DIS - Case Record for 11-0118-GA-FOR Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
08/10/2021 Motion of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. To Extend Protective Order electronically filed by Mrs. Tammy M Meyer on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio Inc. and D'Ascenzo, Rocco and Kingery, Jeanne W.
04/01/2020 Motion of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. To Extend Protective Order and Memorandum in Support electronically filed by Mrs. Tammy M. Meyer on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio Inc. Rocco D'Ascenzo.
01/31/2020 Notice of Withdrawal of Counsel electronically filed by Mrs. Tammy M Meyer on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio Inc. and D'Ascenzo, Rocco and Vaysman, Larisa.
11/21/2018 Motion of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc., to Extend Protective Order and Memorandum in Support electronically filed by Dianne Kuhnell on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. and Rocco D'Ascenzo and Watts, Elizabeth H.
01/31/2018 Notice of withdrawal of Amy B. Spiller as counsel for Duke Energy Ohio (Part 2 of 3) electronically filed by Mrs. Debbie L. Gates on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio Inc., Rocco O. D'Ascenzo and Ms. Elizabeth H. Watts.
01/13/2016 Service Notice
01/13/2016 Attorney Examiner Entry granting the motion to extend protective treatment, that the Docketing Division maintain, under seal, Appendix II and Appendix III, which were filed as part of Duke's LTFR in this case, for a period of 36 months, ending on January 11, 2019; electronically filed by Vesta R Miller on behalf of Kerry K. Sheets, Attorney Examiner, Public Utilities Commission of Ohio.
12/22/2015 Motion and Memorandum in Support of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc., to Extend Protective Order electronically filed by Dianne Kuhnell on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. and Spiller, Amy B. and Watts, Elizabeth H.
02/19/2013 Service Notice
02/19/2013 Attorney Examiner Entry granted motion to extend protective treatment in accordance with Finding (7) and ordered the Commission's docketing division to maintain under seal Appendix II and Appendix III for a period of 36 months ending 02/19/2016. - electronically filed by Sandra Coffey on behalf of Jonathan Tauber, Attorney Examiner, Public Utilities Commission of Ohio.
01/23/2013 Motion and memorandum in support of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc., to Extend Protective Order electronically filed by Carys Cochern on behalf of Watts, Elizabeth H. Ms.
09/19/2011 Service Notice
09/19/2011 Entry ordering that the motion for protective order filed by Duke be granted. It is, further ordered that the Commission's docketing division maintain, under seal Appendix II and Appendix III, which were filed under seal in this docket on June 1, 2011 for a period of 18 months ending on March 19, 2013. (JJT)
06/01/2011 Gas Long-term Forecast Report of Duke Energy Ohio Inc. filed by D. Kuhnell on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio Inc.
06/01/2011 Motion for protective order and memorandum in support filed by A Spiller on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio.
06/01/2011 Confidential Document Target of a Long Term Forecast Report filed by A. Spiller on behalf of Duke Energy of Ohio. ( 336 Pages )
12/17/2010 In the matter of the long-term forecast report of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. and related matters.