DIS - Case Record for 09-1036-GA-RDR Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
03/21/2011 Memo closing cases with an effective date 3/21/11 electronically filed by Ms. Katie L. Stenman on behalf of Public Utilities Commission of Ohio.
12/16/2010 Notice of withdrawal of counsel filed by S. Parrot on behalf of PUCO.
07/27/2010 Notice of withdrawal and substitution of counsel filed by Staff.
04/29/2010 Revised tariff pages, PUCO Tariff No. 2, filed by L. Martin on behalf of Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc.
04/29/2010 Transcript for hearing held on April 15, 2010 before attorney examiner K. Stenman in Columbus, Ohio, electronically filed by Mrs. Jennifer Duffer on behalf of Armstrong & Okey, Inc. and Gibson, Karen Sue Mrs.
04/28/2010 Service Notice
04/28/2010 Opinion and order ordering that the stipulation of the parties be adopted and approved.
04/22/2010 Post hearing brief in support of the stipulation filed by L. Sauer on behalf of OCC.
04/14/2010 Prepared supplemental direct testimony of Stephanie D. Noel filed by S Seiple on behalf of Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc.
04/14/2010 Joint stipulation and recommendation filed by S. Seiple on behalf of Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc., by L. Sauer on behalf of OCC, by A. Hammerstein on behalf of PUCO and by C. Mooney on behalf of Ohio Partners for Affordable Energy.
04/12/2010 Service Notice
04/09/2010 Entry granting the parties' request for an alteration of the procedural schedule, adopting the procedural schedule as set forth in Finding (4); that the parties adhere to the process set forth in finding (5). (KLS)
04/06/2010 Service Notice
04/06/2010 Entry ordered that the parties request for and alteration of the procedural schedule be granted and the parties notify the Commission by noon April 6, 2010; that expert testimony be filed by the close of business on April 8, 2010. (KS)
04/06/2010 Statement of Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc. relating to staff and intervenor comments filed by S. Seiple.
04/02/2010 Service notice.
04/02/2010 Entry ordering all expert testimony should be filed by noon on April 7,and the parties to provide service to all parties including staff, by hand delivery, facsimile, or email of any testimony filed. (KS)
04/01/2010 Comments of Ohio Partners for Affordable Energy filed by D. Rinebolt. (original)
03/31/2010 Comments and recommendations submitted on behalf of the staff of the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio.
03/31/2010 Comments on the application of Columbia Gas of Ohio by the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel filed by L. Sauer.
03/31/2010 Comments of Ohio Partners for Affordable Energy filed by D. Rinebolt. (FAX)
03/17/2010 Correction to the prepared direct testimony of David A. Roy on behalf of Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc. by S. Seiple.
03/05/2010 Service notice.
03/05/2010 Entry ordering that the motion for admission pro hac vice of David Rinebolt be granted; that the motions for intervention filed by OCC and OPAE be granted; that parties adhere to findings (7), (8), (9), and (10); that case no. 09-1036-GA-UNC be, now and hereafter, designated as case no. 09-1036-GA-RDR.
02/26/2010 Independent accountants' report on applying agreed-upon procedures, accounting for the Riser costs, filed by Deloitte & Touche LLP on behalf of Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc.
02/26/2010 Independent accountants' report on applying agreed-upon procedures, accounting for the DSM costs, filed by Deloitte & Touche LLP on behalf of Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc.
02/26/2010 Independent accountants' report on applying agreed-upon procedures, accounting for the AMRD costs, filed by Deloitte & Touche on behalf of Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc.
02/26/2010 Independent accountants' report on applying agreed-upon procedures, accounting for the AMRP costs, filed by Deloitte & Touche LLP on behalf of Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc.
02/26/2010 Prepared direct testimony of Brad Bohrer filed by S. Seiple on behalf of Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc.
02/26/2010 Prepared direct testimony of Stephanie D. Noel filed by S. Seiple on behalf of Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc.
02/26/2010 Application to adjust Rider IRP and Rider DSM rates filed by S. Seiple on behalf of Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc.
02/26/2010 Prepared direct testimony of John A. Laverty filed by S. Seiple on behalf of Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc.
02/26/2010 Prepared direct testimony of David A. Roy filed by S. Seiple on behalf of Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc.
01/07/2010 Motion of Ohio Partners for Affordable Energy to intervene, memorandum in support and motion to practice pro hac vice before the Commission filed by D. Rinebolt.
12/30/2009 Motion to intervene and memorandum in support filed by L. Sauer on behalf of The Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel.
11/30/2009 In the matter of the notice of intent to file an application to adjust rider IRP and rider DSM rates of Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc.