DIS - Case Record for 09-1854-GA-AGG Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
07/09/2014 Confidential Release Document filed on 11/3/2009, 11/19/2009 and 11/9/2011 and released to the public on 7/9/2014.
06/30/2014 Attorney Examiner Entry directing the Commission's docketing division release into the public record, on July 11, 2014, Energy Alliances' previous confidential documents, designated as exhibits C-3, C-5, C-6, and C-7 that were filed under seal in 09-1048 on November 3 and 19, 2009, and November 9, 2011. Further, the Commission's docketing division is directed to release into the public record, on July 11, 2014, Energy Alliances’ previous confidential documents, designated as exhibits C-3 and C-5 that were filed under seal in 09-1854 on November 9, 2011. Finally, 09-1048 and 09-1854 are to be closed of record; electronically filed by Vesta R Miller on behalf of Kerry K. Sheets, Attorney Examiner, Public Utilities Commission of Ohio.
06/30/2014 Service Notice
02/06/2012 Confidential release: November 9, 2011 Exhibit C-6 and C-7.
01/06/2012 Service Notice
01/06/2012 Entry ordered that Energy Alliances' motion for a protective order be granted with regard to the information contained in exhibits C-3 and C-5 of the company's application. ( KKS)
12/19/2011 Renewal certificate 09-173G(2) issued.
11/09/2011 Confidential document target for the application filed on behalf of Energy Alliances, Inc. by M. Bishop.
11/09/2011 Motion for protective order and memorandum in support filed by D. Gerace on behalf of Energy Alliances, Inc.
11/09/2011 Renewal certification application of Energy Alliance, LLC for Competitive Retail Natural Gas Brokers/Aggregators filed by M. Bishop.
02/03/2010 Service Notice
02/03/2010 Entry ordering that Energy Alliances' motion for protective order be granted with regard to the information contained in exhibits C-3, C-5, C-6 and C-7 of Energy Alliances' application; that the Commission's docketing division maintain, under seal, the unredacted exhibits C-3, C-5, C-6 and C-7, for a period of 24 months ending on December 25, 2011. (HPG)
01/13/2010 Certificate 09-173G(1) issued.
11/24/2009 Confidential document target for exhibit C-3 filed on behalf of Energy Alliance, Inc. by J. Mayer.
11/24/2009 Motion for protective order and memorandum in support filed on behalf of Energy Alliances, Inc. by J. Mayor.
11/24/2009 In the matter of the certification application of Energy Alliances, Inc for competitive retail natural gas brokers / aggregators.