DIS - Case Record for 09-0315-HT-ATA Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
12/17/2010 Memo closing case file electronically filed by Mr. Scott E Farkas on behalf of PUCO.
12/16/2010 Notice of withdrawal of counsel filed by S. Parrot on behalf of PUCO.
11/16/2010 Notice of withdrawal of counsel, Joseph M. Clark in these proceedings filed by McNees Wallace & Nurick LLC by J. Oliker.
10/06/2010 Notice of withdrawal of counsel, L. McAlister, filed on behalf of McNees Wallace & Nurick LLC by J. Clark.
11/13/2009 Notice of substitution of counsel filed by M. Warnock on behalf of Canal Place, LTD.
10/07/2009 Service Notice.
10/07/2009 Entry nunc pro tunc ordering that the Commission's September 23, 2009 order be revised, nunc pro tunc, in accordance with finding (5).
09/23/2009 Entry approving the substitution of service and transfer of operations to the City of Akron; that ATLP immediately transfer its customer accounts to the City, in accordance with Finding (6); that ATLFs tariffs on file with the Commission are canceled effective as of the date of this entry.
09/23/2009 Service Notice
09/02/2009 Service Notice.
09/02/2009 Entry ordering that the application of Akron Thermal Limited Partnership in Case No. 09-453-HT-AEM for an emergency rate increase authority be denied; that the application of Akron Thermal Limited Partnership in Case No. 09-315-HT-ATA be approved; that the application of Akron Thermal Limited Partnership in Case No. 09-414-HT-AIS be denied; that the application in Case No. 09-441-HT-AEC be approved; that the application in Case No. 09-442-HC-AEC be approved; that Akron Thermal Limited Partnership file, within thirty days of the date of this order, an application for approval of an arrangement with Akron Thermal Cooling.
08/04/2009 Reply brief for the City of Akron - complete, corrected version filed by J. Clark.
08/04/2009 Reply brief for the City of Akron filed by G. Hummel. (Corrected version)
08/04/2009 Reply brief of Akron Thermal, Limited Partnership filed by B. Royer.
08/04/2009 Reply brief submitted on behalf of the Staff of The Public Utilities Commission of Ohio filed by T. McNamee.
08/04/2009 Reply brief of Canal Place, LTD filed by E. Breitschwerdt.
08/04/2009 Reply brief for the City of Akron filed by G. Hummel.
07/29/2009 Brief in support of emergency increase in rates filed by K. Burgan and D. Wehrle on behalf of The Creditors' Trust for Akron Thermal, Limited Partnership. (original)
07/28/2009 Brief in support of emergency increase in rates filed by D. Wehrle on behalf of the Creditors' Trust for Akron Thermal, Limited Partnership. (FAX)
07/28/2009 Initial post-hearing brief filed by B. Royer on behalf of Akron Thermal, Limited Partnership.
07/28/2009 Initial post-hearing brief filed by G. Krassen on behalf of Canal Place, LTD.
07/28/2009 Post-hearing brief filed by T. McNamee on behalf of Staff at the PUCO.
07/28/2009 Initial brief filed by G. Hummel on behalf of the City of Akron.
07/28/2009 Initial post-hearing brief filed by M. Heintz on behalf of Children's Hospital Medical Center of Akron.
07/17/2009 Surrebuttal testimony of Stephen E. Puican on behalf of PUCO filed by T. McNamee.
07/17/2009 Surrebuttal testimony of Shahid Mahmud on behalf of PUCO filed by T.McNamee.
07/17/2009 Surrebuttal testimony of David R. Hodgden on behalf of PUCO filed by T. McNamee.
07/16/2009 Return of service notice filed by G. Hummel.
07/15/2009 Reply in support of motion to intervene of David Wehrle, in his capacity as trustee of the Creditors' Trust for Akron Thermal Limited Partnership, filed by K. Burgan. (original)
07/14/2009 Reply in support of motion to intervene of David Wehrle, in his capacity as trustee of the Creditors' Trust for Akron Thermal Limited Partnership, filed by K. Burgan. (FAX)
07/14/2009 Motion to intervene of David Wehrle, in his capacity as Trustee of the Creditors' Trust for Akron Thermal, Limited Partnership and memorandum in support filed on behalf of Creditors' Trust by K. Burgan. (original)
07/14/2009 Letter opposing Akron Thermal, Limited Partnership's requested rate increase filed by H. Parr on behalf of the Akron Civic Theater.
07/14/2009 Motion requesting issuance of subpoena and memorandum in support filed by G. Hummel on behalf of the City of Akron.
07/14/2009 Proof of publication. (Summit County)
07/13/2009 Motion to intervene of David Wehrle, in his capacity as Trustee of the Creditors' Trust for Akron Thermal, Limited Partnership and memorandum in support filed on behalf of Creditors' Trust by K. Burgan. (FAX)
07/13/2009 Memorandum contra motion to intervene of David Wehrle, in his capacity as Trustee of the Creditors' Trust for Akron Thermal Limited Partnership filed by S. Randazzo on behalf of the City of Akron.
07/10/2009 Service Notice.
07/10/2009 Entry granting the motions to intervene filed by the City of Akron, Children's Hospital Medical Center of Akron, Canal Place, LTD., the County of Summit Ohio and Community Hall Foundation, Inc. dba The Akron Civic Theater; that the motion to admit Thomas Mullooly to pro hac vice be granted. (SF)
07/08/2009 Testimony of Shahid Mahmud Capital Recovery and Financial Analysis Division Utilities Department filed on behalf of the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio by T. McNamee.
07/08/2009 Direct Testimony of Stephen E. Puican Rates & Tariffs/Energy & Water Division of the Utilities Department filed on behalf of the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio by T. McNamee.
07/08/2009 Direct testimony of David R. Hodgden Capital Recovery and Financial Analysis Division Utilities Department filed on behalf of the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio by T. McNamee.
07/08/2009 Direct Testimony of Linda L. Gentile filed on behalf of the Children's Hospital Medical Center of Akron by D. Conway.
07/08/2009 Direct testimony of Joseph G. Bowser filed on behalf of the City of Akron by S. Randazzo.
07/08/2009 Prepared testimony of Richard Merolla Director of Public Service City of Akron filed on behalf of the City of Akron by G. Hummel.
07/08/2009 Motion for admission to practice and notice of appearance of additional counsel and memorandum in support filed on behalf of Akron Thermal, Limited Partnership by B. Royer.
07/08/2009 Direct testimony of Brian L. Lorman on behalf of Canal Place, LTD filed by B. Breitschwerdt.
07/02/2009 Direct testimony of Richard J. Pucak filed on behalf of Akron Thermal, Limited Partnership by B. Royer.
06/30/2009 Service Notice
06/30/2009 Entry granting Akron Thermal's motion for a one-day extension of the filing deadline; that Akron Thermal file any direct testimony and data in support of its application on or before July 2, 2009; that motions to intervene and any direct testimony of any interested person be filed on or before July 8, 2009, and staff should file by July 9, 2009, comments and recommendations as well as testimony regarding its review of the application. (SF)
06/30/2009 Motion for extension of time, request for expedited ruling and memorandum in support filed by B. Royer on behalf of Akron Thermal Limited Partnership.
06/25/2009 Service Notice
06/24/2009 Entry nunc pro tunc ordering that the June 17, 2009, entry be corrected to direct Akron Thermal to correct the portion of the legal notice to indicate that the emergency increase in rates it charges is for providing steam and hot water service.
06/23/2009 Notice of withdrawal and substitution of counsel filed by S. Howard on behalf of Akron Thermal, Limited Partnership.
06/22/2009 Service notice.
06/22/2009 Entry granting motion to shorten the discovery response time to seven days, subject to the guidelines set forth in finding (4). (SF)
06/19/2009 Motion for expedited discovery and for an expedited ruling filed by L. McAlister on behalf of the City of Akron.
06/17/2009 Service Notice
06/17/2009 Entry ordering a prehearing conference be held at 10:00 a.m., on July 9, 2009 in hearing room 11-C at the offices of the Commission and a hearing be held at 10:00 a.m. on July 15, 2009, in hearing room 11-C at the offices of the Commission, 180 East Broad Street, Columbus Ohio 43215; Case Nos. 09-453, 09-442, 09-441, 09-414, and 09-315 be consolidated.
06/11/2009 Motion to intervene, motion to consolidate and memorandum in support of the City of Akron filed by S. Randazzo.
04/10/2009 In the matter of the application Akron Thermal , Limited Partnership for approval of revised tariff PUCO No. 2, electronically filed by Stephen M Howard.