DIS - Case Record for 06-0350-GA-CMR Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
07/27/2009 Case action form closing case effective 7/27/09.
09/27/2007 Transcript with exhibits for hearing held on Tuesday September 11, before Gregory Price, Hearing Examiner.
09/24/2007 Final tariff pages of Oxford Natural Gas Company for PUCO Gas Tariff No. 2 with an effective date of September 30, 2007 filed by S. Howard.
09/19/2007 Opinion and Order stating that the motion to intervene filed by Duke Energy Ohio is granted; the stipulation presented in these proceedings be adopted; the Oxford Natural Gas Company comply with all the requirements and obligations stated in this stipulation.
09/19/2007 Service Notice
09/10/2007 Letter stating Duke Energy will not oppose the joint stipulation and recommendation filed August 31, 2007, filed by R. D'Ascenzo.
09/05/2007 Service Notice
09/04/2007 Entry ordering the evidentiary hearing shall be held September 11, 2007, at 10:00 A.M., at the offices of the Commission, hearing room 11-C, 180 E. Broad Street, Columbus, Ohio 43215. (GP)
08/31/2007 Joint Stipulation and Recommendation, electronically filed by Stephen M Howard on behalf of Oxford Natural Gas Company.
07/12/2007 Transcript for hearing held June 27, 2007, before attorney examiner G. Price, Franklin, County.
06/22/2007 Transcript of proceedings held June 18, 2007 commencing at 6:05 p.m. at the Oxford Courthouse heard by Gregory Price.
06/21/2007 Proof of publications. (Butler County)
05/10/2007 Service Notice
05/09/2007 Entry ordering that a local public hearing be held on June 18, 2007, at 6:00 p.m., at the Oxford Court House, 118 W. High St., Oxford, Ohio 45056; that the evidentiary hearing shall be on June 28, 2007, at 10:00 a.m., at the offices of the Commission, Hearing Room 11-C, 180 E. Broad St., Columbus, Ohio 43215. (GAP)
04/16/2007 Service Notice
04/13/2007 Entry ordered that a prehearing conference will be held on April 20, 2007, at 10:00 a.m., Legal Conference Room, at the offices of the Commission, 180 E. Broad Street, Twelfth Floor, Columbus, Ohio 43215. (GP)
03/08/2007 Service Notice
03/07/2007 Entry ordered; that a prehearing conference in this proceeding be rescheduled for March 15, 2007, at 10:00 a.m., in the Legal Conference Room, at the offices of the Commission, 180 East Broad Street, 12th Floor, Columbus, Ohio 43215. (GAP)
03/05/2007 Objections to the Staff Report of Investigation, filed on behalf of the City of Oxford, Ohio by B. Royer.
03/05/2007 Summary of major issues of the City of Oxford, Ohio, filed by B. Royer.
03/05/2007 Objections to the staff report of Oxford Natural Gas Company, filed by S. Howard.
03/05/2007 Testimony of Clifford E. Criswell on behalf of Oxford Natural Gas Company by S. Howard.
03/05/2007 Additional supplemental testimony of John T. Stenger on behalf of Oxford Natural Gas Company by S. Howard.
03/05/2007 Testimony of Darryle Perrino on behalf of the Oxford Natural Gas Company by S. Howard.
03/05/2007 Summary of major issues, filed on behalf of the Oxford Natural Gas Company by H. Petricoff.
03/05/2007 Direct testimony of Kenneth N. Rosselet, Jr. on behalf of the City of Oxford, Ohio .
02/15/2007 Service Notice
02/15/2007 Entry ordered that a prehearing conference be scheduled for March 8, 2007, at 10:00 a.m., Hearing Room 11-B, at the offices of the Commission, 180 E. Broad St., Columbus, Ohio 43215-3793. (GAP)
02/01/2007 Staff report of investigation submitted by the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio.
02/01/2007 Service Notice
01/12/2007 Proof of publication filed (Butler County).
11/08/2006 Report cont'd (Part 2 of 2)
11/08/2006 Original Cost Valuation report, filed on behalf of Oxford Natural Gas Company by S. Howard.
11/08/2006 Certificate of Service filed on behalf of Oxford Natural Gas Company by S. Howard.
10/04/2006 Service Notice
10/04/2006 Entry ordered that application of the Oxford Natural Gas Company is accepted for filing as of September 15, 2006; that the proposed newspaper notice submitted for publication is approved.
10/02/2006 Supplemental testimony of John T. Stenger and a Notice of Complaint and Appeal filed by S. Howard on behalf of Oxford Natural Gas Company.
10/02/2006 Supplemental testimony of John T. Stenger and a Notice of Complaint and Appeal filed by S. Howard on behalf of Oxford Natural Gas Company.
09/15/2006 Revised Schedules B-1, C-1, C-2, C-3, E-4 (proposed), and E-4 (current); work papers WPB-1-1, WPC-2.1, WPC-2.1(A), WPC-2.1 (B) and WPC-2.1(C), filed on behalf of Oxford Natural Gas Company by S. Howard.
06/21/2006 Schedule E-3.1 and supporting work papers filed on behalf of Oxford Natural Gas Company by S. Howard.
06/15/2006 Notice of withdrawal of counsel filed by S. Howard on behalf of Oxford Natural Gas Company.
05/31/2006 Service Notice
05/31/2006 Entry ordering that Oxford Natural Gas Company shall have until June 30, 2006, to file the schedules required by the Commission's Standard filing Requirements as listed in Finding No. (7).
04/20/2006 Petition for leave to intervene filed by P. Colbert on behalf of CG&E dba Duke Energy Ohio, Inc.
04/17/2006 Service Notice
04/14/2006 Information required by the Standard Filing Requirements for Small Natural Gas Companies and the direct testimony of Robert Sanders filed by M. H. Petricoff on behalf of Oxford Natural Gas Company.
04/13/2006 Entry ordering that the motion of the City of Oxford to intervene in this matter is granted.
03/31/2006 Service Notice
03/31/2006 Entry ordering that the request to extend the filing deadline for jurisdictional data and testimony in this matter is granted and the revised deadline shall be April 14, 2006. (AA)
03/28/2006 Motion for extension of time for the filing of the standard filing requirements and memorandum in support filed on behalf of Oxford Natural Gas Company by B. Boster.
03/15/2006 Entry ordering that the requested test year beginning November 1, 2005, and ending October 31, 2006, and date certain of January 31, 2006 are approved; that the request for waiver made by applicant is granted as set forth in finding No.(6).
03/15/2006 Service Notice
03/10/2006 Typical distribution bill comparison which compares the current rates under Ordinance No 2433 with the rates contained in Ordinance No. 2896 filed by S. Howard on behalf of Oxford Natural Gas Company.
03/02/2006 Motion to intervene of the City of Oxford and memorandum in support filed by S. McHugh and B. Royer.
02/23/2006 Motion of Oxford Natural Gas Company to establish test periods and date certain, request for a waiver from the requirement of filing a cost of service study (Schedule E-3-2), and request for an extension of time for the filing of the standard filing requirements, memorandum in support filed by B. Boster.
02/23/2006 In the matter of the application of the Complaint and Appeal of Oxford Natural Gas Company from ordinance No.2896 passed by The Council of The City of Oxford on February 7, 2006.