DIS - Case Record for 06-0444-GA-BTX Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
09/16/2013 Notice of withdrawal of Counsel submitted by Assistant Attorney General Stephen A. Reilly on behalf of the Staff of the Ohio Power Siting Board. electronically filed by Kimberly L Keeton on behalf of Ohio Power Siting Board.
12/16/2008 Letter stating the construction on the C338 Ohio River to Bethel Natural Gas Pipeline Project was completed on November 17, 2008 filed by S. Lane on behalf of Duke Energy.
05/21/2007 Letter stating that Duke Energy Ohio, Inc and Staff of the Ohio Power Siting Board have reviewed the stipulation for completeness and have determined that further clarification may be useful for the Power Sitting Board filed by R. D'Ascenzo on behalf of Duke Energy Shared Services, Inc. and Staff.
05/21/2007 Service Notice
05/21/2007 Opinion and Order, ordered that the stipulation filed on April 4, 2007, in this matter be approved and adopted.
05/08/2007 Clarifying additional information filed by R. D'Ascenzo on behalf of Duke Energy Shared Services, Inc. and W. Margard, Staff of Ohio Power Siting Board.
05/07/2007 Correspondence to: Jeanne Kingery, AE, PUCO stating that DE-Ohio and Staff have reviewed the Stipulation for completeness, and have decided that further clarification may be useful for the Power Siting Board filed on behalf of Duke Energy Shared Services by R. D'Ascenzo and Staff of The Ohio Power Siting Board by W. Margard, AG.
04/19/2007 Transcript and exhibits for hearing held April 5, 2007, before Jeanne Kingery Hearing Examiner.
04/05/2007 Corrected Joint Stipulation filed by P. Colbert on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc.
04/05/2007 Corrected Direct testimony of Stephen R. Lane on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. filed by P. Colbert.
04/04/2007 Direct testimony Stephen R. Lane on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio filed by R. D'Ascenzo.
04/04/2007 Joint stipulation and recommended findings of fact and conclusion of law filed by R. D'Ascenzo on behalf of Duke Energy Shared Services, Inc. and W. Maggard and L. Angel, OPSB.
03/29/2007 Staff report of investigation, addendum.
03/26/2007 Transcript with exhibits held in Community Center, Bethel, Ohio on March 14, 2007 before Honorable Gregory A. Price.
03/23/2007 Proof of Publication, Cincinnati Post (Hamilton County), Cincinnati Enquirer (Hamilton County), Community Journal Clermont (Hamilton County), Milford Miami Advocate (Hamilton County), Bethel Journal (Hamilton County), and Community Journal North Clermont (Hamilton County), filed on behalf of Duke Energy by A. Schafer.
03/23/2007 Letter in response to the questions and concerns raised by the Anthony V. Macke Limited Partnership in regard to the Rockies Express Pipeline project filed by R. D'Ascenzo on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc.
03/01/2007 Service Notice
02/28/2007 Entry ordering that the hearings in this matter be scheduled at the times and places designated in finding (9) and that notices of the hearings be made by Duke in accordance with finding (10).
02/27/2007 Final application clarifications for the C 338 Ohio River to Bethel Natural Gas Pipeline project filed by S. Lane on behalf of Duke Energy.
01/26/2007 Correspondence requesting PUCO for an application clarification, the clarification figure specifies a new location for the northern pressure reducing station approximately 850 feet southeast of the location as given the application filed May 1, 2006 filed on behalf of Duke Energy by S. Lane.
01/23/2007 Application Clarifications for the C 338 Ohio River to Bethel Natural Gas Pipeline Project, filed on behalf of Duke Energy by S. Lane.
11/29/2006 Letter concerning and opposing to the recommendations being proposed filed by K. and D. Macke on behalf of Anthony V. Macke Limited Partnership.
11/15/2006 Report providing additional engineering and design information filed by R. D'Ascenzo on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio.
10/12/2006 Transcript and exhibits for hearing held on September 26, 2006, before Honorable Jeanne W. Kingery.
10/10/2006 Transcript for hearing held September 28, 2006, before Ms. Jeanne Kingery, Hearing Examiner.
09/26/2006 Motion for continuance of hearing and change in testimony due date and memorandum in support filed by R. D'Ascenzo on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio.
09/22/2006 Letter requesting permission to intervene and speak at the adjudicatory hearing scheduled for Thursday September 28, 2008 filed by D. Macke.
09/20/2006 Correspondence letter's requesting permission to intervene and speak at the adjudicatory hearing filed by J. Howard.
09/12/2006 Letter submitted to landowners along the route of proposed C338 Ohio River and Bethel Natural gas pipeline project, also a list of contacted landowners filed by S. Lang on behalf of Duke Energy.
09/07/2006 Service Notice
09/06/2006 Staff report of investigation.
08/03/2006 Application clarifications for the C 338 Ohio River to Bethel Natural Gas Pipeline Project filed by S. Lane on behalf of Duke Energy.
07/26/2006 Letter regarding the application fee filed by S. Lane on behalf of Duke Energy.
07/18/2006 Service Notice
07/17/2006 Entry ordered; that hearings in this matter be scheduled at the times and places designated in finding (3); that notices of the hearings be made by Duke in accordance with finding (4); that the Board will accept petitions to intervene in the adjudicatory hearing by interested persons up to five days prior to the scheduled date for the nonadjudicatory hearing, or later if good cause is shown, in accordance with finding (5). (JWK)
07/12/2006 Proof of service of the certified application on the officials and the local public library filed on behalf of Duke Energy by A. Schafer.
07/06/2006 Letter stating that the application has been found to comply with Chapters 4906-01, et seq. filed by the Chairman Alan Schriber.
07/05/2006 Service Notice
07/03/2006 Entry ordering that the Duke's motion for a waiver of Rule 4906-5-04(A), O.A.C.be granted. (JK)
06/27/2006 Staff response to applicant's waiver request filed by K. Lembeck on behalf of staff.
06/02/2006 Additional information for report on behalf of URS Corporation for the C338 Ohio River to Bethel Natural Gas Pipeline Project filed by S. Lane.
05/01/2006 Application for certificate. (Part 4 of 4)
05/01/2006 Application for certificate. (Part 3 of 4)
05/01/2006 Application for certificate. (Part 2 of 2)
05/01/2006 Application for a certificate of environmental compatibility and public need filed by P. Walker on behalf of The Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company dba Duke Energy Ohio, Inc.(Part 1 of 4).
04/28/2006 Motion for waiver by The Cincinnati Gas and Electric Company dba Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. and memorandum in support filed by A. Schafer.
03/20/2006 In the matter of the application of The Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company for a Certificate of Environmental Compatibility and Public Need to construct a 12-inch Natural Gas Pipeline for the Ohio River to Bethel, Ohio.