DIS - Case Record for 07-1280-TP-ARB Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
06/07/2013 Memo archiving case with an effective date of 06/07/13.
01/25/2011 Memo closing case with an effective date of 01/25/2011.
02/23/2010 AT&T Exhibits 3 and 4 for hearing held 10/14/08.
02/23/2010 Amended Transcript of Ohio Bell Telephone Company dba AT&T Ohio hearing held on 10/14/08. Per Doug Jennings amended page 3 Index. electronically filed by Mrs. Jennifer Duffer on behalf of Armstrong & Okey, Inc. and Jones, Maria DiPaolo Mrs.
02/19/2010 Service Notice.
02/19/2010 Entry ordering that the court reporter is authorized to file a copy of AT&T Exhibits 3 and 4 with docketing; that AT&T Exhibits 3 and 4 shall become part of the record as if admitted into evidence on the date of the hearing. (LDJ)
07/28/2009 Agreement between AT&T Ohio and Intrado electronically filed by Mrs. Verneda J. Engram on behalf of AT&T Ohio.
07/15/2009 Service Notice.
07/15/2009 Entry ordering that Intrado's proposed language should be included in Section 1.1.118 of the parties' interconnection agreement; that the parties file within 15 days a complete executed interconnection agreement that is consistent with the findings and conclusion of this entry.
07/06/2009 Response to AT&T Ohio Request for Briefing Schedule electronically filed by Angela F Collins on behalf of Intrado Communications Inc.
07/02/2009 Agreement AT&T/Intrado Arbitration Agreement electronically filed by Mrs. Verneda J. Engram on behalf of AT&T Ohio
07/02/2009 Request for interconnection agreement language review electronically filed by Angela F Collins on behalf of Intrado Communications Inc.
06/17/2009 Service Notice
06/17/2009 Entry ordering the application for rehearing filed by AT&T is granted in part and denied in part in accordance with the findings of this entry on rehearing.
04/29/2009 Service Notice
04/29/2009 Entry granting application for rehearing filed by AT&T; that the approval of the interconnection agreement is suspended.
04/29/2009 Supplemental authority electronically filed by Angela F Collins on behalf of Intrado Communications Inc.
04/29/2009 Notice for supplemental authority electronically filed by Angela F Collins on behalf of Intrado Communications Inc.
04/13/2009 Memorandum Intrado Comm Memorandum Contra to AT&T Application for Rehearing electronically filed by Angela F Collins on behalf of Intrado Communications Inc.
04/09/2009 Reply to Intrado's Request for Conforming Interconnection Language electronically filed by Ms. Mary R. Fenlon on behalf of AT&T Ohio.
04/03/2009 Request for interconnection agreement language review electronically filed by C. Kiser on behalf of Intrado Communications Inc.
04/03/2009 Application for rehearing electronically filed by Ms. Mary R. Fenlon on behalf of AT&T Ohio.
04/03/2009 Interconnection agreement filed by M. Fenlon on behalf of Ohio Bell Telephone Company dba AT&T Ohio. (Part 1 of 2)
04/03/2009 Interconnection agreement continued. (Part 2 of 2)
03/05/2009 Service Notice
03/04/2009 Arbitration award ordering that Intrado and AT&T incorporate the directive set forth in this arbitration award within their final interconnection agreement; within 30 days of this arbitration award, Intrado and AT&T docket their entire interconnection agreement for review by the Commission, in accordance with Rule 4901:1-7-09(G)(5), O.A.C.
02/02/2009 Memorandum with updated Joint Issues Matrix.electronically filed by Ms. Mary K. Fenlon on behalf of AT&T Ohio
01/30/2009 Memorandum advising arbitration panel of resolved issues electronically filed by Mrs. Verneda J. Engram on behalf of AT&T Ohio.
01/09/2009 Motion for reconsideration of the Florida commission's decision and AT&T's response in opposition to motion for reconsideration and request for oral argument electronically filed by Angela F Collins on behalf of Intrado Communications Inc.
12/16/2008 Notice of Supplemental Authority electronically filed by Ms. Mary K. Fenlon on behalf of AT&T Ohio
12/08/2008 Supplemental information of Intrado Communications Inc. electronically filed by Angela F Collins on behalf of Intrado Communications Inc.
12/05/2008 Second submission of supplemental authority electronically filed by Mrs. Verneda J. Engram on behalf of AT&T Ohio.
11/21/2008 Memorandum of supplemental authority electronically filed by Mrs. Verneda J. Engram on behalf of AT&T Ohio
11/17/2008 Exhibit Attachment A to AT&T Ohio's Reply brief electronically filed by Ms. Mary K. Fenlon on behalf of AT&T Ohio.
11/13/2008 Reply Brief of Intrado Communications Inc. electronically filed by Angela F Collins on behalf of Intrado Communications Inc.
11/13/2008 Reply brief electronically filed by Mrs. Verneda J. Engram on behalf of AT&T Ohio.
10/30/2008 Initial Brief of Intrado Communications Inc., electronically filed by Angela F Collins on behalf of Intrado Communications Inc.
10/30/2008 Brief of AT&T electronically filed by Mrs. Verneda J. Engram on behalf of AT&T Ohio.
10/29/2008 Exhibits for transcript electronically filed for hearing held on Wednesday, October 15, 2008 before Mr. L. Douglas Jennings, Hearing Examiner, and Mr. Chris Kotting, Mr. Mick Twiss, and Ms. Lori Sternisha, Panel Members. (Volume II)
10/29/2008 Transcript of hearing held on October 15, 2008 before hearing examiner L. Douglas Jennings, and panel members C. Kotting, M. Twiss, and L. Sternisha, electronically filed by Mrs. Jennifer D. Duffer on behalf of Armstrong & Okey, Inc.
10/28/2008 Transcript of hearing held on October 14, 2008 before hearing examiner D. Jennings, and panel members C. Kotting, M. Twiss, and L. Sternisha, Intrado Volume I, electronically filed by Mrs. Jennifer D. Duffer on behalf of Armstrong & Okey, Inc.
10/24/2008 Exhibit of AT&T and Intrado for interconnection agreement electronically filed by Mrs. Verneda J. Engram on behalf of AT&T Ohio
10/07/2008 Testimony, AT&T Ohio's Arbitration Package which includes the testimony of witnesses, Patricia Pellerin and Mark Neinast. electronically filed by Ms. Mary K. Fenlon on behalf of AT&T Ohio.
10/07/2008 Testimony Arbitration Package of Intrado Communications Inc. electronically filed by Angela F Collins on behalf of Intrado Communications Inc.
09/29/2008 Exhibit of revision to Issue 24 of the Joint Issues Matrix electronically filed by Ms. Mary K. Fenlon on behalf of AT&T Ohio and Intrado Communications Inc.
09/23/2008 Exhibit Joint Issues Matrix of Intrado Communications, Inc. and AT&T Ohio electronically filed by Ms. Mary K. Fenlon on behalf of AT&T Ohio and Intrado Communications Inc.
08/04/2008 Service Notice
08/01/2008 Entry ordering the parties adhere to the schedule that appears in Finding (4). (LDJ)
04/07/2008 Correspondence stating that contact information has changed for Cherie R. Kiser and Angela F. Collins.
04/04/2008 Entry cancelling the hearing scheduled to begin on April 8, 2008 and the procedural schedule issued in the attorney examiner's March 5, 2008, entry. (LDJ)
04/04/2008 Service Notice
03/19/2008 Notice of withdrawal of motion to require withdrawal and refilling of petition and establish new procedural schedule, and request for expedited treatment filed on March 18, 2008, based on agreement reached with Intrado Communications filed on behalf of AT&T Ohio by M. Fenlon.
03/18/2008 AT&T Ohio's motion to require withdrawal and refiling of petition and establish a new procedural schedule, and request for expedited treatment filed by M. Fenlon.
03/05/2008 Service notice.
03/05/2008 Entry ordering the parties to adhere to the schedule in Finding (4) with the hearings beginning on April 8, 2008, at 10:00 a..m., 180 E. Broad St., 11th floor, hearing room 11-F, Columbus, Ohio 43215-3793. (LDJ)
01/22/2008 Letter stating it was mutually agreed upon by AT&T Ohio and Intrado to extend the negotiation period until February 17, 2008, filed by M. Fenlon, AT&T Ohio.
01/22/2008 Notice of withdrawal of motion to dismiss or, in the alternative, to hold in abeyance Intrado's petition for arbitration filed by M. Fenlon on behalf of AT&T Ohio.
01/17/2008 Service Notice
01/17/2008 Entry ordering that Cherie R. Kiser, Angela F. Collins, and Rebecca Ballesteros shall be permitted to appear as counsel and represent Intrado in this proceeding. (LDJ)
01/15/2008 Response to petition for arbitration filed on behalf of AT&T Ohio by M. Fenlon.
01/14/2008 Motion to dismiss or, in the alternative, to hold in abeyance Intrado Communications Inc.'s petition for arbitration and memorandum in support, filed by M. Fenlon on behalf of AT&T Ohio.
12/21/2007 Motion for admission Pro Hac Vice of Cherie R. Kiser, Angela F. Collins, and Rebecca Ballestero and memorandum in support filed by S. Bloomfield on behalf of Intrado Communications, Inc.
12/21/2007 Motion for protective order and memorandum in support filed by S. Bloomfield on behalf of Intrado Communications, Inc.
12/21/2007 Confidential document: Petition for arbitration filed by C. Kiser on behalf of Intrado Communications, Inc.
12/21/2007 In the matter of the petition of Intrado Communications, Inc. for arbitration to establish an interconnection agreement with the Ohio Bell Telephone Company aba AT&T Ohio.