DIS - Case Record for 04-1840-TP-EMG Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
07/27/2005 Revised Ninth Revised Sheet 12 of Section 41; PUCO Tariff No. 5 General Exchange Tariff, to be effective July 27, 2005, to add Washington County to the list of E-9-1-1 systems within the State of Ohio; to add coverage for 424 customers in the Bartlett Exchange and 54 customers in the Chesterhill exchange, filed on behalf of United Telephone Company of Ohio dba Sprint by S. Sharp.
07/27/2005 Final tariff page reflecting the implementation of E9-1-1 service to SBC Ohio customers in Washington County, filed by R. Wentz.
07/27/2005 Revised tariff sheet PUCO No. 8, Section 11; 33rd revised sheet no. 13; cancels 32nd revised sheet no. 13, to reflect updated information on the 9-1-1 county rate list that was inadvertently omitted for Athens, Belmont, Cuyahoga, Harrison, Jefferson, Lake, Medina, Portage and Summit Counties, filed on behalf of the Western Reserve Telephone Company by K. Hobbs.
07/26/2005 Revised tariff sheet to reflect the establishment of 9-1-1 emergency service in Washington County effective July 27, 2005, filed on behalf of Verizon North Inc. by T. Colquitt. (original)
07/25/2005 Revised tariff sheet to reflect the establishment of 9-1-1 emergency service in Washington County effective July 27, 2005, filed on behalf of Verizon North Inc. by T. Colquitt. (FAX)
07/19/2005 Service Notice
07/19/2005 Finding and order ordering that Washington County's 9-1-1 final plan be adopted; that SBC, Western Reserve, Sprint, and Verizon be granted authority to provide Washington County 9-1-1 emergency service at the respective monthly subscriber charges of $.12, $.25, $.20, and $.24, in accordance with the Washington County 9-1-1 final plan; that this case be closed of record.
07/12/2005 Correspondence stating that Western Reserve Telephone Company is filing its costs and subscriber charges for its customers residing in Washington County for 9-1-1 filed by K. Hobbs.
01/19/2005 Ninth revised sheet 12 of Section 41, PUCO No. 5 General Exchange Tariff filed by D. Breitenbach on behalf of Sprint.
01/10/2005 Correspondence informing that February 23, 2005 is the date for implementation of 9-1-1 service for Washington County; draft tariff page filed by R. Wentz on behalf of SBC Ohio.
01/05/2005 Costs and Subscribers charges for customers in Washington County 9-1-1 Service filed by C. Cole on behalf of Verizon North Inc.
12/09/2004 In the matter of the application of SBC for the final implementation plan for Washington County 9-1-1 formally adopted by Washington County Commissioners.