DIS - Case Record for 08-0360-GA-CSS Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
03/05/2019 Case action form closing cases with an effective date of 3/5/2019 filed by S. Parrot.
11/17/2014 Letter of Notification of Business Change of Address electronically filed by Cheryl A MacDonald on behalf of Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc.
03/25/2013 Service Notice
03/25/2013 Attorney Examiner Entry granted motion to extend protective order filed by Columbia and ordered the Commission's docketing division to maintain, under seal, the amended complaint until 09/25/2014. - electronically filed by Sandra Coffey on behalf of Katie Stenman, Attorney Examiner, Public Utilities Commission of Ohio.
02/20/2013 Motion for Extension of the Commission's Protective Order by Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc. and Memorandum in Support electronically filed by Mr. Eric B. Gallon on behalf of Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc.
10/07/2011 Service Notice
10/06/2011 Entry ordering that the motion to extend the protective order filed by Columbia be granted. (KLS)
09/19/2011 Motion and memorandum in support for Extension of the Commission's Protective order by Columbia Gas of Ohio Inc. filed by Daniel Conway.
07/26/2011 Notice of withdrawal by The Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel filed by J.P. Serio.
01/26/2011 Withdrawal of Matthew S. White from proceedings filed by J. Bentine on behalf of the Chester, Willcox and Saxbe Law Firm.
10/06/2010 Notice of withdrawal of counsel for Vectren Retail, LLC dba Vectren Source filed by J. Clark.
08/25/2010 Service Notice
08/25/2010 Entry ordering that Manchester's request to dismiss the complaint be granted without prejudice.
08/23/2010 Correspondence urging the PUCO to consider stated concerns and act in a matter that ensures transparency and fairness, if the Manchester complaint is dismissed, filed by J. Serio on behalf of OCC.
08/02/2010 Service Notice
07/30/2010 Entry ordering that the hearing currently scheduled for August 11, 2010, be held in abeyance pending consideration of Manchester's request to dismiss this case. (KLS)
07/29/2010 Notice of voluntary dismissal without prejudice of Manchester's first amended complaint filed by M. White.
05/17/2010 Service Notice
05/17/2010 Entry that Manchester's motion for an alteration of the procedural schedule be granted; stipulations of fact, and testimony be filed on or before August 2, 2010; the hearing will commence on August 11, 2010, at 10:00 a.m., at the offices of the Commission, 180 East Broad Street, 11th floor hearing room 11-C, Columbus, Ohio 43215.(KS)
05/14/2010 Motion of the Manchester Group, LLC for a continuance and extension and memorandum in support filed by M. White.
03/12/2010 Service Notice
03/12/2010 Entry ordering that Columbia's motion for an alteration of the procedural schedule be granted.Therefore, the parties should file stipulations of fact, as well as direct expert and non-expert testimony, on or before May 17, 2010, and the hearing will commence on June 7, 2010, at 10:00 a.m., at the offices of the Commission, 180 East Broad Street, 11th floor, Room 11-C, Columbus, Ohio 43215. (KLS)
03/08/2010 Third unopposed motion of Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc. and memorandum in support for extension and continuance filed by E. Gallon.
02/16/2010 Notice of deposition of Philip E. Riley, Jr. filed by M. White.
02/10/2010 Letter requesting that the attomey examiners issue an entry addressing the December 11, 2009 motion for protective order to quash the subpoena duces tecum as soon as possible filed by M. Petricoff on behalf of Philip E. Riley, Jr..
01/14/2010 Service Notice
01/14/2010 Entry granting Columbia's motion for an alteration of the procedural schedule and that the procedural schedule set forth in finding (4) be adopted. (KLS)
01/11/2010 Second unopposed motion of Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc. for extension and continuance, memorandum in support filed by E. Gallon
12/23/2009 Return of service for subpoena served by Matthew White to Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc.
12/23/2009 Return of service for subpoena served by Matthew White to Phillip E. Riley Jr. by certified mail.
12/22/2009 Reply of Philip E. Riley, Jr. filed by M. Petricoff.
12/18/2009 Service Notice
12/18/2009 Entry ordering that Columbia's motion for an alternative of the procedural schedule be granted and that the procedural schedule set forth in finding (4) be adopted. (KS)
12/17/2009 Memorandum contra Philip E. Riley Jr.'s motion for a protective order to quash subpoena duces tecum filed by M. White on behalf of The Manchester Group, LLC.
12/16/2009 Unopposed motion for extension and continuance and memorandum in support filed by E. Gallon on behalf of Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc.
12/11/2009 Motion for protective order to quash subpoena duces tecum and memorandum in support filed on behalf of Phillip E. Riley Jr., complainant, The Manchester Group, LLC by M.H.Petricoff.
12/02/2009 Motion to issue subpoenas and memorandum in support filed by M. White on behalf of The Manchester Group, LLC.
12/01/2009 Notice of depositions filed by M. White on behalf of The Manchester Group, LLC.
11/13/2009 Service Notice.
11/13/2009 Entry ordering Manchester's motion to compel discovery is granted, in part and denied in part; that the parties request for an alteration of the procedural schedule be granted. (KLS)
11/05/2009 Memorandum contra of Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc to the Manchester Group, LLC's motion to compel filed by E. Gallon.
10/29/2009 The Manchester Group LLC's motion to compel and request for expedited treatment of this motion and memorandum in support filed by M. White.
10/29/2009 Confidential document: Motion to compel and request for expedited treatment of this motion filed by M. White on behalf of The Manchester Group.
10/28/2009 Service Notice.
10/28/2009 Entry ordering that the parties' request for an alteration of the procedural schedule be granted, the hearing will commence December 7, 2009 at 10:00 a.m., at the offices of the Commission, 180 East Broad Street, 11th floor, hearing room C, Columbus, Ohio 43215, and that the procedural schedule set forth in finding 3 be adopted. (KS)
10/20/2009 Revised first amended complaint of the Manchester Group, LLC filed by M. White.
10/14/2009 Service notice.
10/14/2009 Entry ordering Manchester's motion for protective order is granted in part, and denied in part; that Manchester file a revised copy of the amended complaint, and the remaining redacted portions of Manchester's complaint be kept under seal for 18 months. (KLS)
10/09/2009 Entry ordering that the attorney examiner's October 2, 2009, entry be clarified as set forth in finding (5). (KLS)
10/08/2009 Service Notice.
10/05/2009 Answer and affirmative defenses to the Manchester Group, LLC's first amended complaint filed by E. Gallon on behalf of Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc.
10/02/2009 Entry ordering that the complainant's motion to compel discovery is granted, in part, and denied, in part, as set forth in this entry. (KS)
10/02/2009 Memorandum in support of the Manchester Group, LLC's motion for protective treatment filed by E. Gallon on behalf of Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc.
10/02/2009 Service Notice.
09/28/2009 Entry ordering that Manchester's motion to amend its complaint, be granted; that Columbia file a memorandum addressing the nature and alleged confidentiality of the information contained in the amended complaint by October 2, 2009. (KS)
09/28/2009 Service Notice.
09/28/2009 Correspondence stating that the Manchester Group, LLC, withdraws its motion to compel as it relates to document request numbers 3, 4 and 5, filed by M. White.
09/25/2009 Letter clarifying motion to compel filed by M. White on behalf of The Manchester Group, LLC.
09/21/2009 Memorandum of Columbia Gas of Ohio. Inc. contra motion to compel of the Manchester Group, LLC filed by E. Gallon.
09/15/2009 Motion for protective treatment and memorandum in support filed by M. White on behalf of The Manchester Group, LLC.
09/14/2009 Exhibits A and B of The Manchester Group, LLC's that inadvertently was not attached to the motion to compel submitted on September 11, 2009, filed by M. White.
09/11/2009 Motion of The Manchester Group, LLC to amend its complaint and request for expedited treatment and memorandum in support filed by M. White.
09/11/2009 Confidential target for First amended complaint of the Manchester Group, LLC by M. White.
09/11/2009 The Manchester Group LLC's motion to compel and memorandum in support with request for expedited treatment of this motion filed by M. White.
09/11/2009 First amended complaint of the Manchester Group, LLC filed by M. White.
07/29/2009 Service Notice.
07/29/2009 Entry ordering that Columbia's application for rehearing be denied.
07/16/2009 Memorandum contra Columbia Gas of Ohio Inc.'s application for rehearing, filed by M. White on behalf of The Manchester Group.
07/16/2009 Memorandum contra the Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc. application for rehearing by the Office of the Ohio Consumer's Counsel filed by J. Serio.
07/16/2009 Memorandum contra application for rehearing of Columbia Gas of Ohio by Vectren Retail, LLC dba Vectren Source, filed by J. Clark.
07/06/2009 Application for rehearing and memorandum in support filed on behalf of Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc. by E. Gallon.
06/17/2009 Entry ordering that the procedural schedule in this case be modified as set forth in finding (4).
06/17/2009 Service notice.
06/05/2009 Service Notice
06/05/2009 Entry ordered that the motions to intervene be granted; that parties adhere to the schedule and processes set forth in findings (10) and (11) (CMTP)
06/03/2009 Service Notice
06/03/2009 Entry ordered that Columbia's motion to dismiss is denied.
12/16/2008 Letter regarding the previous request for a status conference to discuss a procedural schedule for this case filed by E. Gallon on behalf of Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc.
12/12/2008 Reply to Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc.'s memoranda contra the motion to intervene by the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel filed by J. Serio.
12/10/2008 Request to schedule a status conference filed by J. Bentine on behalf of The Manchester Group, LLC.
12/08/2008 Memorandum in support of the Ohio Consumers' counsel's motion to intervene filed by M. White on behalf of the complainant.
12/02/2008 Memorandum contra the motion to intervene by the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel filed on behalf of Columbia Gas of Ohio by D. Conway.
11/14/2008 Motion to intervene and memorandum in support filed on behalf of the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel by J. Serio.
10/06/2008 Memorandum in support of Vectren Retail, LLC dba Vectren Source's motion to intervene filed by M. White.
09/23/2008 Motion to intervene and memorandum in support of Vectren Retail,LLC dba Vectren Source filed by J. Clark.
07/07/2008 Reply memorandum in support to motion to dismiss filed by D. Conway on behalf of Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc.
06/27/2008 Service Notice.
06/26/2008 Entry ordering that Columbia's motion for an extension of time to file its reply be granted, as set forth in finding (7). (CMTP)
06/24/2008 Motion for extension of time and memorandum in support filed on behalf of Columbia Gas of Ohio Inc. by E. Gallon.
06/20/2008 Memorandum in opposition to Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc's motion to dismiss, filed by J. Bentine on behalf of Manchester Group, LLC.
05/29/2008 Entry ordered that the complainant's motion for an extension of time to file its memorandum contra be granted, as set forth in finding (5). (CP)
05/29/2008 Service Notice
05/28/2008 Motion for an extension of time to reply to respondents motion to dismiss filed by J. Bentine on behalf of The Manchester Group, LLC.
05/19/2008 Motion to dismiss and memorandum in support filed by D. Conway on behalf of Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc..
05/19/2008 Answer and affirmative defenses of Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc. filed by D. Conway.
04/16/2008 Service Notice.
04/16/2008 Entry ordering that Columbia's motion for an extension of time to file its answer be granted. Columbia's answer will be due on May 19, 2008. (JWK)
04/11/2008 Motion for extension of time and memorandum in support filed on behalf of Columbia Gas of Ohio Inc., by S. Seiple.
03/28/2008 Complaint response letter and brochure sent to: S. Fitch on behalf of complainant.
03/28/2008 Complaint service letter and copy of complaint sent to: R. Anderson, Columbia Gas of Ohio.
03/28/2008 In the matter of the complaint of The Manchester Group, LLC against Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc. for alleged undue and unreasonable preference or advantage in violation of R.C. 4905.35(A).