DIS - Case Record for 10-0219-GA-EXR Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
11/19/2012 Case Action Form Close and Archive electronically filed by Ms. Marta E. Stewart-Bates on behalf of PUCO
11/30/2010 Revised tariff pages SSO Rate Effective December 14, 2010 electronically filed by Ms. Cynthia A Spiecha on behalf of Dominion East Ohio.
11/30/2010 Revised tariff pages SSO Rate Effective December 14, 2010 electronically filed by Ms. Cynthia A Spiecha on behalf of Dominion East Ohio.
11/22/2010 Finding and order that the findings of D&T, set forth in the audit reports docketed in these cases be adopted.
11/22/2010 Service Notice
11/05/2010 Tariff Demand Side Management Rider Effective November 12, 2010 electronically filed by Ms. Vicki H Friscic on behalf of Dominion East Ohio.
11/04/2010 Revised tariff sheet, Transportation Migration Rider - Part B Effective November 12, 2010, electronically filed by Ms. Vicki H Friscic on behalf of Dominion East Ohio.
11/01/2010 Revised tariff pages, SCO 3 Rate, Effective November 12, 2010 electronically filed by Ms. Cynthia A Spiecha on behalf of Dominion East Ohio.
11/01/2010 Revised tariff pages, SSO 1 Rate Effective November 12, 2010 electronically filed by Ms. Cynthia A Spiecha on behalf of Dominion East Ohio.
10/01/2010 Tariff SCO Rate Effective October 14, 2010 electronically filed by Ms. Cynthia A Spiecha on behalf of Dominion East Ohio.
10/01/2010 Tariff SSO Rate Effective October 14, 2010 electronically filed by Ms. Cynthia A Spiecha on behalf of Dominion East Ohio.
09/01/2010 Tariff SCO Rate Effective September 15, 2010 electronically filed by Ms. Cynthia A Spiecha on behalf of Dominion East Ohio
09/01/2010 Tariff SSO Rate Effective September 15, 2010 electronically filed by Ms. Cynthia A Spiecha on behalf of Dominion East Ohio
08/20/2010 Independent accountants' report on applying agreed-upon procedures, filed on behalf of and by Deloitte & Touche LLP.
08/02/2010 Tariff Transportation Migration Rider - Part B Effective August 16, 2010 electronically filed by Ms. Cynthia A Spiecha on behalf of Dominion East Ohio.
08/02/2010 Tariff SCO Rate Effective August 16, 2010 electronically filed by Ms. Cynthia A Spiecha on behalf of Dominion East Ohio.
08/02/2010 Tariff SSO Rate Effective August 16, 2010 electronically filed by Ms. Cynthia A Spiecha on behalf of Dominion East Ohio.
06/30/2010 Final tariffs for Standard Choice Offer Gas Rate and Gas Cost Rate filed by M. Whitt on behalf of The East Ohio Gas Company dba Dominion East Ohio.
05/28/2010 Revised tariff SCO 3 Rate Effective June 16, 2010 electronically filed by Ms. Vicki H Friscic on behalf of Dominion East Ohio.
05/28/2010 Revised tariff SSO 1 Rate Effective June 16, 2010 electronically filed by Ms. Vicki H Friscic on behalf of Dominion East Ohio.
05/04/2010 Revised tariff pages, Tariff Transportation Migration Rider - Part B, effective May 17, 2010, electronically filed by Ms. Cynthia A. Spiecha on behalf of Dominion East Ohio.
04/30/2010 Tariff SCO rate effective May 17, 2010 electronically filed by Ms. Vicki H. Friscic on behalf of Dominion East Ohio.
04/30/2010 Tariff SSO rate Effective May 17, 2010 electronically filed by Ms. Vicki H. Friscic on behalf of Dominion East Ohio.
03/31/2010 Tariff SCO Rate Effective April 16, 2010 electronically filed by Ms. Vicki H Friscic on behalf of Dominion East Ohio.
03/31/2010 Tariff SSO Rate Effective April 16, 2010 electronically filed by Ms. Vicki H Friscic on behalf of Dominion East Ohio.
02/25/2010 Tariff SCO Rate Effective March 18, 2010 electronically filed by Ms. Vicki H Friscic on behalf of Dominion East Ohio.
02/25/2010 Tariff SSO Rate effective March 18, 2010 electronically filed by Ms. Vicki H Friscic on behalf of Dominion East Ohio.
02/01/2010 Revised tariff of Transportation Migration Rider - Part B effective February 17, 2010 electronically filed by Ms. Vicki H Friscic on behalf of Dominion East Ohio.
02/01/2010 Revised tariff of SCO rate effective February 17, 2010 electronically filed by Ms. Vicki H Friscic on behalf of Dominion East Ohio.
02/01/2010 Revised tariff of SSO rate effective February 17, 2010 electronically filed by Ms. Vicki H Friscic on behalf of Dominion East Ohio.
01/20/2010 Service Notice
01/20/2010 Entry ordering that pursuant to finding (5), the audits for the effective periods of TMR and UEX riders be filed in the respective dockets by August 20, 2010; DEO bear the cost of the financial audits; DEO and the auditor shall observe the requirements set forth herein; auditor provide documentation necessary to support its conclusions and comments and reply comments be filed in the respective dockets by September 20, 2010, and October 12, 2010 respectively.
01/04/2010 Tariff SCO Rate Effective January 19, 2010 electronically filed by Ms. Vicki H Friscic on behalf of Dominion East Ohio.
01/04/2010 Tariff SSO Rate Effective January 19, 2010 electronically filed by Ms. Vicki H Friscic on behalf of Dominion East Ohio.
11/17/2009 In the matter of the regulations of the purchased gas adjustment clauses contained within the rate schedules of Dominion East Ohio Gas Company and related matters.