DIS - Case Record for 10-0654-EL-BGN Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
01/05/2023 Letter of Notification - November 5, 2022 Incident – Good Cause for More Time for Final Report electronically filed by Mr. Matthew C. McDonnell on behalf of Hog Creek Wind Project, LLC.
04/03/2018 Notification of Compliance with Condition 11 (Case No. 09-277-EL-BGN) and Condition 32 (Case No. 10-654-EL-BGN) – Ohio Utilities Protection Service electronically filed by Mr. William V Vorys on behalf of Hog Creek Wind Project, LLC.
12/21/2017 Notice filed by Erin Bowser on behalf of Hog Creek Wind Project, LLC.
11/13/2017 Notification of Compliance with Condition 13 (Case No. 09-277-EL-BGN) and Condition 33 (Case No. 10-654-EL-BGN) - Fire Protection and Medical Emergency Plan electronically filed by Terrence O'Donnell on behalf of Hog Creek Wind Project, LLC.
08/28/2017 Return Mail - JW GreatLakes Wind, LLC - Return to Sender, Insufficient Address, unable to forward.
08/17/2017 Service Notice
08/17/2017 Entry NUNC Pro Tunc ordered, that paragraph 11 of the May 4, 2017 Entry be modified nunu pro tunc as discussed in paragraph 4 above.
08/14/2017 Notice of Change of Ownership electronically filed by Christine M.T. Pirik on behalf of Hog Creek Wind Project, LLC.
08/11/2017 Notice of Appearance of Counsel electronically filed by Christine M.T. Pirik on behalf of Hog Creek Wind Project, LLC and EDP Renewables North America, LLC.
05/22/2017 Return to sender - JW Great Lakes Wind, Peter Endres, not deliverable as addressed unable to forward.
05/17/2017 Correspondence of Hog Creek Wind Farm LLC in Compliance with Certificate Condition Nos. 38 and 7 - ODOT Permit for Met Tower electronically filed by Teresa Orahood on behalf of Sally W. Bloomfield.
05/17/2017 Correspondence of Hog Creek Wind Farm LLC in Compliance with Certificate Condition Nos. 15 and 38 - Driveway Permits electronically filed by Teresa Orahood on behalf of Sally W. Bloomfield.
05/04/2017 Entry granting the application to transfer the certificate from Hog Creek Wind Farm, LLC to Hog Creek Wind Farm Project, LLC in accordance with Paragraph (9).
05/04/2017 Service Notice
04/25/2017 Correspondence of Hog Creek Wind Farm, LLC electronically filed by Teresa Orahood on behalf of Sally W. Bloomfield.
04/24/2017 Correspondence of Hog Creek Wind Farm LLC in Compliance with Certificate Condition No. 28 - Ada Water Source Plan electronically filed by Teresa Orahood on behalf of Sally W. Bloomfield.
04/24/2017 Correspondence of Hog Creek Wind Farm LLC in Compliance with Certificate Condition Nos. 33 and 45 - NTIA Response Letter electronically filed by Teresa Orahood on behalf of Sally W. Bloomfield.
04/24/2017 Correspondence of Hog Creek Wind Farm LLC in Compliance with Certificate Condition Nos. 8 and 25 - Updated Post-Construction Mortality Monitoring Study Plan electronically filed by Teresa Orahood on behalf of Sally W. Bloomfield.
04/24/2017 Correspondence of Hog Creek Wind Farm LLC in Compliance with Certificate Condition Nos. 38 and 15 - Addendum 2 to Phase I Archaeological Survey electronically filed by Teresa Orahood on behalf of Sally W. Bloomfield.
04/19/2017 Corrected Correspondence of Hog Creek Wind Farm LLC in Compliance with Certificate Condition Nos. 28 and 47 respectively - New ODOT Permit and FAA Determinations electronically filed by Teresa Orahood on behalf of Sally W. Bloomfield.
04/18/2017 Correspondence of Hog Creek Wind Farm LLC in Compliance with Certificate Condition Nos. 28 and 47 respectively - New ODOT Permit and FAA Determinations electronically filed by Teresa Orahood on behalf of Sally W. Bloomfield.
04/18/2017 Correspondence of Hog Creek Wind Farm, LLC in Compliance with Certificate Condition Nos. 2 and 8 - Revised Agenda for Pre-Construction Conference electronically filed by Teresa Orahood on behalf of Sally W. Bloomfield.
04/17/2017 Correspondence of Hog Creek Wind Farm, LLC in Compliance with Certificate Condition Nos. 2 and 8 - Agenda for Pre-Construction Conference electronically filed by Teresa Orahood on behalf of Sally W. Bloomfield.
04/13/2017 Correspondence of Hog Creek Wind Farm LLC in Compliance with Condition No. 54(a) - Final Turbine Foundation Design Plans electronically filed by Teresa Orahood on behalf of Sally W. Bloomfield.
04/12/2017 Correspondence of Hog Creek Wind Farm LLC in Compliance with Condition No. 18 - SPCC electronically filed by Teresa Orahood on behalf of Sally W. Bloomfield.
04/04/2017 Correspondence of Hog Creek Wind Farm, LLC regarding compliance with Condition No. 49 - FAA and ODOT-OA requirements electronically filed by Teresa Orahood on behalf of Sally W. Bloomfield.
04/04/2017 Correspondence of Hog Creek Wind Farm, LLC regarding compliance with Condition Nos. 44 and 58 - construction commencement electronically filed by Teresa Orahood on behalf of Sally W. Bloomfield.
04/04/2017 Correspondence of Hog Creek Wind Farm, LLC regarding compliance with Condition No. 43 - Vestas V100 technology electronically filed by Teresa Orahood on behalf of Sally W. Bloomfield.
04/04/2017 Correspondence of Hog Creek Wind Farm, LLC regarding compliance with Condition Nos. 40 and 18 - erosion and control plan electronically filed by Teresa Orahood on behalf of Sally W. Bloomfield.
04/04/2017 Correspondence of Hog Creek Wind Farm, LLC regarding compliance with Conditions No. 35 - ice hazards electronically filed by Teresa Orahood on behalf of Sally W. Bloomfield.
04/04/2017 Correspondence of Hog Creek Wind Farm, LLC regarding compliance with Condition Nos. 29 and 50 - no airports electronically filed by Teresa Orahood on behalf of Sally W. Bloomfield.
04/04/2017 Correspondence of Hog Creek Wind Farm, LLC regarding compliance with Condition Nos. 28 and 51 - FAA regulations electronically filed by Teresa Orahood on behalf of Sally W. Bloomfield.
04/04/2017 Correspondence of Hog Creek Wind Farm, LLC regarding compliance with Condition No. 19 - 69 kV line electronically filed by Teresa Orahood on behalf of Sally W. Bloomfield.
04/04/2017 Correspondence of Hog Creek Wind Farm, LLC regarding compliance with Condition Nos. 24 and 40 - ambient noise electronically filed by Teresa Orahood on behalf of Sally W. Bloomfield.
04/04/2017 Correspondence of Hog Creek Wind Farm, LLC regarding compliance with Condition Nos. 2 and 8 - pre-construction conference filed by S. Bloomfield.
03/29/2017 Correspondence regarding compliance and NTIA electronically filed by Teresa Orahood on behalf of Sally W. Bloomfield.
03/29/2017 Correspondence regarding compliance and permit electronically filed by Teresa Orahood on behalf of Sally W. Bloomfield.
03/14/2017 Correspondence of Hog Creek Wind Farm, LLC in Compliance with Condition No. 54a - Engineering Drawings Part 2 electronically filed by Teresa Orahood on behalf of Sally W. Bloomfield.
03/14/2017 Hog Creek Wind Farm, LLC, in Compliance with Condition No. 54a - Engineering Drawings Part 1 electronically filed by Teresa Orahood on behalf of Sally W. Bloomfield.
03/09/2017 Correspondence of Hog Creek Wind Farm, LLC in Compliance with Condition No. 36 - Project Route for Kenton and VanWert electronically filed by Teresa Orahood on behalf of Sally W. Bloomfield.
03/09/2017 Correspondence of Hog Creek Wind Farm, LLC in Compliance with Condition No. 29 - Geotechnical Report Part 2 electronically filed by Teresa Orahood on behalf of Sally W. Bloomfield.
03/09/2017 Correspondence of Hog Creek Wind Farm, LLC in Compliance with Condition No. 29 - Geotechnical Report Part 1 electronically filed by Teresa Orahood on behalf of Sally W. Bloomfield.
03/09/2017 Correspondence of Hog Creek Wind Farm, LLC in Compliance with Condition No. 18 - SWPPP electronically filed by Teresa Orahood on behalf of Sally W. Bloomfield.
03/09/2017 Correspondence of Hog Creek Wind Farm, LLC in Compliance with Condition No. 15 electronically filed by Teresa Orahood on behalf of Sally W. Bloomfield.
02/17/2017 Joint Application of Hog Creek Wind Farm, LLC and Hog Creek Wind Project, LLC to Transfer Certificate electronically filed by Teresa Orahood on behalf of Sally W. Bloomfield.
02/06/2017 Correspondence of Hog Creek Wind Farm LLC in Compliance with Certificate Condition No. 15 - Addendum No 1: Archaeological Survey electronically filed by Teresa Orahood on behalf of Sally W. Bloomfield.
01/03/2017 Correspondence of Hog Creek Wind Farm LLC in Compliance with Condition Nos. 44 and 58 - Notice of Completion of 2016 Phase of Construction electronically filed by Teresa Orahood on behalf of Sally W. Bloomfield.
12/05/2016 Correspondence of Hog Creek Wind Farm LLC electronically filed by Teresa Orahood on behalf of Sally W. Bloomfield.
12/05/2016 Correspondence of Hog Creek Wind Farm LLC in Compliance with Condition Nos. 40 & 18 - NPDES Permit electronically filed by Teresa Orahood on behalf of Sally W. Bloomfield.
11/21/2016 Correspondence of Hog Creek Wind Farm LLC in Compliance with Condition Nos. 18 and 14 - Phase I Archaeological Survey dated November 2016, Part 2 of 2 electronically filed by Teresa Orahood on behalf of Sally W. Bloomfield.
11/21/2016 Correspondence of Hog Creek Wind Farm LLC in Compliance with Condition Nos. 18 and 14 - Phase I Archaeological Survey dated November 2016, Part 1 of 2 electronically filed by Teresa Orahood on behalf of Sally W. Bloomfield.
11/04/2016 Correspondence of Hog Creek Wind Farm LLC in Compliance with Condition Nos. 44 & 58 - Start of Phase 1 Construction electronically filed by Teresa Orahood on behalf of Sally W. Bloomfield.
11/04/2016 Correspondence of Hog Creek Wind Farm LLC in Compliance with Condition Nos. 40 & 18 - SWPPP electronically filed by Teresa Orahood on behalf of Sally W. Bloomfield.
11/04/2016 Correspondence of Hog Creek Wind Farm LLC in Compliance with Condition Nos. 37(a) and 52(a) - Decommissioning Plan electronically filed by Teresa Orahood on behalf of Sally W. Bloomfield.
11/04/2016 Correspondence of Hog Creek Wind Farm LLC in Compliance with Condition Nos. 36 & 6 electronically filed by Teresa Orahood on behalf of Sally W. Bloomfield.
11/04/2016 Correspondence of Hog Creek Wind Farm LLC in Compliance with Condition Nos. 14 & 36 - Transportation Plan electronically filed by Teresa Orahood on behalf of Sally W. Bloomfield.
11/04/2016 Correspondence of Hog Creek Wind Farm LLC in Compliance with Condition Nos. 13 & 33 electronically filed by Teresa Orahood on behalf of Sally W. Bloomfield.
11/04/2016 Correspondence of Hog Creek Wind Farm LLC in Compliance with Condition No. 11 electronically filed by Teresa Orahood on behalf of Sally W. Bloomfield.
11/01/2016 Correspondence of Hog Creek Wind Farm LLC in Compliance with Certificate Conditions 41 and 54(c) and Staff Report Condition 6 electronically filed by Teresa Orahood on behalf of Sally W. Bloomfield.
10/27/2016 Correspondence of Hog Creek Wind Farm LLC in Compliance with Certificate Condition Nos. 41 and 54(d) respectively - Tree Clearing electronically filed by Teresa Orahood on behalf of Sally W. Bloomfield.
10/27/2016 Correspondence of Hog Creek Wind Farm LLC in Compliance with Certificate Conditions - Site Plan electronically filed by Teresa Orahood on behalf of Sally W. Bloomfield.
10/27/2016 Correspondence of Hog Creek Wind Farm LLC in Compliance with Certificate Condition No. 39 - Turbine Locations electronically filed by Teresa Orahood on behalf of Sally W. Bloomfield.
10/27/2016 Correspondence of Hog Creek Wind Farm LLC in Compliance with Certificate Condition No. 37 - Road Agreement electronically filed by Teresa Orahood on behalf of Sally W. Bloomfield.
10/27/2016 Correspondence of Hog Creek Wind Farm LLC in Compliance with Certificate Condition No. 30 - Blasting Plan electronically filed by Teresa Orahood on behalf of Sally W. Bloomfield.
10/27/2016 Correspondence of Hog Creek Wind Farm LLC in Compliance with Certificate Condition Nos. 28 and 47 respectively - FAA Determinations electronically filed by Teresa Orahood on behalf of Sally W. Bloomfield.
10/27/2016 Correspondence of Hog Creek Wind Farm LLC in Compliance with Certificate Condition Nos. 27 and 10, respectively - Concrete Batch Plant electronically filed by Teresa Orahood on behalf of Sally W. Bloomfield.
10/27/2016 Correspondence of Hog Creek Wind Farm LLC in Compliance with Certificate Condition Nos. 26 and 13, respectively - Complaint Resolution Plan electronically filed by Teresa Orahood on behalf of Sally W. Bloomfield.
10/27/2016 Correspondence of Hog Creek Wind Farm LLC in Compliance with Certificate Condition No. 25 electronically filed by Teresa Orahood on behalf of Sally W. Bloomfield.
10/25/2016 Service Notice
10/25/2016 Entry ordering that Hog Creek's certificate be extended in accordance with finding (9).
09/27/2016 Correspondence of Hog Creek Wind Farm LLC in Compliance with Condition No. 39 Providing PJM Interconnection Agreement electronically filed by Teresa Orahood on behalf of Sally W. Bloomfield.
09/15/2016 Correspondence of Hog Creek Wind Farm LLC in Compliance with Condition Nos. 33 and 44 Providing Letter from NTIA in Response to OPSB Staff Data Request electronically filed by Teresa Orahood on behalf of Sally W. Bloomfield.
09/12/2016 Returned mail- Entry dated 8/24/16.
08/24/2016 Administrative Law Judge Entry extending duration of windfarm construction certificate; electronically filed by Vesta R Miller on behalf of L. Douglas Jennings, Administrative Law Judge, Ohio Power Siting Board
08/24/2016 Service Notice
05/04/2016 Correspondence of Hog Creek Wind Farm, LLC electronically filed by Teresa Orahood on behalf of Sally Bloomfield.
05/04/2016 Motion of Hog Creek Wind Farm, LLC to Extend The Duration of The Certificate of Environmental Compatibility and Public Need, and Request For Expedited Ruling electronically filed by Teresa Orahood on behalf of Sally Bloomfield.
05/02/2016 Case action form to re-open case with an effective date of 5/2/2016.
11/06/2015 Case action form closing cases with an effective date of 11/6/2015.
01/06/2012 OPSB Response to Ed Rogers regarding a letter sent to the Ohio Power Siting Board on the Hardin Wind Energy and Hog Creek Wind Farm project, filed by K. Wissman.
08/30/2011 Service Notice
08/29/2011 Opinion, order, and certificate stating that the stipulation be approved and adopted; that a certificate be issued to Hog Creek pursuant to Chapter 4906, Revised Code, for the construction, operation, and maintenance of the wind-powered electric generating facility and the certificate contain the conditions set forth in the stipulation. (OPSB)
08/19/2011 Transcript of Hog Creek Wind Farm, LLC hearing held on 08/08/11, before Attorney Examiners, S. Farkas and L.D. Jennings, electronically filed by Mrs. Jennifer Duffer on behalf of Armstrong & Okey, Inc. and Burke, Carolyn M. Mrs.
08/19/2011 Exhibits for proceedings held August 8, 2011, at the PUCO before Attorney examiners, Scott Farkas and L. Douglas Jennings.
08/11/2011 Notice of Withdrawal of Counsel, David E. Nash for Hog Creek Wind Farm, LLC filed by D. Nash.
08/08/2011 Transcript of Hog Creek Wind Farm hearing held on 07/25/11 electronically filed by Mrs. Jennifer Duffer on behalf of Armstrong & Okey, Inc. and Dillion, Iris I. Mrs.
08/05/2011 Joint stipulation and recommendation, findings of facts and conclusions of law filed on behalf of Staff, OPSB by W. Margard, Hog Creek Wind Farm by H. Petricoff, Ohio Farm Bureau Federation, Inc. by L. Gearhardt and AG Staff, C. Grasseschi.
08/04/2011 Proof of Publication. (Hardin County)
08/01/2011 Service Notice
08/01/2011 Entry ordered that the August 2, 2011 adjudicatory hearing be continued to August 8, 2011 at 10:00 a.m. the offices of the Commission, 11th floor Hearing Room 11-C, 180 East Broad Street, Columbus, Ohio 43215. ( SF )
08/01/2011 Notice of appearance of counsel filed by M.J. Settineri on behalf of Hog Creek Wind Farm, LLC.
07/29/2011 Motion to continue hearing request for expedited ruling submitted on behalf of the Staff of the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio filed by W. Margard.
07/21/2011 Confidential release continued. ( Part 3 of 3 )
07/21/2011 Confidential release continued. ( Part 2 of 3 )
07/21/2011 Confidential release of Exhibit B Health Safety & Environment Manual filed by B. Stedman, Senior VP, People & Culture and M. Wyrsch, President, Vestas Americas. ( Part 1 of 3 )
07/13/2011 Service notice.
07/12/2011 Public Comment and Response Letter to John Hohn, Hardin County Chamber & Business Alliance electronically filed by Raymond W. Strom on behalf of PUCO Staff.
07/08/2011 Staff Report Filed for Hog Creek Wind Farm II electronically filed by Mr. Donald E. Rostofer on behalf of OPSB Staff.
07/07/2011 Service Notice
07/07/2011 Entry ordering that the motion for protective order pertaining to Exhibit B, filed under seal on March 24, 2011, be denied and that on July 21, 2011, the Board's Docketing Division shall remove Exhibit B from the sealed record in this case and place it in the public file. (LDJ)
07/07/2011 Correspondence - Public Hearing Notifications to Property Owners & Local Officials electronically filed by Mr. Joseph E. Almady on behalf of Hog Creek Wind Farm, LLC.
07/05/2011 Letter stating that the Ohio Farm Bureau does not object to the amended application of Hog Creek Wind Farm I and II filed by L. Gearhardt.
06/13/2011 Proof of Pub (Kenton Times & Ada Herald) electronically filed by Mr. Joseph E. Almady on behalf of Hog Creek Wind Farm, LLC. in Hardin County, Ohio.
05/27/2011 Service Notice
05/26/2011 Entry that notices of the application and hearings be published by Hog Creek in accordance with findings (7) and (8); the applicant and intervenors identify issues pertaining to the Staff Report in accordance with finding (9) and that all parties file their expert and factual testimony in accordance with finding (9). (SF)
05/02/2011 Notice of service of Application electronically filed by Mr. Joseph E. Almady on behalf of Hog Creek Wind Farm, LLC.
05/02/2011 Service Notice
05/02/2011 Entry ordering that the motion for protective order pertaining to Exhibit A, filed under seal on March 24,2011, be granted and that,with regard to Exhibit B filed on March 24, 2011, in accordance with Finding (7), Hog Creek file an amended motion for protective order by June 2, 2011. (LDJ)
04/11/2011 Correspondence - Compliance Letter electronically filed by Raymond W. Strom on behalf of PUCO Staff.
03/24/2011 Confidential document target: Exhibit A and B filed by A. Salimbene on behalf of Hog Creek Wind Farm II. (515 pages)
03/24/2011 Supplemental Information for Hog Creek Wind Farm II to amend the certificate of environmental compatibility and public need filed on behalf of Hog Creek Wind Farm II.
03/24/2011 Motion for protective order and memorandum in support filed by D. Nash on behalf of Hog Creek Wind Farm, II.
02/10/2011 Supplemental information continued. (Part 2 of 2)
02/10/2011 Supplemental information filed by J. Almandy on behalf of Hog Creek Wind Farm II. (Part 1 of 2)
10/25/2010 Letter informing that the application, filed with the Ohio Power Siting Board (Board) on August 25, 2010, has been found not to comply with Chapters 4906-01, et seq., of the Ohio Administrative Code (OAC), filed by A. Schriber.
10/21/2010 Letter stating that the applicant will be providing supplemental information to reflect the potential change in project design based on the Vestas VIOO in the next 4 -6 weeks filed by D. Nash on behalf of Hog Creek Wind Farm, LLC.
09/27/2010 Service Notice
09/21/2010 Service notice.
09/21/2010 Entry ordering that the motion for waivers filed by the Applicant be granted; that the Applicant's motion for protective order regarding certain data filed in accordance with Rule 4906-17-06, O.A.C, be granted; that OFBF's motion to intervene be granted. (DJ)
09/07/2010 Confidential document: Financial & Confidential Information filed by D. Nash on behalf of Hog Creek Wind Farm, LLC.
08/31/2010 Motion to intervene and memorandum in support of the Ohio Farm Bureau Federation filed by L. Gearhardt.
08/27/2010 Memorandum regarding applicant's waiver requests electronically filed by Mr. Donald E Rostofer on behalf of Mr. Klaus Lambeck.
08/27/2010 Amended Application, Company letter for original application filed on behalf of Hog Creek Wind LLC.
08/26/2010 Application, Part 12 of 12: Exhibits 08-11 through 8-15, filed by Joseph Almady, Project Manager, on behalf of Hog Creek Wind LLC.
08/26/2010 Application, Part 11 of 12: Exhibit 8-10 (Part 2 of 2) filed by Joseph Almady, Project Manager, on behalf of Hog Creek Wind LLC.
08/26/2010 Application, Part 10 of 12: Exhibit 8-10 (Part 1 of 2), filed by Joseph Almady, Project Manager, on behalf of Hog Creek Wind LLC.
08/25/2010 Application, Part 9 of 12: Exhibit 08-9, filed by Joseph Almady, Project Manager, on behalf of Hog Creek Wind LLC.
08/25/2010 Application, Part 8 of 12: Exhibit 08-8, filed by Joseph Almady, Project Manager, on behalf of Hog Creek Wind LLC.
08/25/2010 Application, Part 7 of 12: Exhibits 08-4 through 08-7, filed by Joseph Almady, Project Manager, on behalf of Hog Creek Wind LLC.
08/25/2010 Application, Part 6 of 12: Exhibits 08-1, Sound Modeling 50dB Demand vs WTG Sound Only (Part 2 of 2) through 08-3, filed by Joseph Almady, Project Manager, on behalf of Hog Creek Wind LLC.
08/25/2010 Application, Part 5 of 12: Exhibits 05-4 through 08-1 Sound Modeling 49 bB Nighttime+5 (Part 1 of 2), filed by Joseph Almady, Project Manager, on behalf of Hog Creek Wind LLC.
08/25/2010 Application, Part 4 of 12, Exhibits 03-1 through 05-3, filed by Joseph Almady, Project Manager, on behalf of Hog Creek Wind LLC.
08/25/2010 Application, Part 3 of 12: Maps 08-1 through 08-3, filed by Joseph Almady,Project Manager, on behalf of Hog Creek Wind LLC.
08/25/2010 Application, Part 2 of 12: Maps 04-1 through 05-5, filed by Joseph Almady, Project Manager, on behalf of Hog Creek Wind LLC.
08/25/2010 Application, Part 1 of 12 filed by Joseph E. Almady, Project Manager, on behalf of Hog Creek Wind LLC.
08/18/2010 Motion for Waivers and for Protective Treatment under rule 4906-7-07(H)(I) and memorandum in support, filed by D. Nash.
06/28/2010 Proof of publication. (Harding County)
05/24/2010 In the matter of the pre-application notice of public informational meeting hosted by Hog Creek Wind Farm, Hardin County, filed by J. Almady on behalf of JW Great Lakes Wind, LLC.