DIS - Case Record for 05-1500-EL-COI Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
10/30/2009 Case action form closing case effective 10/29/09.
08/31/2009 Notice of withdrawal filed by K. Kolich filed by The Toledo Edison Company.
08/31/2009 Notice of withdrawal filed by K. Kolich on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company.
08/31/2009 Notice of withdrawal filed by K. Kolich on behalf of Ohio Edison Company.
08/28/2009 Notice of withdrawal filed on behalf of Ohio Edison Company by K. Kolich. (FAX)
08/28/2009 Notice of withdrawal filed on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company by K. Kolich. (FAX)
08/28/2009 Notice of withdrawal filed on behalf of The Toledo Edison Company by K. Kolich. (FAX)
08/28/2009 Revised tariff pages, PUCO Tariff No. 8, electronically filed by Mr. George A Yurchisin on behalf of FirstEnergy Corp. and Steven E. Ouellette.
08/28/2009 Revised tariff pages, PUCO Tariff No. 11, electronically filed by Mr. George A Yurchisin on behalf of FirstEnergy Corp. and Steven E. Ouellette.
08/28/2009 Revised tariff pages, PUCO Tariff No. 13, electronically filed by Mr. George A Yurchisin on behalf of FirstEnergy Corp. and Steven E. Ouellette,
07/29/2009 Notice of substitution of counsel filed by A. Hotz on behalf of OCC.
07/20/2009 Reply to memorandum contra FirstEnergy's motion for protection filed by E. Miller on behalf of FirstEnergy.
07/13/2009 Memorandum contra First Energy's motion for protection by the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel filed by J. Small.
05/21/2009 Service Notice.
05/21/2009 Entry ordering that the Companies' motion for an extension of time be granted.
10/17/2008 Revised tariff pages, PUCO Tariff No. 19, filed by T. McIntosh on behalf of Duke Energy, Ohio.
10/07/2008 Approved tariff sheet for electric service, PUCO No.17, D2, D5, and D35 cancelling and superceding the proceeding sheets and bear an effective date of October 7, 2008, filed on behalf of Dayton Power and Light Company by D. Seger-Lawson.
09/26/2008 Revised tariff pages, PUCO Tariff No. 18, filed by S. Nourse on behalf Ohio Power Company.
09/26/2008 Revised tariff pages, PUCO Tariff No. 6, filed by S. Nourse on behalf of Columbus Southern Power Company.
09/25/2008 Service Notice (2)
09/24/2008 Finding and Order ordered that OCC's motion to intervene is granted, ordered that the application of the FE Companies are approved.
09/24/2008 Finding and order ordered that the IEU's and OCC's motions to intervene are granted, ordered that the applications of AEP are approved.
09/15/2008 Revised tariff PUCO No.8 of the Toledo Edison Company for approval of modifications to existing interconnection tariff, PUCO No. 8. electronically filed by Mr. George A Yurchisin on behalf of Kathy J. Kolich and FirstEnergy Corp.
09/15/2008 Revised tariff PUCO No.13 of the Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company for approval of modifications to existing interconnection tariff, electronically filed by Mr. George A Yurchisin on behalf of Kathy J. Kolich and FirstEnergy Corp.
09/15/2008 Revised tariff PUCO No. 11 approval of modifications to existing interconnection tariff, PUCO No. 11. electronically filed by Mr. George A Yurchisin on behalf of Kathy J. Kolich and FirstEnergy Corp.
09/11/2008 Service Notice.
09/10/2008 Finding and order approving the applications of DP&L and DE-Ohio.
03/18/2008 Service Notice
03/17/2008 Entry ordering that OCC's motion is denied. (SF)
02/29/2008 Notice of intent to hold workshops submitted on behalf of the Staff of the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio by S. Reilly.
02/27/2008 In the matter of the application of Duke Energy Ohio for the submission of Rider BPS, Market Price Backup Power Service Rider filed by M. Dortch. (Also filed in Case 08-184-EL-ATA and 89-6002-EL-TRF)
02/13/2008 Motion to convene technical conference or workshops, motion to amend application by the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel and memorandum in support filed by J. Migden-Ostrander.
01/16/2008 Notice of the withdrawal and substitution of counsel filed by J. Bentine on behalf of AMP-Ohio, Inc.
12/21/2007 In the matter of the application of Ohio Edison Company for approval of modifications to existing interconnection tariff, PUCO No. 11.
12/21/2007 In the matter of the application of the Toledo Edison Company for approval of modifications to existing interconnection tariff, PUCO No. 8.
12/21/2007 In the matter of the application of the Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company for approval of modifications to existing interconnection tariff, PUCO No. 13.
12/21/2007 Revised tariff pages, PUCO Electric No. 19 filed by T. McIntosh on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio.
12/21/2007 In the matter of the application of the Toledo Edison Company for approval of modifications to existing partial service schedule, PUCO No. 8.
12/21/2007 In the matter of the application of Ohio Edison Company for approval of modifications to existing partial service rider, PUCO No. 11.
12/21/2007 In the matter of the application of the Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company for approval of modifications to existing partial service schedule., PUCO No. 13.
12/21/2007 In the matter of the application of Ohio Edison Company for approval of modifications to existing Net Energy Metering Rider, PUCO No. 11.
12/21/2007 In the matter of the application of the Toledo Edison Company for approval of modifications to existing Net Energy Metering Rider, PUCO No. 8.
12/21/2007 In the matter of the application of the Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company for approval of modifications to existing Net Energy Metering Rider, PUCO No. 13.
09/19/2007 Entry on rehearing stating that OCC's application for rehearing be denied.
09/19/2007 Service Notice
08/24/2007 Application for rehearing and memorandum in support by Ohio Consumers' Counsel filed by A. Hotz.
07/25/2007 Service Notice
07/25/2007 Supplemental entry ordering that Rules 4901:1-22-04, 4901:1-22-05, 4901:1-22-06, 4901:1-22-07, and 4901:1-22-10, O.A.C. are amended as set forth in this entry.
07/19/2007 Response on behalf of AARP Commission's review to provision of the Federal Energy Policy Act of 2005, regarding installation of advanced metering technologies for use by residential consumers in Ohio, by R. Bridges.
07/12/2007 Response on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio regarding the Commission's review to provision of the Federal Energy Policy Act of 2005, by T. Mcintosh.
05/30/2007 Entry ordering that in order to proceed with the workshops, the following case dockets have been opened; 07-646-EL-UNC; 07-647-EL-UNC; 07-648-EL-UNC; 07-649-EL-UNC. (SF)
05/30/2007 Service Notice
05/24/2007 Entry on Rehearing; ordered that Duke's, OMA's FE's and IEU's application for rehearing is denied.
05/24/2007 Service Notice
05/11/2007 Letter requesting the removal of one of the addresses from the service list filed by Scott DeBroff.
05/11/2007 Motion to withdraw of Green Mountain Energy Company and withdrawal of Evelyn R. Robinson as counsel for Green Mountain Energy filed by R. Pace.
05/07/2007 Memorandum contra application for rehearing or request for clarification of Industrial Energy Users-Ohio filed by K. Kolich on behalf of FirstEnergy Operating Companies.
05/07/2007 Memorandum of OCC contra applications for rehearing filed by A. Hotz.
05/04/2007 Response to the applications for rehearing of First Energy Ohio Operating Companies and Duke Energy-Ohio filed by G. Giesler. (FAX)
04/30/2007 Correspondence in regards to the Commissions entry of March 28, 2007, requiring all electric utilities to file copies of any studies that have been performed filed on behalf of Dayton Power & Light Company by D. Seger-Lawson.
04/27/2007 Application for rehearing or request for clarification and memorandum in support file by L. McAlister on behalf of Industrial Energy-Users Ohio.
04/27/2007 Responses to the Finding and Order filed by D. Seger-Lawson behalf of the Dayton Power and Light. (FAX)
04/27/2007 Application for rehearing and memorandum in support filed by T. Reid on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio.
04/27/2007 Application for rehearing filed by T. O'Brien on behalf of the Ohio Manufacturers' Association.
04/27/2007 Tariffs of Ohio Edison Company, PUCO No. 11; Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, PUCO No. 13; Toledo Edison Company, PUCO No 8; and list of AMI technologies and corresponding costs filed by K. Kolich.
04/27/2007 Responses to the Finding and Order filed by C. Bayless on behalf of the American Electric Power Service Corporation.
04/27/2007 Application for rehearing and reconsideration filed on behalf of FirstEnergy by K. Kolich.
03/28/2007 Service Notice
03/28/2007 Finding and order approving and adopting the recommendations set forth in the staff report; that the existing rules in Chapter 4901:1-22 be rescinded; that the attached new rules be adopted.
03/19/2007 Comments filed by T. Rapini.
10/10/2006 Reply comments of the Dayton Power and Light Company filed by D. Seger-Lawson.
10/10/2006 Motion for leave to file comments instanter on behalf of the Ohio Manufactures' Association filed by S. Bloomfield.
10/06/2006 Letter supporting adoption of the recommendations set forth in the August 28, 2006 Commission's Staff Report, filed on behalf of 5 C's Farms, Inc. by W. Cleland, Jr.
10/06/2006 Reply comments filed on behalf of the Dayton Power and Light Company by D. Seger-Lawson. (FAX)
10/06/2006 Comments filed on behalf of SeaGate Convention Centre by J. Thielman.
10/06/2006 Letter supporting the continued agreement with the PUCO Staff's recommendations set forth in their report dated August 28, 2006 regarding Net Metering, Smart Metering, Demand Response, Cogeneration and Power Production, filed on behalf of BHP Energy Solutions, Ltd. by D. Blair. (FAX)
10/06/2006 Comments of Green Energy Technologies, Inc., filed by M. Cironi.
10/06/2006 Comments of Columbus Southern Power Company and Ohio Power Company collectively AEP Ohio filed by C. Bayless.
10/06/2006 Reply comments following staff report by the Office of The Ohio Consumers' Counsel filed by J. Small.
10/06/2006 Reply comments of The University of Cincinnati filed by M. Howard Petricoff.
10/06/2006 Reply comments on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio filed by T. Reid-McIntosh.
09/26/2006 Service Notice
09/26/2006 Entry ordering that any interested person may file reply comments by October 6, 2006. (SF)
09/19/2006 Comments of Hunt Technologies, Inc., filed by S. DeBroff.
09/18/2006 Response to Commissions staff report, filed on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio by T. Reid-McIntosh.
09/18/2006 Comments of Columbus Southern Power Company and Ohio Power Company filed by C. Bayless.
09/18/2006 Comments of Plug Power Inc. filed by R. Stegemoeller.
09/18/2006 Comments of the Dayton Power and Light Company, filed by D. Seger-Lawson.
09/18/2006 Comments of the office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel, filed by J. Small.
09/18/2006 Comments of Climate Energy, LLC, filed by E. Guyer.
09/18/2006 Comments of SunEdison, LLC, filed by C. Murchie.(original)
09/18/2006 Comments filed on behalf of the Cleveland Foundation by R. Stuebi.
09/18/2006 Comments filed on behalf of Ohio Edison Company, Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company and The Toledo Edison Company by K. Kolich.
09/18/2006 Correspondence filed on behalf of Governor Bob Taft.
09/18/2006 Comments filed on behalf of Ohio Department of Development by S. Ward. (FAX)
09/18/2006 Comments filed on behalf of Hunt Technologies, Inc. and Elster Electricity, LLC by S. DeBroff.(FAX)
09/18/2006 Response to staff report recommendations filed on behalf of The Ohio Manufacturers' Association by S. Bloomfield.
09/18/2006 Correspondence expressing agreement with the PUCO's recommendations set forth in their report dated August 28, 2006, filed on behalf of BHP Energy Solutions by D. Blair.
09/15/2006 Comments filed on behalf of Climate Energy, LLC by E. Guyer. (FAX)
09/15/2006 Comments filed on behalf of Sun Edison, LLC by C. Murchic. (FAX)
09/15/2006 Comments of Dale Arnold on behalf of the Ohio Farm Bureau Federation.
09/15/2006 Comments of Industrial Energy Users-Ohio filed by D. Neilsen.
09/05/2006 Letter strongly recommending adoption of the PUCO staff recommendation concerning Net Metering, and the removal of the 100 k w limitation and the definition of microturbine filed by K. Palvich, Pavlich Associates.
08/29/2006 Service Notice (Staff Report)
08/28/2006 Staff Report filed.
08/17/2006 FERC staff report continued. ( 2 of 2)
08/17/2006 FERC staff report regarding demand response and advanced metering submitted by J. Small. (1 of 2)
07/05/2006 Notice of substitution of counsel for Hunt Technologies, Inc. filed by Scott H. DeBroff, Esquire.
06/29/2006 Service Notice
06/28/2006 Entry ordering that staff make recommendations no later than September 30, 2006.
05/03/2006 Letter by Bruce Johnson Lt. Governor, director, Ohio Department of Development with attachments that were inadvertently left off original filing of April 28, 2006.
05/02/2006 Comments filed on behalf of Toledo Alfalfa Mills, Inc. by B. Lumbrezer-Box.
05/02/2006 Comments filed on behalf of Ohio Dept. of Agriculture by F. Dailey, Director.
04/28/2006 Correspondence letter filed by customer W. Cleland Jr.
04/28/2006 Reply comments of Ohio Edison Company, The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company and The Toledo Edison Company filed by K. Kolich.
04/28/2006 Notice of The Dayton Power and Light Company filed by D. Seger-Lawson.
04/28/2006 Comments filed by D. Arnold on behalf of Ohio Farm Bureau Federation.
04/28/2006 Reply comments of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. filed by S. Hylton, Esq.
04/28/2006 Comments of OCC. (Part 7 of 7).
04/28/2006 comments (Part 6 of 7).
04/28/2006 comments (Part 5 of 7).
04/28/2006 comments (Part 4 of 7).
04/28/2006 comments (Part 3 of 7).
04/28/2006 Comments of OCC (Part 2 of 7).
04/28/2006 Post technical conference comments filed by J. Small on behalf of Office of the Ohio Consumers's Counsel. (Part 1 of 7)
04/28/2006 Comment attachments filed on behalf of the Office of Consumers' Council.
04/28/2006 Comments of Constellation NewEnergy, Inc. filed by D. Ferris.
04/28/2006 Reply comments of the Ohio Manufactures' Association filed by S. Bloomfield.
04/28/2006 Comments by the University of Cincinnati filed by J. Petro.
04/28/2006 Comments on behalf of the Midwest CHP Application Center, University of Illinois at Chicago filed by J. Cuttica
04/28/2006 Comments of the Ohio Department of Development filed by B. Johnson, Lt. Governor.
04/28/2006 Comments of The Cleveland Foundation filed by R. Stuebi BP Fellow for Energy and Environmental Advancement.
04/27/2006 Comments of NiSource Energy Technologies filed by J. Richards. (FAX)
04/21/2006 Comments of Plug Power Inc. filed by R. Stegemoeller.
04/11/2006 Letter regarding Net Metering from electric power company, DP&L filed by R. Dull.
04/03/2006 Notice of appearance on behalf of Cellnet Technology, Inc. filed by S. DeBroff.
03/02/2006 Comments filed on behalf of a net metering customer, by T. Rapini.
02/21/2006 Comments filed by Dr. Stephen S. George
02/21/2006 Comments filed by T. Bronson on behalf of Power Equipment Associates, Ltd, Midwest CHP Application Center.
02/17/2006 Report filed on behalf of Generating Energy generating jobs filed by W. Patton.
02/13/2006 Notice of intent to file Errata Sheet and request to participate in the technical conference on demand response and advanced metering on 4/6/06, filed by E. Kelly on behalf of Itron, Inc..
02/08/2006 Service Notice
02/07/2006 Comments filed on behalf of Phase 3 Developments & Investments, LLC by N. McDonald.
02/07/2006 Entry ordered; that Commission Staff conduct technical conferences at the times and place set forth in finding (3), that interested persons filing replies to the comments previously filed in this case or to the content of the technical conferences shall do so by no later than April 28, 2006.(RRG)
02/06/2006 Comments filed on behalf of The United State Combined Heat & Power Association by J. Jimison.
02/06/2006 Comments filed on behalf of Elster Electricity by S. Allan.
02/06/2006 Comments filed on behalf of Demand Response and Advanced Metering Coalition by D. Delurey.
02/03/2006 Comments filed on behalf of The Ohio Consumers Counsel by J. Small.
02/03/2006 Comments filed on behalf of General Electric Company by D. Rosenberg.
02/03/2006 Comments filed on behalf of The Ohio Manufacturers' Association by S. Bloomfield.
02/03/2006 Initial comments filed on behalf of Industrial Energy Users-Ohio by L. McAlister.
02/03/2006 Comments filed on behalf of Columbus Southern Power Company and Ohio Power Company by M. Resnik.
02/03/2006 Comments filed on behalf of Ohio Environmental Council by J. Shaner, The Ohio League of Conservation Voters by M. Eckhardt and Ohio Partners for Affordable Energy by D. Rinebolt.
02/03/2006 Comments filed on behalf of Hull & Associates Inc.by C. Kasper.
02/03/2006 Comments filed on behalf of The Toledo Museum of Art by P. Bernard.
02/03/2006 Comments filed on behalf of Engineering Corporation of America/ Cogen Power Inc. by S. Jain.
02/03/2006 Response filed on behalf of Ohio Department of Development by S. Ward.
02/03/2006 Comments filed on behalf of Farmers' Ethanol LLC by W. Dreve.
02/03/2006 Response filed on behalf of Bio-Gas Technologies, Ltd. by J. Hiendlmayr.
02/03/2006 Comments filed on behalf of Greater Ohio by G. Krebs.
02/03/2006 Comments of Farmers' Ethanol LLC filed by W. Dreve.
02/03/2006 Comments of Ohio Edison, The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company and The Toledo Edison Company filed by K. Kolich.
02/03/2006 Response filed on behalf of USCL Corporation by T. Tamarkin.
02/03/2006 Comments filed on behalf of Dayton Power and Light Co. by D. Segar-Lawson.
02/03/2006 Initial comments filed on behalf of Hunt Technologies, Inc. by S. DeBroff.
02/03/2006 Comments filed on behalf of The National Energy Marketers Association by C. Goodman.
02/03/2006 Initial comments filed on behalf of Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company by T. McIntosh.
02/03/2006 Response filed on behalf of BHP Energy Solutions, Ltd. by D. Blair.
02/03/2006 Comments filed on behalf of Elster Electricity, LLC by S. Allan.
02/03/2006 Comments filed on behalf of SeaGate Convention Centre by J. Thielman. (FAX)
02/03/2006 Initial comments of USCL Corporation, filed by T. Tamarkin and M. Petricoff.
02/02/2006 Comments in response filed by A. Thomas on behalf of HydroGen, LLC.
02/02/2006 Comments in response to Commission entry issued December 14, 2005 filed by E. Kelly on behalf of Itron, Inc.
02/02/2006 Comments and memorandum of WindAmerica LLC and appearance of counsel filed by D. Bowen Loeffler.
02/02/2006 Comments filed by J. Cuttica on behalf of the Midwest CHP Application Center.
02/01/2006 Comments of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,(EPA), filed by K. Pielli.
01/31/2006 Comments filed on behalf of US Environmental Protection Agency by K. Pielli.
01/31/2006 Motion for intervention, memorandum in support, and notice regarding initial comments filed on behalf of American Power-Ohio, Inc. by B. Singh.
01/30/2006 Comments in response to Commission Entry issued December 14, 2005, filed on behalf of Pavlich Associates by K. Pavlich
01/18/2006 Comments supporting the development of state energy policies that incorporate the use of clean alternative fuels to reduce dependence upon foreign fossil fuels, filed on behalf of The Ohio Farm Bureau Federation by J. Fisher.
01/17/2006 Correspondence in support of the development of state energy policies that incorporate the use if clean alternative fuels to reduce dependence upon foreign fossil fuels filed on behalf of Ohio Livestock Coalition by D. White.
01/17/2006 Comments in Response to Commission Entry issued December 14, 2005 filed by W. Bostick on behalf of WAB Associates.
01/10/2006 Letter from various Ohio Legislators requesting that the PUCO comply with the mandate of Ohio Revised Code Section 4928.11 and finalize rules to establish statewide interconnection standards and conditions for distributed generation in Ohio.
01/05/2006 Notice of intent to file comments and appearance of counsel, filed on behalf of FirstEnergy Corp. by K. Kolich.
12/23/2005 Motion to intervene and memorandum in support filed by Ohio Consumers' Counsel J. Migden-Ostrander..
12/22/2005 Petition to intervene of the Ohio Energy Group filed by M. Kurtz.
12/16/2005 Service Notice
12/14/2005 Entry ordering that interested persons filing comments and responses to the questions found in Attachment A to this entry shall do so by no later than February 3, 2006, and that staff conduct a series of technical conferences, Net metering, Smart metering and demand response; Cogeneration and small power production purchase and sale requirements; and Interconnection to discuss the comments and responses and invite experts to present technical information regarding the progress in these matters.
12/08/2005 In the matter of a letter from Governor Bob Taft.