DIS - Case Record for 10-0880-GA-CRS Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
08/02/2024 In the Matter of the Application of Dynegy Energy Services East LLC.
07/24/2024 Notice of Material Change of Dynegy Energy Services East LLC.
05/04/2023 In the Matter of the Application of Dynegy Services (East) LLC.
12/06/2022 Certificate No. 10-193G issued and electronically filed by Ms. Alla Magaziner-Tempesta on behalf of PUCO Staff.
10/27/2022 Confidential Document Target: Exhibit C-3, C-4, C-5 & C-9 filed by Dorian Moore on behalf of DYNEGY. (18 pages)
10/25/2022 In the Matter of the Application of Dynegy Energy Services East LLC.
08/09/2022 Notice of Material change of principal offices, directors and partners of Dynegy Energy Services East LLC, submitted by Dorian Moore.
07/15/2022 Amended Application - Updated Exhibit A-5 to the Application of Dynegy Energy Services East LLC.
12/02/2020 Certificate No. 10-193G electronically filed by Ms. Alla Magaziner -Tempesta on behalf of PUCO staff.
11/19/2020 Confidential Document Target: Exhibits C-3, C-5 and C-9 filed by D. Moore on behalf of Dynegy Energy Services (East) LLC. (25 pages)
10/29/2020 In the Matter of the Application of Dynegy Energy Services East LLC.
10/27/2020 Case Action Form reopening case effective 10/27/2020 filed by Melissa Scarberry.
01/26/2017 Notice of cancellation of certificate #10-193G(3) .
07/21/2016 Abandonment Application electronically filed by Mr. David F. Proano on behalf of Dynegy Energy Services (East), LLC.
01/29/2016 Notice of Material Change electronically filed by Mrs. Gretchen L Lange on behalf of Dynegy Energy Services (East), LLC
04/23/2015 Confidential treatment of document: Exhibit C-5 filed by G. Lange on behalf of Dynegy Energy Services (East) LLC. (pg ct 1)
04/22/2015 Dynegy Energy Services (East), LLC’S Material Change Report electronically filed by Mr. David F. Proano on behalf of Dynegy Energy Services (East), LLC.
09/05/2014 Service Notice
09/05/2014 Attorney Examiner Entry ordering that the motion for a protective order filed by Duke Energy be granted with regard to exhibit C-5 of Duke Energy's 2014 renewal application. Further, the Commission's docketing division is directed to release into the public record, on September 12, 2014, exhibit C-5, filed under seal in this docket on July 18, 2012; electronically filed by Vesta R Miller on behalf of Kerry K. Sheets, Attorney Examiner, Public Utilities Commission of Ohio
07/28/2014 Certificate No. 10-193G(3) issued.
06/25/2014 Renewal certification application for Duke Energy Retail Sales, LLC as a Retail Natural Gas Aggregator/Broker and Marketer filed by W. Fleissner.
06/25/2014 Confidential treatment of document: Exhibit C-5 filed by J. Kingery on behalf of Duke Energy Retail Sales, LLC (pg ct 1)
06/25/2014 Motion of Duke Energy Retail Sales, LLC for protective order and memorandum in support filed by J. Kingery.
08/13/2012 Service Notice
08/13/2012 Attorney Examiner Entry ordering that the motion for a protective order filed by Duke Energy Retail Sales, LLC be granted with regard to confidential exhibit C-5 of the company's renewal application for certification as a competitive retail natural gas supplier. The protective order directs Docketing to keep exhibit C-5 under seal for a period of 24 months. electronically filed by Vesta R Miller on behalf of Kerry K. Sheets, Attorney Examiner, Public Utilities Commission of Ohio
07/25/2012 Certificate # 10-193G (2) issued.
07/18/2012 Supplemental Response letter responding to Item C-4 and projections, with assumptions, of Duke Energy Retail Sales, LLC, in response to Item C-5, filed by Jeanne W. Kingery.
07/18/2012 Notice of Duke Energy Corporation's application renewal filed by W. Bryan Buckler.
07/18/2012 Motion and Memorandum in Support for Protective Order for Duke Energy Retail Sales, LLC filed by Jeanne W. Kingery.
07/18/2012 Confidential Document Target for Duke Energy Retail Sales, LLC for Exhibit C-5 filed by J. Kingery.
06/25/2012 Renewal application of Duke Energy Retail Sales, LLC for Certification as a competitive retail natural gas suppliers filed by Matthew Watz.
10/07/2011 Notice of change of regulatory contact filed by A. Sonderman on behalf of Duke Energy Retail Sales, LLC.
09/14/2010 Certificate 10-193G(1) issued.
07/27/2010 Certificate 10-192G(1) issued.
06/23/2010 In the matter of the certification application of Duke Energy Retail Sales, LLC as a competitive retail natural gas supplier.