DIS - Case Record for 07-0830-GA-ALT Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
03/21/2011 Memo closing case with an effective date of 03/21/11.
07/29/2010 Service Notice
07/29/2010 Entry ordering that DEO's proposed tariffs be approved; that DEO notify all affected customers with in 30 days of the effective date of the revised rates.
03/12/2010 Second report of the East Ohio Gas Company dba Dominion East Ohio Gas Company demand side management collaborative identifying the economic and achievable potential for energy efficiency improvements and program designs filed by P. Colbert.
02/11/2010 Service Notice
02/11/2010 Entry ordering DEO to file proposed revised tariffs for year three and beyond within 21 days of this entry,
09/23/2009 Service Notice
09/23/2009 Entry denying the application for rehearing filed by the Consumer Groups.
09/08/2009 Memorandum contra joint application for rehearing by the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel, The City of Cleveland, Ohio Partners for Affordable Energy, The Neighborhood Environmental Colation, The Empowerment Center of Greater Cleveland, Cleveland Housing Network, and the Consumers for Fair Utility Rates filed by D. Kutik.
08/28/2009 Joint application for rehearing and memorandum in support by the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel, The City of Cleveland, Ohio Partners for Affordable Energy, The Neighborhood Environmental Coalition, The Empowerment Center of Greater Cleveland, Cleveland Housing Network, and the Consumers for Fair Utility Rates filed by J. Serio on behalf of the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel, S. Beeler on behalf of the City of Cleveland, J. Meissner on behalf of Neighborhood Environmental Coalition, Consumers for Fair Utility Rates, Cleveland Housing Network, and the Empowerment Center of Greater Cleveland, D. Rinebolt on behalf of the Ohio Partners for Affordable Energy.
07/29/2009 Service Notice.
07/29/2009 Entry ordering that the Consumer Group's motion to strike DEO's memorandum contra be denied and their motion to reopen these proceedings and for a waiver be denied; motion requesting Commission stay implementation of the modified SFV rate design in year two for GSS/ECTS classes be denied; a copy of report be included in Case No. 09-654-GA-UNC.
07/15/2009 Report of the East Ohio Gas Company dba Dominion East Ohio demand side management collaborative identifying the economic and achievable potential for energy efficiency improvements and program designs filed by G. Garber.
06/02/2009 Letter stating the definition of "Late Payment Charge" on billing format is to be consistent with the approved stipulation and tariffs in the reference cases filed by P. Colbert on behalf of The East Ohio Gas Company d/b/a Dominion East Ohio.
05/15/2009 Dominion East Ohio's tariff regarding its right to disconnect service filed by P. Colbert.
04/29/2009 Service Notice
04/29/2009 Entry ordering that the October 22 and November 5, 2008, entries be corrected, nunc pro tunc.
04/22/2009 Joint reply to Dominion East Ohio's memorandum contra joint motion to stay filed by L. Sauer on behalf of the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel; S. Beeler on behalf of Cleveland City Hall; C. Mooney on behalf of Ohio Partners for Affordable Energy and J. Meissner on behalf of Neighborhood Environmental Coalition, Consumers for Fair Utility Rates, Cleveland Housing Network, and The Empowerment Center of Greater Cleveland.
04/15/2009 Dominion East Ohio's memorandum contra motion to stay filed by G. Garber.
04/14/2009 Report regarding Dominion East Ohio's Assessment of Advanced Metering Capabilities filed by G. Garber.
04/10/2009 Notice of intent to file a motion filed by J. Serio on behalf of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel.
04/07/2009 Service Notice
04/07/2009 Entry ordered that staff's motion to terminate the expedited response time for motions set March 19, 2009, be granted. (CP)
04/03/2009 Motion to terminate expedited response times for motions set in the entry of March 19, 2008 and memorandum in support filed by by the staff of the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio.
03/31/2009 Motion to stay implementation of residential stage 2 tariffs and memorandum in support filed by L. Sauer on behalf of Ohio Consumers' Counsel; S. Beeler on behalf of the City of Cleveland; J. Meissner on behalf of Neighborhood Environmental Coalition, Consumers for Fair Utility Rates, Cleveland Housing Network, and The Empowerment Center of Greater Cleveland; C. Mooney on behalf of the Ohio Partners for Affordable Energy.
03/13/2009 Service Notice
03/13/2009 Final tariffs for the East Ohio Gas Company dba Dominion East Ohio filed by G. Garber.
03/13/2009 Supreme Court Transmittal Papers. (S.C.#09-0314)
03/13/2009 Final tariffs, Original Sheet No. F-ECTS-LU filed on behalf of Dominion East Ohio by G. Garber.
03/05/2009 Notice of withdrawal and substitution of counsel for The East Ohio Gas Company doing business as Dominion East Ohio filed by G. Garber.
03/05/2009 Service Notice
03/04/2009 Entry ordering that DEO's proposed tariffs be approved.
02/23/2009 Joint reply to Dominion East Ohio's memorandum contra joint motion to strike by L. Sauer on behalf of the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel; S. Beeler on behalf of the City of Cleveland; J. Meissner on behalf of Neighborhood Environmental Coalition, Consumers for Fair Utility Rates, Cleveland Housing Network, and the Empowerment Center of Greater Cleveland; C. Mooney on behalf of Ohio Partners for Affordable Energy.
02/19/2009 Memorandum contra the joint advocates' joint motion to strike of the East Ohio Gas Company dba Dominion East Ohio filed by A. Campbell.
02/19/2009 Letter in opposition to East Ohio Gas Company dba Dominion East Ohio's proposed General Sales Service Low Usage Heat Pilot Program tariff filed by J. Serio on behalf of the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel.
02/18/2009 Letter regarding proposed tariff sheets filed by A. Campbell on behalf of the East Ohio Gas Company dba Dominion East Ohio.
02/17/2009 Notice of appeal of the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel filed by J. Serio.
02/17/2009 Joint motion to strike Dominion East Ohio's memorandum contra joint motion to reopen the record and for waiver of certain requirements of Ohio Adm. Code 4901-1-34(B) and for a procedural schedule and joint reply to Dominion East Ohio's memorandum contra joint motion to reopen the record and for waiver of certain requirements of Ohio Adm. Code 4901-1-34(B) and for a procedural schedule filed by L. Sauer on behalf of the office of the Ohio Consumers's Counsel; S. Beeler on behalf of Cleveland City Hall; J. Meissner on behalf of The Neighborhood Environmental Coalition, The Empowerment Center of Greater Cleveland, Cleveland Housing Network, and the Consumers for Fair Utility Rates; C. Mooney on behalf of Ohio Partners for Affordable Energy;
02/13/2009 Memorandum contra the joint advocates' joint motion to reopen the record, for waiver of certain requirements of Ohio Adm. Code 4901-1-34(B), and for a procedural schedule of the East Ohio Gas Company dba Dominion East Ohio filed by A. Campbell.
02/11/2009 Notice of appeal of Ohio Partners for Affordable Energy filed by C. Mooney. (Supreme Ct. #09-0314)
01/29/2009 Joint motion to reopen the record, joint motion for waiver of certain requirements of Ohio ADM. Code 4901-1-34(B), and joint motion for a procedural schedule and memorandum in support filed on behalf of The Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel by L. Sauer, on behalf of the City of Cleveland by S. Beeker, on behalf of Neighborhood Environmental Coalition and Consumers for Fair Utility Rates by J. Meissner, on behalf of Ohio Partners for Affordable Energy by C. Mooney.
01/13/2009 Report and recommendation of the East Ohio Gas Company dba Dominion East Ohio filed by A. Campbell.
12/22/2008 Revised tariff pages, Sheet Nos.1 - 4 filed by A. Campbell on behalf of East Ohio Gas Company dba Dominion East Ohio.
12/19/2008 Service Notice
12/19/2008 Entry on rehearing that the application for rehearing filed by DEO be granted to the extent set forth in this entry: that the Consumer Groups' application for rehearing be denied.
12/10/2008 Service notice.
12/10/2008 Entry ordering DEO's and Consumer Groups' applications for rehearing be granted for further consideration of the matters specified in the applications for rehearing.
11/24/2008 Memorandum contra application for rehearing by the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel, the City of Cleveland, Ohio Partners for Affordable Energy, the Neighborhood Environmental Coalition, the Empowerment Center of Greater Cleveland, Cleveland Housing Network, and the Consumers for Fair Utility Rates filed by D. Kurik. on behalf of the East Ohio Gas Company dba Dominion East Ohio.
11/14/2008 Joint application for rehearing by The Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel by L. Sauer , The City of Cleveland by S. Beeler, Ohio Partners for Affordable Energy by C. Mooney, The Neighborhood Environmental Coalition, The Empowerment Center of Greater Cleveland, Cleveland Housing Network, and The Consumers for Fair Utility Rates by J. Meissner.
11/14/2008 Application for rehearing and memorandum in support filed on behalf of the East Ohio Gas Company dba Dominion East Ohio by A. Campbell.
11/05/2008 Entry ordering that the amended bill format filed on October 24, 2008, be approved.
11/05/2008 Notice of the withdrawal of Mark A. Whitt filed by D. Kutik on behalf of The East Ohio Gas Company dba Dominion East Ohio.
11/05/2008 Service Notice
10/31/2008 Notice of withdrawal of counsel, Daniel Neilsen for Industrial Users-Ohio filed by J. Clark.
10/24/2008 Revised Attachment A to the bill format filed by A. Campbell on behalf of The East Ohio Gas Company dba Dominion East Ohio.
10/22/2008 Service Notice
10/22/2008 Entry ordering that the proposed tariffs be approved, to the extent set forth in the entry.
10/21/2008 Motion for approval of revised bill format and memorandum in support (expedited ruling requested) filed by A. Campbell on behalf of The East Ohio Gas Company dba Dominion East Ohio.
10/16/2008 Final tariff pages, PUCO Tariff No. 1, filed by A. Campbell on behalf of The East Gas Company dba Dominion East Ohio ("DEO").
10/15/2008 Entry ordering that the company's tariffs, when filed, will be effective on a bills rendered basis. (CP)
10/15/2008 Service Notice
10/15/2008 Opinion ordering that the application for authority to increase its rates and charges for service be granted to the extent provided in this opinion and order.
10/15/2008 Proof of Publication. (Cuyahoga, Mahoning, Summit, Stark)
10/15/2008 Service Notice
10/14/2008 Additional information to the stipulation that was not attached Schedule A-1, late filed Exhibit 1-C filed by A. Hammerstein.
10/10/2008 Proposed notices informing customers of The East Ohio Gas Company dba Dominion East Ohio of changes in gas base rates filed by M. Whitt.
10/10/2008 Notice of substitution of joint Exhibit 1-A to the stipulation and recommendation, filed by A. Hammerstein, PUCO Staff, M. Whitt on behalf of the EOG dba Dominion East Ohio and W. Airey on behalf of the Ohio Oil & Gas Association.
10/08/2008 Exhibits for transcript of hearing held on Septernber 24, 2008 before Chairman A. Schriber and Commissioners R. Hartman Fergus, V. Lemmie, P. Centolella and C. Roberto, electronically filed on 10/8/2008.
10/08/2008 Revised forms of proposed tariffs for The East Gas Company dba Dominion East Ohio by M. Whitt.
09/19/2008 Entry ordered that the format for the September 24, 2008, oral arguments be as set forth in finding (4). (CMTP)
09/19/2008 Service Notice
09/16/2008 Reply Brief of the Ohio Oil and Gas Association electronically filed by Mr. W Jonathan Airey on behalf of Ohio Oil and Gas Association.
09/16/2008 Reply Brief of the Staff of the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio filed by S. Reilly.
09/16/2008 Post-hearing brief of Ohio Partners for Affordable Energy filed by D. Rinebolt.
09/16/2008 Post-hearing brief filed on behalf of the City of Cleveland by S. Beeler. (FAX)
09/16/2008 Post-hearing brief filed on behalf of the City of Cleveland by S. Beeler. (original)
09/16/2008 Post-hearing reply brief of the East Ohio Gas Company dba Dominion East Ohio filed by A.J. Campbell.
09/16/2008 Reply Brief by the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel filed by J.P. Serio.
09/12/2008 Post hearing brief filed on behalf of Ohio Partners for Affordable Energy by D. Rinebolt.
09/11/2008 Initial brief filed on behalf of The Neighborhood Environmental Coalition, The Empowerment Center of Greater Cleveland, Cleveland Housing Network and The Consumers for Fair Utility Rates by J. Meissner.
09/10/2008 Post hearing brief of Ohio Partners for Affordable Energy filed by D. Rinebolt. (FAX)
09/10/2008 Merit brief of the Staff of the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio filed by S. Reilly.
09/10/2008 Initial Brief of the Ohio Oil and Gas Association electronically filed by Mr. W Jonathan Airey on behalf of Ohio Oil and Gas Association.
09/10/2008 Initial brief filed on behalf of the Neighborhood Environmental Coalition, the Empowerment Center of Greater Cleveland, Cleveland Housing Network, and the Consumers for Fair Utility Rates by J. Meissner. (FAX)
09/10/2008 Initial post-hearing brief of the City of Cleveland filed by S. Beeler (FAX)
09/10/2008 Initial Post Hearing Brief filed on behalf of the City of Cleveland by S. Beeler.
09/10/2008 Post hearing brief filed on behalf of the East Ohio Gas Company dba Dominion East Ohio by A. Campbell.
09/10/2008 Initial post hearing brief filed on behalf of the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel by J. Serio.
09/08/2008 Tariff pages filed pursuant to paragraph 4 of the Stipulation and Recommendation filed on August 22, 2008, filed on behalf of Dominion East Ohio Gas by M. Whitt.
09/04/2008 Transcript and exhibits for hearing held August 21, 2008 before Rhonda Hartman Fergus, Commissioner, Cheryl Roberto, Commissioner and Paul J. Duffy, Attorney Examiner, Summit County.
09/03/2008 Transcript and exhibits for hearing held July 28, 2008 at Youngstown City Hall, Youngstown, Ohio before AE C. M.T. Pirik, (Mahoning County)
09/02/2008 Letter clarifying that the City of Cleveland's objections filed on June 20, 2008 were intended to be included in the sentence on page 3 of the August 22, 2008 Stipulation, filed by S. Beeler.
09/02/2008 Notification of filing a clarification letter in this docket on behalf of the City of Cleveland by S. Beeler.
08/29/2008 Service Notice
08/28/2008 Transcript with exhibits for hearing held in Youngstown, Ohio, before Paul A. Centolella, Commissioner, and Paul J. Duffy, Attorney Examiner, on Tuesday, August 19, 2008.
08/28/2008 Transcript for East Ohio Gas dba Dominion East Ohio, Volume IV, for hearing held 8/25/08 electronically filed by Mrs. Jennifer D. Duffer on behalf of Armstrong & Okey, Inc.
08/28/2008 Transcript with exhibits of hearing held at the Garfield Heights Civic Center, on Monday, August 18, 2008 before Scott Farks, Hearing Examiner.
08/28/2008 Entry ordering that the parties comply with the requirements of this entry, as previously ordered on August 27, 2008. (SF)
08/28/2008 Exhibit for transcript submitted electronically for hearing held on Wednesday, August 27, 2008 before Attorney Examiners, Christine Pirik and Scott Farkas.
08/28/2008 Exhibits for transcript submitted electronically for hearing held on Tuesday, August 26, 2008 before Attorney Examiners, Christine Pirik and Scott Farkas.
08/28/2008 Exhibits for transcript submitted electronically for hearing held on Monday, August 25, 2008 before Attorney Examiners, Christine Pirik and Scott Farkas.
08/27/2008 Confidential document target for excerpt from the proceedings of Friday, August 8, 2008 and OCC Exhibit 18-A filed by East Ohio Gas Company dba Dominion East Ohio. (174 pages)
08/27/2008 Surrebuttal testimony of Jeffrey A. Murphy filed by M. Whitt on behalf of Dominion East Ohio.
08/26/2008 Rebuttal testimony and exhibits of Roger D. Colton filed by J. Serio on behalf of OCC.
08/26/2008 Proof of Publication. (Summit, Ashland, Lucas, Cuyahoga, Lorain, Washington, Stark, Monroe, Tuscarawas, Auglaize, Wayne, Portage, Ashtabula, Allen, Belmont, Medina, Mahoning, Lake, Muskingum, Trumbull, Wood Counties)
08/26/2008 Proof of Publication. (Summit, Ashland, Lucas, Cuyahoga, Lorain, Washington, Stark, Monroe, Tuscarawas, Auglaize, Wayne, Portage, Ashtabula, Allen, Belmont, Medina, Mahoning, Lake, Muskingum, Trumbull, Wood Counties)
08/25/2008 Fourth supplemental direct testimony of Jeffrey A. Murphy on behalf of Dominion East Ohio.
08/25/2008 Second supplemental direct testimony of Stephen Puican filed by PUCO.
08/22/2008 Exhibits for transcript submitted electronically for hearing filed on Wednesday, August 6, 2008, before Scott Farkas, Attorney Examiner.
08/22/2008 Transcript Vol III - East Ohio Gas Company dba Dominion East Ohio from 8/8/08 hearing electronically filed by Mrs. Jennifer D. Duffer on behalf of Armstrong & Okey, Inc.
08/22/2008 Transcript Vol II - East Ohio Gas dba Dominion East Ohio from 8/6/08 hearing, electronically filed by Mrs. Jennifer D. Duffer on behalf of Armstrong & Okey, Inc.
08/22/2008 Prefiled testimony of Ibrahim Soliman filed by PUCO.
08/22/2008 Stipulation and recommendation of The East Ohio Gas Company dba Dominion East Ohio filed by M. Whitt.
08/22/2008 Prefiled testimony of Marcia Rutherford on behalf of PUCO.
08/21/2008 Schedule E-4.3 and updated schedule C-2 filed by A. Campbell on behalf of The East Ohio Gas Company dba Dominion East Ohio.
08/20/2008 Transcript with exhibits for hearing held on Monday, the 4th day of August 2008 at City of Geneva Council, City Hall Municipal Building, Council Chambers, 1st Floor, 44 North Forest Street, Geneva, Ohio, before Christine M.T. Pirik, Attorney Examiner.
08/20/2008 Exhibits of transcript electronically filed for hearing held on Tuesday, August 5, 2008 before Scott Farkas, attorney examiner.
08/20/2008 Transcript with exhibits for hearing held at Frank J. Lausche State Office Building, 2nd Floor Auditorium, 615 West Superior Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio, on Monday, August 4, 2008 before Christine M. T. Pirik, attorney examiner.
08/20/2008 Transcript - Dominion East Ohio - Hearing transcript from 8/5/08, Marietta, Ohio, electronically filed by Mrs. Jennifer D. Duffer on behalf of Armstrong & Okey, Inc.
08/15/2008 Exhibits for hearing held August 1, 2008, before Attorney Examiners C. Pirik and S. Farkas, Franklin County.
08/15/2008 Transcript of hearing held August 1, 2008 before attorney examiners C. Pirik and S. Farkas, electronically filed by Mrs. Jennifer D. Duffer on behalf of Armstrong & Okey, Inc.
08/13/2008 Transcript and exhibits for hearing held July 31, 2008 at the Oliver R. Ocasek Government Center, West Auditorium, before Attorney Examiner S. Farkas, Akron, Ohio.
08/13/2008 Transcript and exhibits for hearing held July 31, 2008, at the Canton City Hall, Canton City Council Chambers, before AE S. Farkas, Canton, Ohio.
08/05/2008 Prefiled testimony of Edward M. Steele filed on behalf of the PUCO by A. Hammerstein.
08/05/2008 Corrected supplemental testimony of Stephen E. Puican filed by PUCO Staff.
08/05/2008 Prefiled testimony of Francis C. Rack filed by PUCO Staff.
08/01/2008 Reply to the memorandum contra motion to dismiss filed by G. Poulos on behalf of the Ohio Consumers' Council.
08/01/2008 Prefiled testimony of Peter K. Baker on behalf of PUCO.
08/01/2008 Prefiled testimony of Stephen R. Chaney on behalf of PUCO.
08/01/2008 Supplemental testimony of Stephen E. Puican on behalf PUCO.
07/31/2008 Prefiled testimony of Stephen E. Puican filed by A. Hammerstein on behalf of Staff.
07/31/2008 Prefiled testimony of Barbara J. Bossart filed by A. Hammerstein on behalf of Staff.
07/31/2008 Entry ordering local public hearings be held as set forth in finding (5); that notice of the local public hearings be published as set forth in finding (6). (CP)
07/31/2008 Service notice.
07/31/2008 Prefiled testimony of Dianne L. Doss filed by A. Hammerstein on behalf of Staff.
07/31/2008 Prefiled testimony of Tonja D. Stewart filed by A. Hammerstein on behalf of Staff.
07/31/2008 Entry ordering the July 10,2008 request by OCC, the City of Cleveland, Ohio Partners for Affordable Energy, The Neighborhood Environmental Coalition, The Empowerment Center of Greater Cleveland, Cleveland Housing Network, and the Consumers for Fair Utility Rates was not filed appropriately and cannot be considered by the Commission; that the issues raised in OCC's motion to dismiss have already been addressed, and final decisions have been issued, therefore, it is unnecessary for the Commission to elaborate further on these issues.
07/31/2008 Service notice.
07/30/2008 Letter regarding the proposed rate increase filed by J. Loree on behalf of the Board of Trustees of Boardman Township.
07/30/2008 Letter regarding the proposed rate increase filed by consumer, W. Moore.
07/29/2008 Proof of publication, Summit, Ashland, Ashtabula, Wood, Stark, Cuyahoga, Allen, Lorain, Washington, Belmont, Medina, Tuscarawas, Portage, Lucas, Trumbull, Lake, Monroe (W), Wayne, Auglaize, Mahoning, Muskingum and Wood County, WV.
07/29/2008 Confidential document: Deposition of William Armstrong and exhibits filed by J. Serio on behalf of the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel.
07/29/2008 Notice of filing deposition of Cliff Andrews filed by J. Serio on behalf of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel.
07/29/2008 Transcript of deposition of Jeffrey A. Murphy taken on Monday, July 14, 2008.
07/29/2008 Transcript of deposition of Jeffrey A. Murphy taken on Thursday, June 12, 2008.
07/29/2008 Transcript of deposition of Daniel M. Ives taken on Tuesday, July 22, 2008.
07/29/2008 Deposition of William Armstrong and exhibits continued. (Part 2 of 2)
07/29/2008 Motion for a protective order regarding the exhibits to the deposition of William Armstrong, memorandum in support filed by J. Serio on behalf of the Ohio Consumers' Council.
07/29/2008 Transcript of deposition of Cliff Andrews taken on Wednesday, July 23, 2008.
07/29/2008 Deposition of William Armstrong and exhibits filed by J. Serio on behalf of the Ohio Consumers' Council. (Part 1 of 2)
07/29/2008 Notice of filing of deposition of William Armstrong (Confidential Version of Exhibits) filed by J. Serio on behalf of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel.
07/29/2008 Notice of filing of deposition of William Armstrong (Public Version of Exhibits) filed by J. Serio on behalf of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel.
07/29/2008 Notice of filing of depositions of Jeffrey A. Murphy filed by J. Serio on behalf of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel.
07/28/2008 Memorandum contra the motion to dismiss by the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel on behalf of the East Ohio Gas Company dba Dominion East Ohio filed by M. Whitt.
07/28/2008 Notice of withdrawal of the Ohio Energy Group filed by D. Boehm.
07/25/2008 Objections to the June 12, 2008 Staff Report of Investigation and summary of major issues by the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel filed by J. Serio.
07/25/2008 Direct testimony and exhibits of Scott J. Rubin on behalf of the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel filed by J. Serio.
07/25/2008 Supplemental direct testimony of Tim C. McNutt filed by A. Campbell on behalf of Dominion East Ohio. (DEO Exhibit 10.1)
07/25/2008 Objections to the PIR Staff report of investigation of the East Ohio Gas Company dba Dominion East Ohio filed by A. Campbell on behalf of the East Ohio Gas Company dba Dominion East Ohio.
07/25/2008 Notice of deposition to the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel filed by A. Campbell on behalf of the East Ohio Gas Company dba Dominion East Ohio.
07/25/2008 Third supplemental direct testimony of Jeffrey a. Murphy on behalf of Dominion East Ohio filed by A. Campbell. (DEO Exhibit 1.3)
07/25/2008 Service list filed by A. Campbell on behalf of The East Ohio Gas Company dba Dominion East Ohio.
07/23/2008 Notice to take deposition upon oral examination of John Doe and request for production of documents filed by G. Poulos on behalf of the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel.
07/21/2008 Motion to dismiss Dominion East Ohio's application for authority to increase rates for its gas distribution service or in the alternative motion to dismiss Dominion East Ohio's pipeline infrastructure replacement application, memorandum in support filed by G. Poulos on behalf of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel.
07/16/2008 Notice to take deposition upon oral examination of Tim C. McNutt and request for production of documents filed by L. Sauer on behalf of the office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel.
07/14/2008 Memorandum contra the application for rehearing by the Joint Consumer Advocates on behalf of the East Ohio Gas Company dba Dominion East Ohio filed by D. Boehm.
07/11/2008 Service notice.
07/10/2008 Application for rehearing by the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel, the City of Cleveland, Ohio Partners for Affordable Energy, The Neighborhood Environmental Coalition, The Empowerment Center of Greater Cleveland, Cleveland Housing Network, and The Consumers for Fair Utility Rates and memorandum in support filed by L. Sauer on behalf of OCC, J. Kurdila on behalf of the City of Cleveland and J. Meissner on behalf of Neighborhood Environmental Coalition, Consumers for Fair Utility Rates, Cleveland Housing Network, the Empowerment Center of Greater Cleveland and D. Rinebolt on behalf of Ohio Partners for Affordable Energy.
07/10/2008 Entry order the evidentiary hearing in these cases commence on August 1, 2008, at 9:00 a.m. at 180 East Broad Street Columbus, Ohio 43215; that all objections to the staff report for the pipeline infrastructure replacement program and the intervenors' testimony be filed by July 25, 2008, (SF)
07/10/2008 Response to the East Ohio Gas Company dba Dominion East Ohio's first set of interrogatories and requests for production of documents filed by M. Yurick on behalf of Interstate Gas Supply, Inc.
07/05/2008 Notice of withdrawal of Mark A. Whitt for The East Ohio Gas Company dba Dominion East Ohio filed by D. Kutik.
06/30/2008 Memorandum in support of the motion for protective order by the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel filed on behalf of the East Ohio Gas Company dba Dominion East Ohio by D. Kutik.
06/27/2008 Service Notice.
06/27/2008 Entry ordering that the motion to intervene filed by the City of Cleveland be granted; that local public hearings in these proceedings be held as set forth in finding (9); that the evidentiary hearing in these proceedings commence on August 6, 2008, at 10:00 a.m., Hearing Room 11-C, 11th floor, at the offices of the Commission, 180 East Broad Street, Columbus, Ohio; that the notice of the local public hearings be published as set forth in finding (11); that a prehearing conference be scheduled for July 8, 2008, at 10:00 a.m., at the offices of the Commission 180 East Broad Street, Columbus, Ohio. (SC)
06/24/2008 Objections to the staff report of investigation and summary of major issues filed on behalf of Ohio Partners for Affordable Energy by D. Rinebolt.
06/23/2008 Motion for local public hearings, memorandum in support filed on behalf of the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel, the City of Cleveland, Ohio Partners for Affordable Energy, The Neighborhood Environmental Coalition, The Empowerment Center of Greater Cleveland, Cleveland Housing Network and the Consumers for Fair Utility Rates by G. Poulos, J. Kurdila, J. Meissner, and D. Rinebolt.
06/23/2008 Objections to the Staff Report of Investigation and summary of major issues filed on behalf of Ohio Partners for Affordable Energy by D. Rinebolt. (FAX)
06/23/2008 Objection to the Staff Report and Summary of Major Issues by Integrys Energy Services, Inc. and Interstate Gas Supply, Inc. electronically filed by Howard Petricoff on behalf of Integrys Energy Services, LLC and Interstate Gas Supply
06/23/2008 Objections to the Staff Report and a list of main issues filed on behalf of the Citizens Coalition filed by J. Meissner.
06/23/2008 Objections to the Staff Report and list of the main issues filed on behalf of the Citizens Coalition by J. Meissner.
06/23/2008 Objections to the Staff Report and summary of major issues filed on behalf of the City of Cleveland by J. Kurdila.
06/23/2008 Confidential document: Direct testimony & confidential attachment of Trevor Roycroft filed on behalf of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel by J. Serio. (147 pgs)
06/23/2008 Confidential document: Direct testimony of Steven Hines filed on behalf of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel by J. Serio. (72 pgs)
06/23/2008 Confidential document: Direct testimony of Patricia Tanner filed by J. Serio on behalf of Ohio Consumers' Counsel. (52 pgs)
06/23/2008 Supplemental testimony of Michael J. Vilbert on behalf of Dominion East Ohio. (DEO Exhibit 9.1)
06/23/2008 Statement of major issues of The East Ohio Gas Company dba Dominion East Ohio filed by A. Campbell.
06/23/2008 Public version direct testimony of Patricia A. Tanner on behalf of the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel filed by J. Serio.
06/23/2008 Direct testimony of James D. Williams on behalf of the office of The Ohio Consumers' Counsel.
06/23/2008 Direct testimony and public attachment of Trevor R. Roycroft, Ph.D. on behalf of the Office of The Ohio Consumers' Counsel filed by J. Serio.
06/23/2008 Direct testimony of Wilson Gonzalez on behalf of the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel filed by J. Serio.
06/23/2008 Direct testimony of Steven B. Hines on behalf of the office of The Ohio Consumers' Counsel. (Public version)
06/23/2008 Second supplemental direct testimony of Jeffrey A. Murphy on behalf of Dominion East Ohio. (DEO Exhibit 1.2)
06/23/2008 Direct testimony of Frank W. Radigan on behalf of the office of The Ohio Consumers' Counsel.
06/23/2008 Direct testimony of Beth E. Hixon on behalf of the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel filed by J. Serio.
06/23/2008 Direct testimony of J. Randall Woolridge, Ph.D. on behalf of the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel filed by J. Serio.
06/23/2008 Objections to the staff report of investigation and summary of major issues by the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel filed by J. Serio.
06/23/2008 Supplement direct testimony of Vicki H. Friscic on behalf of Dominion East Ohio. (DEO Exhibit 2.1)
06/23/2008 Certificate of service letter regarding documents which were electronically served on all parties filed by A. Campbell on behalf of The East Ohio Gas Company dba Dominion East Ohio.
06/23/2008 Motion for protective order regarding the testimony of witnesses Hines, Tanner, and Roycroft, memorandum in support by the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel filed by G. Poulos.
06/23/2008 Objections to the Staff Report of investigation of The East Ohio Gas Company dba Dominion East Ohio filed by D. Kutik.
06/20/2008 Objections to staff report and summary of major issues filed by J. Kurdila on behalf of the City of Cleveland. (FAX)
06/19/2008 Notice of withdrawal of Industrial Energy Users-Ohio filed by D. Neilsen.
06/18/2008 Service Notice
06/18/2008 Entry granting DEO's motion requesting approval of the proposed newspaper notice; that OEG's motion to intervene in the 08-169 case be granted. (CP)
06/18/2008 Motion to intervene and memorandum in support of intervention filed by J. Kurdila on behalf of the City of Cleveland. (Original)
06/17/2008 Motion to intervene and memorandum in support filed by J. Kurdila on behalf of the City of Cleveland. (FAX)
06/09/2008 Return mail receipt.
06/09/2008 Reply to the memorandum contra motion for approval of legal notice of OCC filed by A. Campbell on behalf of East Ohio Gas Company dba Dominion East Ohio.
06/06/2008 Memorandum contra Dominion East Ohio's motion for approval of legal notice filed by G. Poulos on behalf of Ohio Consumers' Counsel.
06/06/2008 Notice to take deposition upon oral examination of Jeffrey A. Murphy and request for production of documents filed by L. Sauer on behalf of Ohio Consumers' Counsel.
06/06/2008 Notice to take deposition upon oral examination of Daniel M. Ives and request for production of documents filed by L. Sauer on behalf of Ohio Consumers' Counsel.
06/06/2008 Notice to take deposition upon oral examination of Cliff Andrews and request for production of documents filed by L. Sauer on behalf of Ohio Consumers' Counsel.
06/06/2008 Notice to take deposition upon oral examination of Warren R. Fischer and request for production of documents filed by L.Sauer on behalf of Ohio Consumers' Counsel.
06/06/2008 Notice to take deposition upon oral examination of Michael J. McGarry, Sr. and request for production of documents filed by L. Sauer on behalf of Ohio Consumers' Counsel.
06/06/2008 Notice to take deposition upon oral examination of Vicki H. Friscic and request for production of documents filed by L. Sauer on behalf of Ohio Consumers' Counsel.
06/06/2008 Notice to take deposition upon oral examination of Howard Solganick and request for production of documents filed by L. Sauer on behalf of Ohio Consumers' Counsel.
06/06/2008 Notice to take deposition upon oral examination of Larry J. Rice and request for production of documents filed by L. Sauer on behalf of Ohio Consumers' Counsel.
06/06/2008 Notice to take deposition upon oral examination of Sylvia P. Green and request for production of documents filed by L. Sauer on behalf of Ohio Consumers' Counsel.
06/06/2008 Notice to take deposition upon oral examination of John Doe and request for production of documents filed by L. Sauer on behalf of Ohio Consumers' Counsel.
06/06/2008 Notice to take deposition upon oral examination of Michael J. Vilbert, and request for production of documents filed by L. Sauer on behalf of Ohio Consumers' Counsel.
06/06/2008 Notice to take deposition upon oral examination of Ronald Edelstein and request for production of documents filed by L. Sauer on behalf of Ohio Consumers' Counsel.
06/06/2008 Notice to take deposition upon oral examination of Robert D. Taylor and request for production of documents filed by L. Sauer on behalf of Ohio Consumers' Counsel.
06/06/2008 Notice of deposition to The Neighborhood Environmental Coalition, The Empowerment Center of Greater Cleveland, The Cleveland Housing Network, and the Consumers for Fair Utility Rates filed by A. Campbell on behalf of East Ohio Gas Company dba Dominion East Ohio.
06/06/2008 Notice of deposition to Dominion Retail filed by A. Campbell on behalf of East Ohio Gas Company dba Dominion East Ohio.
06/06/2008 Notice of deposition to Ohio Partners for Affordable Energy filed by A. Campbell on behalf of East Ohio Gas Company dba Dominion East Ohio.
06/06/2008 Notice of deposition to Industrial Energy Users-Ohio filed by A. Campbell on behalf of East Ohio Gas Company dba Dominion East Ohio.
06/06/2008 Notice of deposition to Stand Energy Corporation filed by A. Campbell on behalf of East Ohio Gas Company dba Dominion East Ohio.
06/06/2008 Notice of deposition to UWUA Local G555 filed by A. Campbell on behalf of East Ohio Gas Company dba Dominion East Ohio.
06/06/2008 Notice of deposition to the Ohio Energy Group filed by A. Campbell on behalf of East Ohio Gas Company dba Dominion East Ohio.
06/06/2008 Notice of deposition to the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel filed by A. Campbell on behalf of East Ohio Gas Company dba Dominion East Ohio.
06/06/2008 Notice of deposition to Interstate Gas Supply, Inc. filed by A. Campbell on behalf of East Ohio Gas Company dba Dominion East Ohio.
06/06/2008 Notice of deposition to The Ohio Oil & Gas Association filed by A. Campbell on behalf of East Ohio Gas Company dba Dominion East Ohio.
06/06/2008 Notice of deposition to Integrys Energy Services, Inc. filed by A. Campbell on behalf of East Ohio Gas Company dba Dominion East Ohio.
05/30/2008 Supplemental direct testimony and exhibits of Jeffrey A. Murphy on behalf Dominion East Ohio, (DEO Exhibit 1.1)
05/30/2008 Motion for approval of legal notice filed by A. Campbell on behalf of The East Ohio Company dba Dominion East Ohio.
05/30/2008 Legal notice of application for approval of a pipeline infrastructure replacement cost recovery charge filed on behalf of the East Ohio Gas Company dba Dominion East Ohio by A. Campbell.
05/30/2008 Direct testimony of Tim C. McNutt on behalf of Dominion East Ohio, (DEO Exhibit 10.0).
05/28/2008 Return mail receipt - Village of Coldwater.
05/28/2008 Return mail receipt - Village of Ottawa.
05/28/2008 Return mail receipt - Village of Columbus Grove.
05/28/2008 Return mail receipt - City of Midvale.
05/28/2008 Return mail receipt - Plain Township.
05/28/2008 Return mail receipt - Village of East Canton.
05/28/2008 Return mail receipt - City of Canal Fulton, J. Grogan.
05/28/2008 Return mail receipt - Village of Tuscarawas.
05/28/2008 Return mail receipt - City of Wooster.
05/28/2008 Return mail receipt - City of Dover.
05/28/2008 Return mail receipt - Village of Glandorf.
05/28/2008 Return mail receipt - City of Canal Fulton, M. Cozy
05/28/2008 Return mail receipt - Village of Cridersville.
05/28/2008 Return mail receipt - Village of Loudonville.
05/28/2008 Return mail receipt - Village of Beverly.
05/28/2008 Return mail receipt - Perry Township.
05/28/2008 Return mail receipt - City of New Philadelphia.
05/28/2008 Return mail receipt - Village of Sugarcreek.
05/28/2008 Return mail receipt - Village of Jerusalem.
05/28/2008 Return mail receipt - City of Marietta.
05/28/2008 Return mail receipt - City of St. Marys.
05/28/2008 Return mail receipt - City of Belpre.
05/28/2008 Return mail receipt - Village of Woodsfiled.
05/28/2008 Return mail receipt- IEU-Ohio.
05/28/2008 Return mail receipt- Larry Sauer, OCC.
05/28/2008 Return mail receipt- Village of Scott.
05/28/2008 Return mail receipt- Village of Leipsic.
05/28/2008 Return mail receipt- Village of St. Henry.
05/28/2008 Return mail receipt- Village of Fort Recovery.
05/28/2008 Return mail receipt- Hon. John Howard, Beaverdam, Ohio.
05/28/2008 Return mail receipt- Village of Bluffton.
05/28/2008 Return mail receipt- City of Lima.
05/28/2008 Return mail receipt- Village of Fort Shawnee .
05/28/2008 Return mail receipt- City of Orrville.
05/28/2008 Return mail receipt- Village of Dalton.
05/28/2008 Return mail receipt- City of Uhrichsville.
05/28/2008 Return mail receipt- Village of Spencerville.
05/28/2008 Return mail receipt- City of Delphos.
05/28/2008 Return mail receipt- City of North Canton.
05/28/2008 Return mail receipt- City of Massillon.
05/28/2008 Return mail receipt- City of Van Wert.
05/28/2008 Return mail receipt- Village of Loudonville.
05/28/2008 Return mail receipt - Village of Bolivar
05/28/2008 Return mail receipt - Village of Willshire
05/28/2008 Return mail receipt - Village of Rockford
05/28/2008 Return mail receipt - Village of Pandora
05/28/2008 Entry ordered that the applications for rehearing filed by OCC and OPAE be granted in part and denied in part; that the case description for Case No. 08-169-GA-UNC should be changed from UNC to ALT; that DEO comply with the deadlines in finding (22); that the deadlines set forth in finding (23) be observed by the parties.
05/28/2008 Returned mail receipt - Ohio Partners for Affordable Energy.
05/28/2008 Returned mail receipt - Village of Lowell.
05/28/2008 Service Notice
05/28/2008 Returned mail receipt - Village of Jerusalem.
05/27/2008 Returned mail receipt.
05/23/2008 Service notice.
05/23/2008 Service notice.
05/23/2008 Entry ordering objections to the Staff report be; specific, if not they may be struck; motions to strike objections shall be filed by July 7, 2008 and memorandum contra motions to strike objections shall be filed by July 14, 2008; unless an objection is struck or withdrawn, it must be discussed in the initial post-hearing brief of the objecting party, if not, it will be deemed withdrawn; summaries of major issues shall be filed in order of importance, and pre filed testimony should be filed in accordance with Rule 4901-1-29(A((1), O.A.C.; any person wishing to intervene file a motion to intervene by June 22, 2008; response times for motions in these proceedings be modified in accordance with finding (13). (SF)
05/23/2008 Staff report filed.
05/14/2008 Service notice.
05/14/2008 Entry on rehearing ordered OCC's application for rehearing be granted for further consideration of the matters specified in the application for rehearing.
05/09/2008 Application for rehearing and memorandum in support filed by C. Mooney on behalf of Ohio Partners for Affordable Energy.
05/09/2008 Memorandum contra application for rehearing by the office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel filed by M. Whitt on behalf of The East Ohio Gas Company dba Dominion East Ohio.
04/29/2008 Memorandum contra application for rehearing by the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel filed by A. Campbell on behalf of the East Ohio Gas Company dba Dominion East Ohio.
04/18/2008 Application for rehearing and memorandum in support filed on behalf of the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel by G. Poulos.
04/09/2008 Service Notice
04/09/2008 Entry ordering that the motions to intervene filed by OPAE, OCC, IEU-Ohio, Citizen Coalition, OEG, IGS, Dominion Retail, Stand, Local G555, Integrys and OGA be granted; that DEO' s motion to consolidate be granted; that OCC's motion to dismiss 08-169 be denied; that OPAE's motion to admit David C. Rinebolt pro hac vice be granted.
03/31/2008 Reply to DEO's memorandum contra OCC's motion to dismiss filed on behalf of the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel by J. Serio.
03/26/2008 Memorandum contra motion to dismiss Dominion East Ohio's Pipeline Infrastructure application on behalf of OCC and Reply to memoranda contra Dominion East Ohio's motion to consolidate on behalf of OCC and Ohio Partners For Affordable Energy filed by D. Kutik.
03/24/2008 Motion to intervene and memorandum in support of Industrial Energy Users- Ohio by D. Neilsen.
03/20/2008 Service Notice
03/19/2008 Entry ordering that the response times for motions filed in these proceedings be modified in accordance with finding (5). (CP)
03/14/2008 Memorandum contra motion to consolidate filed by C. Mooney on behalf of Ohio Partners for Affordable Energy.
03/14/2008 Motion to dismiss Dominion East Ohio's pipeline infrastructure replacement application and memorandum contra Dominion East Ohio's motion to consolidate the application for an automatic adjustment clause to recover certain costs associated with a pipeline infrastructure replacement program, memorandum in support filed on behalf of the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel by G. Poulos.
03/11/2008 Entry ordering OCC's motion for and extension of time be granted.(CP)
03/11/2008 Service Notice
03/10/2008 Motion for extension of time to file a memorandum contra Dominion East Ohio's motion to consolidate and request for expedited ruling , memorandum in support by the office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel filed by G. Poulos.
02/29/2008 Motion to intervene and memorandum in support filed on behalf of Ohio Oil and Gas Company by J. Airey.
02/22/2008 Motion to consolidate filed by D. Kutik on behalf of the East Ohio Gas Company dba Dominion East Ohio.
01/07/2008 Motion to intervene and memorandum in support filed by M. Petricoff on behalf of Integrys Energy Services, Inc.
12/28/2007 Motion to intervene and memorandum in support of Utility Workers Union of American Local G555 filed by T. Smith.
12/04/2007 Correspondence letter objecting to the proposed increase in rates filed by S. Moore.
11/21/2007 Motion to intervene out of time and memorandum in support filed by J. Dosker on behalf of Stand Energy Corporation.
11/20/2007 Service Notice
11/20/2007 Entry ordering that Blue Ridge Consulting Services, Inc. is selected to perform the consulting activities; that East Ohio Gas dba Dominion East Ohio and auditor shall observe the requirements set forth in this entry.
10/31/2007 Service notice.
10/31/2007 Entry ordering the proposal submitted in response to the RFP issued on October 3, 2007, be rejected and the staff shall issue another RFP, and evaluate all responses received, as described in this Entry; that the East Ohio Gas Company dba Dominion East Ohio and the auditor shall observe the requirements set forth in this Entry.
10/24/2007 Service Notice
10/24/2007 Entry ordered that the proposed newspaper notice submitted be approved for publication with the modification specified by the Commission as set forth in Finding (9).
10/16/2007 Notice of substitution of schedules filed by D. Kutik on behalf of East Ohio Gas Company dba Dominion East Ohio.
09/24/2007 Motion to intervene and memorandum in support of Industrial Energy Users-Ohio filed by J. Clark.
09/20/2007 Motion to consolidate filed by A. Campbell on behalf of East Ohio Gas Company dba Dominion East Ohio.
09/17/2007 Motion to intervene of Dominion Retail, Inc. and memorandum in support filed by B. Royer.
09/13/2007 Direct testimony continued. (Part 3 of 3)
09/13/2007 Direct testimony continued. (Part 2 of 3)
09/13/2007 Direct testimony and exhibits of Dominion East Ohio, filed by M. Whitt. (Part 1 of 3)
09/13/2007 Notice of filing of direct testimony, filed by M. Whitt on behalf of the East Ohio Gas Company dba Dominion East Ohio.
09/12/2007 Motion to intervene and memorandum in support by the office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel filed by J. Serio.
09/12/2007 Entry ordering that the Commission's staff shall issue the RFP, and evaluate all responses received. as described in this entry; that Dominion and the auditor shall observe the requirements set forth in this entry.
09/12/2007 Service notice.
08/30/2007 Application, Volume 4, continued. (part 2 of 2)
08/30/2007 Application, Volume 4, Schedule S-4.2 . (part 1 of 2)
08/30/2007 Application, Volume 3, Schedule S-4.1
08/30/2007 Application, Volume 2, continued. (part 3 of 3)
08/30/2007 Application, Volume 2, continued. (part 2 of 3)
08/30/2007 Application, Volume 2, Section E Schedules. (part 1 of 3)
08/30/2007 Application, Volume 1, continued. (part 2 of 2)
08/30/2007 Application, Volume 1, alt. reg. exhibits, sections A-D and F schedules, and schedules S-1- S-3 filed by B. Klink on behalf of East Ohio Gas Company dba Dominion East Ohio. (part 1 of 2).
08/17/2007 Motion for intervention and memorandum in support filed by J. Bentine on behalf of Interstate Gas Supply, Inc.
08/15/2007 Service Notice
08/15/2007 Entry ordering that the test period of the applicant shall begin January 1, 2007 and end December 31, 2007, the date certain shall be March 31, 2007, the requests for waivers made by DEO be granted as set forth in Findings 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9.
08/13/2007 Motion to intervene on behalf of the Neighborhood Environmental Coalition, the Empowerment Center of Greater Cleveland, Cleveland Housing Network and the Consumers for Fair Utility Rates and memorandum in support filed by J. Meissner.
08/10/2007 Motion to intervene on behalf of the Neighborhood Environmental Coalition, the Empowerment Center of Greater Cleveland, Cleveland Housing Network and the Consumers for Fair Utility Rates and memorandum in support, filed by J. Messner. (FAX)
08/01/2007 Motion for leave to intervene and memorandum in support filed by D. Boehm on behalf of the Ohio Energy Group.
07/26/2007 Motion to intervene, memorandum in support and motion to practice Pro Hac Vice before the Commission filed by D. Rinebolt on behalf of Ohio Partners for Affordable Energy.
07/23/2007 Notice of service filed on behalf of The East Ohio Gas Company dba Dominion East Ohio filed by D. Kutik.
07/20/2007 Motion on behalf of the East Ohio Gas Company dba Dominion East Ohio to establish a test year, date certain and for waivers from certain standard filing requirements, by M. Whitt
07/20/2007 In the matter of the application of The East Ohio Gas Company d/b/a Dominion East Ohio for approval of an Alternative Rate Plan for its Gas Distribution Service.