/15/2011 Service Notice
06/15/2011 Finding and Order that AEP-Ohio's application to update the ESRP rider is approved,
05/31/2011 Correspondence concerning comments filed by Commission Staff filed by M. Satterwhite on behalf of American Electric Power.
05/20/2011 Comments and recommendations submitted on behalf of Staff of The Public Utilities Commission of Ohio by T. Lindgren.
04/18/2011 Service Notice
04/18/2011 Entry ordered that comments be filed with the Commission by May 20, 2011 and reply comments be filed by May 31, 2011. (GS)
04/08/2011 Motion for extension of time to file comments filed by PUCO Staff.
04/01/2011 Service notice.
04/01/2011 Entry ordering that comments be filed with the Commission by April 22, 2011, and reply comments be filed by April 29, 2011. (GS)
03/18/2011 In the matter of the application of Columbus Southern Power Company and Ohio Power Company to Update their Enhanced Service Reliability Riders.