DIS - Case Record for 09-0119-EL-AEC Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
03/22/2019 Case Action Form closing case with an effective date as of 3/22/19.
03/22/2019 Confidential document release:Transcript filed 6/26/09.
03/22/2019 Confidential document release: Testimony of James Burns Riley filed 6/1/09.
03/22/2019 Confidential document release:Exhibit IEU-Ohio #5, OCC #2 filed 8/29/13.
03/22/2019 Confidential document release:Exhibit MDT-5 filed 8/6/13.
03/22/2019 Confidential document release:OCC Exhibits 3 & 4, filed 8/29/13.
03/22/2019 Confidential document release:Proceedings before Sarah Parrot on Tuesday, August 27, 2013, filed 8/29/13.
03/22/2019 Confidential document release:Industrial Energy Users-Ohio Post Hearing Brief filed 9/9/13.
03/22/2019 Confidential document release: Proceedings before Sarah Parrot on Tuesday, August 28, 2013 filed 8/29/13.
03/22/2019 Confidential document release: Transcript, OCC Exhibit 3 &4, IEU Exhibit #5 filed 9/5/13.
01/15/2019 Notice of Withdrawal of Counsel and Designation of Counsel of Record electronically filed by Mr. Frank P Darr on behalf of Industrial Energy Users-Ohio.
03/02/2017 Notice of withdrawal of John W. Bentine; substitute with Kristin V. Rothey, Assistant Deputy General Counsel, FERC/RTO Affairs with American Municipal Power, Inc., as Counsel of Record. electronically filed by Barbara E Johnson on behalf of American Municipal Power, Inc.
05/12/2016 Notice of Withdraw and Substitution of Counsel of Ohio Hospital Association electronically filed by Teresa Orahood on behalf of Matthew W. Warnock.
01/05/2015 Notice of Withdrawal of Counsel of Dan Barnowski electronically filed by Ms. Emma F Hand on behalf of Ormet Primary Aluminum Corporation.
12/31/2014 Notice of Withdrawal of Edmund "Tad" Berger by the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel electronically filed by Ms. Deb J. Bingham on behalf of Berger, Tad Mr.
09/03/2014 Notice of Substitution of Counsel of Joel Sechler for Mallory Mohler electronically filed by Ms. Cheryl A. Smith on behalf of The Ohio Manufacturers' Association.
03/28/2014 Notice of withdrawal of Joseph E. Oliker filed by F. Darr on behalf of McNees, Wallace & Nurick LLC.
11/13/2013 Service Notice
11/13/2013 Entry on rehearing ordered, That the application for rehearing filed by OCC be denied.
11/07/2013 Updated information filed by M. Grady on behalf of OCC.
11/01/2013 Application for Rehearing by the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel electronically filed by Ms. Deb J. Bingham on behalf of Berger, Tad Mr.
10/30/2013 Service Notice
10/30/2013 Entry ordered that Ormet's motion filed on October 22, 2013, be granted.
10/24/2013 Memorandum in Opposition to Ormet Primary Aluminum Corporation's Motion and Request for Expedited Ruling electronically filed by Mr. Steven T Nourse on behalf of Ohio Power Company.
10/22/2013 Motion and memorandum in support of Ormet Primary Aluminum Corporation and Request for Expedited Ruling electronically filed by Ms. Emma F Hand on behalf of Ormet Primary Aluminum Corporation.
10/15/2013 Notice of substitution of Counsel electronically filed by Mrs. Kimberly W. Bojko on behalf of Ohio Manufacturers' Association.
10/15/2013 Notice of withdrawal electronically filed by Teresa Orahood on behalf of J. Thomas Siwo, Bricker & Eckler LLP.
10/08/2013 Notice of Withdrawal of Counsel electronically filed by M. Howard Petricoff on behalf of Ormet Primary Aluminum Corporation.
10/03/2013 Service Notice
10/03/2013 Attorney Examiner Entry grants Ormet's motion for protective order and orders the Commission's docketing division to maintain, under seal, the confidential portion of Ormet Exhibit 3, Exhibit MDT-5 for a period of 18 months. - electronically filed by Sandra Coffey on behalf of Sarah Parrot, Attorney Examiner, Public Utilities Commission of Ohio
10/02/2013 Service Notice
10/02/2013 Opinion and order stating that the application for a unique arrangement filed by Ormet be approved to the extent as set forth in this order; Ormet and AEP file an executed power arrangement in this docket that conforms to the modifications ordered by the Commission; the approved unique arrangement be effective for services rendered following the filing in this docket of an executed power agreement.
10/01/2013 Report Schedule A for 2014. electronically filed by Ms. Emma F Hand on behalf of Ormet Primary Aluminum Corporation.
10/01/2013 Resolution No. 2013-1 filed by the Mead Township Trustees.
09/30/2013 Exhibit -- Redacted, Public Copy of Exhibit MDT-5 (an attachment to Ormet Exhibit 3) electronically filed by Mrs. Gretchen L. Petrucci on behalf of Ormet Primary Aluminum Corporation.
09/26/2013 Service Notice
09/25/2013 Attorney Examiner Entry decides on the motions for protective order and orders a redacted version of Ormet Exhibit 3 and Exhibit MDT-5 to be filed by 09/30/2013. - electronically filed by Sandra Coffey on behalf of Sarah Parrot, Attorney Examiner, Public Utilities Commission of Ohio
09/10/2013 Public comment supporting Ormet Aluminum filed by L. Gentile.
09/09/2013 Trial Brief from Ormet Primary Aluminum Corporation electronically filed by M HOWARD PETRICOFF on behalf of Ormet Primary Aluminum Corporation.
09/09/2013 Post-Hearing Brief by the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel electronically filed by Ms. Deb J. Bingham on behalf of Grady, Maureen R. Ms.
09/09/2013 Post Hearing Brief of Ohio Power Company electronically filed by Mr. Yazen Alami on behalf of Ohio Power Company.
09/09/2013 Notice of OMA Energy Group that it will not be submitting a post hearing brief electronically filed by Teresa Orahood on behalf of J. Thomas Siwo.
09/09/2013 Motion for protective order and memorandum in support filed by F. Darr on behalf of Industrial Energy Users-Ohio.
09/09/2013 Confidential document target: Post hearing brief filed by F. Darr on behalf of Industrial Energy Users-Ohio. (23 pages)
09/09/2013 Post-Hearing Brief of Industrial Energy Users-Ohio electronically filed by Mr. Frank P. Darr on behalf of Industrial Energy Users-Ohio.
09/05/2013 Public comment in support of Ormet Corporation's request for rate relief filed by the Wetzel County Commission.
09/05/2013 Confidential document target: Transcript and Exhibits filed by S. Howard on behalf of Ormet Primary Aluminum Corporation. (46 pages)
09/05/2013 Motion for protective order and memorandum in support filed by M. Howard Petricoff on behalf of Ormet Primary Aluminum Corporation.
09/05/2013 Redacted versions of the confidential exhibits and transcript pages filed by S. Howard on behalf of Ormet Primary Aluminum Corporation.
09/04/2013 Public comment to support Ormet's attempt to get rate relief at least for a long enough period so that it may have the opportunity to develop its own independent power source or other power sources filed by T.F. Cogan.
09/03/2013 Public comment in opposition of rate increase for AEP filed by Mr. and Mrs. John & Ruth Woods.
09/03/2013 Letter encouraging the PUCO to help keep Ormet Primary Aluminum open and operating filed by Jack Cera, State Representative, House District 96.
08/30/2013 Response to Attorney Examiner Ruling electronically filed by Mrs. Gretchen L. Petrucci on behalf of Ormet Primary Aluminum Corporation.
08/29/2013 PUCO Exhibit filing. (38 pages)
08/29/2013 Confidential target: proceedings before Sara Parrot on August 28, 2013 filed by M. DiPaolo Jones on behalf of Armstrong & Okey Inc. (25 Pages)
08/29/2013 Confidential target: proceedings before Sara Parrot on Tuesday, August 27, 2013 filed by M.DiPaulo Jones.
08/29/2013 Confidential target: OCC Exhibits 3 & 4 filed by M.DiPaolo Jones on behalf of Armstrong & Okey Inc. (11Pages)
08/29/2013 Public comment urging the PUCO to intervene and prevent permanent loss of Ormet Aluminum Smelter in Hannibal Ohio filed by M. Coffland, Vice President and C.R.Probst Jr. Belmont County Commissioners.
08/29/2013 Public comment expressing support and requesting assistance from the PUCO in an effort to maintain competitiveness, save the plant in Hannibal, and keep the workers employed filed by Sherrod Brown, United States Senator.
08/29/2013 Transcript in the matter of Ormet Primary Aluminum Corporation hearing held on 08/28/13 - Volume II, at the offices of the Public Utility Commission, 180 East Broad Street, Columbus, Ohio, electronically filed by Mrs. Jennifer Duffer on behalf of Armstrong & Okey, Inc. and Jones, Maria DiPaolo Mrs.
08/29/2013 Transcript in the matter of Ormet Primary Aluminum Corporation hearing held on 08/27/13 - Volume I, at the offices of the Public Utilities Commission, 180 East Broad Street, Columbus Ohio, Room 11-A electronically filed by Mrs. Jennifer Duffer on behalf of Armstrong & Okey, Inc. and Gibson, Karen Sue Mrs.
08/29/2013 Confidential document target: Exhibit, filed by M. DiPaolo Jones on behalf of Armstrong & Okey, Inc. (31 pages)
08/29/2013 PUCO exhibit filing.
08/28/2013 Public comment concerning electric rates being increased to save the Ormet Corporation filed by E. Hudak.
08/28/2013 Public comment regarding Ormet's Aluminum Smelter Plant in Hannibal, Ohio filed by M.T.McVey, Mayor and L.Arrmann-Blue,Clerk/Treasurer on behalf of the Village of Powhatan Point.
08/27/2013 Public comment from concerned citizen concerning an agreement with the current situation at Ormet, filed by Mr. G. Hoover.
08/26/2013 Public comments asking the Commission to intervene and give needed relief fot Ormet from AEP's demands filed by Various Consumers. (part 5)
08/26/2013 Public comments asking the Commission to intervene and give needed relief fot Ormet from AEP's demands filed by Various Consumers. (part 4)
08/26/2013 Public comments asking the Commission to intervene and give needed relief fot Ormet from AEP's demands filed by Various Consumers. (part 3)
08/26/2013 Public comments asking the Commission to intervene and give needed relief fot Ormet from AEP's demands filed by Various Consumers.( part 2)
08/26/2013 Public comments asking the Commission to intervene and give needed relief fot Ormet from AEP's demands filed by Various Consumers. (part 1)
08/23/2013 Public comment in favor of Ormet filed by consumer, Debbie Roberts.
08/22/2013 Public comment in opposition to the possible closing of the Ormet plant due to high electric costs filed by P. Neuhart, Monroe County Auditor.
08/21/2013 Service Notice
08/21/2013 Entry ordering that Ormet's motion for expedited approval of payment deferral and request for waivers be granted to the extent set forth herein; that AEP Ohio be authorized to defer incurred costs not recovered from Ormet's billings for August and September 2013, as set forth above.
08/20/2013 Public comment in opposition to the possible closing of the Ormet plant due to high electric costs filed by Monroe County Commissioners and various customers.
08/16/2013 Notice to take deposition and request for production of documents by the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel electronically filed by Patti Mallarnee on behalf of Grady, Maureen.
08/16/2013 Notice to Take Depositions and Request for Production of Documents by the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel electronically filed by Patti Mallarnee on behalf of Grady, Maureen.
08/16/2013 Direct testimony of David M. Roush on behalf of Ohio Power Company electronically filed by Ms. Christen M. Blend on behalf of Ohio Power Company and Mr. Steven T. Nourse.
08/16/2013 Public comment in opposition of the application of Ormet Corporation for an increase in an electricity subsidy filed by concerned consumer, J. Rybak.
08/14/2013 Public comment in opposition to the possible closing of the Ormet plant due to high electric costs filed by Mrs. Denise Harris.
08/09/2013 Public comment from consumer, Denise Harris.
08/09/2013 Ormet Business Plan and Power Report filed by M. Howard Petricoff on behalf of Ormet Primary Aluminum Corporation.
08/08/2013 Public comment from consumer, Mrs. MaryAnn Tomlin.
08/08/2013 Public comment from consumer, Debbie Roberts
08/08/2013 Public comment from consumer, Tom Currie.
08/08/2013 Public comment from consumer, Debbie Roberts.
08/07/2013 Affidavit of James Burns Riley to accompany the July 31,2013 Motion to Defer Payments electronically filed by Mr. Stephen M. Howard on behalf of Ormet Primary Aluminum Corporation.
08/06/2013 Testimony of Jorge Vazquez electronically filed by M HOWARD PETRICOFF on behalf of Ormet Primary Aluminum Corporation.
08/06/2013 Testimony of Henry W. Fayne electronically filed by M HOWARD PETRICOFF on behalf of Ormet Primary Aluminum Corporation.
08/06/2013 Direct Testimony of James Burns Riley electronically filed by M HOWARD PETRICOFF on behalf of Ormet Primary Aluminum Corporation.
08/06/2013 Direct Testimony of Michael F. Tanchuk electronically filed by M HOWARD PETRICOFF on behalf of Ormet Primary Aluminum Corporation
08/06/2013 Motion for Protective Order and Memorandum in support electronically filed by M HOWARD PETRICOFF on behalf of Ormet Primary Aluminum Corporation
08/06/2013 Testimony of Mark D. Thompson - Part II electronically filed by M HOWARD PETRICOFF on behalf of Ormet Primary Aluminum Corporation.
08/06/2013 Testimony of Mark D. Thompson - Part I electronically filed by M HOWARD PETRICOFF on behalf of Ormet Primary Aluminum Corporation
08/06/2013 Testimony of David R. McCall electronically filed by M HOWARD PETRICOFF on behalf of Ormet Primary Aluminum Corporation
08/06/2013 Testimony of Paul Coomes electronically filed by M HOWARD PETRICOFF on behalf of Ormet Primary Aluminum Corporation.
08/06/2013 Service Notice
08/06/2013 Memorandum Contra Ormet Primary Aluminum Corporation's Motion for Payment Deferral electronically filed by Mr. Steven T Nourse on behalf of Ohio Power Company.
08/06/2013 Attorney Examiner Entry ordered Ormet to file redacted versions of its business plan and power plant report as public documents by 08/09/2013 for review by the Commission or attorney examiner. - electronically filed by Sandra Coffey on behalf of Sarah Parrot, Attorney Examiner, Public Utilities Commission of Ohio.
08/06/2013 Confidential document target: Exhibit MDT-5 filed by S. Howard on behalf of Ormet Primary Aluminum Corporation. (10 pages)
08/06/2013 Confidential Document Target: Exhibit MDT-5 filed by S. Howard on behalf of Ormet Primary Aluminum Corporation. (10 pages)
07/31/2013 Motion for Expedited Approval of Payment Deferral and Memorandum in Support of Ormet Primary Aluminum Corporation electronically filed by M HOWARD PETRICOFF on behalf of Ormet Primary Aluminum Corporation.
07/31/2013 Service Notice
07/31/2013 Entry ordering the motions to intervene filed by OHA, OMA Energy Group and AEP be granted; Ormet's interlocutory appeal of the July 11, 2013 entry be denied.
07/29/2013 Notice of Substitution of Counsel and Designation of Counsel of Record by the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel electronically filed by Ms. Deb J. Bingham on behalf of Grady, Maureen R. Ms.
07/25/2013 Service Notice
07/25/2013 Attorney Examiner Entry grants Ormet's request for certification to the Commission of its interlocutory appeal and denies Ormet's request for oral argument. - electronically filed by Sandra Coffey on behalf of Sarah Parrot, Attorney Examiner, Public Utilities Commission of Ohio.
07/24/2013 Public Comment filed by Mayor Mark McVey of the Village of Powhatan Point, with concerns of the utility rate reduction (PUC) regarding Ormet Primary Aluminum Corp.
07/19/2013 Correspondence Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel's Letter Regarding Ormet's Interlocutory Appeal electronically filed by Ms. Deb J. Bingham on behalf of Grady, Maureen R. Ms.
07/19/2013 Ohio Power Company’s Memorandum Contra Ormet Primary Aluminum Corporation’s Application for Interlocutory Appeal electronically filed by Ms. Christen M. Blend on behalf of Mr. Steven T. Nourse and Ohio Power Company.
07/16/2013 Memorandum Contra of IEU-Ohio to Ormet Primary Aluminum Corporation’s Interlocutory Appeal and Request for Other Relief electronically filed by Mr. Samuel C. Randazzo on behalf of Industrial Energy Users-Ohio.
07/15/2013 Confidential document target for Ormet Business Plan filed by S. Howard on behalf of Ormet Primary Aluminum Corporation. (62 pages)
07/15/2013 Motion for Protective Order and Memorandum in Support electronically filed by M HOWARD PETRICOFF on behalf of Ormet Primary Aluminum Corporation.
07/15/2013 Interlocutory Appeal and Request for Oral Argument before the Commission electronically filed by M Howard Petricoff on behalf of Ormet Primary Aluminum Corporation.
07/12/2013 Reply of Ormet Primary Aluminum Corporation to the July 5, 2013 Motions, Comments, Objections and Memorandum in Opposition electronically filed by M HOWARD PETRICOFF on behalf of Ormet Primary Aluminum Corporation.
07/11/2013 Service Notice
07/11/2013 Attorney Examiner Entry ordering that Ormet's motion for leave to file a consolidated reply be granted; Ormet's request for emergency relief pursuant to Section 4909.16, Revised Code, be denied; the procedural schedule set forth in finding (11) be adopted; and the parties comply with the directives set forth in findings (12) and (13). - electronically filed by Sandra Coffey on behalf of Sarah Parrot, Attorney Examiner, Public Utilities Commission of Ohio.
07/08/2013 Motion for Leave to File Reply to the July 5, 2013 Motions, Comments, Objections and Memorandum in Opposition electronically filed by Mr. Stephen M Howard on behalf of Ormet Primary Aluminum Corporation
07/05/2013 Comments on Ormet's application for a unique arrangement by the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel electronically filed by Ms. Deb J. Bingham on behalf of Grady, Maureen R. Ms.
07/05/2013 Letter of Ormet Corporation and the United Steelworkers stating that Ormet be allowed to modify its existing power agreement, allowing it to emerge from bankruptcy under new ownership filed by M. Goddard.
07/05/2013 Memorandum in Opposition (Part 3 of 3) electronically filed by Mr. Steven T Nourse on behalf of Ohio Power Company.
07/05/2013 Memorandum in opposition continued electronically filed by Mr. Steven T. Nourse on behalf of Ohio Power Company. (Part 2 of 3)
07/05/2013 Memorandum in opposition of Ormet Primary Aluminum Corporation's motion to amend and request for emergency relief electronically filed by Mr. Steven T. Nourse on behalf of Ohio Power Company. (Part 1 of 3)
07/05/2013 Letter of United Steelworkers requesting to amend Ormet Corporation's current power agreement, in the process of Ormet exiting bankruptcy with new ownership filed by T. Byers on behalf of Local Union #5724.
07/05/2013 Industrial Energy Users-Ohio'S comments and objections to motion to amend the 2009 unique arrangement between Ohio Power Company and Ormet Primary Aluminum Corporation an request for emergency relief filed by F. Darr.
07/05/2013 Corrected version of motion to intervene and memorandum in support electronically filed by Mr. Jay E. Jadwin on behalf of AEP Retail Energy Partners LLC.
07/05/2013 Motion to Intervene and memorandum in support electronically filed by Mr. Jay E Jadwin on behalf of AEP Retail Energy Partners LLC
07/05/2013 Motion to intervene of OMA Energy Group and memorandum in support electronically filed by Teresa Orahood on behalf of J. Thomas Siwo.
07/05/2013 Motion to intervene, memorandum in support and comments of The Ohio Hospital Association electronically filed by Teresa Orahood on behalf of Thomas O'Brien.
07/03/2013 Comments of the United Steelworkers electronically filed by Mrs. Gretchen L. Petrucci on behalf of United Steelworkers District 1
06/28/2013 Service Notice
06/27/2013 Attorney Examiner Entry orders procedural schedule set forth in finding (4). - electronically filed by Sandra Coffey on behalf of Sarah Parrot, Attorney Examiner, Public Utilities Commission of Ohio.
06/14/2013 Memorandum in Support of Motion to Amend electronically filed by M HOWARD PETRICOFF on behalf of Ormet Primary Aluminum Corporation.
06/14/2013 Motion to Amend the 2009 Unique Arrangement Between Ohio Power Company and Ormet Primary Aluminum Corporation and Request for Emergency Relief electronically filed by M HOWARD PETRICOFF on behalf of Ormet Primary Aluminum Corporation.
12/12/2012 Service Notice
12/12/2012 Entry, ordered, that the motion to intervene filed by OMAEG be denied, It is, further, ordered, that the application for rehearing filed by OCC be denied.
11/26/2012 Response Opposition to Application for Rehearing of Ormet Primary Aluminum Corporation to the Ohio Consumers' Counsel's Application for Rehearing electronically filed by Mr. Daniel D Barnowski on behalf of Ormet Primary Aluminum Corporation.
11/16/2012 Application for Rehearing and memorandum in support by the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel electronically filed by Ms. Deb J. Bingham on behalf of Grady, Maureen R. Ms.
10/22/2012 Affidavit of James Burns Riley in support of Ormet's motion for expedited approval of payment deferral filed by D. Barnowski. (original)
10/19/2012 Affidavit of James Burns Riley in support of Ormet's Motion for Expedited Approval of Payment Deferral. The Commission granted the Motion on October 17, 2012 and ordered that the enclosed Affidavit be filed by October 19, 2012, filed by Dan Barnowski. (FAX)
10/17/2012 Service Notice
10/17/2012 Entry ordered, that Ormet's motion for expedited approval of payment deferral and request for waivers be granted to the extent set forth herein. It is, further, ordered, that AEP-Ohio be authorized to defer incurred costs not recovered from Ormet's billings for October and November 2012 not to exceed $20 million.
10/16/2012 Motion to Intervene and Objections and Memorandum in Support electronically filed by Teresa Orahood on behalf of OMA Energy Group
10/12/2012 Motion and Memorandum in support of Ormet Primary Aluminum Corporation for expedited approval of payment deferral, filed by Dan Barnowski.
10/01/2012 Schedule A for 2013 electronically filed by Ms. Emma F Hand on behalf of Ormet Primary Aluminum Corporation
04/06/2012 Notice of withdrawal of counsel and substitution of counsel, Mark Yurick from the law firm of Taft Stettinius & Hollister LLP, formerly Chester, Wilcox & Saxbe, LLP filed by M. Yurick.
12/22/2011 Supreme Court Document The following decision, announcement or notice of action by the Supreme Court of Ohio with respect to this case is provided solely for the information and convenience of the reader, and should not be construed as a part of the record of this case before the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio, and may be subject to formal revision before it is published in the Ohio Official Reports. The Court’s opinions from 1992 to the present are available online from the Reporter of Decisions at http://www.sconet.state.oh.us/ROD/ - Slip Opinion (Mar. 22, 2011) [Cite as In re Application of Ormet Primary Aluminum Corp., 129 Ohio St.3d 9, 2011-Ohio- 2377.] electronically filed by Kimberly L Keeton on behalf of Public Utilities Commission of Ohio
10/03/2011 Revised Schedule "A" for 2012, filed by E. Hand on behalf of Ormet Primary Aluminum Corporation.
09/30/2011 Revised Schedule "A" for 2012, filed by E. Hand on behalf of Ormet Primary Aluminum Corporation. (FAX)
01/26/2011 Withdrawal of Matthew S. White from proceedings filed by J. Bentine on behalf of the Chester, Willcox and Saxbe Law Firm.
11/16/2010 Notice of withdrawal of counsel, Joseph M. Clark in these proceedings filed by McNees Wallace & Nurick LLC by J. Oliker.
10/06/2010 Notice of withdrawal of counsel, L. McAlister, filed on behalf of McNees Wallace & Nurick LLC by J. Clark.
09/30/2010 Revised Schedule "B" for 2011, filed by E. Hand on behalf of Ormet Primary Aluminum Corporation.
09/29/2010 Revised schedule "B" filed by E. Hand on behalf of Ormet Primary Aluminum Corporation. (FAX)
12/24/2009 Reply of Ormet Primary Aluminum Corporation to comments of Ohio Consumers' Counsel filed by E. Hand.
12/23/2009 Reply of Ormet Primary Aluminum Corporation to comments of Ohio Consumers' Counsel, filed by E. Hand. (Fax)
12/17/2009 Correspondence letter addressing concerns related to the revised and executed Power Agreement, dated September 19, 2009, between Ormet Primary Aluminum Corporation and Ohio Power Company and Columbus Southern Power Company filed by G. Poulos on behalf of the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel.
12/14/2009 Service Notice
12/14/2009 Supreme Court Transmittal papers for SC # 09-2060.
11/12/2009 Notice of appeal of Columbus Southern Power Company and Ohio Power Company filed by S. Nourse. (S.C. # 09-2060)
10/30/2009 Letter questioning the PUCO's authority to help corporations like Ormet, filed by F Arnett, consumer.
10/01/2009 Revised Schedule A for 2010 filed by E. Hand on behalf of Ormet Primary Aluminum Corporation, Columbus Southern Power Company and Ohio Power Company (collectively "AEP Ohio")
09/30/2009 Revised Schedule A for 2010 filed by E. Hand on behalf of Ormet Primary Aluminum Corporation, Columbus Southern Power Company and Ohio Power Company (collectively "AEP Ohio"). (FAX)
09/18/2009 Revised and executed power agreement between Ormet Primary Aluminum Corporation ("Ormet") and Ohio Power Company and Columbus Southern Power Company (collectively "AEP Ohio") filed by E. Hand. on behalf of "Ormet".
09/15/2009 Service Notice
09/15/2009 Entry on rehearing denying the application for rehearing filed by IEU-Ohio and granting the applications for rehearing filed by OCC, OEG and AEP-Ohio.
09/09/2009 Service Notice.
09/09/2009 Entry ordering that the application for rehearing filed by Industry Energy Users-Ohio, the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel and the Ohio Energy Group and AEP-Ohio be granted.
08/24/2009 Memorandum contra Columbus Southern Power Company's and Ohio Power Company's application for rehearing filed by L. McAlister on behalf of Industrial Energy Users-Ohio.
08/24/2009 Columbus Southern Power Company's and Ohio Power Company's memorandum contra application for rehearing filed jointly by Ohio Consumers' Counsel and Ohio Energy Group by S. Nourse.
08/24/2009 Memorandum contra to the applications for rehearing of AEP Ohio and IEU filed by D. Barnowski on behalf of Ormet Primary Aluminum Corporation.
08/24/2009 Memorandum contra AEP-Ohio's application for rehearing by the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel and the Ohio Energy Group filed by G. Poulos on behalf of the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel and M. Kurtz on behalf of The Ohio Energy Group.
08/14/2009 Application for rehearing and memorandum in support of Industrial Energy Users-Ohio filed by L. McAlister.
08/14/2009 Application for rehearing and memorandum in support filed by G. Poulos on behalf of OCC and by M. Kurtz on behalf of The Ohio Energy Group.
08/14/2009 Application for rehearing and memorandum in support filed by S. Nourse on behalf of Columbus Southern Power Company and Ohio Power Company.
07/23/2009 Letter opposing the possibility that the community may subsidize the purchase of power for Ormet Corporation in Hannibal, Ohio, filed by S. Wolboldt, consumer.
07/15/2009 Service Notice.
07/15/2009 Opinion and order stating that the amended application for a unique arrangement filed by Ormet be approved as modified by the Commission; that Ormet and AEP-Ohio file an executed power agreement in this docket that conforms to the modifications ordered by the Commission; that the approved unique arrangement shall be effective for services rendered following the filing in this docket of an executed power agreement; that AEP-Ohio be authorized to defer delta revenues for the remainder of the calendar year 2009 and for calendar years 2010 and 2011, to the extent set forth in this opinion and order.
07/01/2009 Post hearing brief by the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel by G. Poulos and the Ohio Energy Group by M. Kurtz.
07/01/2009 Post hearing brief of Industrial Energy Users-Ohio by L. McAlister.
07/01/2009 Post hearing brief of the Kroger Company by M. White.
07/01/2009 Columbus Southern Power Company's and Ohio Power Company's post hearing brief filed by S. Nourse.
07/01/2009 Brief filed by PUCO Staff.
07/01/2009 Transcript, Vol. 4, for hearing held on Wednesday, June 17, 2009 before Rebecca Hussey and Gregory Price, Attorney Examiners, electronically filed by Mrs. Jennifer Duffer on behalf of Armstrong & Okey, Inc. and Anderson, Rosemary Foster Mrs.
07/01/2009 Post hearing brief of Ormet Primary Aluminum Corporation filed by E. Hand.
06/26/2009 Exhibits for transcript electronically filed on 6/26/09 for hearing held on June 11, 2009 before R. Hussey and G. Price, Attorney Examiners.
06/26/2009 Confidential document target for transcript filed by Armstrong and Okey on behalf of Ormet Aluminum Corporation, Ohio Power Company and Columbus Southern Power Company. (39 pages)
06/25/2009 Transcript for Ohio Power hearing held 6/11/09, Vol. 3, electronically filed by Mrs. Jennifer Duffer on behalf of Armstrong & Okey, Inc. and Anderson, Rosemary Foster Mrs.
06/15/2009 Rebuttal testimony of Robert B. Fortney, Rates and Tariff's Division, PUCO.
06/03/2009 Service Notice
06/03/2009 Errata for motion for protective order filed by D. Barnowski on behalf of Ormet Primary Aluminum Corporation. (original)
06/03/2009 Entry ordered that the evidentiary hearing in this proceeding resume on June 11, 2009, at 10:00 a.m., at the offices of the Commission, Hearing Room 11-C, 180 E. Broad Street Columbus, Ohio 43215. (GAP)
06/02/2009 Errata for motion for protective order filed by D. Barnowski on behalf Ormet Primary Aluminum Corporation.
06/01/2009 Supplemental direct testimony of James Burns Riley on behalf of Ormet Primary Aluminum Corporation filed by E. Hand. (reacted version)
06/01/2009 Motion for protective order and memorandum in support filed by E. Hand on behalf of Ormet Primary Aluminum Corporation.
06/01/2009 Confidential document: Testimony-James Burns Riley filed b E. Hand on behalf of Ormet Primary Aluminum Corp. (12 pgs)
06/01/2009 Letter thanking the Commission for granting a continuance of the hearing in this proceeding on May 1, 2009, filed by E. Hand on behalf of Ormet Primary Aluminum Corporation.
05/18/2009 Exhibits for transcript electronically filed on May 18, 2009 for hearing held May 1, 2009 before Attorney Examiner G. Price.
05/18/2009 Letter providing a status report concerning anticipated timing for the filing of further Ormet direct testimony supporting Ormet's requested 2009 rate under the proposed Unique Arrangement filed on behalf of Ormet Primary Aluminum Corporation by D. Bonner.
05/18/2009 Transcript- Volume II for hearing held May 1, 2009 before Attorney Examiner G. Price electronically filed by Mrs. Jennifer Duffer on behalf of Armstrong & Okey, Inc. and Jones, Maria DiPaolo Mrs.
05/15/2009 Status Report concerning anticipated timing for the filing of further Ormet direct testimony supporting Ormets requested 2009 rate under the proposed unique arrangement filed on behalf of Ormet Primary Aluminum Corporation by D. Bonner. (FAX)
05/14/2009 Transcript for hearing held 4/30/2009 before Attorney Examiner G. Price electronically filed by Mrs. Jennifer Duffer on behalf of Armstrong & Okey, Inc. and Jones, Maria DiPaolo.
05/14/2009 Exhibits for transcript electronically filed on 5/14/09 for hearing held on 4/30/09 before Attorney Examiner G. Price.
05/06/2009 Notice to take deposition upon oral examination and request for production of documents filed by M. Grady on behalf of OCC.
04/30/2009 Motion of Ormet Primary Aluminum Corporation to commence hearing scheduled for April 30, 2009, at 9:00 a.m. filed by D. Bonner. (original)
04/29/2009 Prepared testimony of Robert B. Fortney filed by PUCO Staff.
04/29/2009 Motion for admission pro hac vice of Daniel D. Barnowski filed by S. Richardson.
04/29/2009 Objections of Ohio Energy Group filed by M. Kurtz.
04/28/2009 Objection of Ohio Energy Group filed by M. Kurtz. (FAX)
04/28/2009 Comments of The Kroger Company filed by J. Bentine.
04/28/2009 Motion to intervene and memorandum in support filed by J. Clark on behalf of Industrial Energy Users-Ohio.
04/28/2009 Comments filed by G. Poulos on behalf of OCC.
04/27/2009 Motion of Ormet Primary Aluminum Corporation to commence hearing at 9:00 a.m. on April 30, 2009 filed by D. Bonner. (FAX)
04/27/2009 Direct testimony of Amr A. Ibrahim filed by G. Poulos on behalf of OCC.
04/24/2009 Entry ordering the motion filed by OCC and OEG be granted; intervenor testimony in this proceeding must be filed no later than 12:00 p.m., on April 27, 2009. (GP)
04/24/2009 Motion and memorandum in support for extension of time to establish a staggered schedule for the filing of direct testimony and request for an expedited ruling filed by G. Poulos on behalf of The Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel and M. Kurtz on behalf of The Ohio Energy Group.
04/24/2009 Motion for subpoena duces tecum and memorandum in support filed by G. Poulos on behalf of the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel.
04/24/2009 Service notice.
04/24/2009 Motion for subpoena duces tecum and memorandum in support filed by G. Poulos on behalf of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel.
04/23/2009 Notice to take depositions upon oral examination and request for production of documents filed by G. Poulos on behalf of the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel.
04/23/2009 Direct testimony of Michael F. Tanchuk, filed by E. Hand on behalf of Ormet Primary Aluminum Corporation.
04/17/2009 Service notice.
04/17/2009 Entry ordering the motions to intervene of AEP, Ohio Energy Group, The Kroger Company, Industrial Energy Users-Ohio, and the OCC are granted; motions for admission pro hac vice to permit Douglas Bonner, Clinton Vince, William Booth and Emma Hand to practice before the Commission are granted; interested intervenors shall file a motion to intervene and set forth comments and objections by April 28, 2009; that a hearing be held April 30, 2009, at 10:00 a.m., at the offices of the Commission, 180 E. Broad Street, Columbus, Ohio 43215-3793. (RG)
04/10/2009 Amended application of Ormet Primary Aluminum Corporation for approval of a unique arrangement with Ohio Power Company and Columbus Southern Power Company filed by E. Hand.
04/07/2009 Motion for admission pro hac vice of Douglas G. Bonner filed by S. Richardson on behalf of Ormet Primary Aluminum Corporation.
03/23/2009 Memorandum contra filed on behalf of Ormet Primary Aluminum Corporation by E. Hand.
03/20/2009 Memorandum contra filed on behalf of Ormet Primary Aluminum Corporation by E. Hand. (FAX)
03/20/2009 Memorandum contra Ohio Consumers' Counsel's motion to shorten discovery response time filed on behalf of Columbus Southern Power Company and Ohio Power Company by M. Resnik.
03/19/2009 Memorandum contra filed on behalf of Ormet Primary Aluminum Corporation by E. Hand. (Original)
03/18/2009 Memorandum contra filed on behalf of Ormet Primary Aluminum Corporation by E. Hand. (FAX)
03/13/2009 Motion to intervene and motion to shorten the discovery response time, request for expedited ruling on motion to shorten the discovery response time and memorandum in support, filed by G. Poulos on behalf of OCC.
03/13/2009 Motion for intervention and memorandum in support filed by M. White on behalf of The Kroger Co.
03/09/2009 Comments filed on behalf of Industrial Energy Users-Ohio by L. McAlister.
03/04/2009 Motion to intervene and memorandum in support filed on behalf of Ohio Energy Group by M. Kurtz.
03/03/2009 Motion to intervene and memorandum in support filed on behalf of Ohio Energy Group by M. Kurtz. (FAX)
02/27/2009 Motion of Columbus Southern Power Company and Ohio Power Company to intervene filed by S. Nourse.
02/17/2009 Motion for admission pro hac vice of Clinton A. Vince, William D. Booth and Emma F. Hand filed by S. Richardson on behalf of Ormond Primary Aluminum Corporation.
02/17/2009 In the matter of the application of Ormet Primary Aluminum Corporation for approval of a unique arrangement with Ohio Power Company and Columbus Southern Power Company.