DIS - Case Record for 06-1294-EL-UNC Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
07/25/2007 Service Notice
07/25/2007 Entry ordering that OCC's request for intervention in 06-273 is granted; AEP-Ohio's calculation of its TCRR for the biennial audit period ended December 31, 2006 is just and reasonable and consistent with Commission's Orders, subject to finding 17; AEP-Ohio fairly determined and reasonably incurred the transmission costs reflected in the TCRR for the 12 months ended December 31, 2006, and AEP-Ohio's practices and policies for the 12 months ended December 31, 2006 were reasonable and minimized controllable RTO costs.
05/18/2007 Biennial Review of Controllable RTO Costs for Columbus Southern Power Company and Ohio Power Company in response to the Commission's Finding and Order, filed by PUCO staff.
02/23/2007 Notice of withdrawal of counsel and designation of new trial attorney on behalf of the OCC filed by J. Roberts.
12/28/2006 Revised PUCO tariff No. 18. transmission cost recovery rider; 7th revised sheet No. 1-2 cancels 6th revised sheet No. 1-2 and 3rd revised sheet No. 75-1 cancels 2nd revised sheet No. 75-1, filed on behalf of Ohio Power Company by M. Resnik.
12/28/2006 Revised PUCO tariff No. 6 transmission cost recovery rider; 7th revised sheet No. 1-2 cancels 6th revised sheet No. 1-2 and 3rd revised sheet No. 75-1 cancels 2nd revised sheet No. 75-1, filed on behalf of Columbus Southern Power Company by M. Resnik.
12/20/2006 Review and recommendation filed by PUCO staff.
12/19/2006 Letter to revise Transmission Cost Recovery Rider filed by K. Bojko on behalf of OCC.
12/08/2006 Service Notice
12/08/2006 Entry ordered that OCC's motion for intervention is granted. That OCC file notice of any issues or concerns with the financial review as soon as possible but not later than December 19, 2006. (GS)
12/04/2006 Reply to The Columbus Southern Power Company’s and Ohio Power Company's memorandum contra by The Office of The Ohio Consumers' Counsel filed by K. Bojko.
11/22/2006 Memorandum contra motion to intervene filed on behalf of Columbus Southern Power Company and Ohio Power Company, by M. Resnik.
11/09/2006 Motion to intervene and memorandum in support, filed on behalf of the office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel by K. Bojko.
10/26/2006 In the matter of the application of Columbus Southern Power Company and Ohio Power Company to update each company's transmission cost recovery rider.