DIS - Case Record for 07-0259-TP-BLS Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
06/05/2012 Case status form to close case 07-259-TP-BLS effective 6/5/2012 filed by Doug Jennings.
03/08/2012 Service Notice
03/08/2012 Entry ordered that AT&T's motion to extend the protective order is granted in accordance with Finding (5).
02/24/2012 Correspondence in support of Motion for Extension of Protective Order electronically filed by Carolyn S Flahive on behalf of Verizon Wireless.
02/24/2012 Correspondence in support of Motion for Extension of Protective Order electronically filed by Carolyn S Flahive on behalf of Verizon Business Services.
02/22/2012 Correspondence in support of AT&T Ohio's motion for an extension of the protective order electronically filed by Teresa Orahood on behalf of Sage Telecom, Inc.
02/21/2012 Motion for extension of protective order and memorandum in support electronically filed by Jon F Kelly on behalf of AT&T Ohio.
12/22/2011 Supreme Court Document The following decision, announcement or notice of action by the Supreme Court of Ohio with respect to this case is provided solely for the information and convenience of the reader, and should not be construed as a part of the record of this case before the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio, and may be subject to formal revision before it is published in the Ohio Official Reports. The Court’s opinions from 1992 to the present are available online from the Reporter of Decisions at http://www.sconet.state.oh.us/ROD/ - Dismissal Entry (October 19, 2007) electronically filed by Kimberly L Keeton on behalf of Public Utilities Commission of Ohio.
07/13/2011 Notice of Withdrawal of counsel for David C Bergmann, Sup Ct. # 0009991, in all proceedings identified on the enclosed list.
05/19/2011 Entry that AT&T Ohio's motion to dismiss be granted in accordance with Finding (11).
05/19/2011 Service notice.
03/01/2011 Motion to dismiss and memorandum in support electronically filed by Jon F Kelly on behalf of AT&T Ohio.
10/27/2010 Service Notice
10/27/2010 Entry ordering that AT&T's motion to extend the protective order is granted in accordance with Finding (3). (DJ)
09/22/2010 Correspondence in Support of AT&T Ohio's Motion for Extension of Protective Order electronically filed by Teresa Orahood on behalf of Sage Telecom, Inc.
09/16/2010 Correspondence - in support of the Motion for Extension of Protective Order sought by AT&T Ohio electronically filed by Carolyn S Flahive on behalf of Verizon Business Services.
09/16/2010 Correspondence - in support of the Motion for Extension of Protective Order sought by AT&T Ohio electronically filed by Carolyn S Flahive on behalf of Verizon Wireless.
09/14/2010 Motion for extension and memorandum in support of protective order electronically filed by Jon F Kelly on behalf of AT&T Ohio.
05/01/2009 Service notice.
05/01/2009 Entry ordering AT&T's motion for a permanent protective order is denied; the Commission's protective order issued June 27, 2007, is extended for an 18 month time frame commencing with the date of this entry. (LDJ)
10/23/2008 Motion for extension of protective order and memorandum in support, electronically filed by Mrs. Verneda J. Engram on behalf of AT&T Ohio.
10/20/2008 Reply to OCC's memorandum contra electronically filed by Mrs. Verneda J. Engram on behalf of AT&T Ohio.
10/08/2008 Memorandum Contra AT&T Ohio's Motion for a Protective Order by the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel electronically filed by Patti Mallarnee on behalf of Etter, Terry L Mr.
09/25/2008 Motion for a protective order and memorandum in support, electronically filed by Jon F Kelly on behalf of AT&T Ohio.
09/12/2008 Reply to AT&T Ohio's show cause pleading of August 29, 2008 by the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel, electronically filed by Mrs. Mary V. Edwards on behalf of Etter, Terry L. and Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel.
08/29/2008 AT&T Ohio's response Showing Why Basic Local Exchange Service Alternative Regulation Should Not Be Revoked electronically filed by Jon F Kelly on behalf of AT&T Ohio
08/18/2008 Service Notice
08/15/2008 Entry ordering that OCC's motions set forth reasonable grounds, consistent with finding (7); that AT&T Ohio should file its show cause pleading and OCC should file its reply in accordance with Finding (7). (JSA)
07/11/2008 Reply to AT&T Ohio's Memorandum Contra by The Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel electronically filed by Mrs. Mary V. Edwards on behalf of Etter, Terry L. and Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel
07/01/2008 Memorandum contra OCC's June 13, 2008 motion electronically filed by Jon F Kelly on behalf of AT&T Ohio.
06/13/2008 Motion and memorandum in support by the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel for an order requiring AT&T Ohio to show cause as to why its alternative regulation Of Basic Local Exchange Service In The Burton, Cheshire, Dresden, Ironton, Lowellville, New Lexington, Rogers and Toronto Exchanges Should Not Be Revoked Pursuant to R.C. 4927.03(C) And Ohio Adm. Code 4901:1-4-12(B) electronically filed by Ms. Deb J. Bingham on behalf of Etter, Terry L.
04/10/2008 Reply to AT&T Ohio's memorandum contra filed by T. Etter on behalf of Ohio Consumers' Counsel.
03/31/2008 Memorandum contra OCC's March 13, 2008 motion filed by J. Kelly on behalf of AT&T Ohio.
03/13/2008 Motion and memorandum in support for an order requiring AT&T Ohio to show cause as to why its alternative regulation of basic local exchange service in eleven exchanges should not be revoked by the office of the Ohio Consumers' Council filed by T. Etter.
11/19/2007 Supreme Court Transmittal papers. (S. C. No. 07-1934)
10/19/2007 Notice of appeal of appellant the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel filed by D. Bergman.
09/26/2007 Memo to reopen case with an effective date of 9/26/07.
09/24/2007 Memo closing case with an effective date of 9/24/2007.
08/22/2007 Service notice.
08/22/2007 Entry ordering the OCC's application for rehearing is denied; that consistent with the June 27, 2007, Opinion and Order, the record from case No. 05-1305-TP-ORD should be considered as part of the record in this case.
08/06/2007 Memorandum contra the Ohio Consumers' Counsel's application for rehearing filed by J. Kelly on behalf of AT&T Ohio.
07/27/2007 Correction to tariff sheet filed on July 23, 2007 for PUCO Tariff No. 20 filed by M. Mackey on behalf of AT&T Ohio.
07/27/2007 Application for rehearing and memorandum in support filed by T. Etter on behalf of OCC.
07/25/2007 Corrections to replace the revised tariff sheets submitted on July 23, 2007 filed by M. Mackey on behalf of AT&T Ohio.
07/23/2007 Final tariff amendments filed on behalf of AT&T by M. Mackey.
06/27/2007 Opinion and Order ordering that AT&T's application for alternative regulation BLES and other Tier 1 services is granted in part and denied in part; that OCC's request for a hearing is denied; that, to the extent not addressed in this opinion and order, all other arguments are denied; that the Docketing Division maintain for 18 months from the date of this opinion and order, all documents that were filed under seal in conjunction with AT&T's motion for protective order filed March 9, 2007, its supplement to motion for protective order filed May 3, 2007, and OCC's motion for protective order filed May 8, 2007.
06/27/2007 Service Notice
06/06/2007 Corrections and amendments to tariff filed on behalf of AT&T Ohio by J. Kelly.
05/25/2007 Revised tariff pages, PUCO No. 20 filed by J. Kelly on behalf of AT&T Ohio.
05/08/2007 Motion for protective order filed by T. Etter on behalf of OCC.
05/08/2007 Reply of OCC to AT&T Ohio's memorandum contra filed by T. Etter.
05/08/2007 Confidential Document: Reply to memorandum contra filed on behalf of OCC.
05/03/2007 Confidential Document: Memorandum contra filed by J. Kelly on behalf of AT&T. (33 pages)
05/03/2007 Memorandum of AT&T Ohio contra opposition of Ohio Consumers' Counsel filed by J. Kelly. (public version)
05/03/2007 Supplement to motion for a protective order filed by J. Kelly on behalf of AT&T Ohio.
04/23/2007 Confidential target for opposition to AT&T Ohio's application for basic local service alternative regulation demonstration why the application should not be granted.
04/23/2007 Opposition to AT&T Ohio's application for basic local service alternative regulation; demonstration of why the application should not be granted filed by T. Etter on behalf of The Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel. (Part 2 of 2)
04/23/2007 Opposition to AT&T Ohio's application for basic local service alternative regulation; demonstration of why the application should not be granted filed by T. Etter on behalf of The Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel. (Part 1 of 2)
04/17/2007 Entry permitting interested persons to file objections to the application. (DJ)
04/17/2007 Service Notice
04/11/2007 Entry ordering that OCC's motion to intervene is granted and that discovery proceed in accordance with Rule 4901:1-4-09(I), O.A.C. (DJ)
04/11/2007 Service Notice
03/19/2007 Motion to intervene and memorandum in support filed by T. Etter on behalf of Ohio Consumer Counsel.
03/09/2007 Confidential document: Exhibit 3, filed on behalf of AT&T Ohio by J. Kelly. (49 pgs).
03/09/2007 Motion for protective order and memorandum in support, filed on behalf of AT&T Ohio by J. Kelly.
03/09/2007 Application cont'd. (Part 2 of 2)
03/09/2007 In the matter of the application of the Ohio Bell Telephone Company dba AT&T Ohio for approval of an alternative form of regulation of Basic Local Exchange and other Tier 1 Services and memorandum in support with attached affidavit of Connie Browning. (Part 1 of 2)