DIS - Case Record for 04-0265-PL-ATA Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
03/30/2004 Finding and Order stating that the application, the service transfer agreement with KNG, the transportation agreement for continuation of service through tariff for North Coast Gas Transmission, LLC, are all approved and that for 18 months from the date of this order, the Docketing Division of the Commission will maintain under seal, the unredacted version of the service transfer agreement, including attachments A and B filed on 3/12/2004 and that the motions to intervene are denied.
03/30/2004 Final tariffs filed on behalf of North Coast Gas Transmission, LLC by G. Russell.
03/30/2004 Service Notice
03/12/2004 Notice of supplement to record to include agreement between KNG Energy, Inc. and North Coast as to the transfer of the existing shipper service agreements and an agreement between KNG and North Coast detailing how KNG's system supply shall be scheduled, metered, priced and delivered to the KNG distribution lines,filed on behalf of North Coast Gas Transmission, LLC by G. Russell.
03/12/2004 Confidential agreements and service transfer agreement between NCGT and KNG Energy Inc, and six existing contracts for transportation service between KNG and another party filed on behalf of applicant by G. Russell.(FILED UNDER SEAL)
03/12/2004 Motion for a protective order filed on behalf of North Coast Transmission, LLC by G. Russell.
03/12/2004 Motion for a protective order filed on behalf of North Coast Gas Transmission, LLC by H. Petricoff.
03/09/2004 Motion to intervene and memorandum in support, filed on behalf of Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc. by S. Seiple.
03/08/2004 Letter in support of the application of North Coast Gas Transmission LLC to become a pipeline company under Ohio utility law, filed on behalf of Constellation NewEnergy-Gas Division by M. Jergens.
03/03/2004 Motion to Intervene filed on behalf of KNG Energy, Inc. filed by L. McAlister.
02/27/2004 In the matter of the application of North Coast Gas Transmission LLC for approval of tariffs and to become a pipeline company public utility. Petricoff, M. Howard filed on behalf of North Coast Gas Transmission, LLC.